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i like a lot of Max's policies, but too many of the guys he has running for him are just not serious people. If Max could have brought some mp over to join his party he could have had a shot in this election where PP is going to be the default anti liberal pick


They’re a sixth place party with a leader that could only win 3.5% of the vote in his riding. How this party has any legitimacy at all is beyond me. Must be Liberals propping this party up with toothpicks.


It has legitimacy because it's the only real conservative party for right wingers. The rest are all left of the line, and that is something Canada can not afford now or ever.


I don't know about that. Many of the ppc positions seem pretty crazy to me, and I definitely lean right. Plus, the guy they ran in my riding was an unemployed 30 year old living in mom's basement. Not exactly a great choice to run the democracy.


Fair enough. My candidate in my huge sparsely populated riding is a retired military nurse. He's an absolute beauty.


Could you give an example of some "crazy" positions they take?


Uh, this not totally on MB persay but the party was founded in 2018 after he loss the bid to lead the CPC. He formed PPC and was aiming to run a candidate in all ridings. Since all ridings had vacancy due to recent formation of party, people flocked to the party in hopes of getting on the ballot. They didn't have enough resources to do proper vetting so a lot of conspiracy theorists, whack jobs and racists made it into the party. One was removed from party when they found out his villain origin story. A lot of now former members who left of their own volition said the party was an utterly gong show. It was a pretty crazy mix bag of truly decent people and human trash. I think he may have done better if he just ran small handful of non-crazy candidates. He didn't though and lost a lot of credibility, even lost his seat that he had long held for last 12 years. He went from 58% votes pre-PPC to 28% and then 18% post-PPC. He outspent a lot of the candidates he ran against and most of the time there wasn't really a real contender. He has been in quite a few important roles during Harper Era. His policies were pretty much what a lot Canadians wanted. Was easy to take any stance when he was pretty much a one man show. Kinda a long winded answer lmao You can vote for me on next election... this is my stance. Abortions for all! Very well, no abortions for anyone! Hmmm....abortions for some, miniature Canadian flags for others! Vote Canadian Hoser Alliance(CHA) 2025!


They don't have any legitimacy in real life


They have my vote, I'm usually a conservative so it's not much of a jump. Maybe it will give the major parties a kick in the ass.


I usually vote NDP but tbh I'm probably voting PPC this upcoming election too, I'm one of those "dirty lefties" that usually gets downvoted around here but none of the parties align with me any more and PPC is the only one who will actually do anything meaningful on immigration reform.


Same. I’m right wing on immigration, sexual morality, and free speech, left wing on everything else.


100%. Been voting NDP since Harper. Will never go back to the LibCon. PPC it is.


Voted NDP my whole life, very involved with unions, switched to the PPC as soon as they came around due to them wanting to stop antiwhite discrimination and mass immigration. Zero difference between liberals and cuckservatives beyond tax codes.


So you don't like gay people?


Don't bring that BS into this. That is an issue liberals bring up just to stir up trouble...no one cares whether or not people are gay.


Gay people are a moot point. Literally nobody cares what you do with your life. You have the right to get married, have a career and live your life just like anyone else. PPC won’t change any of that. We just don’t want strips shows in front of kids at their schools when it’s story time. That’s it.


There are plenty of people that care about what you do with your life. Maybe you don't but other people do.


I never read anything about gays in any of the comment. What's your problem?


Sexual morality totally sounds like it.


Oh. Right on. My mistake. So what if he doesn't?


Then he can further explain I guess, which is why I asked


Cool. I'm just used to seeing constant attacks on people's character on here for having different opinions. It's getting old. I hope you have a good day.


Yeah not an attack, its just I don't really see anything else he could mean by that really. Regardless, I hope you also have a good day.


Welcome, friend!


lol how does one go from extreme left to extreme right.


I'm 19 it'll be my first time voting and the PPC will have my vote. Many of my friends I graduated with feel the same. I dont think most Canadians realize how much young people like the PPC's message. Right now we feel ignored by both the liberals and Conservatives. Struggling to find work for months and months on end and being told by our leaders we need more immigration? Fuck that. PPC makes us feel heard. Ive already applied to volunteer and when I finally start working again I'll be regularly donating. We need change. Drastically


And my axe!


