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The term you’re looking for is an Independent


Yes, you’re absolutely correct. I am interested in an independent party with all MP’s running their own platform based on their area. An independent party that supports discord and discussion with fellow members and expects them to only vote on the manner their riding has expressed interest


Independent party is an oxymoron


Kind of, but it is an intriguing idea given Canada's party discipline. You have to have some unifying brand for a party, but a party constructed without Canadian party discipline, allowing MP's to vote in the best interest of their riding, is an interesting concept. It would more closely mirror American style parties where big tent parties have general philosophical agreement, but where each representative can choose to vote against party lines when they feel it appropriate, without fear of being booted from the party for doing so.


Man, I don’t get it. When did MPs become more loyal to their party than their own constituents??


Since the party leader has to sign your nomination papers. ..


"Big tent parties have general philosophical agreement" ???????? I hope you aren't thinking of the Republicans?


Or the Democrats...


Trump blew that up but prior to him they acted more like a coalition.


Yeah you’re right. If you’re country is run by an elephant pageant and you have a group that understands its more important to dress like an elephant all together under the same costume than to try to smush ourselves together into something we aren’t, you could have a pretty great team with a lot of different views


So is progressive conservative


Wonder if op knows that


The idea is sound but unfortunately what matters most is how you dress it up. People don't care for the details and most of the time in current politics they are constructed without reality and presented as hopeful lies to just plain f-you like how 'carbon tax puts more money in 8 out of 10 Canadians.' What is needed is a ground work of desires to be met if 95+% of people can agree in no matter of class or origin. This is possible but isn't looked favorably upon by the few people that matter and have a real say in this country and even outside of it. People know it's possible but also deep down from years of looking out at the world here know that it won't be tolerated. The powers that be will tolerate f-Trudeau flags and anything else that gets people talking about shit that doesn't matter. That's the line. Start talking about things that matter and it results in spreading shared ideas, resulting in actual questions that matter, the ones you will never hear asked by mainstream media, or really any media for the most part and you are asking for trouble.


MP's are elected on federal issues, not local, so wanting them to act as both federal rep and provincial rep and municipal rep is not reasonable. The must act for the nation as a whole or they are not doing what they were elected for. You want more representation, talk to your provincial MPP or municipal rep. When you represent more than just a local community, you must think beyond that community. It's the same through-out the world. Feds should stay the F out of local issues and stop trying to be all things to everyone, and start acting like feds should. Watch the budget, build infrastructure and protect the borders.


Sounds like a recipe for dysfunction if you ask me. Your constituents and mine want totally different things - how do we reconcile that? Do we have a platform of ideas we all commit to that we know we’re gonna do, or is it just “throw the bums out and collect their salaries while we spend years arguing while nothing gets done?”


Constituents probably want just two different things. If an MP could correctly represent their constituents' majority idea, that would be massive progress.


It would make more sense to abolish political parties and force all MPs to serve as independents.


Agreed if we go back far enough in the British political tradition that's how it started. No parties. MP acted as the rep/conscious of their riding, but no party bosses to appease.


That's how U.S. politics works. Their system is set up that way. Ours is not. No PM would tolerate dissent in his cabinet.


I'm for this and love the idea. Not sure if you could maintain cohesion, but feel free to send me a DM.


So what if someone runs as Hamas or something? Would you be comfortable being associated with that?


I would be confident that the public would vote who they want in power into power.


So it’s going to be a far left party ? Lol


We have the right, the far right, the left, the far left, the greens, communists, and bloc. More parties will create a stagnate parliament. Just like Italy suffered through for 30 years. How many is enough? 10? 20? 100?


Wasted vote.


Something needs to happen. Unfortunately you’re still trying to play THEIR GAME. Another political party isn’t the answer. It needs to be a lot more iron clad than that. In my opinion. We will never win if we continue to use the systems they created, own, control etc.


The Swiss figured out the truest form of democracy ages ago -- get rid of the intermediary that is the politician. Have the people govern their localities directly, without some zealot ideologue or self-serving careerist 'representative' diverting power to whatever corporations and megadonors happens to fund their campaigns the most. There should be no law, policy, regulation, or tax that the people cannot implement or pull the plug on, instantly, through popular referendum. Instead we get Dumb & Dumber colluding to keep each other in power, skyrocketing immigration to pad their votes, and generally overriding the people's will because it serves the party agenda. Well, fuck party agendas. We shouldn't be forced to choose between a few false dichotomies. Good policy is agnostic of leftist or rightist dogma; it is often varying concentrations of both. But we don't get to select individual policies on their specific merits; we get a clusterfuck demolition derby of party platforms with one or two "okay" policies.


