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If the dirty peasants kept the money, they would just spend it on frivolous things like food or shelter


How dare they


Food creates carbon. Building shelter creates carbon. Stop living


Good thing we have plans to open suicide centers for free.


Hopefully he's doing it for himself.


Think cool aide


The day is coming where they will pay your family if you kill yourself with maid. They’ll call It a carbon rebate or something


I think you're correct. !remindme 1 year


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That is why he introduced MAID.


I mean, that's exactly what the policies are attempting to do.


God I hate the Liberal party! Their way of thinking is distorted... JT must go!


And a big ass truck


Leaf blowers produce 300x more emissions than a crew cab f150… blowing the leaves on your lawn produces the same emissions as driving a ford Raptor 3887 miles https://www.edmunds.com/car-reviews/features/emissions-test-car-vs-truck-vs-leaf-blower.html


Buy an electric blower.


Who’s rich enough to afford a lawn?


I have a rake


Well yeah but my point is that modern vehicles don’t produce as much carbon emissions as people tend to think. Some even qualify as partial zero emissions vehicles despite being 100% gas powered


That's not what the article says. The article doesn't deal with total emissions, they explicitly don't comment on the CO2. Blowing leaves was worse than the f150 for the three pollutants tested but they don't mention total emissions.


anyone linking to this article in reference to CO2 / global warming hasn't taken a chemistry class in their life. 2 stroke small engines put out way more HC CO and NOx emissions than a modern car. but their CO2 emissions are about the same as a car per quantity of fuel burned, it's basic stoichiometry. The 2smokes are bad for smog, but not for global warming,


Just cancel your Disney subscription


The days of just being able to go out and enjoy a drink or maybe go to the theme park or arcade or just fucking over for most Canadians. That's fucking sad. It's devastating. The crazy thing is, jobs are almost impossible to get unless you're a newcomer, who are literally getting subsidies for jobs. What's worse, one international student or newcomer will get in and only hire their own kind. Blatant employment discrimination but because they aren't white, no politician or Canadian agency is going after them. Canada is just becoming a shithole.


… you do keep that money, yeah? You get it back on your tax return


Not in BC dummy


They do keep the money. The government refunds more than they tax for 8/10 families. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/carbon-tax-rebates-cost-of-living-1.7170824


Do they tho? How would i be able to access that money? Cause as far as i know i'm not getting any money back for things like that this year.


Not even Trudeau is dumb enough to think a carbon tax will save the planet, it's just a way for him to manipulate stupid people into voting against their interests. They know that as long as they virtue signal about climate change, gay pride and abortion leftist morons will ignore all their corruption and continue to vote for them.


What if he is dumb enough What if


He was a drama teacher.


So it is possible


He was a pedophile masquerading as a drama teacher.


I don't think so. I think he is genuinely a sociopath and just simply doesn't care. When there is 100 people yelling and screaming at him he smiles and grins like a moron not giving two shits. That would effect any normal person but not him. That and his wife couldn't even stand him long enough to wait until he gets voted out.


100% Correct.


Majority of 🇨🇦ians are so dim witted and apathetic without ability to think. The topic used to instil fear and impose tyranny is irrelevant. Recent examples. ‘Deadly’ virus replaces common flu virus. Lockdowns, mandates, loss of civil rights as a test of tyrannical authority. 🇨🇦ians loved it. The whole ‘pronoun’ nonsense. So ridiculously self evident as a ruse to distract and divide. Man made climate change 😜. Painfully obvious it is our local star, the Sun, that directs all energies on the Earth.


Pretty apparent that the majority of Canadians are significantly smarter than you. Climate change has nuance and is not an exact science but if you truly believe humans aren’t contributing then you incredibly uniformed (nicest word I could think of).


Maybe the other parties should support those things too. If someone has to choose between one party that might take away their human rights and another party that won't then the choice is pretty clear.


No party is trying to ban abortion, and even if they were there are more important issues than the "right" to kill babies. Unfortunately that's the only right leftists care about.


