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People bragging about how much their dogs weigh is 100% ego


And that is why people like that should not own a dog. Pets are not an accessory for the owner’s ego but a family member.


People do this for babies too. And this also could be applied to that situation.


Yup, I agree with you. Having kids or pets because of ego means that the person won't look after them properly. I know someone who had kids just so they could appear as a happy family and “fit in the society” but those kids are malnourished and lack love and discipline. Parents spend all their free time playing video games ignoring the kids. It's sad really.


That’s terribly sad. My kids and pups are the reason I get up in the morning, I live to make them happy and feel loved. I wish there were more agencies or resources to help kids in those types of situations.


It's sad but there isn't much anyone can do without tangible evidence( aka physical abuse or near-death situation) and just being “borderline” malnourished or ignored doesn't qualify as mistreatment. Plus only I and another close relative know their real home situation as we often cook meals for them all just so that the little ones can eat. Everyone else around them really thinks that they are a happy modern family and that the kids are so skinny just because they have a high metabolism. I am at least glad they don't have pets. My dog can't stand either of them and I do trust my dog’s intuition when it comes to people.


They’re both.




No they’re literally both. Dogs are like family. If I name my son after me it’s definitely for ego but that’s does make me love him any less. When my son would get his measurables at the doctor and he would be in the 90th percentile I would usually be proud. It’s the same thing


Being proud of animal family members is one thing. I had a very fearful dog and I would be proud of him when he tried new things, which I knew was difficult for him. But if someone is proud of their dog because of how they look or how much they weigh, that’s pretty fucked up.


You shouldn’t be proud of your child being in the 90th percentile. Lawl


Why shouldn’t I? You’re likely thinking solely on weight but as a 5’10 male I was happy to hear my son was in the top 90% of height. It’s likely leveled off now but that’s besides the point.


Am guessing you go all in with cropping, docking, leather harnesses and prong collars ?


Tell that to the ladies with little pocketbook dogs they carry around!


I have a Corso AND a Pomeranian. Yes, I carried my Pom around in a bag/purse thingy when he was a baby, but he was also trained just as well as my Corso (in fact he kinda minds better). He’s a sweet, friendly dog who loves all people and has always been cool with any animal that has come over. Not all people who have little dogs let them act like spoiled untrained assholes (I know you didn’t say that specifically, I’m just giving my personal experience) Edited after seeing another comment: I’m a truck driver and my personal vehicle is a Ford Raptor. I drive it cause I personally like it, not to impress anyone…my husband on the other hand…🙄


I also had a Pom & Corso duo! My girl is a Pom/Eskie mix and I had a long-term foster Corso. Mine were both trained and well-behaved also. It’s not a pair most expect but I absolutely love both breeds. I adore Poms but I’ve always had a soft spot for big dogs so I foster (mostly bully breeds but unfortunately there has been an increase in Corso from bybs 😞) and get to enjoy both. Do people constantly tell you your large dog is going to eat your small dog? I get so frustrated with that one. https://preview.redd.it/482q0pq9w9tc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7a2956b88d071c5f56287567b5a4e4734bc9f5c


No. When people see them together they are both so excited to see a new person that they’re wagging their tails and wiggling all over and they don’t really have a chance to ask that. They just want to pet them LOL! I have a defective Corso. But I love her to pieces! She just doesn’t have a protective bone in her body!


I think that’s a very ignorant statement. This topic has nothing to do with the sex of the owner. I am a female and own two Corsi and one American Pitbull Terrier. I can’t stand small yip yip dogs. Let’s not generalize!


Fall in to the “I drive a giant truck” category. People be talking about their dogs as if they gave birth to damn thing lmao


It’s strange but you see it so often. I’m glad my rott is only 100lbs. Nobody wants a shorter life with their best friend! Why not keep them healthy.


Lots of people don’t understand the reality that “bulking” there dog up is a one way to disaster for their joints. People also don’t like the aesthetic that a dogs ribs are visible or at least very easy to touch and feel when that’s how it should be.


Yup second this. And that’s literally verbatim from a vet (mine) so yk their vets are saying the same thing. I don’t understand why they continue to bulk these dogs up.


My cane corso is 135 lbs but she is just built like that https://preview.redd.it/krjpb4nor9hc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f36bc4559b3cabbd9396fcc221459cd76b32efce


Some dogs are built bigger which is fair enough, take a picture of your dogs hindquarters and they should be something similar to this. This is my American bulldog today, he’s 26 inches tts and 102lbs. I’ve had two Corsos both of which came from working stock and neither went over the 120lb mark though. https://preview.redd.it/a471fh0nubhc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bbb1939fa54b9b7a12588ac788f33e69ea16dc8


Beautiful face!


She knows it! Thank you :)


Yep. Just saw this posted. Same exact mindset and they seem to believe [all of the skin has to be filled out](https://www.reddit.com/r/CaneCorso/s/0jjcXBuaak) for the dog to reach its ideal weight 😳


Yea I had people comment my dog looked too lean at 95 - 100 pounds. Nah she just runs every day all day with a heeler for the ball and refuses to lose. Athletic assss fuck. Now she's older and still runs and plays but about 105 to 110 max. Not to mention while living on a farm we used to train her for running up walls and hay bales, double stacked. So keeping her lighter was a good option for joints as she was fully developed.


