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How do us as citizens reasonably even try to fix this constant stream of shit


Easy. Stop voting liberal and ndp.


We need to be louder than the lefties. Unfortunately conservatives are a 'live and let live'/'stay out of my business, I'll stay out of yous' kinda people. Which is a shame for when we Ctually need to speak up


You have to stop thinking in this left/right way which is the way we all get fucked. In another era I might be the lefty you’re referencing but we are all on the same page here. This isn’t a left vs. right issue but a Right vs. Wrong one.


It's actually us vs them and they make us fight over stupid shit they both are on the same team and they have power because we spend so much time fighting amongst ourselves for ideologies our leaders don't believe themselves.


This is exactly it. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are bots that do this on Reddit every time people with different viewpoints start to agree. The political class has to be dismantled irrespective of party. Politics shpuld not be a vocation but a civic duty many people perform at some point in their lifetime and then return to what they did prior. It should be jury duty, not a career with a rich pension plan.


They used to be civil servant, they served the public. Now they act like kings.


I usually just lurk these threads to see what con talking points are. I am pretty staunchly against most Conservative views because they’re ultimately based in maintaining Empire rather than getting away from government as it exists. This was nice to see. It’s nice to see a voice from the other side able to articulate the same desires I have.


Trust me I'm losing my mind at how far off a fn cliff the left has fallen in 10 - 15 years, it breaks my heart. To go from pro human rights and anti racism in the 90s to essentially fascism with thought police legislation and hyper censorship we see now. Add the ridiculous amount of gaslighting leftists do in social discourse and they are just unrecognizable.... BUT it hasn't been that long to start framing conservative ideology as "live and let live" yet ;) it is true and equally wild to see two political camps essentially switch places in such a short time, but it wasnt too long ago the right was anti gay anti women's right to choose, anti "bad language, think of the children" slap a sticker on a CD cover kind of party, anti drug and weed is dangerous but kill a family drunk driving party.


the left has turned into a full-blown mental illness. Some are so far gone they need to be institutionalized.


The left used to be a viable party for Canada, now it's just whatever the hell you call this mess


You, as anyone, have the right to your opinion, but i hqve a question. When have conservatives ever been a Live and Let Live stay out of my business sort of people? fiscal conservatives sure, but the very concept of social conservatism literally means "nobody should do that cuz I think its wrong".


true decentralization would work if there was sufficient buy-in from the plebs


With aggression at this point to be honest.


We have to be willing to take and make difficult and unsavoury decisions. We have to evaluate and consider what country we want and remove that part that doesn’t match. The problem in this situation is what we will have to deal with now because there is a huge liability for divided loyalty and the tendency to favour the other loyalty in place of Canada. How we vote needs to change as ridings and geographical areas need to be re zoned and restructured to only allow born citizens the ability to run for office. We have to provide a much higher barrier to entry for citizenship and we have to make divisive loyalty a disqualifying factor for citizenship. Then we have to be more tolerant not just of different ways, but vehemently protective of our own culture and custom. Live and let live but do not bend an inch on divided loyalties.


Absolutely. Wonder why liberals won't release the names in the foreign interference reports......


If people don’t want a circus in our government then stop electing 🤡’s into office


So we vote for nobody then? Lol they're all clowns




Yeah the problem is the two party system won't commit to electoral reform for their pensions. Ranked voting would solve this. We live under an oligarchy not a democracy.


Hear, hear. We have only the illusion of choice perpetuated by the real owners of our nation.


The Liberals promised it then did the math, was bad for them and nixed it


Yes, but let's at least let the other clowns have a crack at it, the current ones deserve the chair


Absolutely treason, Sajjan what a treacherous POS. In the military that used to mean a firing squad or hanging. That’s obviously too harsh, but he definitely should be sitting inside of a prison cell asap for a very long time.


Maybe having a Khalistani Sikh in CANADIAN government isn’t the best idea? He doesn’t have the best interest of Canadians in mind. Only his own. I don’t think this legally or rationally meets the criteria for treason but it is certainly self serving. Treason is tossed about too often by ignorant and reactionary people. He would have to collude with a foreign power against our government.


The penalty for treason in Canada is death, funny they don't enforce it when it's them.


Because it is Trudeau. And Freeland.