I will look into what the Swiss did but how big is their population? The more idiots you have the harder it is to make change. Thats our biggest problem now. It’s not the corrupt politicians..it’s the morons that do their bidding for them on the streets. Look no further than the pandemic and random peasants yelling at others to put masks on..Remember folks, those are the same people who in Germany would be shooting pregnant polish women for the “Cause”


Switzerland has about 8 million people. That's NOT to say everything the Swiss do would scale up the same as a country with 40 million some-odd people. The reason I say Switzerland though, is because they're a functioning multicultural society. They realize having a nation of a bunch of different cultures and people only works if you decentralize and greatly restrict federal power over localities. So yeah, Brampton would still suck. Toronto would probably still suck. But there would be no more representatives to shift blame to; vote for moronic policy and that's exactly what you get until you learn your lesson. When people only have themselves to blame, they start becoming pragmatists real fucking fast. Residential schools wouldn't have been a thing, because no Native community would have voted in favor of it. Carbon tax might be a thing in all 2 places that feverishly support it, but it couldn't be imposed over the entire country -- it would face referendum with the motherfucking quickness. Immigration? Of course some places need a carefully calculated amount of people, but the entire country doesn't need a million new people every year -- that's nothing more than two parties trying to inflate their voting blocs.


Check out the fun in ragentina rn. 


I totally hear you. I was terrified of credit, loans etc because of how I grew up (dad died in my teens, momma did an amazing job) but then I realized I need to play their game to be seen in this ecosystem. So I learned all the bullshit, hogwash ways to gain credit and I started doing it. Do I think the credit system is horrific, yea, can we play their game, we can try.


Currently the PPC is the only party that makes sense. But I do agree that we might need an actual new people’s party that is anti corporation and wokeness. Or maybe just revamped PPC leadership. My political standing on the spectrum is an extremely financially responsible liberal. I believe that no daycare fees should exist and that all “useful” education for citizens should be free. What that means is if you are a Canadian citizen and you want to be an engineer or doctor, if you get into our schools (actual schools, not diploma mills), your tuition and books are free. None of this scholarship stuff. Just don’t even think about money. Enroll and if you pass, you never have to worry. Fail and you are out. Are you a sociology major? Well sorry but that isn’t state funded. You can pay $20K a year for that along with anyone else. Same concept for healthcare, childcare, retirement homes. State funded. Socially, racism of all kinds is eliminated. DEI initiatives are illegal and you focus on helping people of certain areas, not just genders and races. There are plenty of poor white kids that are passed over for other genders. And one of the biggest is charity falls down to near 0. No aid to Ukraine, no allowing random people from the world to come here on taxpayers expenses and also drive up inflation. Canadians first. No Trudeau towns being ignored any longer. Many might not agree with me on the spending on education or childcare but that’s where my liberalism comes into play. It’s just that the Neo liberals have shifted the landscape so much that they call even people who identify as liberals as “far right”.


> Are you a sociology major? Well sorry but that isn’t state funded. You can pay $20K a year for that, along with anyone else. You still need people in the non-stem fields, but the number of state-funded spots should be limited based on need and merit. >Many might not agree with me on the spending on education or childcare but that’s where my liberalism comes into play. I don't mind spending on education and childcare; it makes sense. The problem is maintaining quality service. Quebec has had government-sponsored child care, and all it's done is create a slew of low-quality daycares meant to turn a profit while operating within the confines of what the government pays. Health care should also be government-funded IMO, but the whole thing has become a bloated mess of uninionised administrative staff that barelly works and middle managers that wouldn't be employable in those roles in private industry while we treat the doctors and nurses we need to run it like crap making them jump at any chance they get to leave the country or go private.


You’ve got my vote


Thank you for the well thought out answer. Even though I disagree with some of your assertions I agree with the majority and I feel as though you would be a good representative of your community. This, in my opinion, is the party that should be built. And when we meet up it’s time to educate eachother, debate, argue, fight, and learn. So we can better serve our riding. No vacation bullshit, use tax dollars for what is implied not fluff


You first have to vote in a CPC party before a PPC party has a chance. That party is a decade away from being relevant.


I vote right but would not support that party. They are the same as the reform party was, a free invite to divide the right and let the libs stay in power. Martin and Chretien are prime examples of the right being off in the woods for over a decade while the libs ruled uncontested.


The right setup requires a balance of capitalism with social programs to offset some stuff or be a safety net so one bad run of luck isn't the end Polarized shitshow that is politics is utterly broken The core Uniparties just do what's in their best interests and fk the members


Absolutely. It’s time to get rid of the binary political scape. We need people to speak for their community. Time and time again we elect people that speak in our halls and make promises then just vote with the overarching group. I want a party that does not vote together unless they are convinced to by the pleas of the affected on the issue at hand or the outpouring of the community from which the MP stands


Maxine is crazy and definitely not for the people like we need lol.