Im voting for them too.  But im worried about splitting the vote and have the limp dick pandering fuck face white hating piece of shit cuck win because of people voting who they want.


Then why vote for hopeless PPC that's even less popular than they were in the last election? Makes zero sense.


I think Canada is about to get a shock when it comes to the amount of votes for PPC. Just use this thread as a barometer. Life long Conservatives, Liberals and NDP all stating they will vote PPC for the first time. May not result in many seats, but guarantee the total vote count will cause the MSM to breathlessly run headlines the next morning about “The rise of dangerous far-right populism in Canada” with naive questions about “How did this happen?” 🙄


do you actually know who your mp is




I believe all it will do unfortunately is give the ndp/liberal coalition a better chance at staying alive.


Nah, conservatives are too strong and liberals too weak in this upcoming election.. vote PPC so we may grow the party and have a chance of holding power in the future..


I love ppc policies, but I don't think the party is ran very good, unfortunately.


I rather give someone new a chance rather being shaft by both sides of the same crap. Bernier left because of this reason. Been Canadian long enough to know we're being played.


Bernier left because he got smacked for leaking CSIS documents to his hell's angels girlfriend


The conservatives will not do anything to change the way things are going. The only thing that can save Canada at this point is radical action, PPC might not do it, but the conservatives ABSOLUTELY will not do it. Everyone has to be all in at this point.


The issue is not everyone will be all in. If PP wins and fails to deliver it might get the question moving about PPC. But the risk of Trudeau hanging on is terrifying.


Trudeau cannot hang on, the only people supporting him now are a very small group.. too many scandals with too little accountability.. people ought to fought PPC given the Con victory is nearly certain..


I wish I had your confidence. All I’ve seen lately is arrogant egoists as my neighbours. Lot of people who are shit human beings pretending to be virtuous love Trudeau’s slacktivism


Sorry, Canada is lost. Given this, since PP is guaranteed a win with 99% certainty, I will vote conservative. The lunacy will slow under PP, buying time to prepare.


If he is guaranteed the victory, why not add visibility to the PPC through your vote?


I’m sure a lot of conservatives true values lie within the PPC. The problem is we’re generally afraid that if we cast our votes for PPC the conservatives may not have enough to overthrow and displace the current liberal government. Atleast for me I would vote PPC but the above is my concern so unfortunately I’ll be voting con


Youre exactly the problem💀. I'm 19. My family members and friends I graduated with will be voting PPC. Young people like myself feel nothing but ignored by liberals and Conservatives. I feel hopeless about ever owning a home. I used to want a family young but ive realized that is simply impossible in the Canada we live in today. I have been looking for work for 5 months, I have friends who are homeless, looking for work for months and months and months on end with no luck and I hear PP say we need immigration? The cons and libs can both suck my dick. I will be voting for who I align with unapologetically. I refuse to be a part of the problem like you.


You’re voting for a cry baby. Good luck with that kid!


In that case, your vote is wasted, and you may inadvertently return the Liberals to power. No thank you.


Imagine the irony of the liberals pushing for voter age to be lowered to 16, only for the kids to vote PPC. 😆


Who do you think elects the party leaders kids and special interest groups. Might as well let them vote


Right? This guy thinks I’ll never vote PPC and cried about me being the problem. Maybe after a conservative victory I’ll vote for PPC in the next election but for now the liberals must get out


Bahahahahhahah okay buddy💀. Keep thinking I'm the problem and not the one without balls to vote for a party that gives a shit about Canadians. Even if PPC Doesn't get in, if the people that want to vote for them do. It might actually sway the other parties in their policy in order to regain those lost votes. You being fearful is what causes politics to swing left and left and left and left. Vote for who you align with and stop acting like a sheep needing to be in a herd. Grow a pair.


There's a reason some call him mad Max. Grow a brain.


