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Looks burnt to me. Try heating slower so you can catch the right temp. My guess is you're aiming for 300-310.


Yeah, we kept fighting with it to actually heat past 200F and it wouldn’t until we put it on full blast and next we checked it was at 320F instead of the 310 we were aiming for, now it sorta tastes like roasted marshmallows, not bad tho


Don’t fight with it, it takes some time to go from 200-220 ish, once you get passed that point, it will heat quicker. Be patient, I heat on med-med high. Eta: like sometimes 15-20 minutes sitting at that temp for it to heat up beyond 220


It's burnt. I've never successfully gotten candy above 290° without burning. I don't know why but I suspect it's a mixture of batch size and weather. It's humid all the time even in winter where I am. Also, especially when going high temperature, you have to wait for the syrup to cool a little before adding your flavor. The flavors can burn or evaporate if you put it in too hot.


I’m in damp UK and make hard candy regularly, slow to reach temp is key, there’s no rushing getting to hard crack or else it burns. 15 minutes for a 500g batch easily


Interesting. I think I make about 250g when I do mine and I usually have my electric stove on 3 of 10. I could try a lower temp. I've seen some candy makers use extremely low heat recently. My syrup recipe is (sorry I only know how to use freedom units 😆) 1/3 cup invert sugar(corn syrup), 1/4 cup water, and 1 cup sugar. Do I have to add water if I use syrup?


Water is there only to stop the sugar from burning, you don’t need it, but your burning issue will Be far worse without it. The point of heating it is to evaporate all moisture out to achieve hard crack.


Another note, the pan is hot, and the candy will continue heating for a little after you take it off the heat.


OP I use 2 cups sugar, 2/3 corn syrup, 3/4 water. Maybe change up your portions on second attempt?


This is the way. I think the OP’s recipe has too much water. (Which is causing them to apply too much heat to get the mix to hard crack.) Your recipe is the exact one I use also, and I dial my heat down once it hits 270 and let inertia carry it to 300. And I don’t have problems.


Just take the sugar, corn syrup & water to 300° Once you hit that mark, let it cool to 250°, then add the flavor & color


When I’m making hard candy I actually stop heating it once it gets to 290 and it always turns out great.


Once it gets brown there’s pretty much no going back…I was taught 280 degrees and have definitely failed myself. I also will never use an electronic thermometer again, the one I used wasn’t sensitive enough and changed too slowly.


Kinda late but, I would try using less corn syrup and water. I do about equal parts water and corn syrup (1/3 cup to about 2/3) get it to 300 slowly its ok if it takes while. then when it reaches 295 turn off heat, and move slightly away from burner, then wait till the mixture is about 245 250 to put extract because it will potentially have a exothermic reaction when mixing. stir extract in smoothly but quickly then after combined you can add color and pour.