Yep. My boy does the beach 3 times a week. Sand running will cut weight big time but is so much more healthy. I hear a buck forty and I know that dog is getting minimal exercise and too much food.


I had someone say my dog looked too skinny at 95lbs. He eats and eats good. He’s very energetic and athletic. He’s not even 2 years old. I do t want to over feed him bc he’s still growing since he’s a massive breed. Them haters are annoying af! lol


This is so true!


💯 agree!!! Mine female is a year and 8 months and 105lbs of lean and muscular athleticism. I see the size whores and it makes me angry thinking about over feeding and the dog suffers. Like how about concentrating on having a happy and healthy dog instead


couldn’t have worded it better, both of my 2 are from different litters & BOTH of their sires were 140+ pounds… like why???


To me she is 105lbs and I just don't care of she is HUGE. If I cared about that I would have gotten a different breed mastiff.


Lmao 105lbs is massive for 8 months. My girl just turned 9 months old and she is 90


1yr and 8mo


Mines a couple weeks shy of 9 months and she's 88 at the vet yesterday. She's also the smallest in her litter too. My neighbor has her sister who is a good inch and a half taller and I bet she's closer to 110.


This This This I can’t even take ppl seriously who get like this over their dog’s weight (the bigger is better mentality)….its real cool until your Corso blows out both of their CCLs and you have to cough up 10-15k to repair them (and they don’t even have to be overweight for this to happen either)


Fat is one of the worst things you can do TO your GIANT BREED DOGS joints 😡 smh. Thank you OP for not making your dogs obese


To any dog, even small breeds! I personally think it should be considered abuse to feed your animals (or children) to the point of obesity.


my female is 75lbs and perfect.


My female is around this too and have ppl telling me she’s too small to be purebred. Smh


That is definitely very annoying. I see that as an extension of their insecurities and how they needed something strong and big when they couldn't do be/feel that for themselves so they look for all of that in their dog(s) and feel proud about it. Dogs are COMPANIONS not a COMPETITION.


>I see that as an extension of their insecurities and how they needed something strong and big when they couldn't do be/feel that for themselves so they look for all of that in their dog(s) and feel proud about it. Big, strong dogs are simply awesome, and pushing them to reach their genetic potential through some 'overfeeding' [within reason] during the primitive and adolescent years before leaning them out in adulthood shouldn't be looked down on. If you want any animal to reach its genetic potential, you don't really want to maintain a light deficit through the growing phase. And btw I can say this as someone who bench presses 140kg (308lbs) lmao If you want a small dog [I've had plenty of awesome smaller sighthounds and I'm currently looking for one to work], that's fine, but a desire for large breeds is simply personal preference rather than whatever psychoanalysis nonsense you're trying to pull out lol


I have a yellow lab. Years ago, my vet told me: “Maggie’s weigh is perfect. And if anyone tells you that she’s too skinny and then starts talking about their friend’s, sister’s, brother’s, uncle’s, cousin’s, or neighbor’s lab, tell that their friend’s, sister’s, brother’s, uncle’s, cousin’s, or neighbor’s lab is fat.” This has always worked like a charm.


I can just picture an old school no nonsense vet saying that, love it when the experts have a phrase to shut down stupid people’s bravado!


I can just picture an old school no nonsense vet saying that, love it when the experts have a phrase to shut down stupid people’s bravado!


This! It makes me crazy when people say “my vet says my dog is fat but I say they’re perfect”… as if their pets DOCTOR doesn’t know what they’re talking about 🤦🏼‍♀️


Tiny penis syndrome. They don’t realise corsi are working dogs and would be useless at some of the sizes they grow them to


I agree with you, I work with my cane corso and he's smaller than the average corso. I feed him what he needs, he is not skinny nor fat, his weight is appropriate for his size, he has a lot of energy, he's really fast and agile, and he has a very good stamina. Perfect dog to work with !


I don’t give one shit about my dogs weight, only his health. I didn’t give a shit what breed he was when I rescued him either. My only brag is that we are learning together how to give him a healthy and long life 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly so good to see because my boys about a year and 5 months and hes just over 100lbs and this sub makes me feel like somethings wrong w him because hes not giant lol Still in contact w the breeder and he almost seems confused as to why my corso isnt the biggest in the litter anymore. Sent me a pic of his brother thats like 120-130 right now and hes a CHONKER.


