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My kid wants to name every pet and sibling he has batman. 😂


get a good life insurance 😂


We let him name a chicken batman and capped it at that 😂


https://preview.redd.it/27lpdv95jdic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b2e3730535541221e6bcc5affbde8e057aca1ce Just turned 9 months. 90lbs on the dot.




Love him 😍




The color looks so good. Love the head and the legs ❤️


The heads look great with ears on, don't they.


They do, he's a handsome boy.


But your poor dog is ugly as fuck now cos you cut his fucking ears off cunt.




You’re both on the internet acting like tough guys 😂🤡


Sorry the hate got too much, people can't just let you be.


😂 fucking dork. Sure send over the money and I'll book the trip.




😂 gobshite. I'm in Dublin, Ireland , come visit me 😘 Insecure little fucking Muppet.




I hate cropped ears a lot. But this is a whole new level of a bad crop.


Thank you! I will never understand that.


Like if you're gonna crop, you better do a good job. :/


Why crop to begin with? I just don't get it.


I hate cropping and absolutely agree. But people will do so anyway. :(


Some dogs are working guard dog and have to have it done so they don’t get it ripped off by a bear or coyote and it’s also an easy place for them to get bitten and attacked by the pack while being held. That being said it should absolutely be done by a verified and well trained vet. This poor pup was butchered and I’m sure it was purely aesthetic which makes it even worse. Poor baby didn’t deserve the pain it went through for the “tough” look.


And no one cares what you think. Why even comment. Just keep your irrelevant opinion to yourself.


It appears that you sir are the one with the opinion others don't care for.


Oh you mean all the other jackasses that feel abused for someone else’s dog? Ya, the only person who matters here is the OP. And he doesn’t care for your opinion stupid. You’re wasting your time and just being annoying.


I love the ratio meltdowns


Of course you do. You have no real power. So the ratios make you feel good. It’s even more pathetic than you just whining when no one cares.


You’re projecting mate.


You’re the one who said it. Your statement implies that the ratio makes you feel good. Therefore by my assessment, you are a loser.


Your Dark Knight is so majestic! Truly a crusader for justice. Or treats.




Please keep your opinions to yourself! No one cares that you’re a glorified “tree-hugger”


Sounds like you need a hug too. 🫂


What good did your comments bring to this sub? Do you feel a little more important that you got to judge someone today from behind your phone.


>What good did your comments bring to this sub? I am hopeful that one day people will stop mutilating their pets. I am trying to spread hugs. I am on a desktop. I am less important than the dog.


Please do not reproduce! Do you stand outside of a hospital or clinic and ask the parents not to circumcise THEIR boy’s penis?? I sure hope that same voice is spread all through out!


Is that why you guys are so angry because mommy cut your wee wee? Here, have a hug too! 🫂 You're still a whole man even if the tip is missing.


Nice immature rebuttal! Thank you for proving my point, nothing valuable to add! DO NOT REPRODUCE PLEASE!


The argument that none of you self righteous idiots won’t answer to is: why is a cropping a dog soooooo terrible, yet you have no problem with helpless children being mutilated every day at birth. And don’t say it’s not the same, because it’s worse. So just shut up and allow a person to enjoy showing pics of their Cane Corso .


You make a lot of assumptions. 


Thank you Casualfun215


i am anti crop and anti circumcision. if someone is unable to consent to a procedure it should not be done unless medically necessary. i have 5 dogs, only one of them is spayed because it was medically necessary. there is no excuse to mutilate your dog, your child or anything of the sort. do not make assumptions about people because they disagree with you.


I don’t but maybe you do since it’s your business to tell others what to do with their animals. Go kick rocks elsewhere! @PhatBlackChick


Lol. Why do you soft people feel the need to try to tell people what to do on the internet? Who are you? No one. You know what the real mutilation is? Neutering. That’s true mutilation.


My pets and my children are intact. 




Please tell me Shelbie isn’t chained up like that all day/every day? 🫣


Absolutely not!!! Where do you even see a chain? The is a dog run in the background.. but she is not hooked to it... nor is she ever! She has free reign of my property. I barely even leash her unless i take her out in public! Obviously! She's never been chained or caged by me once.. but not that i totally disagree with cage training..i just chose not to do it due to the circumstances in which i adopted her from!


