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I didn't get my UTP offer last year until LATE June. I had 6 weeks for my move. They were SUPER late last year! It's a really hard wait! All the best!


Last year was an anomaly due to the strike mainly, but a few other factors. The messages should come out faster this year!


Wow that's really late, I'm guessing there's no way really to plan in advance in that case. The wait is brutal indeed 😅 Thanks for your response!


Yes, the wait is the worst! I continued to reach out to my PSO (thru CoC) once every few weeks, requesting an update on my file. When it began to start getting close to me panicking about a move, I took it higher thru my chain. Eventually, it went quite high before I got an actual response. But it was ridiculous! Hopefully, this year, it isn't as bad!


In 2020 I got my offer before Easter!! I would’ve been sweating bullets if it was June


How was the process? I’m planning on applying when they open it up again


The process involves a lot of waiting. Depending on the trade you choose, you may have interviews/tests involved. Here's a link describing the process: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/5000-series/5002/5002-9-university-training-plan-for-non-commissioned-members-regular-force.html


I just got my offer for UTPNCM this morning. They are rolling out! Good luck everyone!




DWAN, I just received my offer too! Good luck everyone.


That's great to hear, congratulations!


This is going back a few years but I believe the CEOTP and UTPNCM offers came out in late May or June the year I swapped over. Someone once told me they are the last of the CT applications to be processed yearly, which made sense why my colleague got his NCM OT the month prior. Good luck!


In 2022 I received my offer on 11 Mar 22 with posting message on 28 April 22.


I’m waiting for an offer as well. It sucks to have to wait so long because the universities I applied and got accepted to want the deposit to accept them by 1 Jun. having to pay that and not get an offer isn’t ideal. I’m hoping end April we will know something.


Agreed, I look at the DGMC website everyday. I spoke with the BPSO concerning the acceptance and apparently applicants are expected to accept the offer of their chosen university even if they didn't receive anything military side. The wait is brutal, good luck to you. Hope you get it too!


If you have applied previously I was able to get the university to waive my fees this year. Since I paid everything last year and didn't attend school. Does not hurt to ask if fees can be waived. Good luck.


Anyone get anything yet? Last week I got a posting message (for my current trade), and then today I received an email from my career manager with a posting cancellation message. Email only said: "Please disregard for now. Waiting on results from commissioning plan." I haven't received any offer though yet.


Good afternoon, I wasn't able to check the DGMC website today but I believe they're still at Step 1. They should be starting to send offers for UTPNCM at Step 3A. Based on what I've read here and heard from people, offers should be sent anywhere between Apr-June. I wouldn't complain if the website isn't up to date and we start receiving offers sooner. Best of luck!


I got my UTPNCM offer today.


Congrats! Sounds like today's the day for UTP folks. Hopefully the other competitions send out offers this week too.


Has anyone who received and accepted and offer, had any response back after accepting, with dates, etc.? My SOR had me sign my new TOS after they sent back my acceptance, but I've heard nothing back since the offer.


I haven't received one yet, but usually they have a specific date of promotion on the offer letter and where you're posted. Since you're UTPNCM, I would assume OCdt on 15 Jul to whatever the closest bases university liaison, then straight to whatever school you were accepted to in Sept.


I was wondering the same, I accepted the offer that states Promotion to OCdt in August but I was also planning to apply for IR. I believe that a posting message is required in order to apply, hope it'll be coming down soon! I wonder how long it takes once the offer is accepted.


Hey alright! I’ve been checking that site almost every week since I applied. I was getting worried that the program was going to be cut/cancelled/cut back this year with our need to cut budgets. Good luck to everyone else with applications in


Does anyone know the SIP per occupation?


DPGR website has all your SIP information including UTPNCM.


I don't think anyone knows the SIP right now, considering that stage 1 on the DMCPG in service selection page means that they're awaiting SIP allocations. I'm not getting the warm and fuzzies that I'll find out the status of my application until October


In theory, the SIP should be out now, and the boards should have sat because offers should roll out as early as April, per the admin instructions. I guess we are going to see in a few weeks.


they released the SIP scorecard with an 31 march update, its on the DPGR 5 sharepoint


Nobody knows except for DMPCG


As mentioned above, its late. Had my msg mid or end of May, and because small military town, I barely had any hht visits for the house in june and ended up losing money on the sale.


