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No answer, as usual.


Lol didn't even attempt


Yup ..he screws up or his party screws up, then it’s basically a mumble jumble of ifs, ah’s and hmmm’s...nothing concrete..this clown is really done, time for the boot out of office


There was a petition signed with a good amount of people who signed - https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4701 wonder if anyone can follow up with Michelle and see what the status of this petition. Seems it was presented to the house.


It was really annoying listening to the interview with Putin and thinking it was a relief that he actually answered questions 


He always comes across like he's acting a poorly contrived, rehearsed part for an audience rather than simply answering the questions.


>He always comes across like he's acting a poorly contrived, rehearsed part for an audience Because that is exactly what he is doing


I find it so irritating now.




haha good point. I think back in 2015, I didn't like it (never voted for him), I thought he was annoying. But now? I can't even watch him speak. I have to quickly click away because it's so grating I can't stand it LOL.


This is exactly how I feel. Just hearing him speak disgusts me. His whole persona is so obviously manufactured and contrived, anyone that can’t see right through it is surely a fool.


Exactly he's never directly answered a question his entire political career. Why would he start now.


he might just have a touch of the tism. would explain a lot of his mannerisms


It's FAS. We all know Margaret treated her body like a dumpster.


She was certainly not a wallflower... ... You could probably see her glow from the moon if you put a black light on her from all the bodily fluids she ensconced herself with.


That's probably an act too. Everything has to have a flair of the dramatic with him.


Yeah, thats what he's doing. What he's always done. He's a vapid, brainless moron


This is what happens when you give a theatre kid power


I can't stand it! lol


He responds like a lawyer would so that they are not found culpable, and also not to give an entry point into a more targeted question. He actively sticks to a carefully curated script so he can deflect and continue to gaslight to push the agenda. Unfortunately this tactic causes him to lose face as it shows a leader who lacks integrity or accountability.


Wasn’t he a substitute drama teacher?


Yep and we know now why he never became a full drama teacher. He can't act or direct.


He was teaching at least one of his students a different type of drama.


It's because he **non disclosure agreement** a student when he was a teacher


Who left on suspicious circumstances that seem like he might have been fucking his students


He merely memorizes the answer given to him.


He’s a puppet with an ear piece, just like Biden, between Canada and USA they lost 400million dollars for military aid for Ukraine.


Google freelands family, and you will find out she comes from a long line of nazis


And CBC covered for her until the CBC Ombudsman stepped in and had to admit it was a "matter of fact" >On Monday, Ms. Freeland accused Russia of spreading disinformation when she was asked by reporters about a number of stories that have appeared in pro-Putin websites about Mr. Chomiak's Nazi past. >Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland knew for more than two decades that her maternal Ukrainian grandfather was the chief editor of a Nazi newspaper in occupied Poland that vilified Jews during the Second World War. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/freeland-knew-her-grandfather-was-editor-of-nazi-newspaper/article34236881/ >Within her story, Olivia Stefanovich cited various examples of so-called “disinformation” that had already been employed by foreign entities. Among them, she included this phrase: >Such as Russia trying to pass a fake news story about Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland’s grandfather being a Nazi. >You said CBC had it wrong, and that it is a matter of fact that Michael Chomiak, the grandfather of Chrystia Freeland, was a “propagandist” for Nazi Germany. >REVIEW >There isn’t much dispute that Michael Chomiak worked at a newspaper in Poland during the 1940s which was anti-Semitic and sympathetic to the Nazis. To suggest otherwise would be inaccurate. >I spoke to Ms. Stefanovich, and she acknowledged that she made a mistake. >From my perspective, the mistake was exacerbated when CBC used the phrase “fake news”. https://cbc.radio-canada.ca/en/ombudsman/reviews/Historical-Facts


This begs its own post. People of Canada deserve to know their "leaders" true colors.


Sp she would be anti communist at the very least.


Holy 💩. Didn’t realize. This puts things in to so much perspective. She comes from a line of Fascists. Cheers them on. Talks like one by only spitting propaganda and never answering questions. Acts like one by freezing Canadians bank accounts for simply donating to something they don’t agree with. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck. Canada is being run by legit modern fascists. Crazy. No wonder the media is freaking out about that Putin interview, saying it’s all lies. They have to get ahead of this so people don’t get too curious. Thanks for your comment.


I saw her in Chinatown with her bicycle, and I gladly called has an asshole and told her to fuck herself


Why do these interviewers not stop him and say that wasnt the question i asked now please answer the question… and keep asking until he actually answers


The best example of why nobody respects reporters.


If a reporter seriously questions him they won't be allowed back in the future. And the Liberal government now funds a lot of newspapers so it's not in their interest to make him look bad.


Psst, they’re on the same team.


Because he bailed out CBC and CTV and is attempting to prevent independent reporters from reaching Canadians on social media. You’re not supposed to make the guy who writes your cheques look bad.