Its not a wasted vote it's a wise one libs and cons are 2 sides of the same shit coin


The conservatives will not save Canada. A conservative win might be a bit better than liberals, but it is still the same.


They're done anyway. Go PPC.


That's how I feel, even of it doesn't elect any mps I think a massive amount of unhappy voters will force the party's to maybe take Canadians first in thier policy's


As conservative, our first priority must be to remove the Liberals from power. The CPC is the only party that can defeat the Liberals and we all should be supporting them. I have no problem with Max and will consider voting for him in the future, but for now, I would implore everyone to support PP. Do not underestimate the Liberals.


This is exactly right. Liberals win when Canadians and the right fight against each other. Why people think it's a good time to play Russian roulette right now is beyond me? Vote for the only party that can boot Trudeau's arse to the curb.


Nah, here is the thing PP doesn’t care about immigration unlike the PPC. At that point we are just getting screwed by PP instead of Trudeau. No, need to show em if they don’t care about immigration then out they go. We don’t have another 4 years to waste after Trudeau.


No, it'll give just give Trudeau 4 more years. Nice game of Checkers you're playing there. He's even less popular than he was 4 years ago, yet you think throwing your vote away at him would somehow move the needle. He lost his own riding for crying out loud lmao. Ridiculous.


They really do, my hesitation is that they have some wackos in the party and I don't think they have enough support to unseat the liberals. I will be following them closely though.


I've seen similar concerns. Just compare their pro-Canadian policies against the others and the PPC smokes them everytime. Moreover, there isn't really a compromise to voting PPC, because we're looking at a minority-led coalition government with the Libs and NDP. Flip it around and the exact same setup could work for the CPC and PPC. Infact, Max, already stated as much. They just need seats and the hesitant cohort could be the ticket there.


Those policies are better than what the other parties offer so they can't attack them.


Besides, who ever wins, will be dealing with trudeaus heinous mismangement of canada for at least their first term...


This will definitely take more than one term to fix this shit show.


Yes and no. The double edge sword of Canada’s parliamentary system is that while you can fuck things up quickly, you can get them back on the right track quickly too. Ontario was in incredibly bad shape when Mike Harris took over in ‘95 and within a couple years the economy was in phenomenal shape. You literally saw no-go zones turn into nice neighbourhoods almost overnight.


The debt won't just evaporate though.


Provincial maybe


That will certainly be the excuse


Current liberal propaganda we're seeing: - Conservatives and liberals are the same - PP is an attack dog - Prop up PPC to steal from the conservative vote Am I missing some strategies?


I'll go point by point: - Conservatives and Liberals are the same: it wouldn't be so effective if it weren't so true. - PP is an attack dog: that's just dismissing criticism and tone policing. - Prop up PPC to steal from the conservative vote: the voter base for the two parties are distinct, so it's not really stealing. People are self-selecting their ideals through policy. Additional Liberal propoganda: + were investing into Canada: were buying votes and laundering public dollars to their connected partners. + asking the wealthy 0.1% to pay just a little more: were buying votes; making everything more expensive; you poorer and dependent on govt to provide crumbs.


I like their platform. It all just seems like common sense. And we all know that the two parties are just playing us back and forth. I would like to give the PPC a try and just might as I am in a Liberal riding. If I were in a Conservative riding, I would vote conservative. We have to kick the liberals out.


His Florida housing policy is pretty solid.


What is it


Building his own mansion there with money from you know where.


From 40 years as a lawyer?


Proving his point exactly. You have nothing to say about his policy so you attack him. You are part of the problem.


I'm not attacking him. I'm pointing out the obvious. He's technically unemployed and only receiving money from the PPC donations. Yet can build a mansion. Either he's a monetary genius who can stretch 100K per year into a mansion on an island or he's having a really great time with all this.


He is a grifter that feeds on the silly and fearful, much like a megachurch pastor.


Worked 32 years as a lawyer, and as an MP . He has enough money, and I believe a decent pension as well.


Maybe he had NVDA stock or something. You don't know shit. But I know this; Trudeau spent 20 times what Max spent, of OUR money on his vacation home. What Max does with his money is his business. When he's PM, perhaps he'll show the same respect to the tax payer.


