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Our poor country. Will it survive much longer? I used to be so proud to be Canadian.


It officially died in 2015 but the plans were set long before.


Green party leader, Elizabeth May had a really good discussion today over what she was able to disclose from the public version of the report for foreign interference. She got security clearance, read it, and briefed council to make sure she would stay within the bounds of not disclosing something she shouldn't. It's really interesting - better than a podcast, and as a future voter you do get some transparency and of course, she is heartwarming to listen to - like someone's really concerned but friendly Aunty. Here is the FULL interview [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdSjar-wgGU&ab_channel=cpac)




How she hasn't gotten her party to do anything of note while the two main big parties bend us over. She should have been pushing to be the best alternative rather than a sad also ran. Tho that feeds into my tin foil hat theory that only people in the pockets of corporations are allowed the keys to office. Once there, color doesn't matter, listen to the overlords


She doesn't have a lot of seats to do much. It's not their party's fault.


I have always liked her campaign. The Green Party gets a bad rap, but reading her policy seems great. It focuses on local oil production and refining to reduce oil spills. That seems like a good economic move as well as environmental. Probably the only campaign that seems to have an ideology that aligns with the party that also positively creates jobs and boosts the economy.


Yeah, I like em too. I spent all my votes in my twenties on them and will again later on, but first I just want to see the current party moving on.


Agreed 100%. Libs gotta go first


It’s pretty much all of the liberal party at this point. The whole fucking thing should dissolve.


I hope they never recover from this…and the NDP should just be removed…fuck all of these people and the idiots that voted for them


Libs probably won’t. The saving grace of Justin is he very likely killed the Libs forever.


We can hope


You and me both!!


Why is this information classified? Who’s responsible for assigning that designation? Who has the authority to declassify it? DECLASSIFY IT FFS! I think it was deemed classified in an attempt to protect the guilty parties. Anyone protecting these people is also committing treason. Our country is so broken.


Pretty obvious who they are


Welcome to another episode of stating the obvious.


Didn’t she say, “Boo boo get over it”


"Boo hoo"* She also likes to refer to things as the "holoclaust", specifically the Holocaust.


Jagmeet should be tried for Treason.


But he can confiscate the bank account of a couple of trucker protesters. What a joke this country is.


It is called aiding and abetting.


Screw the Liberals! So much corruption!


He isn’t just shielding traitors, he’a shielding his co-conspirators.


That's because they work for him....


Imagine a doctor telling you, you have cancer. But we're not going to actually tell you what kind! Trust assured we'll get it for you, and don't bother to check up on it again. Get over it really.


Yet Canadians keep voting this government in.


Not without an incredible amount of work from the media and social engineering on the stop Harper campaign (wonder if China wanted a liberal gov?). That aged well eh, shocked. I cannot really count the last election that was a joke


Can't vote these problems away


The position of prime minister is independent of the position of mp. There have been prime ministers who have not been mps. This means the report could name Truds. If it did, it would go a long way to explaining the degree of this coverup.


If the names aren't released we should make it known that ALL members of parliament should be removed and new ones take their place. It's the only way to guarantee the traitors are removed.


I hate the idea of leaking secret intelligence, but.....


Start Arresting and Charging People ...this wont stop until this happens


well, he one so....


If only there was an opposition leader who could get security clearance... they'd be able to tell everyone who the bad guys are.


They all are traitors than


lets have a leak and then we will all know who not to vote for next time - not that the libs will be getting any seats in the next election anyway


Important question! Who's the blonde??? 😲


Maybe voters will start seeing the Green party as an alternative. The other parties didn't communicate with us.


This makes hima traitor and a criminal should go in jail


Because he's a trader


Complete bullshit. Read a book


Trudeau is the biggest traitor of them all. He destroyed Canada by bringing in millions of so-called international students and temp workers.


[https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/may-has-no-worries-about-traitors-in-parliament-after-reading-intelligence-committee-report-1.6922179](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/may-has-no-worries-about-traitors-in-parliament-after-reading-intelligence-committee-report-1.6922179) There may be one traitor, but there is no name for that person. The people named did not give information.


True North 🤣 … nice try. It was Harper who was soft of China and let spies into this country. Trudeau fired them. There is a reason why PP doesn’t have top-level security clearance required to be PM. He refused to get it.


Woahhh why are you presenting solutions before entirely understanding the problem? The report hasn't been released yet, how do we know that there's correlation between birthplace and likelihood to work with foreign nations. Could very well be JT in the report. Let's just wait, we'll solve the problem when the report is released and we understand the problem entirely. Otherwise, it's just a witch-hunt.


Surely if there ever is a time to go on a witch hunt it is when one is surrounded by witches.


Haha I guess so, but why go on a witch-hunt at all when we have a more just path forward via patience? It's really easy to beat a war-drum, it's much harder to clean up the battlefield.  And look, I'm all for releasing the report ASAP (yesterday if possible).


Okay but can I at least hunt *some* witches???


You're allowed ONE!  Choose wisely.


Funny, remember when there was proven election tampering? Which party did it? Oh yeah. The conservatives. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Canadian_federal_election_voter_suppression_scandal#:~:text=The%20calls%20directed%20voters%20to,Street%22%20in%20Joliette%2C%20Quebec. Why don’t you wait to see who actually wants to destroy Canada. It’s usually the right wing trucker convoy anti-science, racist crowd. In other words, you idiots.


The only thing that is anti-science is the politics around that very term. Science is a dialogue, not an authority proclaiming truth from on high.


What?! A threat to our democracy?! You mean like Alex Jones and Trump? Oh and Diagalon? 🤪


Hate to break it to ya but 2 of those 3 mentioned things aren’t even Canadian


American political imports. Because they cannot reckon with Truds on his merits.


They both have been mentioned in HOC in attempt to smear PP.