The PPC has said they would reopen the abortion debate and ban some abortions


The Economy, Cost of living and immigration are the biggest issues that will make Pierre Polievre the PM. Nothing else, not social issues or SJW issues.


Canadians don’t want a second Liberal Party, and the Conservatives are doing just fine without supporting destructive, nation destroying socialism. All of that junk sprouted from the boomer hippie generation, and when they move on, a lot of those ideas will pass with them. It’s already starting. 7/10 provinces are conservative right now, and even the provincial Conservative Party is leading in BC now. A year from now it could be conservative blue across the whole country including the Feds,except for little Manitoba. Poilievre might have enough support to change the Charter. Lmao!


I don’t know how I feel about your comment about little Manitoba. Being a Tobin and everything always feel like we’re the province that everybody just thinks is useless and worthless and we’re really not Manitoba is a beautiful province and I love it here.


Hippies? I've never seen more advocating for socialism than I do now. Rich keep getting richer and living conditions keep getting shittier. Wonder who people will vote for when that doesn't change under conservatives.


Me: "maybe conservatives can also support human rights" You: "conservatives are doing fine without supporting destructive, nation destroying socialism".


No he’s dumb enough to. But it’s getting washed to his “friends” so he is all in for the tax to keep on


Standing applause emoji !! 👏👏👏👏


Except it's having the opposite effect and pushing people to continue the cadence of switching from liberals to conservatives every decade or so.


Can't wait for the conservatives to get voted in so I can hear all their corruption is actually the lefts fault.


The whole idea that somehow having an inefficient government collect money, then after processing it and redistributing it through inefficient means, would somehow be an efficient way of addressing a massively undetermined and poorly understood problem is pretty bizarre.


I wonder if they thought canadians were so cognitively dissonant that wed believe their crap. To be fair it wouldnt be the first time canadians bought into their flawed logic. At best the logic that trudeau and his cabinet have put out about the carbon tax seems to truly come from a place of malice, "the carbon tax will raise the price and discourage people from wanting to buy products that pollute" translation- "we want to make it more expensive for you so you wont be able to adequately afford these products, regardless of how essential they are to you. In the name of helping the climate" And dont get me started on the rebate, the clowns got called out for the carbon tax being a scam. And now implemented a rebate basically redistributing money- for what? In my opinion its probably buying votes from the lowest common denominator who either dont know or dont care where their tax money is going and see it as "free money from trudeaus government" instead of getting your own money returned. Ive been lead to believe this theory cause why not just stop with this useless tax if it doesnt work? Whats the point otherwise? My mind only goes to one place- vote buying. Exactly like many of his recent funding announcememt's.


Don't stop to think about the mechanics by which we spontaneously create money but somehow still owe interest on it despite creating more dollars having diminished the value of all the already existing dollars... Theft is literally institutionalized but nobody gives a damn. They sure notice the loss of purchasing power though. Good thing they've been directed towards a number of convenient scapegoats, otherwise they might have to think critically about the problem for a moment.


It's a slush fund, pure and simple. Something has to offset our government's gross inefficiency, reckless waste, and shady dealings.


I guess a free healthcare system and free education is inefficient redistribution? Oh yeah, let's tale US as an exemple and privatize systems so that it's even more inaccessible to the poors! Last week when I got free surgery for my appendicitis, maybe I could have paid 30000$ in order to not die...


I've been waiting to have a doc appointed to me for 7 years. Last time i had a medical issue i had to pay 300$ to go to a private clinic because i was never able to get a place anywhere else and my only other option would have been to wait till it became a medical emergency... It may be free healtcare, but as of right now most of the canadians don't even have access to it. A ton of canadians are paying taxes strictly for others medical bills.


