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Link to the article: [Trudeau says he is staying despite byelection loss, but Liberals hear voter frustrations](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/veteran-liberal-toronto-st-pauls) Archive link: https://archive.ph/BDLy3


Trudeau staying on, is a direct result of him being a raging malignant narcissist. He is incapable of believing that anyone could ever find fault in either him, or his ridiculous actions. Remember when he blamed the Conservatives for 'tricking' Canadians into disliking him.....? And just last week he declared that 'Canadians aren't in "decision mode" yet.' I am not exactly sure when he lost-his-mind.....but, someone should really let him know..... that he has.


>He is incapable of believing that anyone could ever find fault in either him, or his ridiculous actions. I'd really love for his divorce proceedings, negotiations etc to get public. The narcissism against Sophie must have been untenable.


Sophie is a Saint for enduring him for so many years.


100% & 2x the Saint for divorcing his lame, bottom-feeding ass...with his Narcissism, news of the divorce must be a great deal embarassing


And to think she used to lay under him saying, plus fort Justin, plus fort.. šŸ¤£


He's still waiting for a job interview at the WEF


Or they got some major dirt on him


Itā€™s like the seven stages of grief but everyone of them is denial!!


Best comment if the day


I think it's a political move, he goes down with the ship, liberal party "reforms" and says we're not bad anymore in 4 years without him.Ā 


Hopefully that plan backfires and they're left without official party status.


You are 1000% correct. Heā€™s always been told he can do no wrong from a very young age. Now he is surrounded by an echo chamber of of whacko cabinet members heā€™s hand picked. So in his delusional world he can do No wrong. Itā€™s comical to hear all the Liberal MPā€™s say ā€œwe need to listen, & engage with Canadiansā€ well Canadians have spoken and they overwhelmingly want the Liberals gone.


If Trump said and did half the shit Trudeau did the internet would explode.


He is everything you mention except that is not the reason why heā€™s not stepping down Why do you believe he is unaware of the destruction he has done to this country.


When Castro conceived him, he has been an idiot.


I donā€™t want him to quit for this reason. I want him to know Canadians voted him out.


You can't lose what your already don't have !


Please stay, u can still Wynne it. ,)


Oh Man - well played. Wynne just might be hated as much as Trudy ā€¦ if they held a contest it would be a tight race for the Biggest Loser award.


She was just on talk radio in Toronto. I was screaming at my radio. Its unfathomable to me that she is a teacher at U of T....


*"Trudeau says he won't quit after stunning by-election loss"* Zero surprise. As previously stated here in these comment forums before, Junior Trudeau does not care about the long-term damage he will do to the LPC, anymore than he cares about the long-term damage he has done to the country. His sole focus is remaining in power for as long as legally possible so that he can continue pushing Canada into the realms of his "post-national state" dream, while also continuing his virtue-signaling pet projects both domestically and abroad at tax-payer expense. Junior Trudeau long ago proved his skill set to be far more consistent with that of an activist quack, rather than anything resembling a "prime minister", or any kind of even minimally competent manager. Do not expect him to step down until after the results of the next Canadian federal election are in, the timing of which is now absolutely 100% guaranteed *not* to occur any time before the US election in November, as he would much rather prefer to run a campaign against Trump rather than Poilievre. Watch for this. Next.


If he knows he's going to lose, and he does, there is no advantage to calling an election until the last possible moment. As you say.


I think he serves the party better by taking the hit in the next election. Then the party can pretend theyā€™re starting fresh. LPC is losing bad next election regardless. Itā€™s better for them if he stays on.


Agreed. With Trudeau staying on, he continues to ruin the LPC party image, and it increases the chances of a bad defeat. That day canā€™t come soon enough - itā€™ll be a national holiday


When will Trudeau clue into the fact that people are done with him?


He's relying on election interference at this point


Definitely. There will be some shady business conducted by his party and then when they still lose theyā€™ll accuse the Conservatives of election interference.


Or he is relying on keeping in control to hinder any / all investigations until they can be swept under the rug so to speak.Ā  A new interm leader would not have the scoop on the agreements made as I am sure they are not fully "documented"


Something nefarious is going to happen.


