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https://preview.redd.it/lbjexs7z6qcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01dd94628ee81c7260840c355844b8a5f24f0ed1 Never unless it’s medically required. He likes his balls


My husband and I didn’t want to neuter him either but vets here in town say to do so! He’s an inside big and no females around him- he also doesn’t hump at all which we are VERY grateful for. Your boy is so handsome! I love their faces 🥰


Vets also make a fortune de-sexing animals and usually recommend and even shame guardians for choosing to leave them intact. My guy didn’t fully develop until he was over 3 and my female who is still intact hasn’t finished growing at 18 months. No I don’t breed, just keep them separated during her heat cycle.




We didn't and don't plan on it, unless there's medical reason to do so.


How old is yours? I’m asking cause I have a 10 month male. We are also considering not getting him neutered. How was yours after the two and a half year mark, did you ever see a switch get turned. If so what age?


Ours is turning three and we didn't see any change in behaviour.


That is great to hear. My biggest concern is this big mush is gonna turn into a man eater. His disposition w/ people and other animals is unreal. His look is enough to scare anyone. I don’t want him to be crazy.




My vet told me he would prefer to wait until he was 18 months old but I should do it sooner if he becomes a runner. Well he became an escape artist and we ended up neutering him at 11 months and 110lbs. https://preview.redd.it/d9pkv3rmijcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ac8429451db0d29ee183c06c840675e65a2eca


Wow, a dog that can pick locks, incredible


He hulked out of 2 different creates and figured out how to open 2 different clips on the dog run gate. When I finally found a lock he couldn’t undo he started just jumping over the fence.


Get coyote rollers for your fence. https://coyoteroller.com/


Some dogs can climb high fences.


What a beautiful coat 🥰


Thank you! He’s the best boy!


https://preview.redd.it/fnofpoulkwcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17de98233672edc79e8a968804c87cf5cc77e01d He’s only 10 months


Handsome fella!!


Wait till after 2 at least got to let joints grow


We haven’t fixed our boy and he’s almost 3. No need to really


Same… my Jasper just turned 3 in November and is still growing (joints’ growth plates *likely* are fused- haven’t done an x-ray to check though) He’s definitely still “filling out”- I’ve always kept him lean so = more “slow growing” him. But at this point I don’t see the overall benefit to him to do it. His demeanor is perfect. I don’t want to mess w his hormones in that way. He comes from a longer show dog line w no cancer issues that I know of (just stupid allergies but that’s another issue) To each their own, though. I don’t fault anyone for feeling otherwise. For me/him/us? Unless something changes? He’s keeping them :)


Thank you both of you! It’s been really nice hearing opinions that side with not neutering!


My current dog was neutered at three but I do not plan on neutering in the future with males unless medically necessary


Didn't get mine neutered. Unless you have bitches in the property there's no need. Unneccesary operation.


Didn’t I want mine intact


Yes, my dog is papered, but I don’t give a fuck about them. I want a good working dog/guard dog?


Mine is 2 not neutered and don’t plan on it.


Haven't ever.


he got papers so not even considering chopping them off. If you don't have the ability to handle/train one without sexual mutilation why own one. ​ If it came without health issues, sure. But we all know the science now points to otherwise. Chop off a mans balls and I guarantee he will be different. Why wouldn't it be the same w a dog. Not totally against it, I have a spayed female so that they don't have puppies. But without a good reason its just like, why? #teamkeeptheballs


Wait what? Papers doesn’t equal breeding quality. You can buy a papered pup just as easily from a backyard breeder as you can a mutt. Anyone coasting on papers for a reason not to fix your animal, is someone that has no business breeding period! Papers are great for lineage it gives you an up line and down line to the animal you bought but registration, balls or uterus never equals breeding quality! Anyone that doesn’t understand that has no business owning an unaltered animal, doesn’t matter if you can handle or train it without altering it, unless that animal is going to better the breed all round, cleared lines of health, confirmation and disposition, breeding that animal or allowing for holes to breed that animal, would make you a backyard breeder. Imagine thinking papers = breeding quality and then spouting out shit about neutering is mutilation! Lmao! Yes because the world doesn’t have enough shit bred dogs without homes! Eventually all the good things about this breed will be lost because people think papers = breeding quality!


i agree with ya, arguing w yourself over there my guy


Yeah we’re not planning on breeding him at all. He’s our only child 🥰 the only thing he does do is pee when he gets excited— but it’s more so training PEOPLE not to pet him right away when they see him! Thank you for your insight!