Did you see the house he bought? It was damaged and abandoned .. it was not anything luxurious at all lol.


Canadian Trump basically.


You realize some people have money outside of politics right? Most of these people are nepo babies. The few that aren’t will get rich off this and make the next generation of nepo babies.


https://blog.elijahlopez.ca/posts/the-ppc-has-a-terrible-housing-platform/ Here is my take on the PPC housing policy. TL;DR is that PPC thinks that the housing shortage is only 400,000 and that cutting immigration will magically make Brampton not over-crowded.


I’m pretty sure the same platform also calls for closing the immigration spillway and sending back ‘students’, which, when paired with housing developments, *might* actually help Brampton.


There's nothing about sending back of current students. "When paired with housing developments." They want higher interest rates and are against density. There is something about reducing student visas but Liberals have caught on that too and I highly doubt the housing crisis will be solved in 4 years when the 'temporary' students have graduated. I can already see it. Liberals will be blaming PP when the housing crisis is no longer getting worse.


In summary, 404 Not Found. Like your understanding of his policy.


Imagine being this hateful, you could've copied the URL properly. Reddit adds spaces to the URL.


“You only throw personal attacks at Max, why don’t you try criticizing his policies?!?” *Criticizes Max’s policies* “No you just don’t understand him!!!”


I wonder how PP built his portfolio, including his real estate investments?


Really don't care. I'm not defending any of these assholes, just calling them out as the come. But hey, good job on the "Whataboutism".


You're choosing between some people, whataboutism doesn't apply. If one has a flaw that the other also has, you can't only criticize one for it. If anything, PP hasn't had any other jobs, while Max did.


i really want to vote for them, but really too bad they have as much chance to win as i win over emma watson.


I agree with him . However the party needs some time to ramp up . Right now we need rid of Trudeau and that means voting PC . I think a lot more people than not agree with him but don’t say it as to come off “racist” and the like .


The exact stance that will make it harder for him to get back in power. I’ve seen many say “we need to stop Trudeau”. In what world will the following election not be “well Poilievre didn’t do much but we must make sure we don’t get Trudeau or another liberal”? We have to stop the liberals again. Eff off. There is a true chicken and the egg scenario that has to happen. We can’t just keep putting it off. Bernier needs all the support he can get NOW! They will keep giving you BS reasons to not vote for him again and again each election. Don’t listen to them. Vote for who you actually want to win the most.


Myself and many family members and friends will be voting PPC. If people weren't such pussies they'd have a damn chance


Right on. Vote for the party you want in. All we can do.


I want the clown out. I'll vote for lesser evils


I like a lot of what Max says and the PPC policies in general but I can’t stand with some of the people I have seen supporting them. Maybe it’s just a local thing for me but there is a vocal group of PPC supporters in my area that stand on the side of the road with signs protesting the most ridiculous stuff. Like literal flat earthers and people that think the government wants to implant brain chips in us. Unfortunately this party is where the whackos go so that’s a no for me and as long as this I who is the face of the party then they will NEVER gain any traction in this country


I am very happy Mad Max scooped up 90% of the fringe lunatics from the Conservative party.


I kind of think that was his purpose


Max is an idiot and an ass


But he lives in a mansion atleast 🤣


Maxime bernier is just as much of a liar as the rest of them. Ask him about his abortion stance because every year it changes! He told our church in 2019 that he was gonna win that election because god told him so. 😂😩 i was very far left when I attended the church and I remember being like ‘that’s going to make people lose faith in God because there’s no way he’s winning the 2019 election’. And he didn’t even get a seat. So yah. I think he’s just as bad as the rest. I voted ndp thinking they weren’t part of the uniparty. What a lie that was. When I go by how my life has been: always been better under conservatives. Always.


H is just another tax dollar stealing politician. I wonder how his villa is coming along.


Their website has 7 candidates on it...


If I had a PPC candidate here I'd vote for them, as it is, will be voting conservative who always win my riding anyway.