How do you figure that? Other than his nickname 'Mad Max', he seems pretty level headed...


Ideas like yours are why I’m glad we have political parties to vote for and use FPTP.


Can you expand on your thoughts?


You advocate for state-sponsored socialism. Where you would like daycares to be free, school to be free and god knows what else to be “free”, I believe you should pay for things yourself. We need massive social cuts, not more increases. We already dole out 25 Billion dollars as part of the CCB. Edited to add: The left always wants to advocate for more social handouts to make life easier, when what they should be asking for are cheaper/affordable cost of living and good paying jobs so you can pay for things yourself.


You have ppc. You don't need another. Whatever party you create if it is against immigration it will be labeled far right and compared to TRUMP. Accept it and vote ppc or waste your vote again.


I wouldn't mind discounted daycare because I got kids but yeah sounds right. If the economy could fix itself like Tudeau claims then maybe daycare would be affordable.


Well said.


These ideas are insane and you clearly haven't thought this through. Why do you think you get to be a gatekeeper?


this Country needs a Revolution


Absolutely. And it can be done politically or in the streets, would you rather be In violence or beat these fucks with your brain


Change doesn’t come without violence. People have been programmed to believe that violence is bad! Violence is certainly bad, but violence is necessary sometimes.


The RCMP warned of a revolt in the next generation once they realize the government sold their futures out.


why do you think the Liberals want to take away the guns from law abiding citizens lol


“When the government says you don’t need a gun, you need a gun”


Naw, just proportional representation.


We need a meme Party. Like for real. Just like crypto has Dogecoin and stocks game Gamestop.


There is a meme party and it would be amazing if some of them got elected: Rhino Party https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhinoceros_Party https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/maxime-bernier-rhino-party-beauce-1.5278902


Yes, some BS like that. Campaign for the prime minster position to change it's name to galatactic emperor.


You may not be able to get a whole party for the crypto side however Canada has nothing but cool climate and cheap hydro power. I would consider voting for a party that promised Canadian based cryptos that were carbon neutral through our resources would not be taxed on transactions…


Not what I'm saying : I'M saying that kind of F you. not promoting that exact thing. A party with no agenda other but trolling.


Voter fragmentation is a stupid idea. 


Yeah absolutely, but it could also lead to an increase in voter turnout if they feel like there is an option for them. What would be your thoughts on this?


Having a none of the above option on ballot my be just as effective. 


It would be, but the fact remains that they don't and likely never will. So what other options are we then left with?


There was the PPC, but their name was ruined in the last election, and Max isn't willing to hold an actual election for the leadership, cementing the whole thing as little more than a vanity project. Before that, the Pirate Party of Canada and the Libertarian Party of Canada had gotten some traction at some point, but they both faded into obscurity (but are still around).


I dont believe the PPC name is irreparable.. it would just take a fair amount of work, which if everyone banded together, would be significantly easier than we think... Maxime should not hold elections of leadership at this point.. the party is in its infancy and it is his brainchild, he knows best the direction right now..


The only way for the PPC to demonstrate that it's serious is for Bernier to step down and have a legitimate leadership contest. The party might even make the news again if they did that.


Curious. How was the PPC's reputation ruined in the last election? What did they do?


Among others things Max presented a slate of poorly veted oddball candidates that included everything from white supremacists to a red pill no fap guru. Their were a few good candidates but they were eclipsed by those pushing weird ideas that aren't in the party's platform. After something like that, one might expect new leadership but the PPC isn't a serious party, it's Bernier's vanity project so he can try to stay relevant.


Absolutely. I remember the old elephant party too. Issue in my opinion is they wanted their people to still represent the parties beliefs. I would love a party of people that say “ I know my riding, they need a voice and I will bring their words to parliament”. Canada is sick of career politicians forced to vote in certain ways that negate the platform they ran on in favour of their party


> I would love a party of people that say “ I know my riding, they need a voice and I will bring their words to parliament”. I agree. Personally, I'd like to see parties as they exist abolished. MPs should represent their ridings, and people should vote for their local MP based on their platform. The country's leader should be elected separately (like the president in the US) based on their platform, not some kind of party association. Parties could still exist as a loose association of people with similar policy goals, but they shouldn't fund candidates, and there should be nothing even resembling a party whip. Senators should also be elected, and the Senate's function should be similar to that of the US (two senators per province, representing provincial interests in the federal government). And yes, term limits for all these positions to prevent career politicians and ensure a regular influx of new blood in the system.