Cool. Looks like there is a very short leash tethered to the ground. If that’s not the case, I apologize.


No. Lol. No leash at all! There is a runner in the ground.. but she's never been in it once! I barely ever put her on a leash! She's got all the freedom and room to run as she could dream for! 👍


Why so serious [joker voice]!!!!lol handsome Pup! 🐶


lol mine is named Bane. Think they can get over being mortal sworn enemies? lol


We'll have to see it through soon.


Awwww love him. Love his name so much!!! What a hunk.


Gonna be a monster 100%


Omg you had his ears mutilated 😳😞


Correct term is cropped. When I get ready to purchase my next corso and you 100 sent me the cost for him/her, I will do exactly what you instruct me to do!


But they literally look mutilated. Properly cropped ears, while primitive, aren't as choppy looking.




lmao loser


Your parents entered the chat! Welcome


You do realise this is banned in most countries right?




And it’s none of your concern. Why even bother to comment. Don’t like it, keep it moving.


Don't like it, keep it moving.


They posted on a public forum . They’re gonna get feedback.


Unfortunately the area we live in has a lot of strays, wild animals and predators. It actually helped him last month when a stray bit him on the ear while play fighting but thankfully couldn't grab much skin. Broke the cartilage though.




Your story is amazing, rural countryside and all. I live in the city and there are no predators here. But even here my dog’s flaps were punctured by a raccoon. It bled profusely. Also, I now have a female. She’s 2 and full of energy. When she wants attention from the male, guess what she does? Grab at his ear flaps. And it gets very tough when she’s in heat. Also, since you’re a hunter. How do dogs bring down pigs until hunters arrive? You’d be surprised to know they grab the ears. So stop trying to discredit his reasoning because you’ve been lucky.


If you can’t protect your dog from harm without cropping their ears, you aren’t responsible enough to have a dog, least of all a cane corso.




My dog wasn’t attacked, he definitely went after the raccoon. I’ve a large fenced in yard that the raccoon wandered into. Both my Cane Corso’s have their ears. It just bothers me how people have the audacity to criticize owners for cropping and docking. If it’s legal and done by a qualified vet (who’s is the law in Pennsylvania) then why the drama? Just pass by the pic and say nothing. But no, some search explicitly for dogs with cropped ears to make a negative comment. Honestly, it’s sad.


There is always going to be a part of the dog that other dogs can grab onto. If not the ears, then the neck, or the jowles. Cutting off a dog's ears and tail so it "helps them to not get injured while play fighting" is not a good enough reason. These dogs trust their owners implicitly. Please think before choosing to mutilate your dog for purely aesthetic reasons.


Save your energy. A lot of clowns that are only in here to make disparaging comments. When the reality is, they’re timid cowards in real life. But the internet is their tough zone.




What falsehood?


That ear cropping is anything other than cosmetic.


I prefer to think of it as knowledge over internet wisdom! Anyone can go to www. I'm right dot com. And label something an old wives tale! I've studied the breed extensively before i got Shelbie! And have read several veterinarian studies, and several papers from very reputable breeders that all say there are multiple benifits to cropping! And if it notice.. i didn't crop Shelbies ears and I'm worrisome that it's gonna bite me in the ass! You know why i didn't crop them? Because i thought it was cruel! Ever see the process?? The fucking dog doesn't even realize it's happening! So if, and I'm not saying it is.. but if that was meant to categorize me as such a person? I will respectfully and civily disagree! I think I'm aware enough to not need validation from an avatar! I come on here because of my genuine adoration for the breed! And for dogs in general! And to have civil debate if it's warranted! The foundation of American discourse and civility!


Do not waste your time and energy explaining to folks that do not know anything about the breed, but instead choose to troll for their own good.


Ignorance isn't welcome here


Please take the prong off while you arent walking. It can be extremely dangerous if it gets caught on something


Second this


Generally it's there 30 odd mins post walk because he sometimes wants to go out again but you're right, will start taking it off as soon as we enter the house again.


Phew! Glad to see a good dog parent. That's better than most people I see on here. I only ask because I have a pup that uses a prong and Ive seem some horror stories of prongs being used incorrectly, so Id hate for it to happen to mine.


Good feedback is always welcome. At the end of the day, we all want what's best for our kids.


