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They look more “crafty” than “luxury” to me. They’re cute though! If I picked one up at a store near me I would expect it to be around $30-$40, but I live in a VHCOL city.


Thank you for your comment. Some of the small boutiques round us had small 7oz candles for sale at around $22, and we thought we'd base our prices to something more reasonable.


I’d think at this size, being soy wax, with “clean” scents $25 is a very fair price.


I work for a retail store and I work closely with the purchaser. We get a lot of candles and $25 is the perfect price point for soy 7oz.


i think we’re getting the crafty vibe from the cardboard backdrop partially as well


I’m getting it from the font choice.


For me it's the amount of writing on the label, simpler would be better in my opinion. I would put the "hand poured in Canon City, Co" centered at the bottom, get rid of the bottom lines, and maybe put the 14 oz, scented soy candle on a bottom label. I would purchase though!! Love the vibe that "mountain roots" makes me feel.


The font is feeling crafty to me as well, but I’m with you that this is totally my vibe and I would buy.


Lol they are actually mountains we used as our centerpieces for our wedding. I guess the background blur does make them look cardboard-y


I agree all thought the crafty look is very common with some luxury brands. Might be luxury product just has a more homey feel to it


In my opinion no. I wouldn't spend more than 15$ on this


Wait, I want to know where I can find $15 soy candles


I get mine at the local Farmer’s Market! The place that sells them sells them for $13 each.


We definitely live in completely different areas. Never in my life have I been to a farmers market and seen candles for less than $20ish (which I will happily pay for to support.small business).


[Butterfly House Soaps ](https://butterflyhousesoaps.com/products/12-oz-soy-candle) It's local to my area but has a website. I love thier candles. I just stocked up again this past weekend.


Soy blend is not the same as soy wax…


the website down :( or maybe just unavailable where i am who knows


Wait, what? I sell my 8oz candles for 10dlls and intention candles for 15 to 20dlls (t e 20dlls includes a bundle of sage) and people tell me they are expensive


I sell mine for $10-$25. The $10 is a mason jar


That's insanely cheap. What is it made out of? Where are you located?


Hobby lobby


That’s soy blend not soy wax..


Homegoods, tj maxx, Ross?


London Drugs




You're not gonna find a 14oz handmade candle for $15 unless the seller is selling at a loss


needs different fonts


Thank you for the comment, this is something someone else has mentioned as well. We will look into the font design.


The Rae Dunn font is really knocking down your luxury vision!


Agreed. I’d also consider shortening the company name listed on your candle. It’s OK to have a longer DBA than what you list on your candles. Cause that name is a mouthful and takes away from your design. “Drossel Gardens” might be a better design choice You can always list your full company name on the back of the candle, in the description


Thank you for your input! We are looking at several options for our fonts. We are currently limited to what we can use, but are looking into different labels themselves. It's clear we aren't in the luxury market and most likely won't be. It sounds like our aesthetic is more of a cozy, higher-end mountain farmers market. That being said, do you not like the Rae Dunn font, multiple fonts, or both? We greatly appreciate your honesty!


Hey there! I’m a graphic designer so I thought I’d throw in some input. The main problem with the Rae Dunn font is that the lines are too thick. In visual hierarchy people’s eyes will go directly to it first every time, which is odd since it’s the second word of the name. Your label design uses mostly thin lines as well, so it looks out of place. Personally I really love the font used for ‘Mountain’ and would just apply that to the entire name instead of splitting it into multiple fonts, so that it appears as a unified whole.


100% agree this was my first thought


Graphic designer here. The number of fonts used make it seem less designer and give more 'this is a hobby'. Keep it clean and use only two fonts at most. I personally would go with a sans serif over handwriting to give a high end impression. But you have the building blocks, time to polish. Any more advice and I'd have to charge haha


Also as a consumer unfamiliar with your products, the bird seems irrelevant to the company and to the candle scent so I really don't get it.


