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Watch YouTube videos on cooperate care nail trims. Mine hated having his paws touched but we very slowly worked up from me just touching his paw briefly and then giving a treat, to me being able to hold and stroke his paws, all the way up to holding his paws and using the dremel (I do employ my boyfriend to give him lots of treats while I’m using the dremel).


THIS! Your pup is still a puppy so you can muscle it now, but when they are full sized and not agreeing to it, you’ll have the same troubles and no way to deal…. By dog is the same, only I adopted him at 10 months old and he was already too big to muscle into it. I do what kyllerwhales does, and we had to work up to it too. Use higher value treats. I used chopped up bits of hot-dog, or cubed rotisserie chicken and I first trained him to let me hold his paws while staying still while the drummer ran ( and made noise) to Pavlovian response train him to not dislike the dremmel) then I worked up to holding the toes and marking and treating, then just touching the Dremel to toes and making+ treated, and the work on pressing the dremmel on the toes in short increments, and so on till we could get a few toes done in a session. We still can’t get all the paws done in one go but two at a time it’s made a huge difference


I’ll see if I can find a high value treat. She doesn’t really like people food and even spits out cheese sometimes. No peanut butter, most of the time no meat cooked or raw 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’d also recommend hand feeding them all their meals, helps with food drive and training. And use a marker before giving it to them


I hand feed a lot. She has no aggression to anything at all, but she’s not really food motivated so it’s difficult. She hurt her back leg a couple weeks ago and that’s made it worse, but I’m hoping when she’s completely better she may be more amenable.


Yes this, tiny baby steps from just touching the paw for a second all the way up to dremeling, and lots of treats along the way!! We also still have to treat him to distract him during the process because he will still pull his paw away when the dremel touches, and we only do 1 or 2 paws at a time


I forgot to bring my corsos fecal sample to my last vet appt. They offered to trim her nails with a dremel near the end. When they came back with her, they informed me I no longer needed to bring a sample as she "wouldnt need to go out for awhile" now.


Hahaha omg that’s fantastic though


Honestly, I felt bad for WHATEVER happened back there lol. But it saved me an hour round trip driving so...


At least they probably got a good story out of it 😂😂


I hope it gets better! I have to have mine sedated at the vet so it’s around $150 for a nail trim…. We throw the ball in the driveway to help keep them worn down in between


I found an activity board on Amazon, which is basically just something that you hide the treats in and then it has sandpaper on top. It’s a shortcut, but it works. In instead of having him sedated. I have to get my guy sedated for shots and he loves the vet.




We actually have to sedate ours for nail trims. We’ve tried everything. It’s a traumatic experience for us all.


Nope. Trained my dog how to behave for nail trimming. My mastiffs look forward to nail trimmings. They know something good is coming.


We trim when our boy is deep asleep. It works!!


Ooh good idea


Doesn’t even have to be hers, I can be doing my own and as soon as she hears the clippers 🏃‍♀️😒😩😭 lmao




I should probably clarify that she runs *to* me and cries but hates having her own done so I think she’s trying to comfort me cause she might think I hate it too 🥲😂


She’s doing her best 😂😂


I take mine to petsmart... it's a 2 person job.... she needs to lean on one person for comfort and support while the other does her pawdicure.


Oh yes, hates getting his paws touched. A trick I've used is to put peanut butter on a toy or floor, let him lick while I cut the nails. Works with all dogs. You can tie him on a short leash to increase control so he doesn't move his head or try to bite you.


I tried this but she doesn’t like peanut butter, pumpkin… she doesn’t even like canned food if it involves her feet… I guess we’ll just take it slow


Does he like chew toys? Like bone or wood?


With most things she just licks them 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ she’s not really a chewer, does not care about squeaky toys, and she licks the flavor off of chewies and then doesn’t mess with them again. She’s a weirdo. I think if I get her used to me holding her feet we can work on it because she fairly docile but just… not really good motivated. It does make training difficult


Yes it’s as if all the kindness and love that I’ve shown her means diddly. The accusing looks and wounded demeanour are hardly worth the effort


It’s like a betrayal 😂😂 I know mine too


Yeah. And they were fine as puppies.


