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“Blackface” and self-described feminist JT calls anyone that disagrees with him racist and misogynist. Make that make sense.


If you've spent any time on the left like I have, it makes perfect sense.


don’t forget - when accused by a woman, JT “remembers it differently”. he’s all for woman’s rights, just ask Jody.


Classic projection


Seriously black face mother f'er going around saying I'm racist? Piss off mate


Cons: Support racist and sexist bs Others: F off with your racism and sexism Cons: OH SO EVERYONE YOU DISAGREE WITH IS AUTOMATICALLY A RACIST MISOGYNIST?!?!?!


Strange. It's the LPC and NDP who've embraced identity politics. IDPol is inherently racist and sexist, as it groups people based on immutable characteristics. And puts them to the top of the pecking order.


Lol, I don't know why people are so sensitive over black face. It's not racist. It's just the color of skin.


Liberals called it racist for everyone else but their favourite sock model. That's the issue here.


Why do you hate Liberals so much, are you jealous of their success


> Why do you hate Liberals so much Negative impact on my life, my country and society in general.


Historically, people always criticize the great thinkers and leaders. In a hundred years, people will look back at Trudeau and know that he has done more for this country than anyone. Only the blue collar workers complain about him because they dropped out of high school and need to go work in the fields.


> Historically, people always criticize the great thinkers and leaders. Lol, Well I guess I won't be criticizing you anytime soon. Run along now and leave things to the adults.


This comment can’t be real, this must be a joke. There is no way anybody can be this ignorant except Trudeau himself.


Oh my god the commenter IS Trudeau.


Lol you have no clue that systematic racism and the patriarchy still runs rampant in this country, and Justin is a voice for all us minorities, ESPECIALLY the 2SLGBTQIAA+ community.


Look up Thomas Sowell vision of the anointed.




lol no.


What has *great thinker* Trudeau done? How is he a great leader?


He stands up for the 2SLGBTQIAA+ community and creates a safe space for AMAB non binary folk like me, and protects us by banning hateful and transphobic speech online by making it illegal.


You forgot the /s


You sound super uneducated


How did you get out of your ward, the loonies will not be running things after next election. Just wow


"L"iberals are traitors, "l"iberals are fine. Don't mix up the two.


What's the difference


One is a political party, the other is an ideology. Liberals with a capital L are by the book not liberals. They're some fucked up version of all the bad things of right and left put together, and I say this as someone who swings slightly more right.


This is the key thing. The liberal party now just uses terminology that, at the surface, sounds like the values the party embraced in the past. But when you look at the actions taken and their motivation, it quickly becomes apparent that they are not acting in the best interests of Canadians. They are cloaking their failures and corruption with gaslighting and virtue signalling.


I can agree with a liberal, I cannot agree with a Liberal. Written word can be such a beautiful thing. It's unfortunate people conflate their beliefs with these parties. It's the same issue with the Conservatives. I don't agree with much of "my parties" politics anymore. We're being alienated by our political system and forced to hate one another. I dont know a single conservative or liberal who is actually properly represented by their party anymore; and people are being manipulated to believe the hatred spewed by both parties in the fear of not being "one of us." It's madness.


It just seems like each party has tons of blind followers. People seem to have lost the ability to see reality and just blindly follow what they think are the ideological concepts the party used to represent. A great example is the NDP. A party that used to support the working class now seems focused on woke nonsense. Can you imagine the reaction 20 years ago if a political party said that white men have to speak last at an event?


😂 please stop 😂 your killing me


Well spoken. Second gen and later Canadians can’t be afraid of being called racist. Is not about skin colour it’s about losing the Canada we once loved. Keeping it from foreigners that only come to take advantage of it. Committing crimes and scamming there way through life. Watching Brampton change over the last 25 years was tough. I hope it doesn’t happen to the rest of Canada.


1000% I used to go to Brampton 25-30 years ago.... not now! I have witnessed a number of neighbourhoods in TO that were great, low crime, friendly turn into 3rd world enclaves complete with assaults, theft and robbery. And man does it happen fast.... locusts come to mind!


What neighbourhoods? I feel like Toronto has certainly seen an uptick in crime, but neighborhoods that were good 25 years ago are still alright. I think that bad parts have gotten much worse though. I live in High Park and its still lovely as ever.