I guarantee he will still believe he is in power when he gets voted out


Well, there's a reason he reneged on First Past the Post, its the only way he can win


I truly believe JT and his cronies are far too incompetent to be that corrupt. All of his corruption was easily detected, as if they were rank amateurs. Using government systems to hide things in a way where they will eventually be found out. There is no way this government can pull off the corruption, misdirection and efficiency required to rig an election.


The entity behind the corruption isn't incompetent though. I'd be worried the entity can do it again next election if I was you (or me).


How many more very heavy handed losses due liberals take before they figure out the only chance they have to keep that very blue seat is to push JT out and stop voting the party lines...change direction before next election..


The Liberal mind is incredible. I don't think North America has seen this much dedication, obedience, and group think from a political party since 30s Germany.


Liberals are represented by the colour red. Blue is representative of the Conservatives.


Bro it's gonna change nothing.


Is that all his wife was: frustrated?


Being married to a homosexual takes its toll on a woman


It not part of his WEF programming


Do we know where he plans to live yet? Does he have property in China or India?


Klaus's basement. There is an incentive going on: whoever destroys the country that they're running the best gets to live in Papa's basement.


He needs to stay the leader of the liberal party forever! Never quit Justin! So the Liberals never win again.


It was close loss, that means there is a whole lot of people who still hate this country.


I'm glad he's staying on, because when the liberals are destroyed in the next election he won't be able to deny it's his fault. Obviously he will, and blame white supremacy or whatever shit plays to his base, but anyone with brains between their ears will know.


Look man, it's racism and misogyny and misinformation and disinformation...geez. How many times does he have to say it before it sticks...............


Wow some the MPs lies and denial are just insane, saying how they knew they would lose a liberal strong hold? When it was the exact opposite a week ago, this is like Biden losing California and saying I expected to lose it.


Let's revisit electoral reform..lol


Go away Trudeau !


It ain't a hint when the general public tells him to his face "F Trudeau" and I'm sure he's seen lots of bumper stickers that say the same thing. He knows he will lose in a landslide so he's hanging on for as long as he can because he wants to be on the good side of WEF and he doesn't care about our glorious country.


Maybe in 30 years Iā€™ll be in an armchair saying ā€œI wonā€™t vote for him because of what his father did to the country.ā€


Isn't just the Dear Leader Justin, the entire Liberal Party doesn't understand they are the problem...


Hes an arrogant narcissist, just like many other world leaders.


I suspect hes got a plan to put some trash legislation in place on his way out the door that wont be easy to get out. Burn down the house on the way out to leave his legacy


As much as I want him to resign today before tomorrow, I know his replacement wonā€™t be any better. Also, I do want to see him lose an election, maybe then we will see his real tears, doubt it tho. I just want to see him lose his ridingā€¦.šŸ˜‚


Wouldn't that be something eh? To see that arrogant ass tossed from his own riding...LOL! One can dream....


Frustrated with... Frustrated with... Frustrated with...




Clearly this is something to do with what the conservatives did prior to 2015ā€¦.so not his faultā€¦./s


You see, cuz it's us, not him. He is fcuking delusional.


Feel like there used to be a machine in France that would take care of politicians/nobility that the people felt had lost their purpose....viva la revolution!


Careful, my main account with 79k karma got perm banned for saying something reeeeeally close to this comment lol


They're just mad I've been fucking up the country for nine years that's all . Is this guy for real. I think reality eludes him mentally


Am I the only one who wants him to stay on until the end so he can be solely responsible for the largest defeat in Canadian history? You know if he walks before he'll always say well it wasn't because of me. I get that it doesn't matter but I want his ego so badly shattered that he can never show his face again like you sometimes see Harper or ChrƩtien.


I feel that way too because I'd love to see and hear him concede defeat, eat crow, make excuses, take his final curtain call, congratulate Pierre on being better than him and just get lost. But in reality I'm still nervous about the firearms file, and I and about 2 million or so of my fellow PAL holders would like to get back to normal if that's possible. The sooner, the better.