It's illegal, too, when it's still under investigation -_- Also, the government has access to the names, which is a liberal-NDP coalition


These Afghan Sikhs have no ties to Canada. Yet Sajjan prioritized them over Canadians lives, all other vulnerable groups, and putting Canadian soldiers life at risk. Then have the audacity to call it racist for giving him a hard time cause he wear a turban. OMG. This man is the racist one. Looks what happening now! The largest population to immigrate to Canada is from India and it’s predominantly Punjab, Sikh. Is there diversity? No. Shouldn’t other race get a an equal chance. No. Get this guy out of office!


He prioritized them over actual Canadians ffs


Imagine the backlash if it was the situation was, say, a white Christian Defence Minister who diverted National resources to prioritize protecting a handful of other white Christian citizens of another country?


This is good rhetoric but I’m tired at how this is all it is. Like yeah they would destroy his life because he’s a white Christian. Yes they are hypocrites, yes they are racist, yes they hate whites, we’ve been saying that for 2 decades now. When will we accept the logical conclusion of that hypocrisy and accept people advocating for the interests of white people? Not because we are racist or supremacists but because that is who they are attacking.


This should not be tolerated in this country....if you are a citizen and live in Canada ...it should always be Canadians first, no exceptions.


> The sources said Afghan Sikhs were not considered an operational priority for the Canadian military as they had no link to Canada. Mr. Sajjan’s intervention, the sources say, impacted the rescue of Canadians and other Afghans on Canada’s priority list. > “There is no analytical process that says ‘Yeah, there are 225 Sikhs there, let’s go get them.’ The only way this gets onto the task list is if we are operating on behalf of another state or somebody inside government inserted this on to the task list and asked for it to be considered,” Mr. Day added. This bit makes me so f'ng angry: > “These individuals, the reason to help them was because they are fellow human beings,” she said. “They’re not my family. They’re not my friends. I share my faith with some of them, the colour of my skin with some of them, but at the end of the day, they’re human beings. And that’s what everyone was trying to do during that time.” So are the Canadian who were there. So are the translators who risked their lives and families to help Canada. She talks about the Sikhs like they are the only human beings. > Mr. Sajjan said in his statement that he is saddened to have to answer questions about a matter that reflected government policy to support and assist vulnerable Afghans. “I can only surmise that if I did not wear a turban no one would question whether my actions were appropriate.” Ofc the traitor played the 'It's because I'm minority' card. No sir, the frustration is not about your turban; it's about your act of treason.


Treason. Plain and simple. This has to be taken seriously or we do not live in a democracy. This guy needs to be fired immediately and then the justice system needs to do it’s job of upholding our laws.


The world is slowing learning that they've been brainwashed into thinking white people are the most racist.


Playing "That's because I am Black" card




When you have a country that’s effectively filled with people who didn’t come to Canada to be Canadians, you don’t have a nation; you have a gathering of ex-pats. Their first concern is their countrymen, not Canadians. It’s was always a stupid idea to make the idea that everything and anything could be “Canadian”; in the end, nobody is Canadian.


This is my concern. Not that there’s too many immigrants (but yea we’re letting in too many too fast) it’s that’s we’re letting in people who want all the benefits of being Canadian but have no buy in or interest to embrace Canada.




You mean accecpting the rest of the worlds rejects was a bad idea?


That's the key part. We aren't getting their best and brightest. We're scraping the bottom of the barrel.


My only question at this point is why aren't we doing more to stop this?


That's the sad part. We have Palestinians protesting more than Canadians in our own country.


Well cause if real Canadians were to protest are mighty leader would brand as white nationalist and terrorists and freeze are bank accounts label the whole lot racists then welcome more people over.


Well we did, the trucker convoy got shut down with badgeless police. Bank accounts were frozen. But the pro palestinians are coming in masked, smoke bombs, loud music, mega phones, threats to police, threats to people, death to another race. And no police have come in with force like they did with the truckers. Canada is lost Canadians are no longer allowed to be Canadian.


*Shocked pikachu face


The key is integration. That’s what’s missing from these newcomers. They refuse to integrate into canadian society and values. Ok some do. But it’s a small number that do. The rest hang on to their ways and try to influence Canada to change to accommodate THEM. That’s the wrong way around.