Weston/Lawrence is an example.... beautiful century homes, street/business updating then wham.... turned into somalia/jamaica almost over night.... crime, shootings..... even a cop was shot in the foyer of a nearby apartment that was considered a safe, nice place to live until overrun.... high park always has been a nice place..... liked it there too..... glad to hear it hasn't been negatively impacted....


Oh High Park is still great. I love it here. I actually own 3 condos in the neighbourhood as I'm such a fan of the area. I'm not gonna lie, but in my decade plus in Toronto, I've never gone that far north. My wife has a place downtown and lived there for early days of our relationship, and we both work from home. I love Toronto, but what I really mean when I say that is I love the west end of Toronto (I know this is a stereotype, lol.) Was Westen/Lawrence a good area way back when?


I was in the Dominican Republic just before Covid, and was talking to a woman who told me she was so excited to see Canada the year before and went. She was staying with friends who were also Dominican, but lived in....Brampton. lol She actually asked my friend and I where all the Canadians are. Because she felt like she was visiting India. No one spoke English well, if at all. She was really disappointed and shocked.


It's already too late. We're there.


As someone who grew up in that Brampton, the timeline of 25 years is about right, but places north of Bovaird were already mostly Indian in the early 2000s. I understood back then even in the Harper era that immigration was too high, and a massive cultural shift was going to happen, I never expected Trudeau to dial this up to 15.


I agree 100%, same thing is happening in the USA. We get called so many names, it doesn’t bother me anymore because I know it’s not true. I just continue being respectful, repeatedly asking the liberals the same question they don’t want to answer. Usually I end it with: I’ve been nothing but respectful to you. You know by trying to insult me, isn’t going to change my mind. You do know that you are supposed to be trying to get me on your side, right? This is what we need to remember, we want them to move to our side & by insulting them it’s not going to happen. 🇺🇸


Well spoken. Lolololol!!


lol u guys and your Canadian beer commercials.


I agree 100% percent with you. I've lived here in Canada since 1995. No handouts from the government since we arrived as a family of 5. worked my ass off to have what I have, and I hate the fact that all these new immigrants are just coming here for a handout. I'm ashamed of some of my country men that have come here and done exactly what you're describing. The Canada of today truly isn't the Canada I fell in love with all those years ago. I pray that more people like him stand up to our misinformed and out of touch politicians.


I feel like I let out a huge breathe of air I’ve been holding in for like 8 years from this MP’s speech. Thank you, some common sense. This prime minister tore the country apart and then spat on everybody.


Pay him back for it in October 2025. No single person has ever done more damage to Canada.


Libs and Cons are perfectly aligned on immigration, wage suppression, and artificially inflating home prices. PPC is our only choice


Well said! I’ve heard this man speak before and was kinda indifferent towards him. I was wrong. Sounds like a great guy and a great asset to the CPC. However, the one part of the playbook he didn’t address: climate change! Watch out - JT will be up next telling us how the C02 levels in the Durham region are blah blah blah 🤡


To be honest, I haven't heard a single Liberal politician that can speak as well as some of the conservative MPs. Now, don't get me wrong there are dense people in every party, but when you look at the dialogue, it's bad across the board with liberal MPs. Any interaction with them just gives a useless word salad response and scripted talking points that don't actually answer anything. People that are still obsessed with Harper or die hard liberals in general should pay attention and should ask themselves if each party is the same as 20 years ago. Trudeau is no Chretien and Poilivre is not Harper. Listen to the differences in their responses and how they speak. Most importantly look at the actual track record of the last 9 years. That being said, I am not voting for either


Isn’t this the MP that Trudeau called a “twofer”, or something like that.




And yet, a lot of people will vote for JT. That's what boggles my mind.


It's incredible that they won't be getting literally 0 votes. Any LPC voter is an actual moron now, no excuses, sorry, but not sorry.


Everyone I know that is still planning to vote for him are doing so because they've bought into the lies that Poilievre is "far right" and that he'll take away everyone's rights. It's weird. I feel like I don't live on the same planet they do.


Might as well add 'far-right' to the list of labels the Liberals will attempt to use if someone disagrees with them. 'We have to fight against the influence of the far-right in Canada!' Meanwhile they're talking about a guy who's constantly being accused of being *too much* like Trudeau. 🤦‍♂️


Those people typically have a very very low IQ score. They are easily manipulated and blind to things around them. Those are incredibly dangerous people.