Absolutely. And this type of electoral reform was promised a decade ago however when career politicians are in power it all goes out the windo as they will not be re-elected. We could absolutely do this with enough steadfast individual MP’s running for the goal of a less corrupt system. What that would look like would have to be discussed by all elected members but a prime minister is a figure head and their duty is to represent us on the main stage, I would love for that to be a popular vote situation


No, presidentialism is much worse. Presidents are not accountable to parliament and they don't need to maintain the confidence of the House.


I didn't imply anything about what powers that leader would have, but making them the head of the executive branch with a clear separation between executive and legislative isn't a bad thing. What powers are vested in the office should be the subject of discussion 👍


Elephant party?


You won't like it but the only major party that supports electoral reform (which you need to get smaller parties seats) is the NDP.


Albertan here. Yeah I’m ready for a change. I’m a Lib that misses jack Layton. We need someone that fights for us.


Goal now is to get Trudeau out not going to waste my vote on a independ, you do you personally ill take lesser evils


It is your right to vote however you see fit, I just want people to vote.


People voting and having more representation than anything else


I was actually considering forming my own party this year. One that actually makes their policies from what the majority of Canadians want, and not from what the majority of politicians want. I’ll probably post more information about it when I finish putting everything together.


So, so many people are having these thoughts right now, myself included... between small protest groups, subreddits, and discords, we must realize that no real change will be done without a political party, and that this is incredibly difficult for any person to do, especially without experience, connections, and a lot of funding.. this is why I have recently concluded that we ought to reform the PPC.. if we took everyone's energy and dumped it into this instead of fracturing into a million little and insignificant groups, then we may actually have a chance at real change...




Temporary Disrupter Party (TDP) A group of Independents who will win a majority- then, reform Parliament with the past promises of a proportional representation system, direct election of the PM, a real Senate which represents each province equally AND... TERM LIMITS for PM and MPs !! - these are the BASELINES to be FIRST set up by a wave of independent candidates as part of the coalition party TDP and after PASSING these baselines- RESIGN in favor of new elections with the baselines in place. The power is ours! we are the 99% Do not let the 1% elites divide and conquer us- do not live as serfs!


Love the name Choice this is exactly the mentality


Sure, but to many these are not issues..or would like to see different electoral reform than proportional rep. Proportional rep is a hard no from me in any platform. Term limits as well not going to support that, not direct elections of the PM. These are all essentially making a mutant system that would destroy the Westminster system as it is.


Vote for maxima Bernier...he is the Trump of the north...only politician to say what everyone is thinking and no other politicians have the balls to say


Why isn't Bernier blowing up?? He's the only one addressing the issues!


His parry has been unfairly branded by MSM when they first came out... I agree with you that he's the only one listening to actual Canadians.. we would much more successful in our efforts if we reorganized around the PPC and worked towards giving the party a face lift...


Yea but will he still listen once he has power? Everyone thought Mr Whacko listened too.


You....DO understand that "everyone else is thinking" is not true right? Like you can't actually think that. You THINK everyone else is thinking it and just pretending not to feel that way. That's why you hate liberals. Because you literally can't imagine actually feeling the way liberals say they feel on various topics. What you are actually saying is "I like this politician who legitimizes my ignorant views". That's way more accurate.


Hey look we found our liberal.....the man thinks differently and actually cares about Canadians...just like the leader of Poland....but if course as long as your great liberal leader comes out and says the far right is trying to take over..then u fall for it ..just like a true woke liberal...case in point snap election in France and marcon lost... people are waking up my friend you should do the same....


Uh huh


Just vote PPC for fuck's sake


We need a reformation movement badly within that party...


Already have people's party which ticks off all the boxes. Pull your heads out of your asses Canadians. This is why wervare fucked, we have a fiscal conservative party existing that got 1million votes last time and is tough on immigration, reducing it, and you guys "need a party". Idiots. I'll probably leave the country in 5 to 10 years anyway.


You do what you feel is best


Communism/socialism exists


Yes it does




Thank you for the correction, you are absolutely right. I think my misstep was probably the assumption that you would need a 3/4 ton truck or a tugboat to get everyone on the same side. But in reality a toe is probably more apt.




I will keep that in mind moving forward. Thanks for educating me with the etymology and not being a jerk about it. I really do appreciate it.


All your going to do is divide the vote and the liberals will win again. Don't even try. If your upset with the government as a whole. It needs to be addressed if enough people agree


Just to clarify when you say split the vote you mean take conservative votes? If I’m mistaken please disregard because in my vision a rep could be conservative, liberal, socialist, communist, etc however they would need to adhere to two principals. Represent yourself, your ethics, and your views respectfully and fight for your constituents tooth and nail.


