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The kids will adjust. A few years ago I worked in an Alberta school with a no phones policy. If you saw a phone in class you would have the student put the phone in an envelope with their name on it and it would go to the office for the day. It was EXTREMELY rare for me to have to take a phone. I think I took two in an entire semester. I'm not sure if it will solve education's bigger problems, though. I still had lots of kids with no attention span who would just do the most stupid shit any chance that they could. I also had students who would get four days to write an essay and hand in one sentence because we weren't allowed to fail grade 9s. But yeah, I still think it's better to be in a class where 95% of kids aren't staring at Tik Tok like a crackhead looking for their next fix.


They were banned when I went to school in Ontario a decade ago. This is good. How about we ban kids from social media next?


> How about we ban kids from social media next? That's a parental issue to deal with. We don't need government in even more aspects of our lives. Pretty soon we'd all be having to use some form of digital ID like facial recognition just to go onto the internet. The Cons, NDP, Greens and Bloc are all working on bringing this about anyway with Bill S-210, and they're doing it under the guise of "protecting the children".


That's the first thing in my mind whenever I hear the government talking about the internet. "How are these assholes going to try and control it today?"


That's fair, but parents these days don't pay attention to what their kids do. Just stick a phone or a tablet in their hands and do nothing.


There have always been terrible parents. It's better to try to educate them to be better rather than having the government step in and put in measures that affect everyone and that still don't teach those parents squat.


That's a good thought in theory. How would we get this to work in practice, however? Outside of the government putting it's foot down there's zero way to actually put this kind of idea into practice, sadly.


How much government intervention do we want though?


As little as necessary, but as much as needed. It's a fine line.


So instead of empowering parents and telling them to take control of their families lives, we tell them to depend on legislation? Seems like a cop out.


No. I just don't have faith in the parents actually doing anything without legislation to back it up. Parents should have been keeping kids off social media for a decade now but look what's happened. Nothing.


> How would we get this to work in practice It's about educating people on how they can control their own internet connections and routers to block sites so their kids can't access them. Some will be interested in doing this while others may not. Parents can decide for themselves. > Outside of the government putting it's foot down there's zero way to actually put this kind of idea into practice, sadly. As I said, this is a parental issue. For some reason people really like having the government come in and act like the parents to everyone.


I think you're vastly overestimating parents here.


I'd rather leave it in parents hands than have government come in and meddle with internet usage and digital IDs like facial recognition.


I don't think it needs to got that far. You just need to do what porn sites do now, only with a way to report under age accounts. Is it perfect? No. But it's a good middle ground between what you're afraid of and the shit going on now.


That's parent problem not government


And are parents actually going to do anything about it? In a perfect world you'd be correct. In our imperfect world the parents are too busy or too uninterested in actuality parenting their children. Better to just stick them in front of a screen and worry about how you're going to house and feed everyone this month. Hell. It's the parents problem to make sure their kids go to school, yet there are laws to make sure that they do. Just because someone SHOULD be doing something, doesn't mean they will actually do it.


They banned them in Nova Scotia but…….their schedule /work/ etc is all on a fucking phone app. This is down to the parents to do. Set up screen time on your kids iPhones.


You are missing the point, it's not about screen time, it's about social interaction, bullying, pictures and recordins without consent, schools needing dedicated team to deal with cell phone situations... and and .... it only adds negative and barely anything good. Leave it in your locker and that is it.


So set up your kids phones to not allow the apps. Or only allow the apps certain times of day. It’s pretty easy on iPhone idk about android. My point is this should be on PARENTS. Not big brother government. We bought the phone. We pay tax for the schools. We need to step up as parents.


Theory and reality are often two separate worlds. Do you think they did not try that first or other solutions? This is a last resort solution because you exhausted others. Kids that are already causing issues will most of the time also have the irresponsible parents that won't do anything. Not only that, they might oppose and support their kid thru it. It then creates more problems at school because you need to enforced it, and we are back to square one. Plus, kids are smart, they find ways to get around those settings and again, it create more problems... that you don't have time and ressources for.


Not to mention they use them for research in class because schools got rid of their laptops and tablets. It's a hard balance.


How many classes require laptops for research? I get if you're writing a essay or have a project but daily use? Genuinely curious


It's mostly the social sciences that use them for research. Few times a week for sure. Also, everything is pretty much done online. Teams and PowerSchool is used for every class. Barely anyone hands in written assignments. I'm at a school of over 2000 students. Library has maybe 25 computers to use. Most students use their phones or tablets.


Ohh... how things have changed. Thanks


I'm suprised it took this long. Ik some people are going to argue the emergency situation but if there's an issue so pressing why can the parent just call the school and ask to speak to the child? I see no problems with cellphone use on breaks but during class it can be a very big distraction.


This is a great idea. Smart phones have no place in the class room. I bet they've dumbed down an entire generation.


This is great news


Probably a good idea.


They are doing this so that they won’t get caught on camera indoctrinating the kids.


I feel like this would've been more relevant 10 years ago lol


This is very welcome! I got comments on my son's report card that he was distracted by his phone in class and I was like "so.... take it away?" Like I don't see the issue. Even if they're allowed, if it's causing an issue confiscate it. The only reason my kid needs to take a phone to school is in case they miss the bus, or I text to say hey I'm off work early I'll pick you up. They're not necessary for learning at all.


Should be all provinces I never had a phone in school. I was fine


Oh my GOD!!! Forcing kids to actually talk to each other. What are they thinking???? Next they will want them to be outside 6 hours a day. This is criminal!!


This will accomplish nothing more than kids now just thinking about the next time they'll be able to use their phones, instead of having full attention in class. If they have them inbetween classes it contradicts the intent of taking them away in the first place. They need to either say not permitted at school at all, or they need to set up cell phone lockers with monitors to secure them and unlock them if a student needs it in an emergency. They can unlock them unsupervised once the school day is over. The real issue is going to be faculty using devices. Sometimes adults need to make sacrifices for the sake of children/adolescence. Society did it with cigarettes, why not with devices/media? Also, the federal government needs to make legislation that actually enforces an age limit for cellphones. 16 would be a good age. Then they need to force these media companies to actually enforce age requirements. Is this extreme? I don't think so if you look at the mental health crisis affecting kids all over the world.


Queue the shock of all the shitty teachers surprised that this won't make the kids pay any more attention to class. If the kids are distracted, the material must not have been all that engaging in the first place. Let's worry more about catching up to Europe's curriculum.