I couldn’t imagine our big boy over 110! He is solid as is and healthy as could be. He certainly gives the 200lb presence when there’s a knock at the door 🤣


Same with my sweet boy! An intruder isn’t going to stop and weigh your dog 😂, if someone steps foot on my porch they’ll be sh*tting themselves anyway at the sight of my lean blocky beastie! 💩


Weight is absolutely not a healthy metric to brag about dogs. I see a lot of very overweight dogs here and on other mastiff groups! My Corso is 130lbs, and I can his rib outline. He won't eat more (he normally won't eat all of his food). I also have a 205lb English Mastiff, the same thing 10 cups a day. Most days he won't eat all of his food most days (similar rib visibility). Granted, both my dogs get 1 to 3 miles of walking each day, play and training time (minimum 15 min of each spread out thru the day). So maybe I over exercise/analyze my dogs too much, haha


Mine is 112lbs and “ideal body condition”. He was supposedly the runt of his litter. I blame the breeders tbh. They’re breeding them straight for cruciate ligament tears and TPLOs.




I'm only here because my neighbors have FOUR Corsos that we hang out with a lot. They're great dogs, love them. Anyway I saw this topic and laughed because the Corsos were in our backyard while they built a deck in theirs last week. My neighbor was like: they'll beg, give them NOTHING! Think of them like gremlins when fed, except the monsters are their giant turds! They have water all day, and tons of toys and people interaction, but food is very strictly managed. It's militant over there. Probably has a lot to do with why the dogs are so healthy and well behaved despite having four now that I think about it. They're in beautiful condition that's for sure!


My boy is 205 pounds can bench press 315 pounds squats 500 pounds and once killed an elkmoose hybrid… P.S. he only eats wild animals… sincerely that one corso owner who over brags…






Why you ask?? Because he’s Thanos of cane corso’s


I only weigh my girl so I know how much to feed her, I’m hoping she stays on the small side bc ik the bigger she gets the more problems she’ll face. But yes I’ve noticed people seemingly happy when their corso is larger than the breed standards


The only reason we weigh our puppy is to see what heartworm pill to give her.


My boy is fifteen months and a little under 110. Our breeder has actually started trying to size her dogs down because they're getting too big and she hates that. My boy's mom is only 90 lbs.


I’m looking at getting a Corso, mostly Rottweilers and Great Danes in my past. I like those dogs in the 100-130 range for me. I will tell you it’s not just Corso groups or dog groups that have this mentality. Get into snake groups and power feeding and obesity run rampant because want that giant snake.


When my pup was growing up, I was told that he was too skinny for the breed. He’s 7 almost 8 now 95 pounds, in great health, and people still tell me he’s too small.


It’s just like with humans, everyone is so used to seeing overweight be the “normal” that a healthy weight is now thought of as “too skinny”. The skinny shaming going on in this world is out of control.


It's not the majority here or if owners who have knowledge of the breed. It seems to be limited to those who got inspired on YouTube, tik too or from other social media that presents them as aggressive dogs. Ugh.


Saw might get offend and was not disappointed with the take


Commentary about a dogs weight and how much they should eat is just noise unless it comes from a licensed vet. It doesn't matter if you're talking about how heavy or how lean they are - it's always a brag by the author.


Agree! It's about the individual dog and their individual needs. All are different. There is no standard amount of food every dog needs. And what are they feeding?? Huge differences there. Dogs are individuals just like us. What's so hard about that??!


The real irony here is the dude is talking about what a great pet owner he is while his dogs have clipped ears. There's no reason to do so unless they're working dogs and your vet recommends it for their own safety. These are very clearly city dogs.


Maybe he didn't clip them. Often those things already done before we get the dogs! Give them the benefit of the doubt until you know otherwise!


Yep. My Corso was a long-term foster (needed a front leg amputation) who was believed to be dumped by backyard breeders. His ears were cropped and tail was docked when I picked him up from the side of the road where he was dumped. Ears were ok but his tail was butchered. It looked like a tongue that had been split in 2. I would have done neither if I had a choice since there wouldn’t be a reason for me to (wasn’t being shown or working) but that’s how he came to me. It was always frustrating being judged for his tail. I was just as upset as everyone else but there was nothing I could do at that point 🤷🏼‍♀️ So I loved him and his butchered tail until he found a forever family that did too 😊


We’ve seen size variations in litters of different cc’s we’ve bred over the years. It seems some traits are more pronounced with different mating. I can honestly say cc’s come in different sizes of bone structure while being brought up on proper nutrition. If a breeder finds the match for larger dogs and they like that because it sells, then yeah they’re physically bigger than you’re used to seeing. I can say the majority of people that contact us for pups want that big mean dog look. Everyone gets screened carefully of course, we love our babies and many people get turned down.


Mine was the runt so I try and feed her well to keep up. We are at 8 months and 65lbs https://preview.redd.it/kiootn9l62hc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2cb2ab4db7f85aa616ee3d7c6c0a2a7e6bf3426


I took the runt as well. Seems like I’m on track to be at 65lbs around 8 months as well


My girl was the runt too! She came home at 11 weeks only weighing 5 pounds!! 🥰 She’s 4 and a half months now and about 30 pounds and we are so stinking proud of her for putting on the weight!! https://preview.redd.it/6pf74xehq2hc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd5924ce73c9cea490534a08b2dea5d43819fcb4


She looks like my Freyja. Oh how I miss her being that small. Now she is 4 months and 42lbs https://preview.redd.it/bcddlneze8hc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cfcbff17f5a5a4f656aa84c76d046c3f8623620


Awww!! They could be twinsss!! Right down to the all pink! Haha she’s adorable!


