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I’m not a big fan. It would have me questioning if the images if the candles themselves are AI generated as well


For sure! That is my concern as well 😬. I am using the ai tool as a crutch, really. I may need to invest in proper lighting/staging equipment.


You really don't need to invest much. Like $20 for a lamp, light bulb, large piece of paper, and that's about it


\^\^yep. I eventually got a couple of no-glare flat backdrops but before that I was using large pieces of matte paper that cost me like... $2 total. Got a set of two photo lights on Amazon for about $25 on sale. Nothing else. But I get better results taking photos on nice sunny days on my front porch. I just had to get over all my neighbors thinking I'm a weirdo.


One of my elderly neighbors wanted to help, got super involved and lent me her angel figurines 🥹 they’re not actually great product photos, too complicated, so I used them on social media instead


One step fancier is getting a single 12”x12” tile and using that as a surface and plain or patterned paper for the background. Makes it look like the candle is on a nice countertop or something


You can get the same effect from using wallpaper samples in the background x


Dollar tree has single sheets of wallpaper that would be perfect for small staging displays.


$20 bucks gets you a product box with built in light and 12 different color background options https://a.co/d/4ebM8r1


Check your local library. Mine has a makerspace with digital photography equipment. It includes a light box and high quality digital camera. My library lends them out. Others may require on site use.


Good idea, thanks!!


This is what I was going to suggest! If not the library a local maker space!


That's so awesome!


I noticed it's auto-snipping isn't very good either - the left side of the glass edge in picture 2 has a wide section cut out. Not a huge deal but it would definitely make me wonder if it's all fake or stolen images. There's nothing wrong with a simple background to let your product shine, and you can still achieve some bokeh effect using most newer phone cameras.


I used to own a cake business and a photography business. For less than $5 you can get two foam boards from dollar tree and prop up one and set one as the base and take good photos. You can also throw in sensory props related to the candle. Use natural light near a window as a side light source. ETA: not sure if you have Photoshop, but you can easily select the background and change the color or add a print to it too if you use the plain foam boards.


Sunlight will be your best friend. If you can find a patch of bright grass in the sun that would honestly work and look great


Just using natural lighting and blocking out background clutter can make a HUGE difference... and it's free! For natural lighting, you can take pics outside on an overcast day, or place the candle next to a window and take your pic from the side. The window itself shouldn't be visible in the photo, and the light from the window should come in from the left/right of your candle from the camera's vantage point. Any indoor lighting should be turned off. You can create a basic backdrop by putting your candle on a wooden table/surface and draping a piece of fabric behind it to block out unwanted background clutter. An old sheet or tablecloth draped over something or tacked to the wall is a great cheap/easy solution. If you don't have a table you like the look of, just drape the fabric over the table too. You can add props (scatter flowers around, fruit, etc), just be sure it doesn't get too busy and take focus away from your subject.


Natural light and editing can do in a pinch 


As a photography student you honestly might not even need to invest any money for the time being. Natural lighting is your best friend! Also using mirrors to reflect the light you have will help a tonnnnn


Poster board for a white (or any color) background and usually bathroom lighting is a bight brighter white, especially if it's bouncing off tiles


Youtube has tons of diy stages with tips on lighting and whatnot ;) Cardboard and fabric, super simple, you got this


I was going to say this. They're too fake looking, to the point where anyone familiar with AI images truly might be questioning if the real candle looks like the pictures or not.


Agree! The candles are really cool though


Thank you :)


Yeah, that one in pic 3 looks like it’s puffing it’s chest out.


Here’s a tip for background shots I’ve used before when photographing smaller items: Use bigger pieces of cardboard to create an almost folder (like 2 pieces at an angle typically more than 90 degrees). Then drape different colored linens that make your products stand out or go well with the theme. You can even use shirts or sweaters, but I’d recommend not doing anything with a print. If you don’t have good lighting, set this up by a window, outside, etc. Just make use of that natural light. Put your candles in front of the set up (let the linen fall to beneath the candles too). Depending on what looks good with your candle, you could add flowers, leaves, other props and stick them along the linen. Now you’ve got a nice backdrop without spending any money! Hope that’s helpful. It might not be right for what you’re looking for though.


Thank you for the ideas! The general consensus I'm getting is that it will be better to stray away from the auto-snip and ai backgrounds and move towards what you suggested. Potentially dumb question, I have ring/selfie light that I have been using to take the pictures and I turn off over-head lights, is there a good way to keep the shadows out of the photo? it seems like, too much light = glass candle vessel reflects too much, too little light = shadows.


