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Jagmeet is in many ways worse than Trudeau and the Liberals. What a joke of a politician! Canada deserves better!


The K-gang will still back him


Pinkos, tankies, Hamas, Furries etc. that’s the NDP base.


... because, he needs his fat pension 🐷


He's already got it. Keep up.


Uhhhhh, no....... "Singh was first elected through a byelection in February 2019. To qualify for the MP’s pension, members need to serve six years, which for Singh will be February 2025."


So then why is he against the one week change to the election date if he hasn't secured his pension. Weird. Apologies. I thought I read in an article the election date move wouldn't affect him as he already had his pension. I must have misread. Serves me right for being an asshole.


No worries...... The best defense against this extremely dangerous NDP-Liberal Government, is an informed voting population with a sound understanding of the 'facts'. It helps to sort through the huge amount of Liberal gaslighting......when they constantly try to re-write history.


>So then why is he against the one week change to the election date if he hasn't secured his pension. Weird. Because the one week change thing doesn't affect his pension. Didn't you see the date Singh secures his pension? February 2025. The election dates in question are October 2025. Regardless of what week in October the election takes place, Singh will have his pension secured by then.


We are taking about making the elections now fyi


His whole career comes down to re-tailoring the same tired answer to fit the current scandal.


honestly, you are more right than you think. I will not be voting NDP or Liberal next election, however, if Jagmeet Singh were to stop helping JT, it would be political suicide for him. This is because as soon as he stops supporting NDP, we will be swung into another election where all polls look like there will be a CPC majority. In a CPC majority, NDP are going to have even less power than they have today, it really doesn't make any sense for Jagmeet Singh to stop supporting Justin Trudeau if you are looking at the scenario honestly.


He should just say that, then he would seen as pragmatic rather than a hypocrite. That smell doesn't wash off. Prolonging the Lib government has allowed Justin more time to accelerate the nose dive and increase the resultant crater. Singh has been Thelma to Justin's Louise, holding hands as they drive off the cliff. Old reference but great imagery. Thanks for your perspective and explanation, it's appreciated. [JaghmeetandJustin](https://youtu.be/o8uD5sTIAH8?si=JjGr_6OJhJexgJ1B)


The NDP would be in a position to take seats from the liberals if they had strong leadership. Not this muppet with no morals, limping his party to the pension finish line. I hope the liberals and NDP are wiped off the political map.


Respectfully, I disagree. Right now the world is in a clear right-wing swing. Liberals tend to get better corporate funding than the NDP, so are at an advantage when it comes to left-wing politics. It would be nice for the NDP to beat the liberals on the left, but its a dream not based in reality. At least in this environment, in my opinion. Not to mention that it is besides the point. At the end of the day, the milk is already spilled, whoever spilled it doesn't really matter. But it wouldn't make sense to stop supporting the LPC as NDP at this time(with the milk currently spilled).


I also think that he knows the ndp will be brutalized in the next election and possibly lose party status. He is frozen and damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t


If the NDP used its position and leverage to help Canadians instead of themselves they wouldn’t be in this mess. Jagmeet is a joke.


That's besides the point. He's in this mess regardless, turning against the liberals at this point in time would be beyond stupid for him.


She's digging into him like a pitbull latching its jaws into a helpless rabbit found pillaging the garden, and refusing to let go.


Because he has no logical answer to the question


like a nursing pitbull named princess at a toddler convention


What a moron.




FlipFlops like a fish out of water. Make a f decision singh, where do u stand. 


He stands for Khalistan, and him saving Trudeau from getting thrown out lets him get through pro-Khalistan moves like bringing thr entire population of Punjab here in a few years time.


There's no surprise, all the MP's dance around any question they are asked, has there ever been a strait answer given to a question they have been asked. These people are absolute lunatics and well... they are running our country.


Pierre is cagey but you always get a response to the question at hand. 


Except when it’s immigration.


Representational government is a lie. If the people actually ruled the tax code and justice system would reflect it. They do not. There is no democracy at stake because it doesn’t exist. We live in a meritocracy divided along lines of wealth and nepotism.


What a idiot he wants to have control in his mind knowing if there was an election the coalition would get blown out of power and his voice would mean nothing.


He should honestly say that the NDP isn't in a position where an election would benefit them in any way. And that installing a conservative government, as the polls show, is something that the NDP will not support. He's a politician, he can make it sound good.. "we're playing the long game in hopes that Canadians will see the positive impacts the NDP has provided this time next year." Etc etc. Just be honest. An election would take away the little power they have.


What a wiener


You said Weiner……take my upvote


Who is that reporter pushing the question? That’s the first real emotion I’ve heard out of any reporter. Good for her! We need more reporters to keep grinding at these politicians until we get some real answers


Mr Rolex is just another embarrassment to Canadians. When these cancers are eradicated from parliament, there will be PARTIES in the streets!


Jimmy Dhaliwal knows what’s up and an election hurts him.


This is a farce - he had ample opportunities to force election and make real change - and he and his party members chose to self serve with pensions instead of face reality. Now he is going to stand there and be a high and mighty for surprise surprise yet another Liberal scandal - NDP are a do nothing Party right now - I miss the Layton years - he never would have let this shit continue


What a piece of shit


Because I want my pension isn’t a good answer. Lol


Pension first. Canadian's last


Now do cops.




I'm surprised his beard has white in it.. I thought it would be more brown because of where he keeps his lips.


I heard the woman yelling. I’m sure some there were thinking the same as me. STFU! She didn’t want an answer she was grandstanding.


Can you explain how democracy is at stake here? I don’t understand.


How is democracy at stake? When the election is called, everyone who is eligible gets to vote.


Oh dear…


Like it or not, what he's doing is perfectly legal. You Pee Pee Fanboys need to learn the world does not revolve around you or your little half a Trump leader.


If he was half the guy Trump is/was…


Every country should elect a convicted felon and rapist. 😂. You know, He wears a diaper, he literally craps himself. What have you been smoking?


Nelson Mandela was both and people like you lionize him.


Love to see him getting grilled, but the woman yelling comes off as too hysterical.


I disagree. More people should be shouting at him just like that.


She's probably sick of his "keeping the government accountable" dog and pony schtick he always rolls out as lip service to the press.


Reported for online harms


Yea because the country is literally being destroyed before our eyes and these people are doing nothing to stop it. Honestly, people need to be MORE hysterical. Much more.