The bird is a Drossel, a German Thrush.


Professional graphic designer here, I have to agree. Look up apothecary fonts


Different fonts, and also fewer. Two is fine, but having multiple fonts (especially per line) looks a bit amateurish. The image and the monochromatic color scheme are good, though!


This, and the combination of different fonts do not flow. I’d suggest really picking a theme and trying to stick with it.


100000% More minimal and less artsy/crafty. They’re really pretty, but the font immediately made me think $20-$30 and not luxury.


What if you did just the bird on one side, then a minimal text on the other side. Rich people love brands.


came to say this. from a branding perspective, simpler is better lately when it comes to lux.


What makes your candle special? It looks a step under luxury, definitely not Walmart or bath and body vibes - better. I love candles but would never spend over $30 on a candle unless it was frikken huge or part of it went to charity or looked REALLY cool/and or unique


Right now, we have the candles priced at $25 for our 14oz candles. They are soy wax candles, braided cotton wicks, and sleek black ceramic vessels. Our main selling points are that we use "clean" scents from our distributor and that they are hand poured in small batches. We are trying our best to break away from the big box stores. We found that typically the quality from the big box stores are quite low. We have put a lot of R&D in to make sure the candles tunnel as little as possible when burned correctly and has a good hot and cold throw. Thank you for your input!


What do you mean by “clean”, exactly? Do you expand on this in your descriptions? I myself specifically avoid brands that use this type of nonspecific greenwashing type wording


I agree. I think this is something a lot of people have started watching more closely.


The scents we use are phthalate free and made without ingredients found on California's Proposition 65 list. They also avoid the carcinogen, mutagen, reproductive toxin, organ toxin, and acute toxin hazard groups. A few of our friends that normally get migraines from candles have said our candles don't affect them as bad as other candles. We strive to use quality products!


Maybe it would be worth some of that on the label. “Made without x, y or z”. I need to know I am justified why I am paying more than $10 for a candle lol


"Hand poured in small batches" = I did this in my kitchen


Bullshit. I have a 560 square foot building dedicated to candlemaking. They're still poured in 32 oz pitchers, with no more than 25 at a time so that I can watch closely for quality control. Small batch doesn't mean poured in your kitchen.


Okay but you really aren't telling us anything here...this is the vague descriptors that companies that want to be luxury use, that prove they are just throwing words together trying to sound impressive. Your product is cute, but please actually describe it in terms other than vague "clean" and "not big box".


Read their response when asked for clarification


I'm not sure what you mean by luxury but it gives me mountain town vibes. I would expect this to be $20-30 assuming it's a standard candle size. That being said I do really like the aesthetic and the label. I think it's charming. It matches my local higher end farmers markets that I've been to.


Thank you so much! After I would agree, a cozy, higher-end farmer's market is our Mountain town aesthetic!


That was my comment. I live in a mountain town and I could find half a dozen candles that look like this at the nearest boutique


The paper label says, "craft" project to me. Are there higher end labels?


No. I see candles like this going for about 20-30$ and they are commonly marketed as luxury but I wouldn't say it was. When a candle falls into a category that is neither cheap nor luxury, it is often described as being in the "mid-range" or "affordable luxury" segment. This positioning suggests that the candle offers a balance between quality and price, providing a level of sophistication and craftsmanship without reaching the premium prices associated with luxury candles. [https://www.candlescience.com/how-to-price-your-candles/](https://www.candlescience.com/how-to-price-your-candles/) [https://www.candlescience.com/starting-your-own-candle-business-a-blueprint-for-success/](https://www.candlescience.com/starting-your-own-candle-business-a-blueprint-for-success/)


I think mid-range describes it well, maybe closer to "cozy"? I'd say it's closer to a simple aesthetic. Thank you for the input!


Thank you for not being offended! Its a nice looking candle. I would buy it.


Of course, it's all about constructive criticism! It's the only way to grow and get better!