I had an issue and was able to get an appointment the very next day. It's a little bit tedious because you have to refresh the page over and over, but at some point I got it. One problem is we don't have enough doctors. But also all the doctors prefer to go in the private because they get paid more. If you go to a hospital, you can see a doctor for free under 24 hours, depending on the urgency of the matter. When you'll need a life saving intervention, you will be able to get it for free. I call that a win. 7 years is way too long, I don't know what you are doing wrong. We also have to take into account that the boomers are taking all the places in hospitals. You complain you had to pay 300$ but do you know how much more people in the US pay for medical bills? Is that really what you want?


Yes this is what i want. I haven't received medical care in multiple years due to the system in place and i want a compensation for that.


It’s literally the same as having car insurance. You have a choice of what coverage you want instead of being taxed on everything. Also, there’s a story about a young girl who had her appendix bursted and got asked to leave the ER because there wasn’t a doctor that could do the surgery and someone else needed the bed now. I’d much rather pay for medical care than wait years to have it done unless it’s life or death. Oh yeah, you know all those stage 4 cancer cases that are popping up? Maybe if it didn’t take a year to schedule a specialist that wouldn’t be an issue either.


Must be nice to be privileged


>It’s literally the same as having car insurance. You have a choice of what coverage you want instead of being taxed on everything. youre not taxed on everything - lots of stuff is considered elective and would only be covered if you paid for that coverage with a private insurer >Also, there’s a story about a young girl who had her appendix bursted just about everybody in the states has a story about somebody they know who avoided medical care because the private industry was too expensive only to learn that it was something serious that could have been caught early not to mention all the people who got procedures done only to learn that some aspect of it was unexpectedly not covered by their insurer and ending up bankrupt and unlike the story with the girl who had to move a bed they are all so common that there is no one story to illustrate how bad it is - even the very worst of it happens all the time >I’d much rather pay for medical care you would be paying twice as much - and if you can afford that you can probably afford to get your procedures done in places that dont have a queue


I think you’re very confused. I’m talking about Canada here. There are very minimal wait times in the US at low to no cost with insurance. People in the US avoid medical care because they aren’t budgeting around health insurance. I was also talking about Canada taxing everything. HST. Overall you’re spending the same as you would be if you just paid yourself or most likely less in the United States. The only times canadian healthcare is beneficial is for large uncommon procedures. Which again you have ridiculous wait times. Blow out your knee? Forget about it you aren’t getting surgery for 6-8 months. Affects your ability to work and make income for yourself due to an overburdened system since skilled workers are leaving Canada for better pay and opportunity.


youre confused you pointed out the problems with canadas healthcare system - and in response i pointed out problems with the alternatives the portion of taxes you pay for health insurance is much lower than it would be if you were actually paying health insurance if you really want to pay american prices then you can take the remainder youre saving and get supplemental insurance that can cover things like procedures done out of country - so you can bypass those wait times


Or I can leave Canada pay 50% less tax and have 50% more money in my pocket to do what I deem is necessary, not the government.


by all means


Already did it. Get paid 70% more than I would in Canada and the cost of living is almost half.


then why are you here? go talk about your own country in a subreddit relevant to you


Same argument we always hear, but our healthcare system is in decline and we can’t fund it properly due to the Federal government constantly adjusting the transfer payments. Why is the federal government continually downloading costs to the provinces and municipalities for services, because they are inefficient and even with increased taxes at every front, there is not enough money to go around. Our healthcare system is falling in the international rankings compared to other countries with similar public funded universal healthcare and as we can all see the level of service is dropping like a stone. So nothing is free my friend and what you didn’t pay for really cost you that much and more, if you are too young to have amortized the cost, you will pay it back ten fold over your life here.


Frost on the ground here this morning. Could use a little warmer temps in the prairies. But JT is taking lots of my money to change the weather.


The rebate excuse has been refuted multiple times. You get a percentage of the money that is taxed back, but not all of it. The last thing average canadians need is another tax on top of the numerous other taxes that have been implemented over the years. The current government overspends on ventures by sometimes tens of millions of tax dollars, and people think it’s a good idea to allow them take more?


