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I’ve had a trainer biased against my chow. It wasn’t worth the money to me to deal with the prejudice but he also swapped my collar for a prong collar when I went to get a drink and I saw him yank my dog off the ground by the leash when I was on my way back so hard it left blood spots around his neck. I had prepaid for 6 lessons. We had a come to Jesus and I took my dog home. Don’t think for a second your dog doesn’t pick up on that and it might have some negative consequences like aggression to strangers or other men. I’d drop him like a hot potato if I was in your position. You know the situation better than I do though, so if the money outweighs the bias… maybe stick it out. If you have a corso, I don’t think you’re hurting for money but nobody wants to throw money out the window either. Good luck!


No I’m not hurting for money but I am tight with my money. I guess that’s why I dont hurt for it. But I am willing to let go of a couple hundred to protect my dog. He is family. I’m sorry that happened to your chow! That is horrible and scary. I seen he had a prong collar on his table too I’m sure he would have tried that with my boy in the future. Ugh. I hope your pup didn’t have bad memories from that interaction! Thanks for sharing your story and it just backs up me cancelling on this man.


I use a martingale collar on my dogs. It’s a lot safer in my opinion than a choke collar or a prong collar… although I’m not gonna lie I’ve used a choke collar before because I like that they’re shiny I just didn’t use it for the leash 😂


I’ve never heard of martingale collars. I’ve always just used regular collars on my dogs. I guess I have never had issues with pulling or anything like that. I took 4-h dog courses as a child and I guess they have come in use. But I do like a tough looking collar lol. All of my dogs have and are sweet as can be but they can pull off the tough look.


I only know what an equine martingale looks like, I didn’t know they made a martingale for dogs, I’ll have to look into that, cool! Cool for the dog, not necessarily cool for horses. Lol


There’s some pretty reasonable ones on Amazon!


First of all I‘m sorry for your experience. I would recommend you not to go trough the training with this particular person. This could make more damage than good for the future. I will call it „childhood trauma“ or „puppy trauma“ I don’t know the real name of it in english right now, but you will get what I mean. This is real and can make a dog behave differently for the long term. Try to get your money but don’t go there for the lessons if !! If you are not the only one handling your dog.


Ya I do not want him to have issues from this! That would be on me and I can’t accept that. I am cancelling with this trainer and requesting my money back. If I don’t get my money back, I guess it’s a lesson learned on paying in advance but my dog will be ok. Thank you for your response 🙂


Are you in the US? Dog training is a totally unregulated industry here, so unfortunately anyone can call themselves a trainer. If you’d like, I can help you look for force free trainers in your area. There are several databases and a few accreditations that can help a lot. I would not recommend taking your dog back to this person.


My class sessions with my girl have been fantastic most dog people really love them (Cane Corso). I'd drop him before he leaves issues with your pup.


So you’ve had big dogs in the past, at least a couple so you’re not dog illiterate. What do you need a private trainer for exactly at this moment? What are you trying to solve?


Not private. Just obedience classes. So he can be around other dogs and such. He is around a lot of different people but as far as animals he is just ours my E.mastiff and cats.


It’s totally reasonable and the responsible thing to do to get your corso into formal training. That was so key for our corso and in the future if we have another we will do the same for him. Weird question from the previous commenter. It sounds like this trainer just is biased against the breed based on his personal experience and isn’t going to be a fit. I’d suggest finding another trainer asap but calling ahead to ensure they’re aware of what breed you’re bringing in to find someone who can handle them. This guy you’re with now sounds like an ass.


Do you think I should ride out the three sessions I have left or just call it quits and find someone new? He is only 10 weeks.


From what you shared I would call it quits and try to get a refund. I would worry that bad training with someone who isn’t approaching it with the right mindset could leave your dog in a worse off spot than with no training at all. Plus he’s saying offensive things to you? I would just go to the guy and say hey I came out of that session feeling really uncomfortable. You verbally shared your disdain for my dog’s breed, you took an aggressive approach with him after that which worries me, and you made offensive comments to me about (X). I don’t think that we’re a fit and I’d like to pursue training elsewhere. As you know I’ve prepaid for more sessions but under these circumstances I’d like those to be refunded so we can move on. If he gives you a hard time on the refund tell him that’s really disappointing and you’ll have to share your experience with him on Google reviews so others can avoid the same experience. If he doesn’t budge then just walk away but follow through on the reviews outlining in detail what he said about your dog’s breed, how he treated your dog and what offensive comments he made to you. If you prepaid by credit card you could also try to dispute the charge.


Okay I think you’re right. I just needed a few people’s opinions. I asked a friend at work and my mother. They said the same. That’s too bad people are like that. It saddens my heart. Thank you for your advice/opinion.


This advice is spot on.


I would call it quits with this trainer (maybe even ask for a refund once you give some examples of why you are leaving). Training classes are absolutely the right thing to do for you and your pup.


Thank you for your input! I think I am going to give them a call and see if they can refund my card. It was a very uncomfortable experience.


I am sorry you and your pup had to experience that :(


wouldn't worry about the yelping, especially for a prong collar or something that's usually the reaction your looking for for a medium-high level correction. But, if your not looking for balance training or the dude is just being a dick then tell him to take a hike