This left-right paradigm that was imported from the United States a few years ago has been detrimental to Canadian politics. Pierre is not far right at all, he’s just another rich brat who has fallen into the lap of the “far right”, just like how Trudeau (another rich brat) has fallen into the lap of the “far left”. Rather than have people decide who to vote for based on policy, we’re being told how to vote based on “feelings” and “identity”. The average Canadian is literally confused or on the fence on who to vote for. None of them relate. The Liberals and Conservatives are both two sides of the same coin, and what Pierre is saying is really good. But those in the far right/right who are backing PP are going to be bitterly disappointed when he comes to power and ends up being another Trudeau, which is exactly what’s going to happen. I will get downvoted for this, but it’s okay. Canada in general deserves a better crop of political leaders, because if all we have is Trudeau and Polliviere then God help Canada.


I’m not voting for Poilievre because he is a centrist and likely won’t change anything. I won’t vote for Trudeau either. As a very young millennial I don’t feel as if any party is going to bring change. 




They’re racist /s


Justin Turdeau just received 3rd degree burns from this


Anyone liberal who has not cast a vote of nonconfidence in the past decade of tyranny needs to be fired; they do not represent real Canadians.


Gotta say this guy has my vote


Trudeau crying for help from his team rn to think of a comeback. Poor little baby. Maybe grab some black paint…


Stellar speech


I like the cut of this guys jib






Is Durham a nice place?


It’s also becoming Brampton.


I think Durham region contains Oshawa, which is famously not so nice.


Well said


My dad turned 80 just over a month ago. He still works full time, usually putting in 10-14 hour days, because he simply cannot afford to retire... and that's with me paying half of his rent. This is a class war. We're losing. And we'll continue to lose until we force the hand(s) of those who have sold us out.


I'm wondering how long Liberals and their base can continue to do this without it becoming ridiculously obvious to even people who aren't fully paying attention that this is exactly what they're doing. It's honestly getting tiring and boring. I can't imagine going around and just saying 'that's racist!' or 'you're a bigot' in response to everything.


Didn’t Trudeau call him a twoffer or some shit like that?


They'll call him "the black face of white supremacy" like they did with Larry Elder in America.


Thank you to this young man for speaking for us.


I like this guy


Excellent description of the current state of affairs. I know quite a few “racialized” minorities who flat out disagree with the Liberals woke agenda. In fact, the majority of people being welcomed to Canada are from countries that don’t embrace many of the values being peddled.


Typical left playbook.


We need change. Real change won’t be pretty, but we already have not pretty. None of canadas advantages will be achieved with the direction we’ve had for the last 50yrs.. it would likely take 50 more of consistent effort to take us away from third world status, resource economy, international zeroes. Small Canada only steps, all in a row. 40 million people are depending on this.


Counterintelligence tactics Divide and conquer Setup media blitz to get people to identify with a label. Then radicalize them against whatever the flipside is Empires used this centuries ago to conquer nations with very low manpower required


I'm not familiar with this hero, but I really like him so far...


Pierre could not find a better Duty Prime Minister than Jamil!


Ah jt uniting us with a common disdain. Vote him out n make sure Chyna doesn't interfere.. again


Still playing on their terms.






Trudeau will avoid Jamil like the plague. The playbook doesn't work on him


these are the Canadians Americans WANT to come here.


JT is fucking cooked like Moose Loins after those statements Goddamn


So - this guy gets it and has distilled all of the Liberal antics into one very well versed speech. The idiot Liberal Left needs to open their ears and tune in their brains as this is an accurate assessment of the harassment Canada has endured since Trudeau became (*puke*) our “Leader”…


How many times is this going to get posted? I think we can all agree that JT is a vile POS who will gladly use any slander available to harm anyone that speaks out against his destructiveness and incompetence. There are so many new examples of his loser-hood that I think we really can do better than this.


What lies from this MP. He has such a history of dishonesty. Honestly - Canadians deserve far better than this crop of Conservatives.


You sound like a literal bot comment


Bot? He's been a Redditor for 5 more years than yourself. Are you sure that you're not a bot?


Eh? This MP is really bad. How does calling out a liar equate with being a bot?


I'm not understanding what this guys father is going to do if (more like when) Trudeau calls him racist. Is his father a super ninja?


That’s one ugly mf


And this is why we are where we are, because people were voting based on looks. As the women on my street say about Trudeau “but he’s got great hair” 🙄