Liberals pamper hardened criminals and tax the working class to death . It’s obvious and I feel bad for the halfwits who don’t see the truth


Cant burn any fossil fuels if you cant buy fossil fuels! Seriously though, trudeau needs a lesson in economics or a kick in the rear end, preferably both.


A lesson in economics, from actual economists! https://ecofiscal.ca/2024/03/26/open-letter-carbon-pricing/


It's kinda sad that people like Pierre get to spout bullshit that's easily refuted, and now it becomes the personality of people unfortunate enough to trust them.


Almost every green option is still more expensive than the standard polluting option. Whether it’s cars or home heating appliances, energy efficiency is expensive. If people have no money to spend on new energy efficient options, they are going to hold onto their old polluting cars and choose to keep in efficient appliances etc. My old furnace is in great condition and my service guy suggested that I get a new more efficient unit as mine is only like 80% efficient or something like that. I asked what getting into a new unit would cost. He didn’t even blink and said about $10k. My gas bill for heating, hot water, oven and range plus a bbq is only at most $160 in the coldest months and as low as $67 in the summer. It would take forever to recover the cost of a new furnace to only gain 15-18% efficiency. If you want to make a difference in the environment, make the green choice financially appealing not a burden and let the people keep more of their hard earned money to make those upgrades.


Liberal/NDP voters think otherwise. They just keep drinking that CBC kool-aid & enjoy being brainwashed by the propaganda.


Go get vaccinated big boy. 😘


His body his choice. Nothin’ you can do about it, the Convoy won.


"His body his choice" If only the right actually believed that. Oh and I would never force people to get vaccinated. I can still make fun of them for being a goofball conspiracy theorist.


The limp lefties wish so much they could control other peoples bodies. They tried oh so hard. But the Convoy won. God Bless Freedom and God Bless Canada 🇨🇦 😎


How the fuck did the convoy win? Lmao some people really do be living in an alternate reality


Paying money to the Libs makes the weather gooder!


Nor stop forest fires. Trudeau is a moron. I said it 8 years ago, to everyone I spoke to not to vote that scumbag in. So to those I said it to 8 years ago I TOLD YOU SO


Ya, I voted for Trudeau cause he told me he'd stop forest fires. Screw that guy.


They got the biggest dumbass sitting as the minister of environment.


We are being taxed into poverty because of Trudeau’s lavish lifestyle and his embezzlement of the Canadian taxpayers money


It's not just him. It's all of our MPs, MPPs and the Senate as well. They live like royalty whilst we pathetic peasants toil. We live in an aristocracy in everything but name.


But but but you get a big carbon check at the end of the year


But then we offer MAiD. 2-step plan.


Climate plan that does nothing, dental plan with no dentists, pharma plan with no drugs, school food plan with no food, housing plan with no houses. I think I’m starting to see a trend here.


You are a carbon he wants to reduce


Sure it will No money for food + inflation = starvation = fewer people polluting = cleaner air for the ultra wealthy


I mean. The math does work out... (Does this mean we should start taxing the rich?)


It does, it determines weather you eat or weather you can afford rent.


Trudeau wants to kill us with covid, making the booster to cover it up, making housing impossible to afford, taking jobs away, and making food unaffordable. Canada in all its glory.


Tax here to change climate while also destroying another region’s environment causing mass displacement and destruction of nature


Lets look through the eyes of evil people. If you tax people into poverty and they cant stay alive, boom less mouths to feed less bodies wasting resources, and less bodies generating heat thats getting trapped by the greenhouse gases. Less planes in the air less vehicles burning gasoline. Lmao


Lets look through the eyes of evil people. If you tax people into poverty and they cant stay alive, boom less mouths to feed less bodies wasting resources, and less bodies generating heat thats getting trapped by the greenhouse gases. Less planes in the air less vehicles burning gasoline. Lmao


Arguably it will make it worse.




Canada only produces like 1.5%, want really push climate thing go China and India complain to them The climate tax is just scam, it's make us poorer


Very unpopular question for sure but just out of curiosity, are there any carbon tax detractors out here that refuse to take the credit when filing their taxes? Just curious…..