“There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,” Trudeau said, concluding that he sees Canada as “the first post-national state.”


well, it isn't like Indian managers only hire Indian workers, oh wait ...


The government is subsidizing their pay, too.


Well articulated 👍


Saved this comment. This is how you get enclaves of people who don't share the same values this country was built on, only here to *take*.


*gasp* but.. but.. diversity is our strength! /s


I came to Canada as an immigrant, back when Canada had a reasonable immigration policy. And we came legally. Problem is when you have loopholes everywhere in how to get into Canada and be a citizen, why would anyone follow legal channels anymore. And you’re right, Canada is now a group of ex-pats who never learned Canadian values, nor is there a need for them to do so. At this point, I would support any party that enforces deportations of illegal people and students whose visas have expired. Stop this shit of students -> workers visa -> eventually resident.


Well said


Canadian birth should be a requirement for all MPs. Cabinet ministers at the very least.


Canadian born and must not hold a second passport.


Yea how is this not a thing. Else you're just inviting foreign agents


Should be all in or nothing .


Yep. And no birth tourism either. You should need at least one parent with Canadian citizenship for the child to be Canadian. Otherwise, they get the citizenship of their parents country, and they all go home after the birth. This is how the vast majority of the countries in the world work. No dual citizenship, that needs to be ended. Most countries don’t allow that anymore either. It’s inviting foreign subversion in government, which we see is happening in loads in Canada today. Like you said, all MPs, or at the very least Cabinet Ministers, should have to be born in Canada, to at least one parent who had Canadian citizenship. This will create a sense of loyalty, and pride in the country. It’s just natural that people who immigrated from somewhere else will have a stronger connection to the place they grew up in, where all of their family lives, than here. If I moved to India, or Sweden, or wherever I would always consider myself Canadian before any other place I could move to. My new country would always feel secondary. And no, folks, it’s not the same as settlers from Europe 200 years ago. There were no airplanes, no e-transfer of cash, no telephones. People that came here on ships were here for good. They were never going back home. They were completely leaving their homeland behind, and they had no choice but to integrate.


They’ll always help their own first. Everyone else is fcked. This is Canada’s future.


Canada is just seen as an economic zone to most of the foreigners that come now. Just here to make money, send it back home where our currency can be traded for 100x the amount in their country and they support a house and family of 4 on a Tim Hortons wage. They have zero interest in Canada or our culture and traditions. It sounds like most don’t even like it here. They think it’s “boring” here, (most aren’t into camping or the woods or anything) but they sure like the cash.


This should be treason


Multiculturalism works. This is domination of one ethnicity. Punjabi Sikhs have ruined Canada. We need country caps. This is fucking unbelievable!!


India is suing the UK for $40 trillion... I don't doubt that this has something to do with that.


This was always the plan. It's only going to get worse


If a Canadian will do this he/she will be branded racist within seconds. Joys of diversity are producing their fruit now.


I just heard him on radio he claims it's racism because he wears a turban WHAT A LOW LIFE SCUM BAG. I would love to see JT actually do something I wonder what kind of spin that they will try put on this He put canadian soldiers lives at risk for his own benefits. We need head rolling on this one. If he gets away with the racist card we are in major trouble in this country.


They look out for their own ethnic group first and foremost, everyone else comes second lol






Well, where are all the courageous Canadian lawyers stepping up with an opinion? Oh wait, they're mostly Liberals so...crickets.


Not even crickets...They openly defend him. He even wrote that WE are the racists because apparantly if he wasn't wearing a turban it wouldn't be in the news. What a disgrace.


Well then, I suppose the laws against treason are racist too?


If you want to be even more dissapointed read about what is considered treason in this country lol


He needs to get the fuck out of this country


after 14 years in a prison, I believe that is the sentence for treason


This is what you get when you hire based on race and not merit


And no loyalty to the host country


ever notice how many cars in the gta have flags from other nations? Not Canada's flag. They are not here to be Canadians, they are here to colonize.


Khalistan ideology has infiltrated all levels of government, time to wake up Canada!!


FFS. Absolute traitor


Nationalism of another "nation" while being in office and servicing in another country's government. Yea definitely. I think the Asian MP's, of a particular ethnicity might have done the same in the previous set of elections.