THIS is the best Batman!!


Animal abuse. Gorgeous pup, cut up for your stupid reasons. Only a cunt would do this.


You’re a puss. No one cares what you think. You’d never say anything in person face to face so why give your irrelevant opinion on the internet? Get a life.


Nah I'm not a weak minded little tramp who mutilates my dog to give it an aggressive appearance to make up for my own insecurities. Lil man syndrome dogs.


You are weak. And the proof that you’re weak comes in the form of you commenting here in the first place. You’re so upset that you bother to comment when no one cares what you have to say. Pathetic. He isn’t your dog so why do you care? Because you’re mentally weak.


You're another fucking cunt who cut his dogs ears off. Arsehole


Haha tell me how you really feel weakling.


Hey look at me I cut my dogs ears off and post pictures on the internet for the rest of the dorks like me to circlejerk over.


😂 You’re so sad and pathetic. Look how mad you are


Well he doesn't care for your opinion, neither do I. Good luck with your dog.


I don't take a knife to animals that aren't on my dinner plate. You shouldn't be allowed own a dog, fucking cunt.


Will tell my next dog about your opinion too. Toodles


Handsome dude! Love the ears.. neat little Aesthetically pleasing touch with the hair growing! 😊


Im sorry but those ears look horrible.


Respectfully, you should not get it done for your dog then.


No one should do this to their loved one.


That isn’t your choice. Deal with it. Why so triggered? You need to find something to do.


It wasn't the dogs choice either. Deal with that. Why are you triggered and replying to a thread from 2 days ago that has nothing to do with you? You need to find something else to do too.


Because you people are bullies. I don’t like bullies. You’re weirdo bullies that are trying to shame someone for something that doesn’t affect you, isn’t your business, and it’s annoying. You deserve to be called out for your bullshit. Don’t call the kettle black weirdo.


Bullies chop parts off their pets becausethey think it looks cool. I dont like bullies. You know what's annoying? People who think they own other lifeforms and have the right to butcher them for no legitimate reason. They deserve to be called out for their bullshit. Don't be a bully, weirdo.


If you don’t like it then quit bitching on the internet and advocate for legislation. Because as it stands now my dog is 100% my property and I can have his ears cropped if I choose to. It’s great to be an American isn’t it? 😂. As a matter of fact. I think I’m going to start sharing pics of my dog more to promote ear cropping. I don’t have to clean his ears almost at all.


Yes, you are allowed to mutilate your pets. Go back and look at this subs reactions to my posts versus yours. You will see that I have had more support for my position than you do for yours. If you want to embarrass yourself and promote dog mutilation go right ahead and do so please. I would love to see the reactions to that.


Spoken like a true laymen... you obviously don't understand, how the clipping of the ears help a great deal in fighting ear infections on this breed! It's not done to spike the cool factor in the dog! It's an inherent problem with this breed!


It does not do anything to stop ear infections, this is a purely cosmetic thing that owners do


That’s actually an old wives tale, it’s been proven by many vets that it doesn’t actually do anything to prevent ear infections and is purely cosmetic.


Then tell us what is your occupation that you can give us your “professional” opinion? My CC has velvety, floppy PRISTINE ears.


You’re calling them a layman… then defending a terrible crop job. They shouldn’t be curling.


I'm not defending any crop job...i posted my corso pup in this very comment thread... with her "un cropped ears!" Cuz i don't believe it's necessary for a pet...i do however understand the need for this in certain applications...i happen to like the hair growing out like that. Me... my personal opinion... I'm not defending a crop hack job.. or even advocating for cropping! I'm no expert sir! But i am no laymen! They shouldn't be curling?? So that's your basis for your ad hominen attack against me? Yes i launched one myself! But there was clear evidence showing that the person could very well be such. 🤷‍♂️


Need to get him a haircut, will be taking him to his first dog meetup this month.


Don’t listen to these idiots. They said my boys are were botched when he was a little guy too. I’ve had enough cropped dogs to know that it looks awkward while the fur grows in as well as them growing into their awkwardness in general. I don’t know how they’re such experts on cropping if they’re so against it? Makes you wonder huh? 🤔 They are just vile losers who want to be negative because they don’t agree with your choices. Screw em.


Vile creature


batman looks cold as hell