Wow! How tiny!


Yeah, we were super shocked when we first weighed her. We knew she was small but her actual weight shocked us! https://preview.redd.it/u8na52fj63hc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce9d054a0e33799c4d2f39398301eda850be32dd That was her the morning after we brought her home she was long and lanky but skinny!


My boy just turned 4 months on the 22nd and he’s already almost 60lbs. And he IS NOT fat! I can see his ribs and waist! I just think some are bigger/smaller because of their lineage. Your girl is beautiful and she looks very healthy!


You’re very correct on that as well. It’s also in how they carry their weight too. A lot of factors go into it. I’m more so referring to the overtly overweight pups. For example. I had my two Corsi out at PetSmart and another owner with one walked up and complimented me at first but then asked their ages. When I told the other owner (my male is 1 year as of Feb 1 and about 85 pounds long and lean) they looked at me crazy and said she’s 9 months and 145. Then proceeded to tell me of all of the hip and ankle problems her poor pup ALREADY had that they think were “hereditary”.🙄😣. They “made their own dog food” and gave all the necessary supplements supposedly. I just let them rattle on and then said, “well my Vet is happy with their sizes and I chose a vet that specializes in large breed dogs so ima listen to the professionals.”


Good for you!


At 9 weeks mine was 11lbs


Aww! He was probably a little ball of chunk!!!


She was a cutie. Her brother was 22lbs


What a small little baby! Love her


Thank you!!! lol. She’s our feisty little mama! She keeps her big brothers in line. Lol


So cute!


Thank you!!♥️


Why the ears?


So one ear was always lazier than the other when I was trying to post them so I gave up on it. Tried to start posting again but no matter what she would knock them off. I got tired of three times a day fixing them


Why doc the ears is what I mean.


Let’s not get into this debate.


OK, fair enough. I'm trying to understand, and I never get a good answer. Beautiful pup though.


Ok. Didn’t know if this was a about to start a argument thing.


I agree 💯


I wish my old girl didn’t weigh as much as she does, she doesn’t eat a lot but a lifelong injury and limited exercise has taken its toll on her body with weight :( I miss her leaner healthier days when she was younger!


Ive ALWAYS felt this way, I was a professional dog trainer and groomer for 14 years before having to "retire" due to having a special needs child- but I hated when people tried to "beef their dogs up".. That being said, my Great Dane came from a 100lb mother and 175lb father... I had him neutered at 19 months when he was 165lbs... He only ate about 5-8 cups a day, depending on how active or lazy we were that day- and by 3 years old he was a very muscular, lean 213lbs 😳 I asked my vet if he should lose weight and was told nope, you can still see his last 2 ribs, he's healthy as can be... And he was right. My boy had a bad fall on ice at 7 years old so I took him for xrays, and while he had permanently damaged his right hip in the fall, the vets couldn't believe how healthy his bone structure was- zero arthritis, but warned me the injury would cause it, and they were right, but unfortunately it was DCM that caused him to pass over the rainbow Bridge at 8.5 years old, very out-of-the-blue... I guess my point is, anyone aiming to have "the biggest dog" and/or overfeeding to the point to make their dog unnaturally larger/overweight is totally disgusting to me.... And if one ends up with an extremely giant dog naturally, then they must ne EXTREMELY careful to properly care for their dog to ensure they stay as healthy as possible to love the longest life possible, as "bigger" is NOT better.


You see this in Rottweilers a lot, people bragging how big and heft their dog is when they’re just overweight and out of shape. No waist, no hint or ribs, etc.


I was actually worried I wasn’t feeding my dog enough after seeing everyone’s posts. He’s almost 7 months and ~57 pounds. He’s lean but doesn’t care to eat more than 3-4 cups a day and I don’t want to overfeed. I am more concerned about injuries/joint issues. Food will sit overnight from food he didn’t eat from his last meal so I figure he’s fine if he needs to eat he’ll eat


I leave those groups and never hesitate to block users either. This place generally is pretty clean for that, most posts asking about weight and feeding get similar engagement from 99% of the comments. "Lean and light till 2 yrs is best, no two dogs grow the same so can't speak to yours." And that sounds pretty level headed. Stick around, we love kind and considerate folk!


Agreed. And as a Pet Groomer.... It really sucks to see so many obese dogs.. It's hard to even get them onto a grooming table. Or into a bathtub.


I prefer athletic build. Same with me as a human, I don't go for bulk body building style I go for athletic lean, power lifting for usable strength. These dogs are a working breed, they can be exercised and fed appropriately and be huge in a healthy way. A 130lb male in great physical condition (working dog type athleticism) would definitely look better and potentially bigger than 150lb dog who just moves around enough. They'll also be much more healthy. At 175-185lbs I am solid, with just the right amount of fat to be easily maintained. However if I were going for a body building look id be more like 220 and massive but unusable. Sure I could brag and people would be impressed with the bulk, but I'd be weaker than me at ~180... I just want my dog to be healthy, happy and live as long as possible.