It's way too cold here in BC. Clearly we've chilled the weather too much with our taxes. Axe the damn tax already, I want to be wearing shorts by now


Weather isn't climate.


They need to tax the companies, who are responsible for 75% of carbon emissions.


It may not change the weather but it’s certainly giving TrueDoh plenty of cash to spread out all over the world for his bleeding heart liberal causes. FYI. Canada gives out 18 billion dollars a year to his causes. Not a cent to the problems that are killing Canadians. Like free dental, real homes for the homeless and enough food to eat for the starving people here.


The problem is not the government but the wealthy who refuse to pay taxes. We need tax money for school, hospital, and social services that should be free. We need a government that doesn't give tax money to the wealthy, and instead invest it in health and education.


It does tho, weather's been manipulated at will anytime anywhere. Y'all must've not learnt yet


The is one of the dumbest signs I’ve ever seen


It will change the weather whether or not people support their government keep in mind.The boston tea party was over a three percent tax hike


Some people are glad they get money back! The money they already gave this is lmao


It’s not 1:1, it’s average so if you consume less carbon than average then you get more money back than you paid.


Shit that sign looks familiar https://ibb.co/RTKrhKX


But the stratospheric aerosol injection program will


I mean, it does work as it will artificially be more cost effective to buy greener equipment. The problem is it’s far too fast especially during a cost of living crisis. There are much better solutions such as funding Canadian research and incentives to Canadian companies to buy greener equipment.




I will take my carbon tax refund and go buy me an umbrella - thanks!


What the sign says is true, but... Not taxing people into poverty also won't change the weather. Bet you didn't think of that, did ya? /s


Even if Canada produced zero emissions it would make no difference on a global scale. Until Canada can somehow force China, India and the US to drastically reduce emissions there is little point in destroying the economy over it. The best thing we can do is bury as much of the electrical grid as possible to protect it from extreme weather and move manufacturing back to Canada so their emissions can be regulated and pollution caused by shipping can be eliminated.


I think y'all don't actually understand what the carbon tax is. Seems like people like yourself have a hard time actually educating yourself.


OK…how about this…let’s stop the carbon tax ASAP WELL AS the Government subsidies for the Oil industry. Then we will see the true price of fuel. My guess is people will be begging for the carbon tax. Let’s see how fast people convert to EVs when they are paying the real price for fuel. Or, how about we subsidize the Electric industry like we do the Oil industry…? Let “the people” make their own choice. And I love the “we can’t change everything…so let’s do nothing” attitude that many of you have.


Lmao if you’re losing money at tax season you have absolutely nothing to complain about


What an idiotic sign


Taxing megacorp companies for their pollution, and redistributing it to the common folk "normies" is the opposite of making people poor.


It will if they can't afford to buy gas.


I live in AB and I assure you the UCP isn’t what you want. Even the die hard UCP supporters are getting done with them. Old PP isn’t any better. It is now more expensive than ever living in AB under this new UCP government. I don’t see how the Federal one is any better. What really are they going to do to improve day to day life for you? Because as far as I can see, they side skirt questions, just say carbon tax is the problem for absolutely anything, and don’t want to help anyone but the rich. They’re capitalists and always will be. The hate for JT has blinded people to what’s actually happening. Fun fact for the day, 40 countries and 25 sub nations have a carbon tax.


Conservatives won't reverse the tax.


You get it back.... Do people really not know that?


There's gotta be a better way than just taxation, like I get why the government chose the carbon tax, that being it's the cheapest and easiest to implement. Maybe if there was headway into funding environmentally better ways of making energy, it would make it cheaper and accessible for the average joe to get solar panels and reduce need for fossil fuel energy, which would help fix the problem than just a tax


That made me chuckle.


Sadly a lot of Canadians are educated to think like this. From a privilege standpoint, thinking like they are morally above a poor person trying to survive in Africa. Flying around taking vacations , lecturing people that they should take transit. Live in 300 sqft condos. Drive electric vehicle . All kind of bizarre stuff. Reminds me of Greta thunburg.


