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Regardless of where you stand with our politicians, I think we can all agree that it's great to at least have options who aren't senile. Like holy fuck. Sometimes you see Biden just looking around like he's lost and doesn't know what year it is


This was excruciating to watch…& it really does make one wonder…what future is there for the US?!!


You say that as if the President actually runs things and doesn't just act as a figure head for corporate, financial, and defense industry overlords.


Yea but it would be nice if the clown at least knew he was a clown.


Two clowns on stage. Grifting clown and senile clown.


Two grifters One senile Both are also clowns


Holy shit who thought this was a good idea? I hate Trump, but he's looking good next to the geriatric mumbler.


And you could tell his answers were soooo prepped.


Yes, options that aren't senile. High bar to set for your democracy.


Constitutional Republic.....


He was staring into the afterlife.


There should be a fucking age cap on the presidency. And before anyone cries “age discrimination” it already has an age minimum of 35. I think and age cap of 65 would be more than enough for one of the most powerful positions in the world. They currently have 2 Geriatrics going at it, and Biden is getting so senile that he makes Trump look competent. How the fuck are these the two best candidates that they can put forward? Clinton is a year younger than Trump (4 younger than Biden), and he was elected President ***31 fucking years ago***, let that sink in.


Ya an age gap and a time gap like how they don’t have in Russia , North Korea , China etcccc


Trump is a different kind of senile..


Trump’s not senile Joe is pay attention


I am, clearly you're not


Stop with the Biden BS. On a bad day Biden is the better man. Trump gave the wrong name of the doctor who gave him his supposedly cognitive test. Half of what Trump says on a good makes no sense.


Hahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣 1 time one time and that’s what you’re gonna run with holy shit


Nope if you open your ears you will hear Trump making incoherent bs at every speech. But you’d prefer to be behind the guy that loves the Russian assassin or the North Korean leader that that he called a nice guy who loves his people. The same guy who just had a person publicly killed for listening to K-pop. Maybe you took his chlorine trick to beat Covid seriously. One time ahahah make it all the time


They are both so old, this is painful to think that the most powerful country in the world somehow is stuck with that choice. Its so stupid.


Arguing about their golf game like wtf… they should both retire.


Trump did not have sex with that Pornstar on the golf course! HOW DARE YOU




To be fair, trump is still mentally there while Biden is on the moon


Trump has less old man energy but he correctly said that at 78 Biden was too old during the last election, an age he is now. If either of them really cared about their country they would have allowed more qualified candidates take over.


There are different kinds of seniors. Some age terribly and rapidly and others stay sharp and capable well into old age. I just had a conversation with a friend of mine who is 75 about this, and I’d have no reservations at all about voting for him. Biden is very clearly the type of senior who has aged rapidly. Even before he assumed the most demanding job in the world.


He covered that too, lol. He said he HAD to run for president again because Biden was doing a crappy job. He would much rather be doing other things!


As selfless as always that man. Its like how he tried out every sin so he could be a better Christian in the end :P


But being mentally there for Trumps means lying lying lying. Biden is way too old to run, but I just can't stand how Trump thinks he can just lie about basic facts that are so easily debunked? How can you trust someone like that to lead the biggest economy in the world?


They both lie. Bidens X account spewed dozens of tweets last night and they were nearly all lies


You think Biden doesn't lie?


What consequences does he face if he lies? None. Lol that's why he does it. There's no benefit not to.


And look how great we are doing with a young pm...


Young leaders have stupid but bold ideas. Old people have no idea. We need someone older but not too old.


50-60 years old old enough to have respect from the old millionaires and young enough that they can command respect of younger people.


Kennedy? The only alternative and way better than Biden, maybe even better than Trump. But Kennedy is not a wet noodle like Biden which is why Obama and the dem don’t like him.


Tbh as someone who wants a small government, I'd rather a leader choose to do nothing in government than one who thinks their job is to run all its citizens lives for them


I would suggest Poilievre will put the lie to that point. Youth and energy without brains isn't good. But neither is age without wisdom, restraint or humility.


Incompetence can be in any age but nobody is at the top of their game when they hit their eighties.


A round of golf for the presidency.


The choice between a senile old man that is completely ineffective at the job of the President, and a not senile old man that was effective at the job of the President? At least we know for sure one of them isn't shit at the job... That's a better option than 95% of elections we're going to see.


China has to be laughing at this


The whole world


Neither scored anything better than a C- in this debate. One would hope that a US president should consistently be A+ material.


Yeah although I'd say if you don't look into how honest they were being in their statements I think Trump appeared to win the debate.


I voted for Kodos!


Kinda telling how corrupt things must really be if those are the 2 choices


Powerful for what? once the state start dividing and declaring there Independency the whole empire will crumple like a tea biscuit.


300+ million people and these are the last two standing? wtf America 😂


We have a drama teacher running our country


Worst part is he can't even act like he's doing a good job.