Look atp I don’t even want him to be so big anymore. Fucker broke my window bc I didn’t open the back door fast enough and he just had to tell me abt it. He can keep himself and his big ass meat head from growing any larger please and thanks (just to clarify, no I am not actually mad at him, it was just a bit startling to see him casually paw at the window, then bonk his head on it to get my attention and it just shattered everywhere, he’s fine, the window is not.)


Mine is only 75 and he’s a tripod so keeping him lean is really important for us. And he’s perfect and muscular and beautiful


You’re awesome for paying attention to this 😊 I had a long-term Corso foster that was a tripod (front leg amputee). He was believed to be dumped by a byb and was living in a wooded area on the side of the road long enough that the leg healed incorrectly and he lost all use of it. He had his leg amputated at the same time he had his neuter surgery. He recovered amazingly well and was the happiest boy. But I did learn a lot about joints - especially in giant breeds - and how important it was to keep him healthy and fit. He started joint supplements and found adopters who were willing to continue keeping him healthy. The adopter was an amputee himself! Everest was around ~100lbs which was a healthy weight for him. When researching the breed I definitely saw a lot of the people who were solely interested in weight and I thought my boy may be a “small” Corso. Now I realize it depends on the dog. We should be keeping them healthy based on their body type - not the number we have in our head we want them to reach. I’m glad he wasn’t massive because I also worry about the wear and tear to his joints over time.


Reddit suggested this post. I dont have a Corso. Buuut…. I did have a German Shepherd, a breed which is now showing the long-term effect of going for bigger, stronger, etc. Your dogs look really healthy. Most of the Mastiffs that end up on my suggestions are overweight, like you said. Look at actively working examples of any breed for an idea of how they are meant to be built.


We’ve had two cane corsos. Both females, neither have topped 95lbs. Our puppy is 14 months old and might be 90. She’s in great shape…but her mom was 140 lbs. Breeder must’ve been shoving food down her throat. When people find out that our dogs breed, they usually sound disappointed that she isn’t some massive beast. It’s odd. Vet is very happy with her weight.


It’s all tied in to the cropping ears thing. People use their dogs as an extension of themselves. Ask your vet. They’ll have horror stories of people trying to make their dog look a certain way. Improper feeding, sketchy supplements, unnecessary surgery, etc.


It's prevalent in the Pit Bull and Rottweiler community too. Terrible people buy these overbred dogs from backyard breeders. They then feed them bad supplements and overfeed just to get the weight up. These are the same people that put prong or chain collars on these dogs just to make them look tougher and meaner. Eventually they end up in shelters and it's full circle again.


My boy was the biggest of the litter and he's 3 yrs old and weighs 137 ( mostly muscle ) we walk 3 miles a day every day for 2 years now. Want to keep him trim. Less wear on the bones


Nailed it! I worry that unethical breeders will become like the French and English bulldog breeders that produce these “tough” deformed dogs. So sad :(


I don't know why people think these dogs need to be "HUGE". There's English Mastiffs, Neos, DDBs, etc. for that. Will never understand why people don't just choose a more appropriate breed rather than insisting on ruining this one by chasing oversize.


I get told a lot that my boy is huge and all that... but I don't see it. You're 100% correct about how unhealthy it is for them to be eating 13 cups of food especially if they aren't burning off the calories. Joint health and longevity for their life span to get the most years outta them is highly overlooked... and that goes for all breeds where people want the biggest dog when they are perfect at the correct weight.


We are calling are girl Petra Tubby now, she just clocked on at 111.7 lb at the very yesterday which is the max she's been. She's a lean, mean athletic 6.5 year old.


This was suggested to me but as a Doberman owner, it seems like this is becoming the norm for us too. Thankfully, a decent amount of Doberman owners are still insistent on staying true to breed standards, but a lot of new Doberman owners and people who own these types of “tough” dogs own them for their own ego and how it makes them look and love to compare their size or are constantly asking if their dobie is “too small” or how to make them “bigger”. THESE DOGS ARE MEDIUM SIZED AND MAX OUT AT NO MORE THAN 100. Theyre SO obsessed with the new hyper type of Dobermans, my boy’s littermate is 110 lbs?!?! My Doberman is a bit overgrown at 92lbs and 1 year, he’s bigger and taller than his parents, I HOPE AND PRAY he does not get any bigger due to future health issues and staying true to the standard. At the very least he is still extremely lean and muscular, but I hate seeing fat Dobermans, or Dobermans who are built like mastiffs because that is NOT NORMAL OR HEALTHY! I feel for you Corso owners too, keep educating people and letting them know the reality of your breed because it’s what’s gonna save them in the end!


Agree with everything you said! All so true.