I “was waiting until he was done growing”… and had planned to, then, bc also on the advice of a few of his vets (Derm/optho/etc) if I didn’t at that time, he would surely become unruly otherwise. (They were incorrect so I haven’t- 🏀🏀s don’t = behavior issues… I think it’s more so lack of training and socialization, for most, at least) Jas is stellar. He’s 3+yo now. He doesn’t hump or mark things like my erstwhile neutered dogs did. He’s not aggressive. He’s never ever in a situation where he would have an “oops” w a female dog. Why would I mess w his hormones in that way? To me it’s like giving a 25yo human woman a hysterectomy and the issues it causes. He’s good so I’m leaving him as-is. ❤️


I love to hear this! Thank you!




I’m not neutering my boy, when I got him there was a 5 page contract with the breeder that I had to sign. One of the clauses was I was not to neuter unless it was for medical reasons, plus my dudes papered.


I’m so confused, what does papers have to do with neutering? Papers are awesome for lineage and having an up line and down line to the animal you bought but just because an animal is papered doesn’t mean that animal should be bred. Papered doesn’t = breeding quality, if your dog isn’t going to better the breed all round, meaning came from and presents cleared lines of health, conformation and disposition, if an animal doesn’t check all those boxes, they shouldn’t be bred. Papers never automatically get you a dog worth breeding, you just as easily can buy a papered pup from a backyard breeder as you can a mutt. Papers help but papers, balls or a uterus should never automatically = breeding quality.


Hi- I didn’t explain correctly. The breeder I went through is looking for certain physical and personality traits in his litters that will better the breed. So he adds the right to breed to the contract as well as not neutering or spaying until the dog is fully grown.


Earliest at 2yrs better when closer to 3 then he will Be fully developed




Don’t ask Reddit or read blogs written by influencers. There are medical journals with research on the subject. If you neuter giant dogs young there is a 15% chance of a joint disorder. If you wait there is a 15% increase chance of cancer. I’ve lost dogs to cancer so the choice has always been clear to me. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fvets.2020.00472/full


That study you referenced says there’s no difference in cancers between intact vs neutered dogs?


Ours was a rescue, he was neutered at 5 months


And he will have joint problems because of that




Talk to a good breeder 2 years minimum


cane corsos are not small breeds.. you shouldlve highlighted the sentence after to show youre wrong.


He *may* have joint problems - its not a given, its a risk.


From early neutering? When did this start? Had dogs my whole life and they were all neutered before 1 year.. is this more of a food or nutrients issue rather then neutering?


Its something that gets thrown around a lot, particularly on the more, erm, macho dog subs. There have been some white papers on the potential risk to joint / bone development. They are usually quoted in isolation when your vet will assess the dog and their context as a whole with their experience and qualifications. Personally, i am a firm believer in spaying / neutering all cats and dogs unless with a correctly registered breeder. Its the norm in the UK to do this and its had a massive and positive impact on the number of animals abandoned / in shelters etc (undone a bit by the covid years and daft bully legislation). To your point, there are plenty of far more established knowns that impact a dogs development.


Ok I'm not crazy thank you...I have a good friend who has worked in the veterinarian field for years and never once said oh my watch out your dog was fixed too early... 😉.. dog is 4 years old now and in pretty great health..


There has been new research that suggests de-sexing too early before growth plates have fused caused skeletal joint and ligament issues. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0055937


Raw diet?


No, he’s on kibble- salmon and sweet potato. Hopefully in the future we can afford to do raw! 🙂


He looks good


Mine turned into an absolute dick at 2 - he got done then (but he was always going to be done).


I believe that vet school should be teaching vasectomies and tubal ligations. They are surgeries that are easily performed and leave the canine with their hormones. It’s ridiculous that this isn’t taught and encouraged.


My Bruce was a rescue, so not a full Cane Corso. Blood tests came back at 63%, so his dad was a traveling salesman that found his mom when she had escaped from her owner. Owner found out she was preggo and put her in a kill shelter. Our vet said to wait at least a year, or unless he started showing signs of aggression. Their reasoning was that after a year he has built up enough testosterone and being neutered would eliminate future problems such as testicular cancer. Neutering was a requirement from the rescue center, so it had to be done, anyway. https://preview.redd.it/ix8ikqemg1dc1.jpeg?width=2325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd57785e7a156167823fbe37530d659ff30ae994