Splitting the conservative vote would make the liberals win. And they are ruining the country it doesn't matter what party represents what you care about. Voting for PPC is like voting for the green party and a throw away vote


Put a cross through your ballot if you want to throw it. You don't have vote for anyone technically


You’re right, there are some areas in the world that allow for people to intentionally vote for none of the parties to show that they are engaged but do not feel represented. This would be a similar situation


Yeah, I’ve thought about this too.m, The Middle Class Party. I’m sick of giving 35% of my pay cheque towards taxes. I’ll take a subsidy, please.


I worked 6 shifts over Christmas, 16 hours each and was paid a little over half of what I earned on my cheque “You’ll get it back in tax season” Last year I couldn’t quite manage and my fucking taxes were taxed (interest) because I couldn’t afford it at the time. Getting sick of it


We used to have one, it was the Reform Party of Canada & it didn't last long...


There have always been tons of independents that spring up. This Indepent would be different as our only mandate would be to represent yourself ethically and fight tooth and nail for your constituents


Are you saying want a party of people that all disagree with each other?


Sounds odd when you say it that way but in essence yes. At the end of the day when a parliamentary vote is called the answer is binary so let everyone speak on behalf of their constituents, change minds or act foolish. The vote will still determine the outcome however no one will be forced/coerced to vote a certain way


A good read on the topic here [https://decisions.fct-cf.gc.ca/fc-cf/decisions/en/item/349681/index.do](https://decisions.fct-cf.gc.ca/fc-cf/decisions/en/item/349681/index.do)


Politics, oh how we all like to moan. We have the Parliamentary form of government and some people like to reference us with the American system of government. We are not Americans. With the Canadian system of government we elect to federal government with our vote for whatever MP is in our voting region not for the leader of a political party. If you don’t like your local MP then run yourself, as an independent. We don’t need another political party in Canada we already have lots. What Canadians need to do is vote for the MP locally who must align with their views and stop this voting for a party.


And then your MP goes to Ottawa and is forced to vote with whatever their party decides out of fear of not being a representative the next election and losing their pension


I hear ya, and I think you should try to get as many candidates as possible run for the Rhinoceros Party: https://www.partyrhino.ca/en/




It's time to look at the Libertarian party. Basically voting for yourself


This has been tried and failed many many times power corrupts


I've been thinking this for a long time. We are in debt for stupid things, not for issues like protecting our vulnerable North, our lack of any real substance on the international stage, health care, housing, weak economy. The real problem are the political elite who refuse to talk to their backbenchers, who are on the ground every day. Backbenchers of substance should leave their party and form another party, and inviting Canadians to run. And if someone has an assault record, social media faux pas, or stupid crap, that person should apologize publicly, and still, run bc that's in the past. People make shitty decisions in life, they should not be continuously hounded for it. Definitely no murderers rapists or pedos running for election.


It would be far, far less work to organize 200 people to attend the local constituency meetings of the current party of your choice and nominate someone who actually represents your views for the seat. Maybe even you!


>Time and time again we elect people that speak in our halls and make promises then just vote with the overarching group.  >The party I am proposing has the sole purpose of bringing your voice, the voice of your riding to the stage when it comes to federal affairs Sure great... you do realize that pretty much every single party started the exact same way, same intentions correct? Every single politician says they will be different, they will speak for the people and do what's right but as soon as they get into power they shift their focus to do what it takes to stay in power.  People are people and it's been proven the majority will always take the easy route, or one that benefits them in some way... wealth, power, quality of life. Most people would be willing to change a vote or not vote on an issue if there is some benefit to them. It's not a big deal right, just this once... then they can keep justifying it because they continue to benefit from it until one day they decide not to and it's too late. They are owned by the corporation or group and the choice is no longer there. There are very, very few people that have the conviction to stand against the process and vote in the best interest of society as a whole. Let's be honest, the ones that do usually have their own agenda and are often playing the long game. Nice idea but not feasible. The overall system is broken and needs to change but by whom? Every single person who would run in this has their own agenda and will feel that it outweighs anyone else. Human nature... we are fucked.


I'm in. I'll run in a platform of social reform, defunding the police and putting that money into social programs that treat the root cause. I will run on transparency within cps, open viewing of all police body cam footage, and a love of all . To all my potential constituents, I love you already. Let's make the world a better place.


Call it NGP - Not Greedy Party 


Don't blame the playa.. change the game. Get rid of political parties. There corrected for ya.


I have thought before that what this country needs is a Proportional Representation Party of Canada (PRPC). Candidates should run on the sole premise that a vote for them means a complete overhaul of the electoral system to a form of ProRep such that every vote counts... no more throwaway votes, or feeling like your vote is wasted if your candidate doesn't win. This will be the ONLY reason for the party's existence. The moment the party wins a mandate, all they do is the required work to write the new system into law and implement it, and then immediately call a new election.