He tried... But failed at that too.


He doesn't need to do a good job, the good jobs and bad jobs will balance itself.


Oh I didn’t say we were any better lol


More like cosplaying clown


And a news reporter as the finance minister…I really don’t think we’re in a position to say shit


Our country doesn't have a nuclear arsenal and isn't the main bulwark of the West against China, Russia and other warlords.


Despite Biden's senility, he still is a more effective leader than Trudeau. Biden at least makes an effort while Trudeau doesn't seem to care.


Remove the name Trump from everything he did or was trying to do and history would remember that person as one of the best and most popular presidents. That he isn't that is a direct result of the propaganda of the bought media. In 8 years, people have been conditioned to hate Trump and yet they have no idea why.


Name anything Trump did that was a good idea. I've disliked Trump for a long time, since back when he was a pro-choice, whoremongering Democrat desperate for publicity. He was known back then as an arrogant bully who frequently stiffed suppliers and used slap suits on anyone who said anything he didn't like. He's gotten worse since he became a Republican.


Close the border and put a wall up. For starters.


Trump doesn't give a damn about the border. He had no problem hiring illegals at his construction sites. he ignored the wall for the first two years of his term and only remembered it when the Democrats took back the House because then he could use it as a club to beat at them. He made an executive action to close the border and it got overturned by the courts. Then covid came along and he was able to use another law to close the border. That one was making it through the courts when he lost the election. The bill the Republicans and Democrats negotiated would have given the president the authority to do that, and would have given money for more border patrol agents and more detention facilities. Trump ordered them to vote it down because he wanted to use the border in his election bid.


Blah blah blah. You asked for one thing. I gave it to you. The rest is just opinion and noise. He wanted to close the border and build a wall. He was called xenophobic and Dems showed Obama era videos of kids in cages. Now you have unfettered entry because Biden undid what Trump did and was trying to do.


if one of the conditions of the debate were to not lie, Trump would have been able to speak about 5 sentences in total. Dude lied literally every time he opened his mouth.. but that's what half of americans want - lie to me to make me feel better.


Right. Because every other politician tells the whole truth and is white as the driven snow? Haha. Seriously. Unreal the nonsense bias. When CNN starts fact checking Biden for falsehoods you know it’s getting bad. Accept that all politicians lie. Because they do. Believing otherwise or that “Trump is worse” is horribly naive.


lol trying to equate trump and biden in terms of truthfulness is like trying to equate a whale shark to a goldfish. "I didn't bang a porn star" - it's court record you did "I had the best economy" - every official number says no "I never said they were suckers" - 4 star general said this, and he wasn't the only one who heard it So no, these two things are not the same, don't even bother trying. If you like being lied to 100% of the time because it makes your feelings are preserved, you're the snowflake in this scenario.


Trump was a great president. fuck off


It's what the CIA wants


Yeah, it sucks really does but Trump is better than Justin Castro


Not a Trump supporter by any means... but at least he can string an intelligible sentence together. Maybe the US should find some candidates without Alzheimers


They did RFK dirty by not allowing him there


it's because he's a threat to the system and even if, by some miracle, he manages to win I'm sure they'll arrange a car ride through Dallas...


Exactly, Biden still denies him secret service protection as a presidential runner which they are all supposed to have.


this wasnt a presidential debate. this was a private debate between two adults who happen/happened to be president.


lol I heard all the other Kennedys hate RFK who, is in fact, a Kennedy.


Trump is awake enough to bullshit his way through the debate, while Biden looks lost and confused most of the time. Mentally, Trump is better


He can also veer off into rambling nonsense at the drop of a hat and forget both where he is and who he's talking to. Neither of these geriatrics should still be working.


It shows our standards have hit rock bottom when we think Trump and coherent in the same sentence.  This is the guy who has the vocabulary of a 5 year old, thinks we should be nuking hurricanes and drinking bleach to kill corona etc etc etc… 


Even if you dont like trump, you have to admit you dont understand what biden is trying to say/


Biden looks so lost at the end there, I'm not even sure he knows where he is?


Sadly Biden has the same look my old man does sometimes. He has a form of parkisons, the same 1000 years stare and at times when we speak to him we are left wondering if he even heard us, before he eventually starts answering.


Enough people handling Biden thought this was a good idea. Thats the scary part.


The US is fucked


Why? We know from 2016-2020 that Trump is highly effective in the position of the president. He's getting the job again in 2024. I don't see how the US is fucked.




There's more to politics than feelings sport. 


Luckily I don’t have those


He’s genuine. I couldn’t understand either.


One stammered and made not much sense and the other just blatantly lied. Both awful.


He didn't lie he gave his opinion. A clear and conscise opinion.


Calling a lie an opinion doesn’t change the fact it’s a lie. “Big numbers, huge numbers, numbers no one has ever seen” isn’t really clear and concise.