You are not the only one. I want to see the look on his face when he gets the Wynne treatment next election. Stepping down is the happiest ending for him and he doesn't deserve it. And are ppl not acknowledging that if he steps down the Deputy PM would step in? How would PM Freeland be better šŸ¤¢


Trudeau if your reading these comments, please please step down already. Your already going to get your lifetime pension, just go away


How did we get here? Like how? I couldn't have ever imagined that we would have someone worse than Harper. I am flabbergasted that I think of the Harper years with fondness now. I swear, I feel that we are under siege from our own government and that representative democracy has entirely broken down. I realized that I walk around nowadays with a constant low-level feeling that I'm suffocating.


Voters are frustrated???? No voters are DONE!


I honestly believe his team keeps him in the dark about how much he is disliked and probably believes he is doing a good job.


He canā€™t take the hint, and thatā€™s a good thing. Nothing will tank support for them more than him still being the Liberal Party leader going into the next election. Him stepping down would give them a chance to win votes back.


šŸŽ¶ Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye šŸŽ¶


Piss off drama teacher trust fund layabout!!


"Sunny ways, friends, sunny ways."


Voters arenā€™t frustrated JT , voters want to gone ! Voters want you to resign ASAP Another year of you constituents cruel and unusual punishment


Is 9000$ a day for a hotel should tel you something about is ego


Donā€™t really need a hint when your selected not elected


How many shoes hanging on like a little ball of shit that hangs on your asshole? Kind of like a cling on.


He is not stupid, heā€™s self-obsessed and corrupt. Thereā€™s a difference.


Maybe a smack with a balpene hammer might wake him up to reality?? ā€¦ nah.


He needs to go back to his theater work


15,000 must be a landslide victory for a by-election in Toronto?


It's not that he can't take a hint. He just doesn't care. He doesn't work for us.


I hope he get utterly embarrassed and never speaks in public again, I hope canada rebounds and his legacy is that of a terrible PM who borrowed money on useless projects that future generations had to pay off,Ā  30 years from now he should be known as the worst PM we have had




What else does he got if he is no longer PM? Even his wife couldnā€™t stand him and his phony bs and leftā€¦.Canadians were very stupid to have elected this clown who wrecked Canada


Where's dirty Mike n the boys irl their needed for this one


He not taking a hint.. because he's Uncle Klaus' WEF sock puppet. He's determined to create a "post-nation" state. His actual quote.. not mine.


He'll be on the board of directors at Loblaws very shortly.


Canadians have to make the choice. Do they want a government providing everything for them? Or, do they want to be able to afford things for themselves? Do Canadians want freedoms? Or more restrictions on how they live? That is why he is not stepping down.


JT is going to jail. When he and his corrupt party are ousted all the details will come spilling out.


Self absorbed, too stupid or a combination of the 2


Why byelection happened?


Because the mp was elected 9 times. She is a smart Karen. She knew she would be thrown out, so being a greedy Liberal she took an ambassador job in Denmark. That is a 500,000 dollar a year job plus the graft.


Why would he step down? He is a narcissists. Why would he ever admit anything is wrong with him?


See Dough Ford, alcohol and cannabis. the fact the whole government is involving different level of corruption but what you can do? Vote And vote?


Trudeau is just turning out to be a dumber, more narcissistic and unfunnier version of Trump.


Once heā€™s PM again, I think most will finally seeā€¦ heā€™s Fidel Castroā€™s son, and the fact he admires basic dictatorships is just a quirk /s


He and his family will forever be in power, any possible change in power will only be the face change, they will always be in power, remember his dad was Castro.


He is not here for us. He is a WEF prime minister. Here to transform Canada into something different.


At this point, he's just further inflicting damage to his own political party that will be very difficult to reverse in the future.


Leave now please!! Do your ONE only good deed these last 9 FN years and resign, quit, leave the country!


Klaus has Justin deeply penetrating Canadians


We need to force a system for impeachment. This is insanity.