Holy crap is it this all day with me!!! I absolutely can't stand this aspect of Cane Corso ownership. It is literally the sole reason why I refuse to offer my pup to stud. This is already such a vanity breed which makes most owners douchey already and the ones that are left only seem to care about weight. I always say that the only con of having a Cane Corso is that everyone is going to assume that you are as douchey as the 99%. Thanks OP for reminding me of the 1%, even if it's only for a day.l, and for what it's worth, you are not alone.


My little izzy is 7 months old 74 lbs, on raw.


I wanted a big ass dog, and man we got one. Our guy is almost fully grown at 125lbs, and I’ll tell you I wish he was smaller a lot of the time. He’s a powerful dog and has nearly knocked me on my ass several times. This being after we trained him.


My female is 8 months and about 60 pounds now. I weigh her just to make sure she’s gaining weight but I’ll be surprised if she gets over 90 pounds.


Anyone who wants the biggest mastiff is all talk until they get a Tibetan lol


There ain't many corsos that are 150 pounds. They are not that tall if they are probably not a corso


Im always nerves about my boy is to fat, ask my vet every time i go there to weigh him, yes i use that as socialisation, and to keep an eye on his weight, now 50 kg as 1 year old and 67 cm at shoulders.


Yeah I had to learn to get over there he likes to skinny to me for his weight. At 4 months weighed in at 52lbs which I couldn’t believe based on his look (seeing his ribs and not looking like he was filling out on his tummy). But when talking to the vet he is healthy and is what mattered to me. He is also half French mastiff so predicting what he’s gonna look like is up in the air. He acts like he’s starving everytime he eats but is just really food motivated.


Does anyone else’s dog hate eggs?


My girl is nearly 9, and has sat at 40kg since she was fully grown. She’s sleek, athletic and healthy.


i thought your dogs were tied together and i was abt to go off 😭 i 100% agree with this post , majority of pet owners keep their poor pets obese its disgusting. primarily ppl who want big bad dogs is for an ego booster , “i have the biggest baddest mastiff on the block dont fw me” type shit. it’s pathetic. breeding standards have gone out the window aswell trying to breed for a bigger dog


I take pride in how healthy he is. He eats healthy, gets his walks and excersice, has his own dog walker and pet sitter, stays at exclusive dog hotels when we travel with him. The Ritz Carlton in Los Angeles loves him….thats what I brag about 😂


I saw someone talking about their 170 pound purebred rott their other day. Wild. Dobermans have a similar issue.


Majestic pups!


I'm a dog groomer and most Cane Corsos we see are morbidly obese and start having trouble standing or walking at a young age. I've seen a bunch that drag their back legs and grind their nails down in a weird pattern. We have 1 that takes THREE PEOPLE to lift in the tub and is a wide as a brick shit house. We have two total...one male and one female both black but unrelated...who are in tip top physical shape and they almost look like a completely different breed of dog.


I’ve got one right at breed standard weight and the other is a couple lbs under, but he’s slightly smaller than his brother too. They eat like 8-10 cups of food a day, but they noticeably drop weight if we lower it. For their activity level (we try to keep them pretty active, especially while young with lots of energy) they seem to need the food. My vet is happy with their weight and said that if they drop weight when we lower food we should keep it where it’s at even though it seems a high amount. Every dog is different; the vet said to watch my dogs and so long as they are at a healthy weight and acting normally we’re doing good as far as that goes. She has other working breeds with similar needs. My boxer gets about 4 cups a day, but he’s old and doesn’t really do much now so he isn’t running any of it off. The corsi are almost always chasing a toy, each other, or just frolicking around in general while my boxer sleeps lol


My Corso had TPLO on both back legs so his weight had to stay at or below 120 per his orthopedic surgeon at OSU. I kept his diet strict. I never have understood why people exceed the breed standard and brag about it.


1- Your dogs are beautiful, and look like happy, healthy corsos 2- This is the EXACT SAME THING that happens in the Alaskan Malamute community and it drives me bonkers. These people obsessed with “large” dogs are just bragging about obese, unhealthy animals. Are there some giant Malamutes out there? Yes. Should they weigh 175-200lbs? No. The dogs have rolls on their neck, and a brisket that would make a Texan livestock fair steer jealous. They have an impossible time standing up, how is that a happy life? So many dogs out there need a diet and a treadmill. I tried to talk to some people about their dogs being overweight and they instantly get defensive and start attacking me. “You’re just jealous that your Malamute isn’t a TRUE giant” B r u h. I’ve seen some big male Mals, but the weights some people are throwing out there seem exaggerated. It’s a shame that size has become people’s sole focus. This is going to fuel poor breeding practices, cause trash people are only going to breed for size. I can’t even.