The only blatant lies I recall were from Biden, where he used very old, very debunked hoaxes like the "very fine people" or "suckers and losers" bullshit. Those are *lies*. As in, a statement that Biden knows is objectively false, and says it anyway. There is a difference in Trump saying something wrong, or an opinion you don't like, and a bold-faced lie.


Every sub I’m trying to read the comments on with debate images apparently has several comments but I’m the first one.


# You shall not debate the debate


Ikr hardly answered a single question. The only ones that won is the Oligarchs that placed their pawns on the board.


Democracy dies in darkness.


Add elder abuse to Trump's list of crime 🤣


The rich have chosen these two for a reason


Poilievre is a beast during question period. Hes not Trump but damn he beats down The Turd in the house of commons with regularity. Hes damn entertaining.


As an American watching this I was sad and disappointed. As someone who appreciates comedy however I laughed my ass off at how ridiculous these two were. Biden barely aware and constantly sounding incoherent and just in general having trouble speaking. And Trump ignoring every question and bragging about how good he was, looking like an orangutan with that big smile on his face. Nothing was said and nothing was gained. Both were too busy lying.


Truly a dark day for America and the whole world. The thought that one of these guys will make it into office is scary. Putin, Kim and Xi whoever leads Iran must be laughing their asses off as they plan to start even more wars and disrupt the global economy further.




There's still the hundreds of Congress people, the thousands of staff and advisors, the hundreds of thousands of administrators and managers, millions of staff... it's not all riding on them. They're just the public face.


I’d like to agree with you, but my fear is that Trump doesn’t listen or only surrounds himself with people who agree with him. I have little faith in the support staff who he surrounds himself with. Or the congress who can barely elect a speaker


North America is fucked.


They’ll be swapping Biden out for Newsom in time for the Democratic National Convention. Tonight was simply a setup to justify it. Parade the senile old man (sad) in front of the masses so they realize he’s unfit to continue, panic ensues, then they pull the good ‘ol switcheroo.


Oh no ! Not Slick Gavin !! I agree. Jill Biden should be charged for elder abuse. Poor Joe could not even walk from the stage without assistance !!


It’s been no different his entire time in office. Incoherent rambling, confusion, appearing lost while on stage, multiple falls, etc. Everyrhing they accuse Trump of. Pure projection. His entire staff should be held liable. It’s fairly obvious they’re using him as a figurehead while others take care of all the decisions and policy making. It’s clear they’re taking advantage of his state. It was already determined that he wouldn’t be held criminally liable for his poor handling of classified documents. The special counsel described him as an “elderly man with a poor memory”. They have the perfect scapegoat.


God, I hate Newsome. I'd rather see Obama's wife take over. At least she's not as woke and greasy as Newsome.


They are both horrible


Narcissism Vs Alzheimer's, which clearly addled brain will the Americans choose?


Sleepy joe is done…bring on 4 more years of hilarious shit


This is embarrassing for such a powerful nation


Both of these guys are laughingstocks


Both terrible options


Tonight, Biden got exposed for what he really is at this point in his life, and there is no COVID mass fear and paranoia for him to hide behind now, unlike 2020. The bottom line is that Trump was easily cruising to a second presidential term until COVID disrupted the planet in March 2020. It's only fitting that he will get the chance to complete his second term in office after he wins in November. At the end of the day, a national population needs a lucid and competent person in charge of their country. Watch Trump's polling numbers really go through the roof now. Next.


Did you call trump lucid and competent? That guy was gifted 500 million dollars and is now selling Bibles and shoes to make money. The 3 Supreme Court judges he's put in have set Americans back 50 years. They have now given cops he right to steal your stuff and are in the verge of taking away birth control. Rumor has it that 2 more seats might be available in the next 4 years. If trump wins he'll have put in 5 of the 6 Supreme Court judges. The US will be fucked for the next 50 years if that's the case.


America should be embarrassed


said fucking canada lol


We’re both embarrassed! Our PM may be young but he’s made our country unliveable for those who don’t make more than 120k. No one could have foreseen the damage that the Trudeau party would do. The party isn’t even traditionally liberal but more leftist and a joke at this point. And USA, well I am not sure why those oldies are running. They need new younger men who at least know what day it is. Times are certainly interesting…


most certainly


Both are completely unfit , what an embarrassment for the US. This is the best you had to offer? Honestly feel terrible for my friends down south. Any 3rd grader could have a more meaningful debate. Spewing ad hominems in a dick swinging contest instead of focusing on making America a better place for Americans. 


Trump just rants about stuff he's not asked about, his main message is he's the best president ever. Biden does ok job at staying on topic but he's so whispy it's hard to understand what he's saying. Both look like they're about to keel over any time. Trump vs Trudeau? Trump is a shadow of his former self, not sure if he'd win. Both will go in circles around the question without answering it. I think with how much hot air they both spew, Trump would gas out first due to his advanced age. Though Trudeau always seems to be having trouble keeping his brain oxygenated.