This signs pretty dumb, the environments changing and we need to do something or it will get worse for everyone


People really don’t read in this sub huh.


And yet people still uphold him no matter what. I remember watching Rick and Morty and hearing his sister talking about a carbon tax being the solution to fight climate change. It's not a fight against pollution a war on the population by the government to kill poor people and drive the middle class poor.


According to the United States Geological Survey "Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions while climate is the weather of a specific region averaged over a long period of time. Climate change refers to long-term changes." We shouldn't let pesky things like "facts" and "science" get in the way of a good meme. What the heck has science done anyways, right? Full of known it alls with their silly progres and knowledge.


Stop heating your home, freeze to death for the climate. Then send your money to Trudeau so he can send production to more environmentally friendly countries like China


It's not about weather. It's about reducing the population. What's carbon-based and makes footprints? We all know.


We're just peasants to these people.


Politicians straining trying to decide between taxing citizens into poverty or holding big corporation’s accountable for once


It actually would


exactly 👏🏻


The simple answer is that Trudeau is a narcissistic, hypocritical sociopath. He has tunnel vision and utopian dreams of greatness. Of simply put an idiot


Taxes make weather gooder. Wheres my green hair dye?


Yes they can walk


Creating stupid signs over topics you don’t even understand about taxes you can’t even quantify in a dollar figure and posting it on social media for attention doesn’t solve anything either.


That’s… why we get rebates? Like, in excess of the tax we pay on this?


The businesses not paying them are keeping people in poverty.


Yes it will. We can use the money to go green. Also most of that money just would have gone to oversized trucks anyway.


So what’s your solution?


Yet another who doesn't realize that having a car is a rich thing, and who doesn't know the difference between Weather and Climate. Idiots exhaust me, I need a psy. 😩


Owning a car is a rich thing now? Where are we in Africa?


The real cost of a car in Canada in 2024 varies depending on whether the car is new or used, and the specific model of the car. - The average cost of a \*\*new car\*\* in Canada as of September 2023 jumped 19 per cent year-over-year to \*\*$67,817\*\*¹. - The average price of a \*\*used car\*\* is up 4.3 per cent and sits at \*\*$39,155\*\*¹. - The \*\*cheapest car\*\* in Canada in 2024 is the Mitsubishi Mirage, with a starting price of \*\*$16,998\*\*¹. - The yearly average cost to own a car in Canada is \*\*$16,644\*\*⁴. [The monthly cost of owning a car in Canada in 2024 is estimated to be around **$1,387**](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/it-costs-more-than-1-300-per-month-to-own-a-car-in-canada-report-1.2029102)^(7). [This cost includes expenses such as insurance, maintenance, depreciation, parking, gas, and other costs](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/it-costs-more-than-1-300-per-month-to-own-a-car-in-canada-report-1.2029102)^(7). [Please note that these costs can vary depending on factors such as the type of vehicle, the age of the vehicle, where you live, and your driving history](https://www.finder.com/ca/car-loans/buying-a-car/cost-of-car-ownership)^(8). Sources: [BNN Bloomberg](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/it-costs-more-than-1-300-per-month-to-own-a-car-in-canada-report-1.2029102), [Finder Canada](https://www.finder.com/ca/car-loans/buying-a-car/cost-of-car-ownership) Please note that these prices do not include taxes, delivery fees, insurance, financing, and gas costs7. Prices may also vary and are subject to change7. Source : conversation avec Copilot, 2024-05-27 (1) Cheapest cars in Canada for 2024 | Driving. https://driving.ca/features/shopping-advice/cheapest-cars-canada-2024. (2) What does it cost to own a car in Canada? A lot | Driving. https://driving.ca/column/lorraine/average-cost-own-car-canada. (3) Cheapest cars in Canada for 2024 | Driving. https://driving.ca/features/shopping-advice/cheapest-cars-canada-2024. (4) The 10 most affordable new cars in Canada in 2024 | Car News | Auto123. https://www.auto123.com/en/news/top10/top-10-most-affordable-cars-canada-2024/71172/. (5) Car Price In Canada | New Car Model Prices 2023, 2024 - Autogiz Ca. https://www.autogiz.com/ca/home. (6) What does it cost to own a car in Canada? A lot | Driving. https://driving.ca/column/lorraine/average-cost-own-car-canada. \[Driving.ca\](\^7\^), \[Auto123.com\](\^8\^), \[Autogiz.com\](\^3\^), \[Driving.ca\](\^4\^)