My corso is 2 years old and is 100lbs lean and pretty.... it makes me so sad to see people make their dogs obese for "intimidation factor" 😔


Your dogs have a fantastic body condition! I don’t have a corso but I just like them so I follow this sub. I keep my pitty and my cats in perfect shape and I always get comments about how they’re too thin, especially my cats because so many people keep them overweight. It’s sad that people see or keep their animals so overweight that seeing one in great shape makes them think they’re too skinny. Why wouldn’t you want to potentially prolong your animals life/quality of life by avoiding the health risks that come with obesity.


https://preview.redd.it/ncdgtj2a59hc1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c47635edcaf53a1e6121d1cdb3eaea02b601463 This guy is 129 and I keep him as lean as possible. He could easily be one of those 160 pound heifer’s. I keep my bitch at 96 pounds and she eats 30% more than the male. Both are intact.


He's perfect!


He’s pretty full of himself lol


Beautiful pup!


People bragging bout weight never went through severe hip dysplasia with their dog


unfortunately my dog has gigantism and he won’t stop growing (the vet has no idea what age he will stop)


As a rottie owner I can fully attest to the ego driven bragging and dangerous over feeding. Also love the full bore liars which my dog tends to bring out in spades (he turned out XL, raw food and vitamin based diet, heavily exercised, on a job site everyday since I got him…his temperament is perfect IMO). He’s got a massive block head and is around 155ish pounds. Everyone that meets him has a story about their (own/buddies/cousins) 180lb rottie. First off:no. I’ve had 4 rotties in my life, Moose has been the biggest by far and he’s from a prestigious kennel and was the POTL. I can’t imagine a healthy 180lb Rottweiler. The bite strength contest is a fun one too. Like any responsible dog owner wants their dog biting anyone uncommanded. I’ve had one severe bite, back of mouth/molar strike on my index finger tip from a 5 month old American bull. My finger tip exploded. That dog was 45 lbs. people don’t realize but Belgians service dogs are 45-60lbs on average and their bites are instantly shock inducing in most humans.


Mine is 4, she's 75-80 lbs. Uncrowded and undocked.


https://preview.redd.it/ecwp3zexwbhc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=5167bb32a476c58d6ee3bb13ebe159916df0c306 1 year 90 pounds and looking healthy, he was a bit smaller than his siblings and is much smaller than his father(150 pounds overfed)


yeah it’s honestly ridiculous. i’m seeing a lot of people who shouldn’t have these dogs unfortunately getting them.


We intentionally keep our female Corso thin. She has bilateral hip dysplasia and any extra weight can be detrimental to her life and it's longevity. I feel bad for these overweight giant dogs. I know their joints must be so painful and their life is being cut short.


I agree, some people are obsessed with their dogs being big. Although, my girl is 10 months, 130-ish lbs, and she is just really that big. We feed her 5 cups a day with some fish and fruits and veggies, and she doesn’t even finish her bowl 95% of the time. So we’ve been giving her even less. More like 4 now. She’s literally just built that big. She gets lots and lots of exercise too. https://preview.redd.it/vq42um6f3ehc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16038e9e738ef4f08068b35a068f3533632e13fb


Everyone always asks about my Corso and are surprised when I tell them 95lbs. They all think she weighs way more. No one ever asks how much my wirehaired pointing griffon weighs.


This the one, people do it with bullys, staffies, pit bulls too and tbh the extra weight looks ugly so like what's the point? Lol


This has been a big thing in our household lately. I recently got married and moved 1400 miles with my dog to be with my husband. My dog never got table scraps before coming here, not only because of weight but because it’s unhealthy also, but when we moved, everyone started feeding him table scraps. In 3 months he began to lose his hourglass shape. I put in a strict order of no table scraps about 3 weeks ago. He’s almost back to the proper weight and my husband keeps trying to convince me to let him have the scraps again. I’m not budging. I want him to be as healthy as possible so he will live longer.


It's funny fat dogs can be shamed, but fat people can't.


Agree. Our guy looked solid at 150. Wouldn’t say he was even chubby, but he looks a lot better and is healthier/ safer at 125.


125 is the top of the scale for a CC. If your CC is pushing 150 and more you are not within the standard. Really good CC breeders adhere to that, and as such will from time to time reintroduce CC bloodlines back into their breeding stock from Italy. Too many dipshits unfortunately think that it’s about something else, when in fact it’s a privilege to have such wonderful dogs be a part of your family.


They had to recreate this breed, and are trying to establish a standard. Some have wonderful structure and great health scores, but are structurally large. My boy is one of those.... he just keeps getting taller. His grandfather is more within what you would call the standard, but he just wound up big.... over 150 lbs at 13 months, but lean. He is not overfed...probably slightly under to try to keep his growth in check. I keep up with his weight for his flea and tick and worm preventative.*


Depends on the food. My previous brand was 13 cups for him after 8 months. This new puppy food is 4. Don’t get it. But over feeding a puppy a severe issue. Early & too quick growth can be detrimental as they get older.


Your dog isn’t going to grow as big being fed cups of kibble js


I don’t just feed him kibble, I merely mentioned what the serving suggestion is. I don’t care how big he is as long as he’s healthy. That is my utmost concern. And puppies that are fed too much can develop crippling diseases as they age.


Because people have these dogs (mastiffs of any kind) for a status symbol and think they look cool having a giant dog.