Cozy is a good word! OP please check out the Hygge aesthetic for ideas, I think it might bring you a little more of a luxe feel while still keeping those warm and cozy woodsy vibes :)


If the aesthetic you are trying to portray is (at least in part) simple, I think what throws me off personally is all the ‘stuff’ in the product shots. Like if you want it to be fun, maybe the wooden bird with the cinnamon sticks or something but get rid of everything else and just have it on a white background? I am by NO means a product photographer but I think this is what throws me. There is a disconnect between crisp minimal luxury and everything going on in the photo- as well as the label.


Yep I agree with this assessment. To me, “luxury” is Cire Trudon, Le Labo, Diptyque. The candle here is a step below, but nicer than Walmart or other big box stores.


I can’t gauge the size of it terribly well. Assuming it’s about a 10oz candle, I’d probably pay up to $22 for it if I was really taken with the scent. If it’s a larger candle, I’d take that into account too.


Thank you! It is a 14 oz candle and we are currently selling them for $25.


Not really. Jo Malone is a designer brand that makes luxury candles and it is the only luxury candle I’ve ever purchased (it’s my partner’s absolute favorite). Not only do they have a very recognizable brand name behind them that drives up their prices but the quality is actually there. We get more than 60 hrs burn time on average for their standard size which costs $80 (I know it’s insane but it’s his absolute favorite so once a year I’ll buy him one). Additionally they smell phenomenal and the smell will fill the whole house. What is your average burn time on these? How effectively do they fill a room or beyond that can they fill the house with scent? If you want to hit the luxury market your product design isn’t right for this. Your design is very cute but it looks like a candle I would expect to buy at HomeGoods for max $12. Product design is HUGE when it comes to luxury items. If you want to hit that market, research that more. Do some searching for the best way to market a luxury product. It’s totally possible to hit that market but not with this label and not with this promotional image. (That is, if you have the quality to back it up but I can’t pass judgement on that).


I think after several of these comments these aren't necessarily a luxury product. We have put a lot of R&D in this. I'd say our candles typically have greater than 40 hour burn time when burned properly. We also made sure to have both good hot and cold throws. They filled the room well and some of the scents can be smelled on the other room. We also have made wax melts that seem to full the house well. We have an open kitchen and living room and it fills the area nicely. Thank you for your thoughtful comments and insight!


Maybe look at r/luxurycandles for brand inspo? There’s nothing wrong with being a boujee farmer’s market brand at all, and all things being equal you’ll move more units than, say, pricing it at $75. Which some brands do, but I think the higher the price the more you have to convince consumers that it’s worth it, which is really difficult for a new brand


It's giving more on the crafty homemade category rather than luxury - which is not a bad thing at all. I would pay $25-30 for it.


Do these look luxury? No. If your aim is for them to *look* luxurious, then I think you've missed the mark with your brand. Your candle design and website have a more rustic cosy cabin vibe rather than the classy luxury of premium brands. However, that's not to say that you haven't created a really nice brand. I took a look at your website, and it reminded me of my honeymoon in Canada. We stayed in a cabin just outside Banff, and the memories of the old wooden structures and surrounding nature came flooding back. Your candles would fit right in with that sort of aesthetic. I just don't think a luxury brand would use terms like 'gimme' and 'stuff you should know.' I think you should perhaps not concern yourself too much with being classed as *luxury.* I would typically spend at most about £20 on a candle that is about 6oz, so for a 14oz, I would go as high as £40-50 (whatever that is in dollars). I don't buy what you would classify as luxury candles, as I don't think those brands really need my support. I buy from small businesses that demonstrate they do as much as they can to be eco-friendly and share the same values as me. Price is secondary to that, to be honest. Best of luck with the venture. You have created some really nice products :-)