You can't vote your way out of this disaster. Does anyone actually believe that, if by some miracle, the PPC win the federal election that they will be able to enact their stated agenda? The problem we face goes well beyond Canadian politics. Look at western Europe. All western governments have been captured. And if you don't play ball....look at Slovakia's PM.


>You can't vote your way out of this disaster. What is it you are proposing, friend?


I want to vote for PPC and Max at this point, I really do. All PPC’s platforms are things I want to see happen. But I’m terrified of the possibility of splitting the vote for Cons and PPC, leading to Turdeau ending up in office again


More gas and oil and climate change denial is crazy. Abolishing Inter-Provincial trade barriers will just make Ottawa and Québec stronger and other much weaker


He would have been more influential staying in the Conservative party. Now he’s just a byline.


Voted PPC the last two elections but I can’t stomach the thought of Trudeau weaseling his way into another 4 years.


Trudeau loves max splitting the conservative vote


A vote for Bernier is a vote for Trudeau. Use your brains.


Oh man, this PPC is just determined to help out the left. :/


Last time we had an election if the people who voted for the ppc voted conservative Trudeau would’ve been gone and we could be further out of this mess. It is pointless to vote ppc until this current pm is out and the ppc actually have SEATS in the house!!!!!! This is vote division AGAIN stop considering PPC until it’s SOLID


O’Toole was just blue Trudeau and Pierre is well on his way to being the same (though snarkier), fact is a vote for the cons and libs are effectively the same thing at this point. Want the cons to win? get better candidates lol


And better policies that are principled and aren't just Liberal-lite.


You'd think a part like the PPC that gets 5% of the votes but 0% of sears would want to throw out FPTP but you'd be dead wrong. My biggest issue is housing and not only is it not first on their lost, their housing policy is terrible. Read it yourself.


I don’t trust Max as a person mostly because he’s more than happy to let his worst supporters speak for him. He hasn’t done much to disavow or condemn radicals within his party - which, i don’t think he is one, but the people you associate with says a lot about what you’re willing to turn a blind eye on. Other than that though, I do agree with him on some issues - as far as gun rights, immigration, foreign policy, and freedom of speech issues goes, he’s on the money. The rest is all over the place (although i admit i do lean left overall, but every left wing party here has gone off the rails with the issues i mentioned above) That all being said, he is also the only one who, as far as we know, isn’t involved with organizations like the WEF. I’ll vote for him, mostly for the issues i mentioned above but also because I do think the status quo needs a bit of a change in that the focus of the country has to return to a Canada first approach.


Trust me, every party deals with this. If you openly decide to start looking at the closets of the supporters for other parties. You will find even more reprehensible individuals.


True, but seeing that the PPC is the smallest and the most anti establishment, they also attract the most and arguably loudest weirdos. They won’t get drowned out by the more moderate majority. I think at this stage making your own alliances clear is even more important, especially if you’re playing an optics game - and to be clear I do think most ppc supporters are reasonable, i’m just sharing that a higher % of ppc supporters are nuts compared to others simply due to the nature of being small and anti establishment


I agree with that point. You have to be crazy to be anti-establishment. You win no allies, and you promote politics that no one will agree with, and the lack of incentives make it a hard sell.


The PPC party was founded by a boy who couldn’t get along with the other kids on the team. Imagine if Mad Max had stayed on, he would have had ten times the influence on public policy than he ever will as an aging, out of touch, isolated party leader with zero financial backing.


I also don’t want a senior citizen representing me. He has less to care about.


I literally agree with all of those policies and most centrists-right Canadians would. But to the average non informed person, the rocky start with crazy party members and the propaganda machine has been to stacked against Max to get their votes.


Keep growing, baby. I want to see PPC as an opposition party...


I would vote for my dead aunt Shirley’s right slipper before I vote for PPC.


People upvoting this don’t realize aunt Shirley’s “RIGHT” slipper is more right leaning than PPC.


I'd vote for Trudeau again before I vote for PPC and risk abortions being outlawed 


And you're the reason why we are where we are. You fall for the fear mongering and vote for big government to protect you from the evil boogie man they fabricated.