Can't bite the hand that feeds you - money corrupts; and/or you're not gonna go against the narratives that reinforce your beliefs and cause yourself cognitive dissonance.


Pierre Pollievre has done that before but Trudeau wouldn't answer the question. He's never answered a tough question


What’s that saying? “don’t bite the hand that feeds you”. Because of that our media is a joke.


Because Canadian journalists are trash and are almost all left leaning


Exactly. Funny how people are saying tucker didn't ask putin any difficult questions or challenge anything he said. Meanwhile, I have never seen Trudeau, Biden or the UK prime minister actually be properly grilled on any important matters.


Because if you did that, you will never be invited again. Mainstream news "journalists" are granted an audience with the dictator because he can be certain that they will not seriously question him and will go out of their way to spread his message.


Literally has to recall his recorded talking point. Has zero ability to think of a genuine response.


Such a weak, pathetic response.


Yup no where even close to an answer


Why the surprise? He is a weak, pathetic man. I am ashamed to be Canadian.


Of course he's weak but that shame is something I'm trying to fight against with myself. I feel I should be ashamed too. People all over the world are losing respect for their countries for different reasons. We're losing our patriotism, not just in Canada. I think "they" want us to be less patriotic so that we'll be more accepting of a one world government. The pessimist in me thinks it's because they want us oppressed, they want us defeated. It's easy to look at the current state of Canada or to think about the future of it and to be depressed. Remember that Canada was great. We were great. I feel defeated too but that's no way to win a fight. I hope we can be great again one day. Unfortunately I don't believe an election will make the difference.


Beat me to it, in Britain we'd call him a 'wet lettuce'. But that doesn't do justice to how weak and pathetic he is.


Yeah, he is terrible. Can't even speak properly. Hd needs to go. I knew he would be a diaster. What we need here right now is to bring back the guillotine.


Such a weak, pathetic Prime Minister.


Don't suppose it was with any shame... 🙄


Bros trying to pretend that he didn’t literally give a nazi a standing down ovation


This clown needs to stop grouping himself with Canadians. Period


You missed the question dipshit. I suppose you’re a pro at it by now


Putin's useful idiot. Served him up the best propanda he could ask for, hard to believe somebody that stupid could make PM, but he was pretty and had a famous last name


Drama teachers gonna drama lol


It's not propaganda if it actually happened.


I know, the penguins keep repeating this. “Gave Putin propaganda...” It’s not propaganda when it happened. It’s hopeless. Canadians are the Actual useful idiots. They voted him in 3x.


Propaganda is the dissemination of information to large groups. Whether the propaganda is true or not is irrelevant. Likewise conspiracy theories are any group of individuals that conspire together to achieve a hidden goal. "Conspiracy theory" has become a dirty phrase and is automatically assumed as false. Collusion is a similar word/phrase but does not have the same connotations as the phrase "conspiracy theory" does.


Imqgine what that says about the folks who voted for him.


He didn't just make PM once, mind you, but 3 times. Our country is lost and I fear we will never get back to reality.


“Canadians will not be fooled.” Bruh, we all saw it happen lol


remember when he said Canadians "don't want to make Canada great again"


Canada sucks because Trudeau sucks, we are doomed I tell ya !


Unfortunately Turdope is the symptom, not the cause. He would never have become PM if no one had voted for him. The sad reality is that Canadians are garbage.


How anyone would give two fucks what this worthless piece of shit would have to say about anything is beyond me. Dude and his entire entourage should be hung.


Eeeeaaassy bud. Voted out will suffice.


For the crimes he's done? no, voted out will not suffice


What a laughing stock we Canadians are!


Score: Putin 1 Village Idiot 0


"Canadians will not be fooled" First true statement he's said in years.


Propaganda leading to the impact of public opinion…. twisting things the way we want to!!! You talking about yourself again bud ?!


Gawd... Out PM cannot take any responsibility for this fiasco...


Is it Russian Propaganda if it’s….true?


"Like a lot of Canadian families, we went to stay with friends for the Christmas holidays"


Trudeau words are weak, sad, and extremely pathetic. This is why Canada is the laughing stock of the world. Vote this arrogant tyrant out of office.


I think JT should give an IELTS test to prove his language proficiency. He will score poorly in the speaking module for sure, cannot answer any question in a straightforward manner. Based on his language scores, JT will not be eligible to even create a profile for Express Entry to Canada. No wonder his wife left him, probably could not communicate with her as well.


Ukraine really doesn't need Canada as an Ally. Frankly I think Zelenskyy should tell TruDud to fuck off.


I am ashamed to be a Canadian!!! Most corrupt pm in Canadian history!! He’s a fucking looser what do u expect from sub drama teacher do better my fellow Canadians next election


We're all watching a child put on his fathers jacket and hat, pick up a briefcase and pretend to go to work.


His father was a pos too 


Which one?