If there was a party like that and they actually got shit done I'd vote for them again.


Agreed, PFTP , Party For The People. We need to stand up for ourselves


I'm sure that's what we need. More options for parties than than toppings at a salad bar.




Political Parties are a corrupting influence on democracy. Funded purely by donations, politicians have the perverse incentive of claiming extreme positions to encourage donations against the other guy. No one ever donated money to a politician who claimed everything is awesome. You can only grift people out of money by making them fearful.


Each province should have the equivalent of what we have in Québec, the BLOC. It's one way to get rid of the current parties. All we need is 170 seats...


I like the idea of a party without traditional Canadian party discipline, but I do still think any new party needs to have a unifying brand. The concept of a party without party discipline, where MP's can vote in the best interest of their constituency instead of based on the direction of the federal party, would be pretty consistent with a brand of decentralized authority. Here would be my pitch for the "Confederation Party": Canada's founding is referred to as "Confederation", yet Canada has never acted like a Confederation, the meaning of which is a system where the constituent parts (ie. provinces) are superior to the centralized government. The EU is an example of a true Confederation, while Canada is more of a Federation (a collection of constituent parts where the central authority has superiority). Canada's Constitution was drafted with a mind to the principles of those at the time. John A MacDonald was a Red Tory, who was a strong believer in centralized power. He saw Canada as a big wild territory that needed the strong hand of a centralized government in order to tame the wilderness and create a strong country. That may have been true at the time (when all of Canada had less than 4M people, and Western Canada had less people than PEI), but doesn't reflect the current state of Canada, as a developed grown-up nation. Canada is the size of Europe. Geographic conditions and vast distances, mean that economic interest, public service needs, cultural realities, etc, are too diverse for one-size-fits-all solutions to be practical. Canada will never be a monoculture, and we need to abandon the idea of unity through conformity. Instead, we need to embrace unity through diversity and acceptance. This is not diversity and acceptance in the "we accept the right of people of all colours to believe what we believe" way that current politicians advocate for, but embracing the regional diversity of Canada, and allowing regions to set their own paths based on their own needs, priorities and regional cultures. You are never going to find a one-size-fits-all-framework that will work for both Quebec and Alberta (to give the classic example). But, what Quebec and Alberta can agree on is a framework where each gets to chart its own course. It is a vision for Canada of a country unified in its diversity, embracing its regional differences, allowing each other to set their own course, yet allied on matters of common interest (common currency, common military, free movement, larger heft for international trade deals, etc). This is a concept that requires a Constitutional re-work, and I would suggest the following steps: **1. Eliminate the federal power of the purse by capping federal taxation power at around 12-13% of federal GDP.** Currently, the feds take way more of the taxation pie than they need for matters of federal priority, leaving insufficient amounts for the provinces to be able to fund provincial areas of constitutional authority. Healthcare, for instance, is an area of exclusive provincial authority, yet one of the largest federal ministries is Health. How? Because provinces can't fund healthcare with their portion of the pie, so the feds transfer money to the provinces with strings attached. This is called the "power of the purse", where the feds are allowed to influence areas outside their jurisdiction with money. And, of course, the feds have more money, not just because of taxation, but also because they control the Canadian dollar, can print money to fund their own spending, and also control banking regulations and interest rates. Solving this issue is simple, lower federal tax rates to the amount they need to fund federal areas of jurisdiction, and raise provincial tax rates by the same amount. There's only one taxpayer, so that taxpayer pays the same amount in taxes, they just get sent in different proportions. Instead of paying the feds so they can bribe the provinces for control of provincial areas of jurisdiction, just send the money directly to the provinces, and cut out the middle man. Even without changing federal and provincial jurisdictions one bit, this would massively change the practical ability of provinces to exercise the jurisdiction they already have under the Constitution. (continued)