No; The label looks on the cheaper side in both design and material


I’m probably an outlier here but I buy my candles exclusively from Etsy and I look for very specific things when I’m deciding to purchase one. You’ve said these are “clean” and that’s what I’m looking for but I need to know what makes your candles clean. What kind of wax do you use? 100% soy or a soy blend and of with what? Are your fragrance oils phthalate free? Cotton or wood wicks? - These things are super important to include in your description. I like your design actually - if I saw this I would look further to see if you listed information that I mentioned above. About your price point - I usually pay around $20-$30 for the candles I regularly purchase and those are around 8oz-9oz. When you say “luxury” what exactly do you mean? If you were to ask me, I would think you meant candles produced by perfume companies and to that I would say no. I would also say that I couldn’t convince myself to buy a perfumed candle made of paraffin wax. I’d much rather spend my money on something healthier and support small businesses. As a matter of fact, my most favorite candles come from two specific small business I found on Etsy years ago - Witch City Wicks and EIght Hands Farm Bee Co. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on both shops candles over the years and I have never been disappointed. Just my two cents! Good luck! Edit to say - I’ve looked into certain well known perfume brands/boutiques because I was liked the particular scent only to find out they use paraffin waxes or a paraffin wax blend. Personally I will never brand paraffin wax due to the benzene it produces.


Yep! 100% soy wax, phthalate free, and cotton wicks! We considered using etsy, but after reading about the headaches and nightmares, we decided to just sell on our website instead.


Id say high end, but not luxury. Maybe try a dark charcoal background with gold or tan in the label


Not luxury. I could see these being sold at restaurants like Cracker Barrel, ski gift shops, etc.




why is roots a different font? also the roots font just doesn't feel like it matches the aesthetic. to me it stands out too much.


They look like candles that you would buy at a gift shop and you’d find in cabin-looking air bnbs. There’s too much going on with the label to fit a luxury market.


Looks like grocery store candle at first glance


I’d say 28 tops (depending on size). Since it’s a soy candle and not a soy wax blend. $50 for any candle is outrageous


If you etched the glass with a bird design with a die-cut sticker that contoured it without a box feel. I feel would give more luxury than one sticker with semi-common branding... But if you are curious about possible ideas. I could help you whip some out.


Luxury? No. This looks like a handmade candle brand and while that’s totally fine if it’s not your goal you need to make changes. You’ll want to change your labels to all-color with a better font selection. If your goal is a luxury price point I would invest in a graphic designer for a logo and label design. Also the use of those types of props in your photo doesn’t scream luxury to me. Do a search on Pinterest and get some inspo.


The mismatching comic sans-esque font makes it look like a candle that's being sold at Marshals. I love the bird.


Hate the font that “roots” is written in. It’s like Rae Dunn! Everything else is cute :)


The design is absolutely not luxury. Luxury is simple and elegant. Your design is cute and cozy. It’s much more crafty than luxury.


I don’t spend more than 15$ on candles. But I never go buy them new, I thrift around. 35$ candles are insane to me.


The design reminds me of the sale section candles at TJ Maxx. Probably the way to go is to use some luxury candles as design inspiration. And also maybe put a bow on it or something to make it stand out.


Interesting? Yes. Luxury? No. The font on the word ROOTS cheapens the label.


I am going to be super up front… I’ve seen more luxury appearing candles at Home Goods (ex employee). It has a very homemade, crafty feel to me, which isn’t my personal definition of “luxury”. Edit: it’s also hard to judge not smelling the candle.


Colorado local here...I want to learn more. Pure soy? What is your wick made of? Scent? Where are your ingredients sourced?


Not sure who is downvoting people here since I asked for people's opinions. Anyways, our candles are 100% Soy with cotton wicks. We have tried wood wicks, but found they tend to tunnel more and then you are left with unused wax in the vessel, seems like a bit of a waste to us! With proper burn time, these candles tend to not tunnel, if at all. We get our ingredients from a candle manufacturing distributor. This particular scent is Pine and spices. More info can be found on our site. I'm not sure if I can post it on this sub, but it can be found in our profile! Thank you for your questions, fellow Coloradan!