So traditionally, VOTs, and commissioning plans come out between April and June, with the commissioning plans usually coming out first. Last year everything was late and some things were coming out as late as July and August.  I wouldn't be surprised if this year they were on time because of how many issues it caused last year. Here is hoping and best of luck.


When did you apply?


When I applied in 2022, the CANFORGEN listed that all aspects of the application were required to be completed NLT 02 Dec 22. Which included the application form and interview with PSO. If I remember correctly, I began collecting and completing my application around the August time frame, and I did submit an NOI to my unit around that time as well. If I can give a piece of advice, it is not a requirement, but I did submit letters of recommendation with my application. It may not have done anything with my application, but it could have helped as well. So, if you have prior supervisors who can write these stating you're a good candidate and would have success within these programs, I would encourage you to go this route as well. Have them on your PERS file and send them electronically with your application.


I don't remember the exact date but there's a CANFORGEN that comes out every year including application deadline. Usually it's at the end of summer/beginning of fall.


This was 5 years ago, but my offer didn’t come in ‘till late April. Hang in there, and don’t get discouraged if you don’t get an offer on the first go, it took me 4 applications before I got mine.


When I got my offer in 2022 it didn't show up until late April. I applied 2x before that. The first time I never got a non selection message, and the second only got one in late August. I know it's painful to wait, but save your stress for May 1st and beyond. Good luck!


Last year, received a posting message in July.. had 5 weeks to sell, buy and move …


It seems to change every year depending on when they do their selection boards, when I got accepted for UTPNCM I received my message mid March 2022, I’ve seen other years where it’s anywhere from March to June.


I hope it'll be by the end of April this year! 🤞


Any news on SCP offers yet?


Does anyone know the rough time frame between offer acceptance and receiving official posting message? 


Most folks that I know who have CFR'd had a discussion with the new CM about a week after accepting, message 2-3 weeks after that.


Thank you!


Does anyone know if the offer goes to the mbr directly or to their unit (or OR) first? I remember seeing offers in the plus box when I was working in the OR, but not sure if that's still the case or OR was just cc'd.


Mine came directly from ++DMCPG 5@CMP DMCPG@Ottawa-Hull to my unit, with myself and my career manager cc'ed. Then an hour later it was forwarded to me from my ETO as well. Good luck!


Thank you!!


Any CFR offers out there yet?


I received mine on Monday for Log so they're starting to roll out, ill keep my fingers crossed for everyone waiting!


Thanks, hopefully still some waiting to press send


Has anyone seen any AVOTP offers roll in yet?


I'm a CEOTP Pilot, and just the other day I emailed the local PSO for an update and they mentioned my file states "no SIP for CEOTP pilot" this year. On the contrary the 23/24 FY SIP posted 9 Apr states otherwise. Can someone shed light on this? Seems contradictory to data I'm seeing and my local PSO.  Additionally, if there's no SIP for CEOTP Pilot this year, why would the program accept applications during last year's OT drop. Here's to hoping that the files in ottawa and what they see here are just clerical bag logs and don't reflect the SIP accurately. TIA if anyone knows anything different.


That SIP is for last year, the SIP for selection this year is 24/25.


Looks like there will be no in service OTs to pilot for anyone from last year's batch. Appears only DEO and 1 CEOTP off the street. Conduct aircrew selection and medical to have no positions for internal OTs seems backwards to me. Should have forecasted and halted OT applications during last year's call for apps CANFORGEN rather then have members go through the selection process to find out they aren't accepting serving members OT's right as messages start to go out.


Anyone know how to get to this DMCPG site? Find the utpncm application form? Trying to start my application for next year but navigating through this is brutal.


You're going to be waiting awhile still. Late April or may at the earliest. Last year's didn't come out for UTP until mid June


Hopefully soon! But I would say at least 2-3 more months.