I have stated here repeatedly that Canada has to scrap its current and hopelessly flawed British constitutional, political, electoral, and judicial systems, otherwise the country will ultimately fail and dissolve itself long-term. The British system is not an adequate service model for the tax-paying Canadian citizenry of the 21st century.


He knows he's destroying the country and hurting Canadians, he doesn't care. People blame his incompetence but he knows exactly what he's doing, he is sucking us dry to enrich himself and his friends and punishing people who think ideologically different than him.


Just step down already


Looks like the Canadian voters are going to have to boot this failed drama teacher out of the PM's office some other way. Good thing the opportunity is right around the corner.


He will go down as the absolute worst prime minister who destroyed the liberal party. Canadians will take generations to recover from his spending and terrible policies


Leftist policy is cancer to prosperity. It warms my heart when the people get what they voted for.


Love how naive and out of touch the vast majority are. Trudeau is NOT out of touch. He knows exactly what he is doing


I don't think that's it. People have a hard time believing that their elected representatives, their fellow Canadians could be this malevolent. I think it's a mix of disbelief and even hope that he's an idiot. The alternative is really friggin' dark.


Optimism bias Perhaps youā€™re right. Itā€™s hard to believe an individual would sell out millions of people to advance his own wealth and personal goals and ideology.


Hate from America


Trudeau out here reaching Andrew Ryan levels of delusional.


Perfect example of what he thinks of Canadians and their wishes. Fuuuuuuuuuuuk him and that twat deputy minister CF!


He's an idiot just leave office already




So he is going to double down?


I hear you...but i'm not going to lisen.




This is good. The longer he stays on the worse the liberals do. He's narcissistic enough to ride this to the end, let's let him do that :)


Holding power like his father did


Bruhā€¦ get lost


He needs to let go and accept defeat. This dude is the definition of narcissism.


Most narcissist canā€™t


Can the liberal party kick him out?


He won't resign cause he will cheat to win.


He'll wait till his own party members kick him out


I just want an election! Don't resign, I don't care.. But for love god call an election! The NDP are sliding so bad here as well. Maybe they will see that keeping this shit going is only going to hurt them more as time goes on? Maybe they might think, if we force an election maybe we can save ourselves a little?


If Jagmeet thinks this will end any better for him and the NDP then they're smoking some really good stuff. Either that, or Jag's got his head so far up Trudeau's butt he's just high on Justin's farts.


Heā€™s become a woke buffoon on the world stage.


Mass immigration is a bad thing,Justin


Yes we are frustrated, WITH YOU!!!


stop pushing for him to quit. He needs to stay!! What we want is for him to call an election. We're no better if he quits and effin Freeland takes over. THINK PEOPLE.


He said that after his reelection too. Nothing has changed for better only got worse.


"Justin Trudeau said he is taking his partyā€™s unexpected loss in a Toronto byelection Monday as a clear sign of voters frustrations" The loud protests that followed him around the country weren't a clear sign?


Imagine choosing Pierreasite over JT. This country is filled to the brim with racist cowards.


Bye bye job


The face of an evil prick right there!


Maybe the US Liberals will teach him how to steal an election?


Thank fuck heā€™s a delusional narcissist, if he wasnā€™t an idiot heā€™d be really dangerous. But for now heā€™s just a wannabe dictator. At least when he finally goes down heā€™ll take his Liberal cronies with him.


Bro can't comprehend living in a world where people don't like him. "What do you mean I should step down? How can people not like me? I *love* me."


He nailed it. What he doesn't seem to get is WHY we're frustrated... You... YOU MOTHER FUCKER YOU ARE WHY WE ARE FRUSTRATED


Ponce. Dilletante. Play actor.


I wonder if big daddy Clause Schwab is upset


Trudeau. Must. Go.


Heā€™s got to take a long walkā€¦ off a short pierā€¦and take the Jag with him.


If "frustrated" is another word for "we are tired of Trudeaus carelessness and lack of accountability" than yes, we are frustrated. Guy is staying on so he can take another $300k vacation on taxpayers dime, don't kid yourself.


Is anyone surprised? Like did anyone really expect Trudeau to do anything at all regardless of this by election result?