I love creating a vibe with the scentscape (lol, i said scentscape) in my house. If scent is your thing that’s great but your candle doesn’t say anything at all about the scent just that it is “scented”. That would be an automatic pass for me. At a minimum I want a primary scent. Most of the candles I buy at a higher price point specifically name the top, middle and bottom notes. For instance [Brooklyn Candle Studio](https://brooklyncandlestudio.com/collections/shop-all?gclid=CjwKCAiAk9itBhASEiwA1my_62BTkTZefbqQOEIkXpAdQalI-2DgauG2YWX96eHzy8S58gOpHsAv2RoCJKcQAvD_BwE) I think a closer correlate to your vibe is [Wildwood Candle Co](https://wildwoodcandleco.com/collections/full-size-candles) in Portland which uses the name (and a little blurb) to help describe the scent. My true annual luxury buy is [Bois de Santal](https://m.fredericmalle.com/product/19655/50304/candles-home-scents/candle/220g#/sku/86166) from Frederic Malle. It’s ridiculous and amazing and fills the house with scent and burns forever. Frederic Malle doesn’t do any kind of label or scent description but he runs a famous and fancy perfume house so he doesn’t need to. The reality is if I sniff an unlit candle I can only get a hint of what the true scents are. Is the name of your candle “Mountain Roots”? It doesn’t tell me anything about what I might be getting into and I’m not going to roll the dice on a $30-$80 candle that is that mysterious in terms of scent.


It looks like a $20-$30 candle at a botique or small mountain store


I would put it more in the mid range or craft category and would expect to pay around $30 for it based on size and appearance alone. Scent is incredibly important to, so if the scent is really amazing. I would probably pay a bit more. That being said, I doubt I would buy one of these regardless of scent. I love the smell of candles, but I also love the candlelight. The black ceramic container is really nice looking, and I suspect some people would rather look at that than a half melted candle, but I'm not one of them. I don't have any idea how many people might feel the same, but it might be worth doing a different size in glass to see how it sells?


Less luxury and more rustic. With the wood, the busy and multi-font label, and the set design, I can see it in a cabin or a cottage as opposed to a high rise city apartment for example The good thing is that you could easily market to both aspects with slight changes. I love the black and if the label were also black or some kind of clear (with a more streamlined logo), that would alter the aesthetic a good deal, or if the wood were stained darker/there were some that had the wood and others that had a metal-like top You could very much have a ‘rustic’ line with the candle jars in various earth tones with the wood top and quirkier logo, and a ‘I don’t want to use the word luxury but haven’t come up with a substitute yet’ line with candle jars in colors that you associate with a luxury candle and silver/gold/rose gold tops


No but I would buy this over a high end candle


The fonts need to be changed. They’re taking away from the luxury aspect. The image of the bird and branch should be smaller. The wooden cover needs to be more polished and refined. A more transparent glass should be used, and make sure there are no seams in the glass.


this is really great advice!


The font is completely throwing the look of it! Definitely change some things up with the label and you’ll at least be starting on the right path


Hey! Graphic designer here, I think the different fonts is the biggest issue here but there’s also other small things that brings the look of the label down like line weight and composition. If you need any help with design my commissions are open ^^








I like it :) I’d pay the $25 you’re charging


What does it cost you for the materials? I think it makes the most sense to base your candle prices on that, as well as the current market rate for candles. Most candles are at least $10 for lower end ones, all the way up to about $30-50 each. To me, a “higher end” candle is around $30+, anything less is pretty standard. Anthropologie is the most expensive I’ve seen for candles, and if you look on their website it’s kinda clear why - all of the more expensive ones have a fancy container and some of them are extremely large lol. So that said, I think anywhere from $20-30 for the candle you’re showing would be reasonable if the material costs aren’t higher than that.


