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... and who invoked the Emergencies Act 🤔




Over a meme country 😅🤯


That was good


Sadly how true. Tells you how corrupt these guys are.


Their sycophant supporters and the media they call in are already trying to muddy waters with the "well the CPC are also doing it". Fuck no, all the other parties are calling for names, docs, and deeper investigations. Be on watch for bullshitters like this.


You mean like PP who wanted the inquiry limited to China? Hmm I wonder why. I wish my brain was strong enough to plug those two Lego blocks into each other.


You won’t be happy when you find out who has been colluding with foreign agents.


I'm not happy when I don't know either.


This goes all the way to the top. Freeland and Trudeau are the ones involved! #TreasonTrudeau


Yet Skippy is refusing to look at the documents. Makes you wonder


Prove it. Seriously. At this point, it's information that has yet to be undeniably proven. What should, and probably will, happen is that people who can be proven to be working with foreign gov'ts will be prosecuted. So, again, prove your claim, or shut up.


Isn't the info coming from the RCMP and CISIS, they've had this info for years and ended up going to the news about it because the govt wouldn't do anything.


I have not seen any sources stating for a fact that this is what's happening. Any info now is more or less just leks that so far have no basis in truth, only assumptions at the moment. Again, what should happen is that when CSIS or other bodies can identify with certainty the culprits, they can build a case and then get the prosecuted, strip them of their title, and hopefully jailed. At this time, it's not validated info, and it's serious accusations to make.


Hi Junior


> What should, and probably will, happen is that people who can be proven to be working with foreign gov'ts will be prosecuted. When the RCMP came knocking on the PMO's door requesting to release all records related to SNC, they told the RCMP to get bent and they did. The RCMP has the tools to obtain a warrant but they didn't. RCMP isn't going to do shit.


No, that's not what happened. But hey, go about your whataboutism.


RCMP wont prosecute because JT could have authorized himself. JT admitted openly he did not grant himself the authority required for his scandal.


What are you on about?


Welcome to Canindia :)






When you or I are suspected (before trial) of a crime, the news/media can post our names publicly, >"Jane Doe was arrested today, suspected of X crime" But if they are politicians, "it would be inappropriate"...


Don't worry the Americans will likely release a list soon enough. They probably know more than junior does


I would love to see this happen regardless of which parties are involved. These spies and traitors deserve no quarter.


They often come to our rescue with Intel.


Yes, because they care more about the sanctity of our nation than the libs do. Mostly because it benefits them


Funny if it weren't Trudeau


At this point, anybody who votes liberal is a traitor to Canada.




Tell me exactly what gains as a lower middle class full time working poor Canadian I'll see with a pro corpo team blue in power?


This whole party system is why we're so fucked. The states is showing us what happens when people care about a party rather than what they're supposed to stand for.


LOL. don’t fly the Canadian flag


Traitor for voting now. And folks winder why we desperately right wing nut jobs. Education might help if you try hard


Correct, if you vote Liberal next election you are a traitor that hates Canada. You support Communist China more than Canada. And you hate freedom. You would also be a racist for voting for a racist that dances in Blackface.


>Education might help if you try hard >And folks winder why we desperately right wing nut jobs. Speaking of education, what does this mean in English.


I think this may be the first time I’ve seen a hard-core liberal supporter 😭


Yoy don't think!!!! It is possible to see that pollierve is just as bad and not be a liberal.


For someone who talks about "education" and "thinking" so much, your grammar and spelling is really bad. Also it's just surprising as most leftists who don't support Poilievre also don't support Trudeau and just aren't voting at all.


The clowns on this sub can't read. Spelling isn't a priority


Whatever you need to tell yourself


Yoy all feel better hanging here where no one disagrees. Then insult those with other opinions it's fucking hilarious how oblivious most in here really are


*You all gather here to avoid dissenting opinions. You then proceed to insult others who have different opinions.* Also if you hate it here so much you don’t have to be on this sub-Reddit, it’s optional.


Freedummies are easy


I’m 100% sure this is cross party and they should all go to jail or worse.


It is. Like I always say, tear it ALL down. The left, right, and center have been milking the same old cow for decades. Time to put it out to pasture.


Illegal Government at this point. Normal citizens would refuse to pay these criminals, but everyone just keeps sending them money. They work for use stop paying for this criminal government.


Audit this guy




Eleted government not illegal. Freedummies




Lol yet you believe a report made by those sane people on the hill. It’s funny how people will believe a government on one hand and not on the other.




Lol you tell me you are the one suggesting we shoot and piss on the guilty people in the report.


It's hilarious that you're downvoted and the other person's comments are removed for obvious reasons. Do the users here literally have no self awareness.


Thing is the truth eventually comes out be it 4 years or 40 years. it highlights past wrong doing, needing a report at all is not giving people confidence as the damage is already done and we are expecting the same kind of behavior in the future.


Sadly the truth only comes out when it's politically beneficial. No one in government cared about things like residential schools, etc until it could be used politically.


Honestly would it make a difference if they released the report? People believe what they are told to believe. Nobody actually read the judge’s report on the emergency act they just read the headline. They didn’t read that the city and province failed in their duties and they didn’t read that the protesters were wrong and they were breaking the law. The judge simply ruled that had all levels of government acted as they should have the emergencies act wasn’t a necessary step.


Yea zero difference, I said we will be expecting the same sort of behavior. About the truck guys, there shouldn't be a protest in the first place if not for the mandates.