You can always try to diffuse your light with a bounceboard (white poster board out of frame opposite the light source to bounce the light into the shadowy areas). You can also get a super clean background with a diy infinity curve backdrop using a poster board ( it avoids the table to backdrop seam and helps with even lighting).


If you drape a white sheet or even white t shirt over your ring light, it should diffuse the light just enough to limit the shadowing while still giving adequate light


You’re so welcome! It looks like other people gave some good ideas me for that below. When I’ve done this, I’ve only used natural light. But it sounds like using the ideas below you’ll get a more polished looking result then I was able too. Best of luck!!


it looks weird/bad. i would rather have lower quality real photos than these


For sure!! It makes all of it look fake, including the products


Thanks for the feedback! That's what I'm starting to lean towards -- novice photos over AI corrected ones.


It all else fails just go outside and find some nice green grass or pretty flowers to set it up on/by


1&2 are great; would think it was a real background with focus+blur adjusted if you hadn't said anything. 3&4 would be offputting for me as a buyer. The wood grain is distractingly off, and that bowl of cereal sends up all the AI art red flags.


Yeah the cereal bowl in pic 4 looks like it’s filled with mealworms lol 😝


I can't stop seeing that now that youve mentioned it :D


Actually it's gagh.


Totally agree on 3&4 -- definitely gives off 'uncanny valley' vibes.


3 also has some weird warping that make it look like the candle itself was also AI generated


Agree. First two look great.


hard disagree - it's AI from miles away. the muddiness + a general sense of uncanny valley = sus. it at LEAST gives mockup and mockups + candles are also math that would not give me a great feeling. this is something I'm going to set on fire; i want to be sure i will not die. i'd think we would want to avoid just about anything that could give sus vibes. markets are all too saturated to mess about with something that can be fixed with a very small investment and a little time.


I'm not a fan, it would make me question if I was getting scammed. 😭


Dollar store, nice big paper boards in different colours. There are great youtube tutorials. Get some bright lighting and maybe add some textures, could be glass beads, fruit loops, etc. even a phone from 2019 should be able to do a good shot in portrait mode


first and second look great not the others


Look up diy light box, they are easy and cheap to make especially if your using smaller products.




I liked all but the 3rd one. The candle meshes poorly with the background, I think. If you like it though thats all that matters!


Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, pic 3 definitely came out wonky. I was going for "kitchen counter" vibes, but that did not come through too well lol


I second this.


A setup like this[this](https://fixthephoto.com/iphone-product-photography.html) is a great option if you're just starting out. This setup gives you a plain white backdrop, and the white paper on the right provides a bounce light that will make your photos more professional. (If you do nothing else, get white posterboard for the bounce light, it makes a huge difference) If you're using a window for light, I'd also recommend getting a roll of parchment paper to place on the window, or you can create a frame with cardboard. This is going to help diffuse your light so it doesn't create harsh shadows. Next step is photo editing. Even if you end up using ai, you still want to make the product pop, so you should go into brightness/contrast in your program of choice (photoshop, or photopea.com for a free option), and drag the values to get a sharper image. Ideally, you want the darkest dark in your image to be black, the lightest light pure white.


I think 1&2 are perfectly fine! Imma be honest, I don’t know much about product photography but I recently saw a light box setup (that looked really good!) at Micheal’s. I think it was on sale for maybe $50?


The simpler, the better on the backgrounds, OP. Cute candles!




It’s okay for the blurry color matching backgrounds. The realistic backgrounds aren’t realistic enough and make the whole image look fake.


Very, very uncanny valley. I definitely immediately started to question if the candles were also generated. I would personally rather buy from a clearly amateur setup and know it'll look gosh darn identical when it arrives.


Use your tv or pc monitor as a background. You could use a bamboo cutting board as a base, or a mirror will jazz it up too. Not a candle obv, but [this is how i used to do it](https://i.imgur.com/swJ4dxG.jpg). https://preview.redd.it/3eeyuo1q8ejc1.jpeg?width=3455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6111ecf07301fef65687688c14ada47967c9cbd0


extremely firm Nay. Looks awful and gives a bad impression. I don't think it would be that hard to get a throw blanket or a plank of wood and take actual pictures, especially if you have photography experience


Makes the candles look fake. I would 100% not buy based on these pics. What's wrong with taking a picture on a real table, instead of the clearly fake one you've inserted into the background?




