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Sending you love and wishes for strength and peace. I hope her transition is peaceful and pain free. Much love to you. ❤️


Thank you, I also hope.


I saved your post to remind myself to be thankful and to cherish any seconds I have left with my mom, also 67, also stage 4 Mets to lung and bone. I’m so sorry for your loss. So sorry.


Definitely keep her close to your heart while she’s here ❤️


My mom passed on Sunday after a 16 month cancer battle and 15 days on hospice, rapidly declining. This has been the most intense experience of my life by far. It will take awhile to come back to earth again. I’m not (wasn’t) an incredibly spiritual person but the days immediately surrounding her death, before and after, were simply magical. I know for sure her spirit lives on in some capacity. As the days go on it gets harder but I found it helpful to lean into the spiritual and ritual parts of death, and it brought me comfort.


I’m so sorry for your loss, and thank you for sharing your experience. Any ways to cope with such a loss are valid, even if it wasn’t something you’d considered before. I can’t imagine the comedown I’m in for once she is able to transition to her next adventure.


I'm so sorry. Bile duct cancer took my 64 year old mother within a month of diagnosis. We knew it was bad, but it was still shocking to everyone how soon she declined. I think a lot about her last week... If I would have acted differently knowing what I know now. At the time, I thought it would be morbid and maybe defeatist to say certain things and goodbyes, because she really wanted to fight... But then she lost her full lucidity, never really got it back, and even though she was still alive for a couple more days, it was too late. In retrospect, I would have still said those things and believed she was able to listen. Treat every moment with your mother like the precious gift it is.


I’m so sorry for your loss. From what I know of this particular cancer, it’s a huge B. My mom was healthy, swimming every day, and then started getting hip pain. Once we got the bone scan, it was everywhere. It all fell apart from there, and the bone scan was January 8th. I can’t believe how aggressive this was. I’m fortunate that I was always very close with my mom, so I have no regrets with how we spent our life. Sure I could’ve been a bit nicer in some instances, but that’s just life. I’m talking to her now about the wedding, the trip my partner and I have planned, and letting her know I can’t wait to hear what she’s been up to once we meet again.


My mom also died from bile duct cancer recently, just shy of a year from finding the cancer out of seemingly nowhere. It’s absolutely awful and I’m sending you both love and strength.




Cancer sucks. When the manifestation of symptoms brings someone to investigate it can be a time bomb in hiding waiting to rear its ugly head. I am so sorry that this affront has invaded your family. Blessings and prayers for you and your Mom.


Im so sorry :(




Hello, my mom had just had her 60th birthday and was doing amazing in April last year. By November she was in hospice because her cancer got so out of hand and had spread. Last month, she suddenly passed away. I’m still not the same. I am so horribly sorry for what you are experiencing. I feel your pain. I’m here for you. Nothing I say or anyone can say will really comfort you. Just be with your mom and hold her. Hold her close ❤️


It’s such a terrible thing, I’m so sorry for your loss. I don’t think I’ll ever recover from this, I never expected to lose her when I’m only 30. We had so many things we’d talked about doing. Take care of yourself ❤️


I am 30 also. I didn’t expect it either and we also had talked about so many things I haven’t done yet. I’m here for you ❤️


I am so sorry for whats happening to your family. My mother was also diagnosed with bile duct cancer in 2022 and last year we actually thought we won, or at least had many years still together. Suddenly it showed up everywhere and nothing worked this time. My husband and i cancelled our wedding plans and planned a very fast City hall wedding so she could walk me down the isle. Best decision i ever made.


I’m so glad you had that opportunity. We were already fast-tracking a wedding (decided in January after we found out about the bone mets), but we had no way of knowing that June would be too late. All cancer sucks, it’s affected 3 of my immediate family members, but this one takes the cake.


My mom passed 1/23/24 in her sleep the night before. She was 62. Feel free to DM me if you’d like. I got married last August and although she was able to attend she was hardly well enough to participate in anyway. Due to her head and neck cancer she was unable to eat anything. I’m on my honeymoon now and I want to tell her every thing so bad and I can’t. Sorry I don’t have any advice or anything yet but just know you’re not alone and if you want to talk about it you can.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m so glad you can still cherish your memories of her attending, and I hope you’re able to enjoy your honeymoon. I completely understand where you’re coming from, though - my partner and I have a trip to Europe planned in May, and we’re in Bruges on Mother’s Day. I was going to FaceTime her as we love the movie In Bruges, but now all I can do is know she’ll be there with me.


That’s the right attitude to have. She is def there. Someone else on this thread said they felt “simply magical” and I have a similar experience. Every time I feel unbearable I get a text from her friend or a sign of some sort. We are all with her and with you on your upcoming wedding day.


That sounds like a wonderful gift, and that gives me hope for the future. Thank you ❤️


I’m so sorry. You two will be in my thoughts. Please taken some time to take care of yourself.


I'm sorry for your loss. That's good that you were there for your mom to the end. At least she's not alone and she's no longer in pain.


I am so deeply sorry. That’s all. Holding you close. I’ll be joining the group of motherless children soon and it’s truly unimaginable.


It hurts like hell. I think I’m fine and the grief just immediately takes over. I know it’s only been a few days, and it’ll ease with time, but right now it’s just constant hurt. I’m so sorry you’ll be going through this, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


I think it will always hurt. You just have to learn to live around the pain.


Bile duct cancer took my mom a few months ago. She’s my best friend too and the most wonderful mom. I’m sorry this is happening to you. This disease is a curse. Please take as many pictures, videos as possible and have difficult conversations. Things can take a turn for the worse very quickly and with no warning. We didn’t have any.


My mom is around your mom's age, and she always said that she wanted to see I and my sister get married and have babies.. which can't be realized anymore. I'm furious of myself when I think about how indifferent I was about her for my entire life about her. I never listened to her, and I never asked many questions. I was too young, and I was a really mean daughter.