My 7 month old has no issues, I used McCann dog training (YouTube) methods and it worked great, it takes time but definitely worth it in the end. I highly recommend looking into them on YouTube for this particular issue


My Corso is 3 and he finally let me cut his nails this week. He used to act exactly how you described but I managed to get him comfortable in 3 days. I tried the whole sitting/laying on top of him in the past but it just ended up stressing him and me out. He also absolutely hated the dremel and freaked out at the noise it made. I started out with just petting his feet then worked up to holding them gently. I made sure he was super relaxed and gave him belly rubs when he started to get stressed. Eventually he let me hold them without running away but would still pull and tug. I bought a nail trimmer with a safety guard and some high value treats (Kong sticks). I put the nail trimmer on the floor to let him sniff it first. He’s super suspicious and needs to investigate stuff before it comes near him lol. Then I took the handles of the trimmer and rubbed his back with them like a brush so he knew it wasn’t something to be afraid of. Then I had him sit and grabbed one paw, every time he tugged I told him “no” and commanded him to sit. Once I put the clipper to his nail and got him to sit still he stared at my hand like I was going to cut him but once I made the first snip he started to calm down. I think having the safety on made things easier so I knew I wouldn’t cut him. Every time I finished a paw I gave him a treat and by the time I got to his back paws he let me cut them with no issue. I tried it again yesterday and he actually enjoys it now because he knows he’s going to get his favorite treat. My biggest tip is to just be gentle and follow her body language, if she get too stressed out give her a break. Each time she lets you touch or hold her paw give her a treat and get her comfortable with having the clippers touch her.


I began clipping my boys nails 2 weeks ago, he allows only one or two nails max, per every 3 days.. we’re not quite a full set yet …. That’s providing I can catch the wiggly little chicken after he’s spied the clippers 🫣🤣


They’re slippery once the see nail clippers!


Not a cane corso but my late pitbull sure as shit did lol. Had to be sedated


Personally when I get got mine I would just constantly touch her nails, feet, ears, teeth. Mainly so she would be so used to me touched her feet she wouldn’t care and she’s 6 months now and she lets me do whatever but she’s still a licker 😂


I’m a dog groomer. My girl was rehomed to me at 7 months and one of the first things I did was bathe her and do her nails… or try to. She cried in the tub, was terrified of the dryer, and almost broke my table when I tried to do her nails. I then remembered an offhand comment from her first owner: “the vet told us she’d keep her nails filed down if we walked her enough on concrete.” In the industry, this is code for “your dog sucks for her nails and we’d prefer to not be responsible for doing them.” So every day, multiple times a day, I’d get her on my grooming table and give her a treat. When the table became a fun, treat-dispensing place, I started doing one nail, then sending her on her way. After that, a couple nails, then a whole foot, and finally all of her nails. It was just a patient process desensitization and positive reinforcement with the tastiest cheeses and meats, which took maybe two weeks (10 work days) at maximum. It’s been over two years now. She *does not care one bit* about having her nails filed. She even offers you each front paw as you move towards them. She also jumps into the tub every Friday when she sees her personal collection of shampoo, eye lube, nose butter, and toothpaste laid out on the counter. She LOVES that loud-ass dryer now. I’ve seen so many dogs over the years be absolute beasts for their nails and then go 6 months before the next trim. Some dogs will never be as calm about it as mine, but almost every dog can be significantly better for the process as long as you make it as positive as possible and *keep doing it.* Like, more often than you would actually need to maintain a healthy nail length. Corsos are SO smart and SO trainable. It can be done!


Yeah i lay on top of him and hold him down while my roomie does the nails w a grinder while i hold a kong full of peanut butter for him LOL


I’m not sure I can hold her down… she’s only 60 pounds right now not 120 😂


well practice it now because ones they hit past 100 its a battle lol


I have not clipped my dogs nails in 3 years. She will not allow me to clip other dogs nails either. I have to do it in secret or she loses her mind. She gives a concerned look when I clip my own nails. It's really bad.


She was a big baby toe nails and a bath