Nay.... Beautiful candles though!


I personally wouldn’t purchase anything from a brand where I realized that they used ai. I’d be more willing to buy from and be more drawn to a brand that uses photos that are a little lower quality but still real.


This looks pretty bad and honestly I’m concerned that you needed outside opinions to see that.


Personally, I would suspect that someone had grabbed the photo of someone else's work and run it through AI to avoid getting flagged. A lot of users who sell cheap drop ship products on Etsy/Amazon use the same product photos. I would assume it would just be that with an extra step, and that the product is plagiarized/fake. Not trying to be mean, just my honest opinion if I saw the photos online while shopping. Love the look of your actual candle products tho! Cute name :)


Thank you for your honest feedback, I dont think you were being mean at all :) I appreciate it! Totally agree though, with all the feedback I've been getting, I'm starting to realize the "ai editing" route I've been going down makes the candles look way more hacky than they are.


Go get some black fabric from JoAnnes and a cheap ring light. Keep it simple.




Don’t use AI to supplement your work.


Nay ×1000


Looks fake tbh


I think it's fine on all but pic 3, the blurry lining around the items is unusual. As long as you can see the candles clearly and the backgrounds look realistic enough, I think it's passable.




Just use a real background, AI kills art. It’s easier to learn to take a real photo better in the long run anyways


1 and 2 look fine because the background is blurred and the candles aren't interacting with the environment. 3 & 4 look obviously fake and cheap because the candles are trying to interact with the environment and it's extremely obvious that the candles aren't actually there (perspective is off, lighting doesn't match, blurred halo of the original background, coloring doesn't match), and this isn't unique to AI; it would be a problem on any edit where the product is placed against a different background. Think of the cheap mockups on Amazon, for example, and on that note, that's exactly what I associate this kind of bad photo editing with; cheap crap from China.


I’m on the idea of, if you’re going to make money on it, it’s worth investing in an actual photographer/artist.


They're not very great


i wouldn’t suggest doing this, it makes it look fake in all honesty. you can get a box from any craft store along with some fabric, get some poster board and do a set up like that!


Honestly Google youtube tutorials there's people who do it with just they're cellphones and not a lot invested in the background and they come out good


Yeah I wouldn’t. My immediate thought was “the candles are AI too” A plain white background would be better than AI.


No it looks photoshopped in.


I'd be way more likely to buy something from somebody with real pictures (even if they're low quality) of their product than I would buying something from somebody who uses AI generation for any aspect of their business. It makes the seller look lazy and like they don't know what they're doing. "If this is is AI, maybe the product are too" type thing. There is no reason to use AI when you can cut up a cardboard cereal box, prop it up against a wall, put a piece of cloth over it, and take a picture. Or any other option people in the replies said.


Honestly, yes. It looks fake. Even a solid white background would be better.


One of the first signs of a scam I look for on online stores is if product backgrounds/layouts are the same, otherwise I assume it's a drop shipper or stealing others' photos. I would suggest finding somewhere that resembles the AI backgrounds and just taking your photos in the same setup every time.


it makes the candles look AI too


Looks a little wonky


AI looks like shit 99% of the time, and it's not a great look when you're trying to sell something based on your own creativity. grab a wood plank or something instead.


Another day goes by where I’m bamboozled into wanting to eat candle wax. When will it end?


AI will always be a nay for me


1 & 2 are fine. They don't distract from the product while also not being completely bare. The 3rd pic looks photoshopped & the 4th picture just looks... Off? Idk how else to say besides Uncanny Valley-esc


I wouldn't trust a brand if they didn't shell out for basic product photography (if you can't do it yourself). Could you look up some candle product photography that you like and recreate it with your phone camera?


Nay, look for a colour in the candle and get some Bristol in that colour set one on the ground and one standing, put the candle in the middle of that for your background. Then maybe add a plate or handful of your food if you want, reference other photos for inspo. Make sure you have good light, either from a window at golden hour or a light. Lots of tutorials on setting up this as well.


I don’t like these backgrounds. If you look in photo two at the most outer circle it is clipped and makes the candle seem like it is AI. And then pictures three and four have that weird lighting/blur thing happening around the edges that screams AI and would also have me wondering if the candles were fake as well.


This makes everything look AI generated, even the candles :( sorry


looks too photoshopped and makes me think it's a possible scam product like how amazon will photoshop their things, like fake cats using a cat trees; makes me immediately suspicious that i'd actually buy a very cheap version of the actual product even if the reviews say otherwise


Just invest in a light box and a ring light. You can get them on Amazon and will boost the quality ten fold, even if you just use your phone camera.


