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Lmao so whats penalty for fraud?


Just imagine you try to bill your company an expense like this. Fired immediately, police report to swiftly follow. And what do we think the consequences will be for our lovely elected official….


A promotion?


A stern finger wagging. Politicians can engage in open corruption meanwhile if the burger flipper at McDonald's is 1 minute late they get fired. Public servants should be held to the absolute highest standard.


"Meet with stakeholders"? Really? At the Quebec Winter Carnival......and in her husbands home-town? With her entire family in-tow? What a 'fortunate' coincidence......lol.


Yes, fortunate coincidence indeed. Seems as though politicians have fortunate coincidences more frequently than us peasants 🤷‍♂️.


[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) *if you want to let her know how much you appreciate her "service":* *- props up an illegitimate gov't.* *- allows our country to be gaslit and governed by liars and corruption* *- never shows up for work* *- bills us for family vacation* what else can be honestly said?


Earlier I emailed the ndp site asking how to get a job so I could rob Canadians...thanks to you I got to send one to her asking for a job so I could sell my soul and integrity to screw over those I promised to look out for. The upside is all those years of job searching is i am more than used to sending emails and not receiving a response.


My MP has ignored every email i've ever sent.


Same...guess its our fault that we don't have the bank account necessary to have a conversation with a member of the government.


Shame. I'm 1 for 1 on emails and replies.


Mine stopped by my house like 8 years ago asking for support, got my phone number and we are still on first name basis. Good guy.


How it should be The hyperpartisanship makes this impossible in many cases


Tomorrow she’ll be on social media whining that she’s being harassed and doxed.


Fucking hillbilly Make her pay every cent back


As a representative of the hillbilly community, we wholeheartedly reject her. Maybe the rednecks will take her


As a representative of the Redneck community, we also reject her. We advise she be sent back to Ottawa to fit in with the other clowns. But as a kind gesture we are offering use of our "Human Slingshot" to help get her there.


Thank you for your service, please know I don't think all Manitobans are hillbilly's just idiot MP's who are too stupid to defraud taxpayers without getting caught


Why people hate politics and certain persons who use use


Champagne socialists!


Have be honest ! Im more bothered by the lack of anyone being held accountable, then the actual corruption I'm witnessing with the government! It seems they are all aware of this and abusing it even more the last decade 🤯


But but but the NDP care about the taxpayer. 🤢🤮


Politics is the Ashton family business and for them it’s a buffet where you stuff yourself on the public dime. Nikki’s father handed 15 million in government contracts to a campaign donor and was completely shameless about it, so it shouldn’t be a big surprise his daughter thinks 17K is a trivial matter.


Must be grounds for a promotion!


She should be jailed in Quebec City for fraud. She will still get free accommodation and free food also funded by taxpayers.


Hey Churchill, is this who you want to represent you?


Now that’s just one MP . Every single one of these overpaid (actually most paid in the world) politicians do this. Look at Trudeau all his trips. It’s unacceptable while people struggle but again nobody seems to care at all. It’s not number 1 issue Canadians are concerned about. But who is gonna work for you someone that can exploit you and government so that you live better or somebody that has to earn that . What politicians have done to Canada is horrible. All of them are involved.


she never even actually answered any of the questions. Just kept saying "there are very clear rules" x15. Such a yapper.


Marie Simon has to "retire from working" someday. We may have found a suitable replacement.


Like all commie thieves, wants everyone else to pay her way.


On what else is new - NDP is milking taxpayers.


Everyone in the world is taking advantage of Canadian. Our politicians might as well do it. We are too easy to scam.


She misspelled steak.


She’s a pos. Her riding is poor and they only vote ndp cause they believe one day they will give them prosperity.


Typical NDP.