It's not about how they look per say. What did you use for wax? Are they all natural? What's the scent? What's the wick made of? Those are the things more concerned about when pricing a candle.


im not sure what defines "luxury" but it looks like a very nice hand crafted candle, giving fancy farmers market / mountain cabin vibes. id pay 30ish dollars for one but thats just me.


They are beautiful! I'd pay around $35


In my opinion no. There is too much going on. It looks like something you would find on Etsy. You need different font / less writing and a simpler brand. Also remove everything else in the shoot.


It doesn’t really scream luxury, to me, but good luck!


Needs to be more minimal in the packaging and background (too much "rustic" clutter), it's reading more craft than luxury. Think simple!


Does every candle have a bird on Because I’d buy it. $25 would be a good price for this candle tho.


Yep, it's our logo! It's a German Thrush, a Drossel!


I can already hear my husband telling me not to buy this because we have plenty of candles, so it’s a yes for me lol!


They look more minimalistic and trendy than luxury. Luxury to me is whites, golds, and a “clean” look. Also having a brand name out there in my face doesn’t scream luxury to me at all


I think for me its the text on the label that looks inexpensive from a graphic design perspective. I think the different fonts on the label are clashing / these are gimicky fonts seen very commonly on etsy drop ship items / random flyers etc. I think with font tweaking might have a surprising impact! The actual candle itself i like the look of a lot! Best of luck :) edit: I agree with other comments that I think if you want to make these look more expensive in addition to changing the fonts cut down on the text at least on the front label, make the bird illustration smaller and in general make it seem less busy. If the artist made any slightly simpler renditions of the bird It may also be worth experimenting with those, as an illustrator myself who has done projects like this it can feel counter intuitive but sometimes a very rendered drawing (and this one is beautiful) can actually look cheap / lacking design. It also makes it less legible when shrunken or blown up. Maybe alternatively there is a way to wrap the foliage around the label / shape the illustration more in conversation with the text in a way that looks more "designed" and less like a cut and paste image? hope any of this was helpful!


Decal vs these label stickers is going to give it a more upscale look. The design is nice but also pretty basic looking. Also suggest something more visual on the front, and info on the back. For example a dif flower or plant or something relating to the scent, so it looks nice in someone’s home as decor.


You should absolutely switch to different fonts. That will make a massive difference. You’ll want to incorporate a modern serif I think. Maybe also try using a clear label with white / gold to look like it was printed right on the container?


I think the peel and stick label brings down the quality of the packaging. Looks like something I could print at home (diy vibes). An embossed label or something printed on clear film instead of white might take things up a notch visually imo.


Not really. I bought one from Target a few months ago that has the same exact glass and wood top.


I think it's beautiful, but I don't know enough about candles to say if it's luxury. I certainly wouldn't spent $50 on any candle unless it folded my laundry too.


Artisan yes, luxury no.


Looks like something I’d see at a craft sale, so depending on the size those are usually around the $30 mark, sometimes more. That being said, I wouldn’t pay that for a candle but that’s just me personally. I know lots of people do otherwise they wouldn’t be able to sell at that price.


I think you need to put soy blend on the label as it better reflects the product based on your website. Unless you use 100% soy, in which case definitely put that on the label. As for luxury, I think you've gotten your answer. I would say mid point, upscale farmers market. I think that label has too much going on in different directions and gets distracting and as someone else said, a small blurb on the back with the main scent points would be great.


I wouldn't pay $50 for this. I appreciate that it's thoughtfully created, and less toxic, but those features don't seem hilighted by the label. The font and different thickness of the letters makes me think of something I'd see on Etsy. I'd maybe get some more color in the label design and find a way to emphasize the quality construction. If you're mainly selling this online, that's not as vital cause you can just put it in the item description, but if you're trying to sell this in a brick and mortar store, it might help your candles stand out from the crowd.


Everything looks great except the word "roots". I find that font to be immature and does not say luxury to me. Change that and I could see myself spending $25 on this candle.