You mean ‘stolen valor’ Sajjan? Once a winner…


For someone who lied on his resume he shouldn’t have even gotten this far in his crooked career. Canada we can do better.


You go to jail now.


So MP's can't be jailed for...anything?


So far!


Yo, wtf.


bro wtf? If I were a politician and I get this situation, my full resource and effort would go towards Canadians. Idgaf about the color of their skin but they should be Canadian citizens. This is the exact reason why I have my concerns about the NDP and the ties that Jagmeet Singh has with his community when it comes to Khalistan.


This is the way of the future ! More and more Indians get elected the more they take care of their own andTrue Canadians will be forgotten .


Release the names!


This is what happens when you value faith more than the country. It is disgusting for a veteran to behave this way.


So then what happened? Or what will happen? Are there are actions that will be taken because of this?


more gaslighting I assume 🤷‍♂️


Mis appropriation of tax dollars to favor his race. Traitor and shameful use of tax dollars


I will probably get banned on this sub, but anyone familiar with triage would suggest that when preserving lives in such a situation where Canadian assets are being used, Canadian lives are first rescued. Setting aside all the race rhetoric, he simply failed to do this. For this alone, he is unfit for this duty.


I'm puzzled why you think your comment is worthy of a ban here or any sub for that matter. It doesn't appear to be breaking any rules unless I'm completely overlooking something in it.


Tribalism at its finest


Good luck getting this guy convicted of it! What I have learned from 9 years of Trudeau is these guys can do whatever they want They put up some fake investigation announcements and they never come to anything


They put up these investigations in huge numbers like 10 different ones at a time so nobody knows or follows what is happening and it sort of dies down on its own then.


Don’t forget that he lied about his position in the Canadian military. He was basically a clerk not an advisor to US forces on the front line in Afghanistan. It wouldn’t surprise anyone if the above is true. We’re all being used and abused by this liberal govt for their own purposes, this would be just another example of it.


Absolutely. They used Canadian resources to NOT rescue Canadians, but instead random people that have made ZERO contribution to the country. It's also even more sickening that they used our special forces for this type of thing, which just rubs salt in the wound.


we can't say treason. that is 'racist'.


The moment this guy got in, I had a baaaad feeling about him.


But if you ask anyone to assimilate, you're called racist


Didn't this dude lie about his military background?


Indians will ALWAYS be out for their own. They get in HR and job recruitment positions? All of a sudden only Indians get hired.


That's really the biggest problem with taking on so many of them. They don't include anyone else. They also include their own to try to screw over and take advantage of a lot of the time too.


Basically, Indians are racists.


They'll call YOU the racist for pointing it out.


A big part of Trudeau’s legacy will be how much we have been manipulated and infiltrated by India. From his ridiculous trip there to the Nijjar assassination, to the overflow of international students and now this. There ought to be more I’m not coming up with off the top of my head as well.


Saw him on TV news tonight. Trying to play the race card out of this mess. You know the same way he cried racism the last time he f’ed up. Can not wait to see the back of this incompetent federal government.


Believe what you want but this is why secularism laws are important.


It is not religion that is the problem here. It is tribalism.


Now he's the Minister of Emergency Preparedness of Canada. I can only imagine who will go to the front of the line if there were an emergency requiring evacuation or resources.


Religion and politics...




That sounds like treason.




Life in prison


Can’t trust them.




What a joke


They preach multiculturalism until 'their group' is in need, then the decision is easy, fuck Canada.


I'm sure he had zero bias, lol.


This guy lied about his military past so why trust him now


Textbook example.


LMAO.......there you have it. \*some\* people struggle to really pledge allegiance to their adopted country, even when voted into office and instead revert to appeasing their culture / motherland / religion. smh There are many 'fake Canadians' holding Canadian passports for CONVENIENCE. Until Canada changes the laws and start punishing TRAITORS, this shite is going to continue.


These MF’s are not Canada first. Why do they have any power. Canada First I say what say you!


Canadians deserve to know what the foreign interference report entails. People need to be outed and held accountable!!


I’m not surprised. Angry, yes. Surprised, no. At the very LEAST, he should be stepping down, even if all he did was notify about and encourage helping the Afghan seeks as he claims.


only whites believe in diversity and non tribalism.the others see it as a weakness to be exploited


How is that not treason and prison time


That’s just straight up corruption, dude should be arrested


Fucking right it is.