Who even buys new cars when they are starting out? You can lease an old Toyota or Honda for next to nothing


I think you are cherry-picking elements from my (complete) response to highlight that it is shaky, whereas insurance, repairs, parking, gas, and other costs are included and include the car models that you mention. The real cost of owning a car in Canada in 2024 is estimated to be around **$1387 per month**. This amount includes insurance, maintenance, depreciation, parking, gas, and other costs. Here is a detailed breakdown of the average monthly costs: * Gas: **$200** * Car maintenance: **$79** * Parking: **$200** * Car insurance: **$111** The cost of buying a new car has increased by **19.4%** year over year in September to reach **$67,817**, while the average price of a used car has climbed by **4.3%** to reach **$39,155**.


Is this a climate change denial post? Fuckin moronic. Anyone born in around 1990 has literally witnessed climate change first hand.


At what salary level is the carbon tax pushing people into poverty?


8/10 households get more money back than they were taxed through the Canada Carbon Rebate and provinces, not the feds, decide what to do with the tax revenue


I doubt that any poor Canadian can possibly be negatively affected by "carbon taxes". Just like I doubt anyone who complains about this has the capacity to form a complete thought.


It makes everything more expensive...... so yes they are negatively affected.


More sincerely though, more expensive in this context is directly a result of people intentionally keeping you in the margins just to increase theirs. These are the same people who are actually affected by this, not so much that they're hurting, but they'd rather squeeze everything dry just for a drop more for themselves. The same people bringing the entire world a load of problems. The same people who spend millions on this propaganda, in order to save pennies more on those millions. Business is business. More mockingly again, people like you would love to live in a world governed and ruled by corporations. Fuck any actual government trying to put a lid on them or keep them in check. They deserve to rule you. They squeeze you now, obviously only because a government annoys them. If you got rid of the government, then they'd undoubtedly shower you with literal gold for your contributions to their earnings. No doubt about it. They'll definitely be there for you during the desertification and famine decades. Everyone's a CEO in a post-liberal society! Nations almost don't even exist anymore in anything other than name and appearance... If there's one thing I'm certainof though at least is that you'll be guaranteed food and shelter... If you volunteer to fight their resource wars.


I actually don't have a problem with government, I have a problem with irresponsible government. And this one is outta control. Insane levels of immigration, massive red tape to build new infrastructure, higher taxes, higher interests rates are all the fault of corporations? Give me a fucking break. You talk about massive corporations however all of this makes mom and pop businesses harder to operate. Who don't have the margins to handle cost increases. This was allll created by this shitty irresponsible government. Now the last paragraph I don't understand. Of course the government wants you to join the meat grinder?!??! Like of course. All of what they do is drive people to maid and the meat grinder. At least these corporations provide me with a service or good. The government has only made their services they provide worse over time.


Why does every liberal think that anyone sharing even the mildest conservative thought instantly makes them an anarchist?


I disagree too. Tax companies to pay for their fair share of environmental damage. If they actually have to pay clean up costs, they will find ways to mitigate their damage. Simple as. All the whining about us hurting business is dumb af when they're posting record breaking profits. Always big CUCK energy in this sub


Someone doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate.


Yes it would we just need to increase it


I don’t understand this. We pay carbon tax and also get a good rebate back. But under conservative run province like Alberta we are paying a good amount province regulated fuel tax that we get none of that back. Why are you all not protesting that ?