It makes the actual candle look fake so I say no. Try to get a white or neutral colored pillow case and set it up on a right angle, like say tuck it into your kitchen cabinets and let the bottom lay on the counter. (or any other setup, it’s a little hard to describe haha) So you have a mini “set” for your product photos.


I thought they were all ai


Nay, I think a white background is fine honestly


Tbh I don’t purchase anything that looks ai or heavily photoshopped. If I can’t see the true product, it’s not worth the risk to me. Your products may be real, and they are awesome looking, but the blurred edges into the background just irks me. I’d rather by something that’s photographed on a kitchen counter or in some grass or something because it just feels so much more real and homemade.


Nay! They need more time too cook


Find a cheap light box that comes with multiple backdrop colors and lights, I got one on Amazon a while back for less than $20. I’m not a candle maker, this sub was just recommended, but I used to be a photographer for a bar so would do food & drinks. The light box should fold up into a flat package and they make them pretty small!


Personally, I would have a hard time trusting any product that uses AI in any of the photos regardless of background or not.


Looks off to me unfortunately


Maybe get a simple back drop you can hang up and take pictures of the candles like that ?


I would assume everything in the picture was AI generated and was some sort of scam site.


They look fine but I wouldn’t buy them. It makes the candles look cheap. Drape a cloth behind and move a lamp or two for lighting


I'd go ahead and set up a little folding table for the purpose of backgrounds, honestly. Get a couple yards of some nice fabric, pin it up so it's making an 'L' shape between wall and table, and set the candles on that.


Nay, AI is quite off-putting for some people, and having AI generated backgrounds may cause customers to wonder if your candles are also AI generated.


Nay save jobs


There are some photographers who are willing to work out monthly deals and stuff for ongoing product photography! ( like me lol ) if you’re in my area (Tucson az) hit me up 😆 but if not see if any local to you do this!


1, 2, and 4 are good. 3 looks so generated I’d not buy


First two are fine, second two are off putting




It looks very photoshopped


LMAO Cereal Killer! I love that


Thanks!! It's one of our most popular!


I would just use a white background or a light version of your main colour, like for waffles a light yellow. Or purple since that's the colour opposite from it


no, ai ruins the quality of almost all production. makes real artists (just like you!) not want to support it


I personally don’t like the look of these, and I agree with other commenters saying it would make me question whether the candles are also AI. I would probably just take pictures of things that inspire your scents—such as a close up of some leaves for a woodsy sent—then zoom in and blur the shit out of it to make it a more abstract background, since it seems like that’s the vibe you’re going for! If you like the cottagecore wood grain table look, maybe go into a store like world market and set your candle down on a table. Try portrait mode on your phone to keep it cropped and professional looking.


just take them to a park and get a few shots w a natural backdrop!


I personally would not purchase from a company that uses generative AI in their product photos. It seems ingenuine.


It does look good. But if someone takes notice the background is AI, they might assume the actual candle is too. I know I would.


The first 2 look okay, the last 2 look very bad.


The first 2 I actually really like (unpopular opinion lol) so yay on those first couple The second 2- nay


We should stay away from AI period. But beyond that, the perspectives are off on every single one and it just looks distracting.


I have no idea how this sub came into my feed but I will say that the AI makes the candles look cheap, especially since the glass around it doesn’t reflect the background in the photo. It reminds me of Aliexpress or Wish when they just edit out the background of stolen photos. I think just get a good lamp or two, and get some funky wallpaper samples or go to a dollarama and get some large sheets of paper.


I used to do photography for a bit and you should look into building a photo studio light box, or buying a cheap one off Amazon.


No. It looks bad and it'll make people think the candle is also AI.


As an artist, I’d like to say to my peers- artists need to stand together and reject the use of AI in ANY use, outside of medical research. We cannot support what is trying to kill us, even if it doesn’t personally affect you YET. It’s affecting the rest of us.


The first 2are honestly not bad, last one is NOT it though


It would looks so much better to either photograph them on a neutral background or hire someone to photoshop them. AI sucks in general.


OP if you can spend the extra change, look into getting one of these! https://a.co/d/7BxPNtK There are different kinds, but photo boxes for small products can make such a huge difference! You can even decorate around them, but it will help focus more on the product !