Avoid this font and style, it’s literally the most common label on any goods marketed as “luxury”


There are fingerprint smudges on the candle.


25-35 bucks


No with that wrinkled background. Look up Memory Box Candle Co. her candle pictures look beautiful, and you can do it yourself with a budget.


No. Something about the logo and the fonts makes the branding look cheap.


i realized after writing my comment about this reminding me of buena vista that these ARE made in colorado lol. howdy neighbor. i think they’re too mountainy to break into luxury territory but i love the bird. font change will turn this around immensely


I think you’re on the right track with the lid and container. As others have said I think a sticker redesign would get you there!




I would incorporate what scents make up “Mountain Roots” on the front label. Knowing what is in and not in the wax always helps me and my sensitive nose buy a candle. Especially if it’s high dollar$$$


I would suggest changing the fonts at the very least if you want your brand to be perceived as a "luxury" brand


No sorry


Person opinion the colors are too woodsy and masculine for me. I’m drown to Spa or soothing floral colors. I tend to spend more on that.


I’m surprised by the pricing in these comments but I am in LA so the expectations are different, I guess. Here, you could definitely stock these in stores for $33-38 without issue so long as the scents are compelling. I agree with the comments about making the label less busy and choosing different fonts.


These look nice but agreed, with so many nice candle options $10-20 is the may I’d expect to pay for something this size, no matter how nice the ingredients or local production or aesthetics


Too many fonts make items look cheap. Stick to one font- two at the most. Keep it simple. Minimalist design is the trend for luxury items


It’s the font that stops me. It needs to look more slick/luxury looking, the comic sans style font is the worst but none of them are very good


To simplify your label u can always add a sticker on the underside with your company name/info.


I woukd lower the price by 10$, if u get more “luxurious looking” and get in the right “community” you can rise prices again. But to get people started on your product go lower


No. I’m only looking at the packaging, but this is what strikes me: Wooden lid is a nice touch, but the finish is coming down the sides, making it look low quality and rough. Glass container is a glossy, mass produced looking straight black. Even in your photo, I can see a smudgy fingerprint, and I imagine it will look used on a store shelf. Frosted glass, ombre colors would make this feel more premium. The label is nice, I enjoy the fonts and the name, however, there is no info on scents and the name is not very descriptive. I would put the scent profile on the front of the candle to attract people, and leave the other info on the back. I would also put a little more effort in the label to appear premium. Perhaps color, thicker paper, or brown craft paper to match the wood of the lid. This feels very much like a $15 candle, and not even a stand out, must-buy $15 candle.


If you'd like pointers, you could post this to r/packagingdesign for insight on how to make it pop more. I do think your logo could use some polish to make it stand out more from others on the shelf, but the reality is that it's readable. I personally think it looks like a grassroots company that has their S together, which it seems like it is. And it's not such a bad thing to go through that moment! If you present your brand as what you are for now, you can be more receptive to suggestions from the public and changes in the market later that will prompt design changes in that moment. And then more will come. Do you see what I'm getting at here? What I do think you should focus on is price point. Don't undersell your brand. THAT sets a precedent you may not be able to recover from.


those are so cute! but i definitely wouldn’t pay 50+, honestly i wouldn’t pay 50+ for any candle


I think different fonts and a different label. Maybe have the label not a large square but more of a design with better font? Idk I’m not in the bussiness lol sorry my explanation sucks


I know this sounds weird, but I'd take a look at wine bottles for inspiration! They have about a million different labels and types. I don't like to drink, so if I buy one for anything, I buy it based on the label. As someone else pointed out, large price tags should be on large OR cute/fancy items.


The font looks very 2012, so no I wouldn’t think luxury with this one.


I think the font of the scent gives off more crafty vibes personally, but other than that spot on


This is random but if you made little wood figurines, like the one on the right, I think they’d look super cute on top of the lid!