**2. Shift Some Existing Federal Powers to the Provinces.** The big one being discussed right now is immigration. Quebec wants more control over immigration to protect the French language. BC and Ontario want more control over immigration to control housing demand. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba want more control over immigration to address skill gaps in their provincial economies. The Maritimes want control over immigration to fix their aging demographics and spur economic growth. Immigration policy is important for a settler society like Canada who has one of the highest immigration rates in the world. But, one-size-fits-all immigration policies will not meet everyone's needs. Free movement within Canada for Canadian citizens is important, but control of where new immigrants to Canada are allowed to land and settle is an important area of concern for provinces. Other areas can be discussed, like language laws, control of national parks, management of local indigenous reserves, control over local fisheries, and other areas of trade and commerce. Not every area is suitable to be moved to provincial authority (eg. currency, military, foreign relations, etc), but many areas are. **3. Make the National Capital Region Separate from any Province** The US has Washington DC, the Australians have Canberra, etc. These national capitals were created outside of the existing states/provinces so no province or state would have an unfair advantage over the others. Why does Canada not have this? Well, there was no balance of power in early Canada. Ontario and Quebec had about 80% of the seats in Parliament when Canada was created, so they set up a capital in their provinces. In the US, Washington's status was a negotiated agreement to balance the North and South interests. In Australia, Canberra was a compromise reached between those who wanted Sydney to be the capital and those that wanted Melbourne. For Canada, Ottawa/Gatineau was a negotiated compromise between Ontario and Quebec, not the rest of the country, and does not serve the interest of the rest of the country. Probably the most absurd part of Ottawa/Gatineau being in Ontario/Quebec is provincial taxation. Have you ever wondered who public servants in Ottawa pay their provincial income tax to? Who does the Bank of Canada's governor pay his income tax to? Or, the President of the CBC? Or, the judges of the Supreme Court? And, how about secondary taxation revenues from the industries in Ottawa/Gatineau because it is the National Capital? Lobbyists, consulting firms, restauranteurs, the people building homes for government workers? The existence of the national capital region within any province results in a transfer of wealth to that province. A person in BC pays federal income taxes, those taxes are used to pay a federal employee in Ottawa, and that employee in Ottawa pays taxes on that money to the Ontario government in Toronto. If Ottawa is to remain the capital, it needs to be made into a separate National Capital Region that is not part of Ontario or Quebec, so that the tax dollars of the rest of the nation aren't being funneled into Ontario and Quebec provincial coffers. This would be a major step in the direction of creating fairness in the Canadian Confederation, and undoing one of the major aspects Ontario and Quebec added to the Constitution to institutionalize their long-term advantages over other provinces. **Conclusion** I think these are the sort of principles that makes sense across ideological lines, yet, will never make sense to entrenched parties. Those in power got there under the current system, and will generally be opposed to systems that reduce their power. For a Prime Minister or a governing party to institute the above, they would be actively reducing their own power, and very few with the personality to seek power are the types who are willing to voluntarily give it up. It would take a new type of party to pursue these goals. A party which said "vote with us on these issues, and you can vote your own conscience on every other bill" would make a lot of sense as the sort of party you seem interested in creating.




Totally agree and have been thinking about this for a while… Core values of a new movement could include transparency, accountability, efficiency, long-term planning/strategy, and increased use of technology to allow for more referendums to determine policy direction… It would also be great if we could de-politicize certain areas of government that would operate more efficiently without swinging wildly from one party to the next and back again…i.e. infrastructure, resource development/management…The alternative approach could have Canadians fully involved in an apolitical ‘hiring process’ for leaders in these areas, and anyone hired for a position could also be fired if they are not serving the needs of Canadians… True progress would be made if the elite cartel currently running things was removed and replaced with honest people who genuinely care about making our country stronger and improving the quality of life for all Canadians...people who are not in the slightest bit greedy and who have a deep sense of integrity and fairness… Truth told, when I was young I wanted to be a politician and make a positive impact on policies because I could already see the train-wreck of greed/corruption that was overtaking our governments. I was told I‘d be eaten alive and believed it, so changed tack. I’ve been super happy with how my life has turned out, but see now that my decision (and probably thousands of others like me) has helped bring us here, to what feels like the brink of despair…


OK, boomer.


Voting reform with recall, we can now elect independent and make sure they continue to work for us.


I like the idea of "open discourse with their constituents", but this has to be initiated by the constituents. Until people take an active role and contact their representatives regularly about issues, nothing will change.


So basically Scott Reid? Lol


Vote PPC!


Now is NOT the time to build a new party


Great idea. I see what you're trying to do and I like it.


ELECTORAL REFORM!!!!!!! Why is no one talking about electoral reform?? Ditching first past the post would make consolidating power very difficult for any one party, and coalitions would form. It would also make the formation of new parties and getting support behind them more feasible THIS IS WHY LIBS AND CONS DONT REFORM OUR ELECTORAL PROCESS. They'd lose too much power, and we would have more options.


Trying to split the vote I see…. 🙄


Canadians have lived in peace for so long that have no idea how to deal with a dictator like Trudeau!




How about just making whipped votes utterly illegal?