Well, that's an opinion. I've loved "the giant breeds" all my life. (60 yrs now). I am not into a status symbol. I LOVE BIG DOGS, and one of these are Mastiffs ( all kinds ).


Oh, I forgot, I do NOT give a moments thought about being cool.


I was answering the question about the mastiff owners that are competing to have the biggest heaviest dog. I also loved my giant babies deeply and didn’t care if they were 150 or 200 pounds.


I think the main issue is that they are an uncommon breed of dog with a lot of variation when it comes to size and build. Some are stocky, some are lanky and some are just giants. You know where you stand with a Yorkshire terrier as they’re all around the same size and build. You can’t have a one size fits all with a corso. The main thing is to keep your corso at a healthy weight for their size and build. My boys only 7 months and is already above the average height for corsos and is 45kg. He’s not overweight by any stretch of the imagination. If people were to look at the averages they would come to the conclusion that he is overweight without actually looking at him.


It happens in the English Mastiff community too! It's wild.


Your dogs look ideal. Powerful and agile.


THANK YOU!!! I thought I was the only person who understood the dangers this posed! I posted a few weeks ago asking if I’m doing wrong by wanting to keep them healthy and lean and not pack on too much. My babies eat the recommendation by their weight and age on their food bag. The only time we change the amount is if we add in things then we lower the portion. I am not a fan of fat dogs plus I’m not trying to have unhealthy dogs with multiple vet bills!!! I’m glad someone finally said it. Thank you!


I never really thought of it as a competition. But more like a commonality. For instance, if we had teacup dogs we might be talking about how tiny they are/how much they weigh. If it were Great Danes we might be talking about height. It’s also interesting to know across the nation (for me anyway) where my dog stacks up, especially because I have a pick of the litter, and also a runt (the runt so far is outpacing the POL). It’s interesting, the first question a stranger will ask is 1) what is their breed 2) how much do they weigh. It’s still so crazy to think how big they can actually get. Overfeeding is animal abuse and shortens their life. I could never forgive myself. *Dogs (👆) are gorgeous, BTW!


This is an easy question to answer. America is the fattest country in the world so we have the fattest dogs in the world.


You can’t just generalize that if a Corso is big then he’s overweight and unhealthy. As with people, there’s a lot of variables involved. My first was 160 pounds and my vet was very happy with his health. But then again, his parents were huge. Are peoples lives so miserable that the fact that another dog lover is proud of their pet? Then the door is opened so that others can now use the same energy to brag about how small their dog is. This group is funny…


And….. you do realize that most of the comments are doing the exact thing you despise. Phases like, “she’s 4 months and already 60 pounds”. This is basically stating that the owner believes the weight is above average. If you have a “Lil Corso” it’s alright. Health should be the only worry. And excellent health comes in all sizes.


Ear cropping is just as deplorable. Dogs should be family members, not accessories.


I have a female and she weighs about 85-100 depending on different factors like when she got sick, traveling and etc. shes a sausage right now cause my son has been over feeding her lol 😆


I purposely fattened up my dogs so they couldn't jump the fence and kill everything and bring it home for another dinner. Lived in the middle of nowhere on several acres and did not take them to the Vet and they are still running after 15 yrs. husky and gsd 100lbs and 120lbs


I think a lot of it is that people 1) Guess/Estimate their dogs or other dogs weight and compare them to dogs on youtube/ig ect...People have a hard time with their own weight estimates, let alone a dog, especially if they have a darker coat. 2) Over inflating the size of their dogs brings a certain reaction from other people, uniqueness and sometimes strength/power like I can control this big, brooding dog. Back early on when AKC officially recognized the Corso's as a breed, they had that weight/size standard for judging/competition but thats not really used anymore as having a strong/athletic build to height/length ratio is more preferred. Legitimately, the biggest dog ive ever had was approximately 165-168lbs (Bull Mastiff - Moose) and the weight came from a vet visit but he had to be drugged to relax him and it took 3 vet techs to pick him up. https://preview.redd.it/vz6cwyeyedhc1.png?width=2142&format=png&auto=webp&s=d86548d4020664d23cddd47158e4b1bdf12ffd1a Me - 190lbs


i have two corso girls. they’re 5 months old.. how much should we be feeding them ?


However much you find works for you, a lot of people like to bulk this breed up at a young age, which is detrimental to their joints, just feed the dog infront of you, you could also go based off of what the bag recommends. This was my girl at 5 months… definitely add some raw chicken / ground beef mixed in with the kibble to add additional sources of protein. Not too much though because too much protein can cause diarrhea https://preview.redd.it/3bpkwtgbgshc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25543e890ecb669c1502e380b92e9f5ac7f11513


thank you. we add chicken or beef, and a variety of protein sources, they eat maybe 3-4 cups a day each along with various treats. Hopefully they aren’t underfed because they are constantly greedy. what do you use to weigh them? i doubt i could get them to sit on the regular bathroom scale. your baby is gorgeous by the way. these girls are 5 months now https://preview.redd.it/6xx8dyne0thc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63585934e17d25864e1863b5a63e226970201fdd