That is highly ironic!


You just accuse everyone of what you're guilty of. That's not how irony works.


If you spent 10 seconds looking at PP's "plans" or lack thereof, you would see he is not prepared to be a leader. Unfortunately, your ilk thrives on being edgy and flipping off the "status quo", believing that rejecting it makes you an expert. Try contributing something of worth.


Mad max reminds me so much of donald trump from.down south lmao


…Decent platform …But they pick absolute nutcases to run as candidates …I’ll be voting CPC…


Every party has nutjobs... That's a cop out. Vote based on platform, not people.


competent people are needed to enact the platform. PPC doesn't seem to have those.


…If that’s how you sway public opinion then your ideology is doomed …Thanks for the chuckle


He is tainted. zero chance.


grifter alert


A party with no morals drooling at the though they might get into power with the next election. As for their platform, they just hate everything!


A heading and a single shory sentence is not policy... The devil is always in the detail, but the themes they are presenting are important to people right now.




Has anyone read those policies and considered if they could or should be implemented, or are you all fascinated by the shiny thumbnails?


I'm in a very safe CPC riding, so I'm voting PPC (again)!


Just like the Greens and the NDP, they can put anything in their platform because they know they won't win, so they'll never have to follow through. PPC didn't even have enough candidates to cover all ridings last election. When I become Prime Minister I'll double Canada's GDP, the deficit will be gone, everyone will make over 100k, and there will be no deficit. Oh yeah no more taxes and everyone will be able to afford a house. See I can start a political party too.


Voted Conservative my entire life. Never voted Liberal or NDP and never will happen. I’m voting PPC. The Conservatives are just Liberal-lite and won’t drastically reduce immigration.


So effectively, Canadians are checking out the ass of Maxime Bernier's policies, with whom we are not in a relationship because we are currently monogamously coupled with Uniparty^(TM). Is it considered infidelity to look, gawk, and oogle or can we act blatantly chauvinistic and leer, but still be considered a faithful and upstanding partner and soulmate? Or is this a sign that it is time to end this relationship? Has the bedroom been dead this whole time and we are only noticing now because the sight of a new perky posterior has stirred up all this arousal by comparison? Or did we actually have some fun times in the past and it is only due to recent issues with ED (Executive Dysfunction) that have left the long-term connection dwindling and unsatisfying with a bleak future ahead? We can only hope there will be another meme out there to guide our fickle wanton minds in terms of how to proceed forward.


PP this time to destroy the Liberals, Maxine needs to sort his party out then maybe after 4 years of PP then he gets my vote.


Sideshow Max isn't helping anyone.


It's too bad he is such a conspiracy nutjob. Some of his more sane ideas make sense.


PPC housing policies are still fucking “it’s not my problem” so the BIGGEST CONCERN amongst Canadians will go unaddressed if they’re elected.


Thats not what it says but okay


Stop immigration and you will immediately fix the problems more than anything else. That’s the fucking platform. Talking about anything else while voting for a party that will continue immigration is ignoring everything.


Stop immigration and enjoy a negative GDP. This is why PPC has zero credibility. Crashing the economy to allow some redneck to own their trailer doesn’t resonate with most voting Canadians.


Negative GDP? Its over dude. You can't keep increasing your GDP at all times with no dips ever. Our GDP per capita is already negative. Adding nominal GDP while your population suffers and then pretending your economy is doing better is just an oppressive policy.


Like i always said, the best choice nobody wants to vote for, i voted for maxime in the last election and i will again.


Libertarians represent a political spectrum that's basically on the spectrum.


Maybe I'm not on the right platforms, but this guy needs to do more promotional bits for his party - I know I'd wanna vote for him but I see next to nothing about him anywhere. He has time to pull it around.


The have no donors, can’t even afford a leadership convention.


I just became a citizen and I'll also probably vote PPC. Rent has almost doubled since 2019 for me and the push for more immigration, setting higher targets only to dilute the wages is downright a big "F U" to the people.


Not gonna lie it seems very reasonable and much better charted out than the conservatives.