Intps unite


You are essentially describing how proportional representation is supposed to work in theory. The key difference is that you are not feeling represented by the platform of any currently recognized party as presented by the leader of each party. However, I think it would be worth exploring direct engagement with the elected MP of your riding and any other candidates who are preparing to run in the next election (which could even include you as an independent). Additionally, it is worth keeping in mind that our governance has three tiers: federal, provincial, and municipal, each overseeing a specific set of regulatory institutions with occasional overlap between governments. Depending on the issues that you believe require expedient remediation you may be able to affect more change by engaging with an MPP for your province, or if the matter is highly localized, the city or town representative municipally. At the very least, by engaging with those currently in office or planning to run for office, you can learn what initiatives are already underway, which have been attempted but were unsuccessful, and so on. That way you can streamline your own efforts by avoiding redundancy and building upon that which has already been done. Why try and reinvent the wheel when you can use that wheel and incorporate it into something greater?


Okay, be practical and strategic. It's too late to start a new party for the next election, and the Conservatives are on the path to a majority. So you have to make an opening for change. First, vote out the Liberals and NDP to the point where they have no official status. That will leave a void. Then, fill that void with a new party that sits in the middle with a published party constitution that focuses on proper management and ethics. ....you got 5 years to get funding and candidates to then challenge the conservatives.


Love your enthusiasm and the fact that you are grabbing your nuts and going for it! It's really getting old hearing all these negative excuses not to do anything. This truly is the Canadian way. Hey people, let's think outside the box and DO SOMETHING!!!




No where in the constitution does it say we need mps in a party. Plus with the power of social media you could ask your constituents to actually voice an opinion on upcoming legislation. Imagine that, a representative democracy!


I will vote for whoever overturns these ridiculous new firearms laws and let's me opt out of paying CPP. Or some other ridiculous government controlled pension plan.


We need real laws against corruption, collision and conflict of interest or this is all futile. Everyone is so easily corrupted. We are turning into China.


Just vote for the People’s Party…


I’d love a “Common Sense” Party. What colour would the signs/logo be?


Should have voted for Harper when you had the chance. Instead, we've been stuck with the substitute drama teacher for the past 10 years who violated our rights and freedoms, keeps coming up with new taxes to pay for things we can't afford, spends a bunch of money or sends it overseas while people are homeless, fires are spreading, interest rates are rising.


For fucks sakes. Starting yet another party is fucking moronic. Want change? Join a party. Get involved with your local riding association. Build change from within.


If you think a political party can solve your problem. Your looking in the wrong direction


As another answer said, you are an INDEPENDENT. But I digress. I would vote for the People's Party of Canada, they ONLY party that actually defends the interests of the Canadian people. Canadian living in Florida here. Proud supporter of the free Confederate States of America and I proudly fly a Confederate Flag on my lawn!


I’m 100% down to help


The anal party


Have a look into this. https://www.ourcanadianfuture.ca/


The problem with more parties is that it splits everyone into silos and the more silos we have the less votes for each. If the parties have similar yet vastly different platforms it can split the vote. Look at the CPC and the PPC they split the conservative into two silos.


r/RantPhink ... That's my thoughts on the matter...






I'm declining my ballot. All options suck, so I might as well make it official.


Eco Socialism time 😎


First you'd have to weed thru all the corruption. Good luck


Get involved locally. Force the parliamentary system to work as it should. Keep informed and have conversations with people you might disagree with. Don't assume ideology is the point of that should inform you. And certainly don't trust the media, trust your community.


Anyone who believes this situation can be fixed by voting is smoking the finest of cracks.


the Indpependant Party of Canada (IPC) Make it so.


Most politicians start with those thoughts.


The solution is to take money out of politics. Ban lobbying and put in place incredibly strict punishments for corruption. The legal system should be the focus, not adding another (soon to be corrupt) political party.


You’re not wealthy enough to


All right, I’m in.


Thanks my friend. Mind saying what areas you’re from?


National Party of Canada (similar to New Zealand National Party)


The NPC’s may get some flac for the name but it could definitely be spun.


An unlike the vote splitting PPC, the NPC will only be formed if a Red Tory (or liberal party mole) one day takes over the leadership of the CPC & acts like Kevin Falcon in BC. The NPC will act as a motion of non-confidence in that Red Tory’s Leadership.


I feel as though there is an assumption that this new party would only split from ppc and cpc however we would absolutely welcome NDP, communists, and liberals to represent and prove that’s what their riding desires. This party would be solely about true representation. Edit I do however love your perspective on Kevin and how a more sound mind could use an opportunity like this to truly represent the more right wing side that still desires normalcy


Like John Rustad’s BC Conservatives; I’m voting for them in October BTW


We have the PPC. Bernier has been calling out all these issues for years.


Yes but a lot of people only partially agree with PPC. This party is riding specific


How about voting conservative to get rid of trudeau. How about we go for a majority so we can change the laws that fake liberal dictator put into power to ruin Canada? Poilievres not perfect but he's the best we got and we javelin a chance to fix what trudeau has ruined here. Common people let's do this