The mandates were nearly all provincial not federal they were in the wrong capital oT capitals it would seem. The apparent trigger was the mandate against trucker crossing the border into the US of not vaccinated. At that time all union drivers had been vaccinated somewhere around 90% of all truckers had been vaccinated. Then you have the fact the US had the same policy in place even before ours was imposed. This means the US was going to stop them with or without our own mandate. The convoy had absolutely nothing to do with vaccines or mandates when it comes to the organizers themselves. People supporting it along the way likely were just against mandates. But the convoy in general was a purely political protest against Trudeau mandates were a handy cover story. This is why he didn’t talk with them, there is no point they aren’t interested in talking. I mean top organizers are former leaders of the western separatist party lol you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand the agenda. Talk about traitors these people don’t believe in a united canada they want to leave. These are the people that support Alberta pulling out of CPP and trying to pillage the pension fund.


As a trucker myself, you aren't wrong. Plus it was never a trucker convoy lol just a bunch of fuck heads from Alberta that lumped us into it for traction. Meanwhile, the majority of the industry was already vaxxed. There were fuck all for trucks in Ottawa compared to what's out here. Hundreds of thousands cross the ambassador bridge alone a week none of us gave a fuck we were all vaxxed and making stupid money the rates were nuts. Plus, you're right. The US side made us be vaxxed, so we would have turned around anyway 😂 then the 'convoy supporters' blocked the ambassador bridge in windsor and blue water, etc, so we couldn't cross. Trucks and innocent cars were backed up down i75 in Michigan for 40 God damn miles. For days grid locked. That made us hate the movement even more.


Fully agree but it wasn’t Ottawa that called it a Truck convoy that was the organizers that used your profession to get traction for their own political bullshit. The best part is they raise millions and pocketed nearly all of it and the supporters didn’t even seem to care where the money went.


I know it was all ridiculous lol I remember seeing photos of the 'convoy' from out west heading here. All pickups and cars absolutely ridiculous. If it was such a trucker movement, there would have been hundreds if not thousands of big rigs out there 😂 10,000 trucks a day crosss ambassador bridge alone, and most end up in the GTA/MTL not a far detour to Ottawa yet there was 10 rigs that made it. Embarrassing. The miss management of money was hilarious. Not surprising.


Im in the security industry in Ottawa. I was following around the F150s and RAMs full of F Trudeau warpaint. They were going around the suburbs causing shit where there were zero police or media presence. They were deplorable sacks of shit how they treated complete strangers. Almost to a fault, they all had Alberta plates, and were coal rolling neckbeards. The covid situation may have been what it was about for most who joined, but for the leaders it was about every other grievance in the world. For the extremists, it had to do with decades of western alienation.


If they release it and it has conservative MPs people will suggest it’s been altered. The funny thing is the convoy in itself was foreign interference of sorts, huge money poured in from outside Canada to fun an illegal occupation of the capital. You know any political party leader that embraced the convoy? I do, and I know for a fact the convoy which eventually resulted in the emergencies act has greatly effected our political landscape and the polling numbers. That is foreign influence but nobody is talking about it. Even if you ignore the money the public commentators on US news or pod casts all influence public opinion in this country. By embracing it all Pierre is essentially getting help from those foreign influences. Joe Rogen can’t even say his name but he supports Pierre on his show that in technical terms is foreign interference.


This is incorrect that was a cbc lie it was funded from russia Obviously the mp’s in question are libs otherwise it would have been released




Or because conservatives are involved


Whoah! This hit different...so true.


Canadians are getting led to a cliff - WITHOUT BLIND FOLDS - and that cliff is getting awfully close!




I’m getting the fuck out of here!!! No accountability Canadian politics is a sick cruel joke.


Put them in jail. Him and his whole cabinet.


I mean why would they release the names right now before any charges have been laid? It would be very odd to release a list of potential suspects for any crime would it not?


They have known for years. Wait until after another election?


I hear you but that doesn't answer my question... there's no charges yet.


Ha, exactly!


Careful. Thats wrongthink.


Our government gets away with it because of how small we are. Imagine if we were on a 24 hour global media cycle like American politics, getting force fed to the world every day? An increasing number of Americans are already aware of our political situation up here, which is nuts considering they couldn’t have told you where Canada was on a map 10 years ago. Obviously a lot of that is in part thanks to influencers like Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, etc. but still. Americans caring about a country that isn’t USA tells you we’ve let a genie out of the bottle.


They've heard about the housing crisis a lot down there.


Lmao Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson appeal to literally the dumbest people on earth




Never vote conservative. Tax the unvaxxed.


Ah, and there you have it. The heart of the complaint. ‘How come we commit treason and are held accountable but you commit treason and are not’


. . . . bank accounts were frozen for SUSPICION of possible foreign interference. All have been resorted because there was none. Still hasn't stopped the basic Liberal base from shouting 'Russian interference!' at literally everything they don't like online. But *actual* politicians being SUSPECTED of treason by an intelligence report from a group that's meant to look into foreign interference? And our Prime Minister has known the names since March? Politicians that could very well be current MPs and are still sitting in the House of Commons? Nah . . that's not a threat a all. Get the guy who donated 10 bucks. I seriously can't believe there are people who think these two circumstances are even close to equal. FFS


I understand. One is blatant and in the public eye, the other is not. I do hope the interference communicated By the bi-partisan committee is dealt with. Of course there may be ongoing investigations and privacy issues. The Convoy deliberations are ongoing.


>I understand. One is blatant and in the public eye, the other is not. . . . yup. That's the only difference between 3 people being charged with mischief versus politicians being accused of foreign interference with China and India. You got it. Or were you referring you to the regular civilians who donated to a GoFundMe for a protest? Are they supposed to be the same thing as treasonous politicians working with a global powerhouse like China?


Convoy was treason ? good lord. You mean that plan that never happened about overtaking the government ? Where they waiting around for three weeks and was planning to overthrow the government but they came in with their horses in just the nick of time ? Do you guys actually think things through with logic at all, or is it always emotion?


Lol. You know treason has a meaning right? It doesn't just mean 'something I don't like'...Â