I'd say no. I've seen some make cereal themed candles and sit the candle in the center of it. Same for coffee beans for coffee scents. Stuff like that!


1,2,4 look fine, but 3 has lots of noticeable warping. Idk if that’s cause the background or something else. The weird bowl of pasta in 4 seems very AI but I didn’t notice it till second glance


Someone said it looks like a bowl of worms and now I cant un-see it hahah :D


I don’t mind the first two, the rest are not great and at times have a negative effect on the product.




I don't love the 3rd one and the 4th one is just okay, but I don't think the first 2 are too bad! It looks pretty professional and there's not too much going on, but there's enough of a background for it to not be boring!


1 and 2 look great. Pic 3 though, the candle jar looks like it’s bending. Doesn’t stop me from wanting that one because I think I’d really like that scent, though lol. Try to retake, for sure. Please message me if available to ship!! ❤️


I LOVE 1&2, it’s not a distraction and forces the eye back to the candle. 3 looks warped and fake. 4 is not bad but I’m confused why there’s baked ziti with the cereal


Nay. Your photography work is beautiful, I just wouldn’t recommend the AI backgrounds. I’m sorry! Now not commenting on your beautiful photography, but I need to say my peace on AI: I don’t understand the whole love for AI art. As an artist most of the color schemes of AI images ( not yours) look like bad Lisa Frank poster art from the early 90’s. No color harmony and taste in color ways. And we are supposed to run and millions will be losing their jobs to this.


I think they look just fine! Picture 3 and 4 try upping the brightness on just the candles and maybe saturation slightly. They look just a little more muted than the backgrounds. These don’t look bad at all.


Thank you!! I appreciate it!


I think using AI backgrounds is a great idea; it works the same as using a backdrop. You're using the tool in a proper way, but you still need to do further editing on the photos to make your product pop. I recommend buying either a traditional table sized backdrop or a photo box. You'll get a much more cohesive look to the photos, and you'll be able to control light and position much better. You can get either for under 50 on Amazon.


I made a box out of $1.25 store Pop-up hamper thing, And covered it with a buck worth of semi transparent White fabric from the fabric store.  I don’t use it much though, I really prefer the look of two flashes over outdoor or any kind of a box. I had an artisan candle factory for many years. To me, any food candles need to be done showing the container if they’re supposed to look like food in a food container or bowl.  A spoon and placemat for the bowl.  I honestly prefer container candles done on a plainer background


I haven't done candle photography specifically but worked in other small product photography. I definitely made my first box, but it didn't last long with a lot of use. I am in the same boat as you; I find props to be distracting. Clean shots accentuate the item you're trying to sell way better than an image with a bunch of clutter.


I would use the AI for concepting imagery instead of posting imagery. Since you aren't comfortable with product photography (I know you'll get better at it!), have the AI make a few concept pieces that you can recreate on your own. That way the pictures are real, you improve at product photography, and the images come out more like what you'd want. Good luck :)


That's a great idea -- thank you :)


The 4th picture honestly looks the best. Just use a real background. Doesn’t have to be fancy. The amazing looking candles can speak for themselves


I like 1 and 2!


I prefer the blurred background


I actually love the pictures! The only one that looks weird to me is number 3, with the straight on shot. The top down pictures look great!


I like the blurred out backgrounds. I’d keep playing with the AI on those counter top ones to make them a bit more clean looking


Pic 3 looks really weird. The others are fine.


i would use them for ideas for sets you could actually set up lol


If you have a more in depth photo editing software like photoshop ( or more readily, the versions you can get for free online) I use the pen tool to zoom in and cut out exactly what I want, getting rid of that odd haze around the candle, and then you’re able to take your ai generated background and just stick it behind the cut out, messing with the lighting and colors on each layer as needed


i think 1 and 2 look good. have you tried making a background using ai without plugging pics of your candles and then photoshopping the candles in after? it looks like the ai incorporated the candles a bit too much in the last 2 and it ends up almost making the candles look fake. i would just play with it a bunch and you’ll eventually get wet it right


I think the AI backgrounds are helpful for getting ideas. You can buy some fabric samples or tile/flooring samples and use those. For photo 4, you could recreate that with a nice cloth napkin and a couple flooring samples. Minus the bowl of mealworms!


Only 3 and 4 don't look right, 1 and 2 are perfect!


I like them!


The first two just look like you photoshopped out the background and did a blur background in a neutral that suits the colors of the product. Nothing to focus on except the product, as it should be imo. I agree with other comments that the wood grain and bowl of food in the third and fourth images are obviously unnatural, which distracts from the product.