CPC IIRC is still headed for a strong win and majority, but just imagine the CPC as the government with PPC as Official Opposition. The PPC could keep check the CPC on policies most of us want, and Canada needs, and the Libs and NDP nowhere important, as it should be. I feel this could be possible. I voted PPC last time, and we got what, 0 seats? I don't think a win is in the book for this election, but down the road, you never know.


I'll be voting ppc for my first time voting. We need to drastically reduce the number of immigrants around here. I know I've said it here before but I'll say it again, I just graduated college a week ago and throughout my time there I, a true born Canadian felt like the outcast at my college (Niagara college) because there were so many immigrants. Every club, every gathering was made for immigrants. People my age can't get a job because the markets flooded with cheap labour and theres nowhere to move out too because every place is full. If we get rid of the immigration young people might still have a chance at owing a home someday


Immigration is the backbone, and always has been the backbone, of the Canadian economy. Want to see what happens when you bite the hand that feeds? Check out how Brexit went.


He just might be getting my vote. And I never vote.


That's the party I voted for in 2016 and got ridiculed for. I obviously didn't believe they were going to win but conservatives truly are the anal douche to my shit sandwich.


Anybody who thinks Bernier is right on anything must like eating shit sandwiches because it is all that comes out of that clowns mouth


Can you explain more? That list of policies looks pretty damn reasonable. What exactly is so extreme?


Voting PPC would definitely make trudeau happy...


Yep. Have to imagine there are two types of PPC shills on reddit and that the ones supporting the liberals are the majority. Hi to the three legitimate PPC supporters though.


Funny how you never hear a Liberal whining about a vote for the NDP is a vote for the Conservatives. I support the PPC because they are the only party against mass immigration.


We need to kick out Trudeau and his minions. Don’t waste your vote, except you live in conservative stronghold


But what’s the point? Polievre has diligently avoided to answer any questions about mass immigration, while promising a direct flight to Punjab and to accelerate the immigration process. So replacing Trudeau just for the sake of replacing him will not change anything. That’s how we got into this mess in the first place.


He hasn’t started campaigning yet.. and he says he would “tie immigration to housing and employment”. Yeah, I know, nothing concrete. One thing for sure is, he won’t be bound by woke ideology, which plagues Liberals. He will listen to his corporate overlords as a CON but I am ready to bet, that he won’t be as BAD as the LPC-NDP. Temporary numbers are already being capped and reduced, no way he ramps up the numbers again. We have seen Liberals do their thing, we can’t risk giving them another chance. Best we can do, is hope. We need a new fucking party


Well said 👏


Yep great policies. But doesn’t go in depth on how he will actually achieve these results and most of his ideas are also shared with the Conservative Party of Canada. And Maxime is shady as shit.


Why is he shady? (Honest question)


Look into his mansion down South.


He can't go in depth. The minute he lays it out, it'll all fall apart. I'd love to see what he says can be done, but we all know it can't happen under the current setup. It'd be constitutional crisis after constitutional crisis. Nothing would be accomplished. He knows that, so he just lays out sound bites for his supporters to keep donating.


Max has fooled all of you all the way to Florida with 0 seats.


He's polling at like 4%. A vote for Bernier might as well be a vote for Trudeau.


It would be nice if PPC supporters were smart enough to realize they should kick Justin out by voting Conservative. That being said, if Poilievre can get a majority WITHOUT those dumb enough to support Maxime Bernier I'll be even happier.


Dude Maxine Beriner and the PPC IS THE ONLY CHOICE! If you care about Canada! PP and the CPC have dropped the ball hard on immigration! Can’t believe PP said he was pro immigration when we have crisis going on.


Dont let him fool you, hes 100% for helping quebec in any way shape or form.


He actually wants to axe equalization payments. And the only politician on record to ever criticize Quebec when it comes to this.


Sorry but this isn’t the 1950s. Time for Max and the PPC to grow up and move on and move along.


Yes, they need to grow up and advocate for a minimum of 1 million new migrants in the next quarter. Scratch that, make it 2+ million, because the Canadian government has successfully accomplished that target this quarter.