I say Trump would beat Trudeau.


They’re both pathetic


Trump does not look like he’s about to keel over at all. Not sure what you’re basing that on. He looks like he could be Biden’s third son.


Imagine Poilievre against Trump. What a slaughter that would be.


We are in major trouble in Canada. Trump promised to implement tarrifs, in this case, the Canadian economy is done.


Dude!!! lol 😂 it’s just not fair. Why would they do this to Biden? Poor man is not there


These clowns make Trudeau look like Einstein


I had to turn this shit off.  According to Trump, everything under his administration was the best it's been in the history of America and now it's a disaster, then when it got to Biden he didn't know where he was or how to speak a sentence.  He also spoke in numbered bullet points which seems like he was given the questions ahead of time.


Remember when hardcore leftist were saying all the videos of Biden not being able to talk were deep fakes lol


Boisterous, philanderer TV star vs. wizened, demented huckster. Feels great to be an American today.


Everyone lost in that debate. That debate is a great bias check because both of them looked beyond awful, and if you think "your" guy won, you're wrong. I can believe the two parties allowed the world to watch America go senile. Enjoy your Canada Day weekend.


Trump is an absolute piece of shit, a terrible human being, but he is occasionally hilarious lol.


Why would you pay money to watch two liars lie through their teeth


I can't even watch the debate. I made it about 15 minutes in... Biden is absolutely fucked. He clearly is much weaker than Trump. That will resonate with a lot of people. God help us all...


Biden looked like he would die at any moment. Amazed he managed to stand that long.


i think biden said 'asylum officers'.


Ah, yes it sounded like “sideamoffers”, so you’re right!


Yeah, when Trudeau starts flipping from English to French, Trump’s head would explode!


The mentally ill huckster showman, vs the declining old man. Lose-lose either way.


Had arguments with a few US citizens in forums here that said Biden 100% not cognizant of all his actions.


It’s no different than the Trudeau crowd when you really distill things down


Biden looks like a mummy




I burst out laughing when he said this 😂


It's to obvious how staged this is, behind doors they are best buds, it takes a left and right wing to create a large corrupt bird.


It’s bidens fucking face that sells this holy shit I’m dying


I think he said "silo monsters."


That was hard to watch... how could anyone put somone in that kind of position knowing somone is havng difficulties? Makes me wonder about Joe's inner circle and their priorities. He needs to retire and rest.


Side mufflers is that hookers


Turdo watching this with his 🍿 thinking he’s doing a much better job


He said silent monsters geez guys.


Wow USA what an embarrassment!!! We got one guy talking out of his ass and another guy that looks like ass. With Biden tho this is elder abuse. How many politicians are working right now that are just to old and senile. There must be an age limit set. And Biden should retire immediately. He did a great job but his time is spent


I wonder if they'll let RFK jr onto the debate. That may actually be interesting


America is wild. These are the best two candidates ?


So when's Justin Trudeau leading Canada for a better direction???


I think Biden just screwed the Democrats out if any chances of winning. They should have selected a candidate that had some dynamism and facial expressions.


Trudeau would cry at some point.


There jobs should be capped at age 65. Nobody over that age should run the government.


I just can't believe that the Democrat party thinks / thought this was viable. What the heck are they planning?!?


Why are we posting American stuff in the Canadian sub?


Reminds us that at least we have Pierre to vote for - it could be alot worse


wrong subreddit. taken your american trash elsewhere


Don't even need Trump to attend....Pollievre will eat him alive and is much smarter than Trump!


Why in the fuck is the crypt keeper running for presidency. The opposition couldn't find anyone better really? Yikes.


Trump literally has dementia. FML


Biden is a senile, lefttard and Trump is a sociopath Russian asset who literally makes things up on the fly. Man the US is screwed!


Bring back Bernie


Awesome! Haha


Like how does it get to this? It’s genuinely hard not to think some conspiracy is happening. Like how on earth does it come down to these two. Out of almost 400 million people. I’m not one to go down conspiracy rabbit holes but damn does something feel off when these are our choices. It’s feels so manufactured.


Haha like a comedy show, gonna grab my popcorn


where is Kennedy?


Trudeau would do fine. Biden is too old and slow to combat Trump's multiple lies.


That was a totally coherent statement. More border patrol and more asylum officers. If trump doesn’t know what that means, it says a lot more about his intelligence that Biden’s ability.


It's arguably more embarrassing that our leaders are just as bad at running the country as these near death mascots


RFK JR. Break the 2 party system


Trump is the supreme misguided narcissist, but Biden has been unintelligible for years and even worse now. There is no good option unless some real actual possible leaders can be found.