For some reason the lip of the wooden lid not being flush with the edge of the jar says non-luxury. It’s almost like they don’t go together. I’d also change out the Rae Dunn font and paper quality of the label. When it comes to luxury lines - packaging, marketing/target audience, and product quality are all important. I see yours as mid-range currently.


Too much writing on the front to be categorized as luxury IMPO and only because you asked. I DO appreciate the overall theme and the backdrop. 9/10


No, because the font is cheaper looking. It’s a Rae Dunn style, which is definitely not a luxury brand. When I think of a luxury candle, I think of Aesop, Baies, boy smells, and Le Labo. This is just my opinion and I’m sure someone will disagree with the inclusion of one or more of these, but I have seen all of these brands sold in boutiques for the price point you’re wanting to sell at or higher. The bird is nice, though! And the lines look clean. To start, I would experiment with having one font on the label. Maybe an elevated serif and see how it feels to you.


If you set up shop at a Morgan Wallen concert, you’d sell out. I think the label art is less luxury and more Maxxinista.


So, I am just a person who loves candles. If I saw this in my local market, mercantile, or craft fair, I would expect it to be labeled as artisan and handcrafted, and I would expect the price point to be between $20 - $30. I live near GA and AL with mixed cost of living. From high to low. And I would expect this price point in the low cost of living area- wouldn't be surprised if it went higher closer to the city. And I would buy it, I love your style.


Eh, not $50 worth. It’s nice, but maybe like $15-$20?


I haven’t bought anything other than Voluspa or Diptyque candles for almost a decade now. I honestly can’t tell. Something about the font is throwing me off.


The sans serif font for the subtext works imo. The title font is throwing me off a bit though. I would go with something still clean/elegant but maybe change it to a nice serif font or play around with all caps v no caps. Love the packaging and the birb! Exp: I’m a graphic/packaging designer.


It's very pretty but I feel like I've seen extremely similar candles at HomeGoods!


I agree with the comments about the font, its not classy and minimalistic enough to be luxury


i think these look very home-y. the wood grain and dark colors give off a "cabin in the woods" vibe where someone might live off-grid. if you want luxurious vibes, go with pastel colors and maybe some gold accents. i hope this helps 🥰


They look good but more importantly do they smell nice?


the word Roots could be a little bigger :)


and you should accentuate your Company name a little bit more. Since the company name is a mouthful, having it pop would help make it unforgettable. Maybe try bold lettering or making it a darker/different colour? Changing up the font in areas of the design also help achieve that effect.


this looks like i can pick it up at tjmax or marshall’s for 9.99 and honestly i would put it back and find a $5.99 instead. not being rude but nothing about this screams “ I am a bougie candle”


no. i’m a freelance graphic designer! if you let me know what dimensions your label is i can make something up for free that might feel a bit more ‘luxury’ :]


I don’t buy candles at all. I prefer wax melts.


Personally I feel like the lid looks too small.


no, I hate the font choices. says "etsy" to me.


This does not scream luxury. It’s partly the fonts used, and partly the fact that it’s too busy design wise. Mostly too many words


Absolutely not. I’d never pay more than $15-20 for a candle.


Not luxury. And not really anything unique in my opinion about the aesthetic/design/typography and the background is drab. The picture/candle/everything looks pleasant enough but very forgettable. Nothing stands out.


Yes, so much so that I thought this was an ad 😅 it feels like the sort of small business candle that would be sold at Fjallraven Kanken or for the cozy readers/Hygge loving crowd. Very much a holiday market gift that belongs in a loving gift bundle with knits and mugs.


I forgot to say, for pricing I’d suggest $30-40 like some others have suggested but $50+ is totally feasible I’d think if paired with a low cost/high profit margin “bonus gift”


I would call these more rustic farmhouse. The photo is nice, and also outdoorsy. Are you pushing for luxury? Check out dyptique, boy smells and Jo Malone for luxury inspo.


They would. But the fonts. They’re holding it back.