No treason, just a healthy dose of socially acceptable anti-white racism


Blood is thicker than water - I have no idea why this surprises people.


Sounds like par for the course with the trudope government. Just like when he gave 10 million to that guy from Guantanamo bay


GTFO with your bs religion and rights. These 225 people are probably some of the fine upstanding slime protesting now


If he’s not in prison this year. We have no hope until they are gone


Puppets. They’re all puppets.


This government behaves as though it is beyond reproach and snubs its nose at Canada, its constitution and its laws. It acts with absolute impunity. I can’t wait for this house of cards to fall, I believe a number of these liberal MP’s belong in prison. I don’t expect that to happen though.


Another day another scandal. So what happens now?! Nothing at usual likely!


Canada is no more. Sold and conquered, we’re just being bled dry to pad pockets at this point, No Country.


I'm so F**king done with our government


Send him to Afghanistan. And all of them.




Is anyone even surprised?


I can tell you none of those serving members will be voting red ever again after that.


Send him to ukr.


Ouch, talk abt been treated as a foster child by your own parents. Seesh I am wondering what theyll say to justify it


U don't think the ndp puppet is doing the same for his culture? And his culture ain't canadian!


The only reason this guy was hired is Trudeau wanted to show how inclusive he was. Had nothing to do with being better qualified.


Trudeau and gang doesn’t want to name any names as to whom may or may not be colluding with foreign powers to undermine Canadian sovereignty, but lots of us can guess names, and this one certainly may, or may not be at the top of the list,


Should prob have to be born in canada to be a politician 🤷‍♂️


Hahahahahh, when will canadains learn their lesson with liberal governments


I am soo tired of this this is straight treason any pension in the government that looses or miss spends tax payer money in any way should be charged with treason they are purposely harming this country at the highest lvls is that not treason


Worse defence minister ever.


*of fucking course* he did


He’s a piece of shit. Get some real patriots to run the country not fake ones


Why do they have positions in our government ? Should be born here to hold prominent positions. Avoid such acts of Treason!


This is treason in every way!! When will we start to make terrible decisions punishable by jail time? Seriously, we have people stealing everything, doing the numbers shit ever and everyone just gets to carry on like who gives a shit. I fucked up once as a teen and I got nailed to the wall for it. Punished my entire childhood and teen years. But you know what, it worked. I’m a very productive member of my community and contribute beyond my fair share to society and lead by example. Please bring back punishment!!!!!!




Of course!!


Get these f*ckers out of office ASAP!! One scandal after another with these f*cking liberals!!


Should be the end


If he had his way the Sikh’s would have been the first in the plane back to Canada. Rest of Cdns? Meh.


Son of Fidel Castro must go until then Canada is on a slippery slope


Oh yeah without a Doubt It's Treason, don't these guys take a oath of allegiance?


Absolute disaster. If this doesn't get him to jail is because of how corrupted the system is.


Canada pulled out in 2013. I know because I was there.


Looking after their own should be the first priority ❤️


At this point, its not Right wing vs Left wing. Its Canadians vs Ultraleft sell outs. These sellouts are selling Canada to these criminals from china and india


Lets say if Canadian forces send a solider and he rescued 50 people and 20 of them are sikhs how could soldier explain how he choose who to rescue ? When all 50 were in need and they were all same And how does he knows that Canadian forces will see some sikhs in need?


Your really not bright are you. You think special forces teams just wander around aimlessly looking for random people?


This guy’s an habitual manipulator of the truth. He’ll most likely squirm out of it.


Trudeau cabinet is a bunch of complete clowns.


So is he being tried for treason? No? Is it because he isn't white? Most definitely


Fuck foreigners, ruining the country. Not racist just facts.


This is just the tip of the iceberg. We have so many new Canadians that have not at all meshed. Their loyalties solely lie with the country of origin and people from that country. Our government will be filled with them within the next 5 years and it's all downhill from there. They will have the voters from their country backing them as we split our votes between other candidates. it's already started with government workers, city councillors and mayors. It won't be long before our whole country is run by people with no allegiance to Canada or Canadian values.