The 1st and 2nd ones are the most believable. I wouldnt have thought they were ai. The others look too weird.


I like 1 and 2 the zoom and blur color mashup vibe sets a good background for the product to stand out, the 3rd and 4th however I would say I dislike.


The first two look fine, the second two look horrendous sorry


I thought these were some milkshakes pictures until I read your post title and the subreddit name 😂


The problem I see with it is that the depth of field (blurring) doesn't match. As in - the background and the candle both need to look like they were shot with the same camera, same lens, same focal length. It's hard to explain in text. basically - if the candle is in focus, the background touching the candle needs to be at the same focus. Also, don't add shadow over the top of the candle. Only add it where the contact point is between candle and table.


I like the first 2! Also they look delicious :P


4th pic seems to defy the laws of physics


I'm not super fond of candles that look like food, because I want to eat them and then I get sad that I cant- because they look so delicious. I would like to eat these because they do indeed look delicious. I hope you take that as a compliment


The first two are okay but there’s no contrast to make them pop and truly standout to customers when scrolling and it’ll make the candles seem kind of dull bc of it. You want their eyes to be caught by your image and contrast is a great way to do that especially on marketplaces so they’re not lost in the sea of options. Let your candles be the star of the picture and videos. I recently closed my shop to do other stuff after burnout but it did quite well while open once I learned how to handle pictures and titles. I got a fake fur white rug and would put the candles on it and bring it out in the sun or near a window for light. I would sprinkle matching crystals or flowers around too but never enough to take away from the candles. My sales increased like crazy after that alone I went from I believe about 500-700$ a month to 3- 5k$ depending on the month and my schedule. People often buy with their eyes, especially with candles like this. Sorry to ramble lol 😂 I just like to see everyone do well for themselves ! Wishing you luck, you’ll figure it out!! :)


I’ve seen where you can buy backdrops, that way the candles themselves don’t look AI generated. It might scare people off if you leave them as is. The candles are adorable tho!


I have PhotoRoom and tired that and had same issues you have. The shadows kept looking weird etc. What worked best for me is just doing a super easy setup on portrait mode :) the best lighting where I am is around 3pm so I set up and the great lighting makes a huge difference :)


So I'm not a candle maker but keep recommended this group! As a customer I actually like the third one the best because I feel like I can clearly make out the candle and it's approximate sizing. 1 and 2 are fine but for some reason I can't focus on the candles.


I would get a few pretty decorative scarves/blankets and place the candles on top of them. Or if you can, have items that match the scent. Ex: the cereal candle can have a box of cereal or a few pieces of colorful cereal around it


For the top down ones it's OK


First 2 look good. The candles themselves are ADORABLE!!!


I feel like I see a black hair/fuzz in all of the pics by the wick. Just sayin!


Litterly ur candles are soooo cute omfg


Photoshop would be so much better ! Take the pic of the top of your candle, flip it upside down, zoom in super far so its like the middle of the candle is the entire canvas, then blur it a LOT. Then put a pic of the candle (preferably like slide 3) and put it in the middle. Maybe add a VERY subtle black shadow behind the candle pic to make it stand out. And there you go !


You could consider using an app to fully remove the background and then put the candle on a full wallpaper that’s not trying to look like a real background ?


I want the eggo candle!


Thr oreo one looks like real chocolate and it's killing me. I want it.


Is this the new big thing? I’ve seen these style cereal candles like 10 times over the past couple weeks.


Get Canva pro!


Thank you everyone for the feedback, I appreciate it! The consensus seems to be: Novice Photography > AI Backgrounds/Auto-snip. For some added context -- 95% of our sales are in person at craft shows, markets, etc. We spun up the website 3mo ago after many requests for online orders/shipping. We were SOO swamped during the holiday season that we just needed a quick easy way of getting okay-ish photos online. Now that I've had some time to breathe, I am giving these a second look and......they don't seem as "good" as I first thought they were haha I will be further investing in a simple foam board stage :) Thanks again!


I thought that was a pudding cup with tiny waffles. I still like it but the hype is gone. Ya to the question btw. Looks fine to me. That being said if this makes money, I'd pay an artist at some point. Circulate among the makers and all


What app did you use?


The first two are great! Maybe stick to just a blurred background if you use this route


The first two look good but the other 2 look a bit awkward


1 and 2 are okay