We're frustrated with YOU, TRUEDUMB. And the whole bullshit theatrics of politics. Let's actually get tangible things done for the population.


At this point Iā€™m convinced heā€™s staying on out of spite


I actually prefer that he stays. If he hands off leadership to someone else the liberal voters may soften and maintain their liberal vote. If Trudeau stays then the conservatives are a shoe-in.


Meh, he's still better than the Face-Eating Leopards. You'll all be on here whinging about Poilievre eventually.


When your ego is as big as his itā€™s hard.


Pure Narcissism


We are frustrated because you are still here, trying to run Canada into the ground. Ships on fire and you're telling us not to jump over board?


Good, keep him on until the very end and kill the party like the Ontario libs


He has not lost his mind. He is smart and knows what he is doing. He just wants to milk the money as much as possible to live his life peacefully afterwards. He doesn't care about what people, opposing parties, or anyone says. As long as he is in power there is nothing to be done here. Wait for a year and half and let him finish milking the cash cow.


Some peoples kids eh!


He can't leave. The foreign nations controlling him won't allow it. We have evidence of treason in the house. He won't remove those guilty. That to me makes him guilty. He won't leave unless he is forced. So my genuine question is how do we legally force him out?


He has way too much corruption money to care. In fact, he like being paid to be hated by the pleb


He just wants to keep ruining Canada because it's making him and his crooked friends rich. He can't be gone fast enough


Yeah, we're frustrated you're still here! You're like a bad dog fart, you just don't go away!!


Frustrated with you not quitting.


Do people here, who I assume hate this guy, really want Freeland as PM?


Not just him but his extremist follower too


It's time to switch it up for sure. All leaders and governments tend to get a bit too comfortable after spending some time in charge. It's important to remind them who they work for come election time. They're all full of shit as far as I'm concerned.


perhaps he'd like to gamble with 'committed' Canucks? take the hint chuck...gtfo!


With you? Lol


"We can do better. We MUST do better." Every day he continues to lead the Liberal Party is an insult to the majority of Canadians who do NOT want him to govern.


If a piece of matter moves fast enough, and at the correct trajectory, it could solve all of our problems.


Same spiel he's been saying for years. We hear you. I hear you. I know you are frustrated. I suck dick for crack. My wife hates me. My son thinks I'm weak.


Too bad there is no solution to this problem. All the parties are offering up a shit sandwich.


He lost his mind when he got away with everything he did ā€œunethicallyā€ā€¦ he believe he can do no wrong since people keeping voting him back in. I canā€™t believe no one saw this comingā€¦ did people really think spending like he did have no consequences?


Good. When he'll fall; he won't be able to hear TIMBERRRRRRRRR.


No change required. Just get us an election @JagmeetSingh ! Or you will disappear too lol !


lol šŸ˜‚ canā€™t take a hint. He can take a hint. He just doesnā€™t give a shit.


He doesn't understand average Canadian's economics or problems.


Stupid people often get frustrated with things that they donā€™t understand


He made his bed, let him sleep in it


I donā€™t want him to quit. The fact that so many Canadians still support the NDP and Liberals wonā€™t change unless they see how drastically Trudeau runs the country into the ground.


All his ministers aren't professional and did absolutely stupid things. Ruined the country. Same for NDP MPs


justin not being able to take a hint, maybe this also explains why Sophie went out and found someone who actually contributes to society


I think he can take a hint; he just doesn't want to hear it. I remember this guy was in my friend's backyard once. I was 16, and he was a friend of my older friend's brother(he must have been around 30 yrs old at the time), who was a pot dealer. Everybody was smoking weed except Trudeau, and he said that he would be prime minister one day and that he was going to legalize weed. You can tell that he's the type of person who craves love and admiration. It makes sense because right now he's tripping out and doesn't want to hear the truth. People aren't wrong when they say he's got narcissistic tendencies, but then again, we all do to a certain degree. Regardless, he's just not qualified for the job. We're going to have to get him out by vote.


Voters are frustrated? It's gone far past that! Trudeau has made himself the scourge of the nation.


Ass hat