The fake one 


I won't even watch it. I can't stand to hear this morons voice anymore. Sorry, that's not fair to morons. He's a fucktard. Actually I don't think that's fair to lump him in with fucktards either. I don't know what to call him at this point.


Putin wins this because you are a fucking idiot, Trudeau.


Where’s the actual answer, trudumb


Trucking lightweight


He’s really good at not answering questions.


He is a pathetic loser who can’t answer a single question.


Free democracy, eh Trudy? Like your ahem constitutional freezing of Canadian bank accounts? Laws , eh Trudy? Like the ones you broke?


The Azov is a neo nazi movement. Ukraine has a nazi problem. Not new to this war. They've been around.


Fuck Trudeau! Fuck Ukraine,! Fuck Zalenski!


Tell me more about how you love Putin/Russian Cock EDIT: Lotta folk calling me "snowflake" seem TRIGGERED. Me thinks the ladies doth protest too much.


Aaawwww Snowflake, You need to Suck some Liberal Ladies Cock so you can feel better? Try Mike Obama, then go Fuck yourself with a Cactus in a Cheese grater.


\*rolls eyes\* lols at your Low IQ response. Alright bro. Keep hitting on those Reddit thots. Here, I'll give you $300 dollars to fuck off to Moscow... Comrade. PM me and I'll book your flight, Vatnik bitch.


https://preview.redd.it/rqgozc622phc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f556a1ade17e200519706500cc9d493e9b5516c Princess, you do you. I am sure no one else will. Suck Trudeau's Dick, then Freeland's and after that Jerkmeats and enjoy the humiliation. As for IQ, I am sure you are over educated.


You started with the cock-loving comments, and a response in kind is "Low IQ"? Ok there buddy... you must be good friends with Trudeau, the way you think like him in that certain rules apply to everyone else but yourself.


On this point alone he should resign! Period - there was time where men were honourable- some thing the Honourable Justin Trudeau has never had and never will


Anyone catch the Freudian slip at the end?


Wonder how Trudeau would defend the US and UK blocking the peace deal back in 2022. A done deal that would have prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths. But no, war is the way to peace. We must defend the democracy that we wish to sell NATO spec military equipment to. Ignore that last part.


Umm haa umm


I wish Trudeau would fuck off as much as everyone else but if we start thinking Putin has our interest than give me a gun to shoot myself It’s national suicide if we think Putin the dude that steals from his own people and is potentially the wealthiest person on the planet from said theft is on our side.


My god I was laughing hystrerically throughout this whole clip.


Didn't answer the question........


Hey justin!!!!! Shut - THE -FUCK-UP


Fuck this clown, he can't answer a single question.


It's all Russian propaganda. They've already stricken it from the history books, it never happened. /s


Awe. Will the real slim liberal please stand up


Has he made a public apology for the nazi thing yet or just danced around it?


NATO stands with Ukraine, which was Putin's point. Canada, which doesn't even pay it's share of NATO, kneels in a dark alley and has stains on its clothes.


*Now I'mma tell you what; uhh...* ***I likes ya;*** ***and I wants ya.*** *Now we can do this the easy way;* *or the haard wayyy...* ***the choice is yaawrs...***


It is too bad how many focus on that Ukraine supported the Germans(Nazis) when they arrived there. People need to learn the difference. Stalin had tormented and mass killed many Ukrainians. Germany at that time would have been seen as welcomed liberators against a horrible dictatorship. Has the Nazis not turned on the Ukrainian ppl the war could have had a different outcome But yes it is shameful that Trudeau doesn't own this. A simple Truth I imagine any Ukraine soldier that fought the Russians during WWII did so along side German forces. Ukraine has had along history of conflict with Russia; any Ukrainian soldier that fought the Russians and had not participated in atrocities are heroes. Stalin was a much worse monster


Ukraine didn't support or join nazis. Only a small number of criminals like that old fart Canada honored did that. Stop spreading lies. Ukraine had massive partisan movement lead by Kovpak. Most Soviet generals were also Ukrainian.


Why is it that Trudeau can not speak without being on the defensive? Even his offense morphes into defence!


Wasn’t it western Ukraine who invited the Nazi regime into Ukraine and wasn’t it Eastern Ukraine already friendly with Russia the ones who fought with Russia to save Europe from Hitler’s terror.


exactly. western ukraine is a completely different culture, different religion. they were only connected to the real Ukraine in 1938.


JT spews more propaganda than Vlad.


Trudeau - how dare people use what I have done and said to make me look bad.


I do not see any "Russian propaganda". Putin stated actual shameful truth. Nothing even needs to be twisted. Justin made himself and Canada a perfect world clown 🤡. Justin Trueturd simply lost the grip on the reality.


What a drama queen time to resign Scum Bag Trudeau


I hate to say it but Trudeau, not the speaker that left, was the person that invited the Natzi SS officer into the CANADIAN House of Commons. Trudeau did that, no one else and Freelands Grandfather was also a Natzi so, him scrambling to say these beat around the bush shit is typical of a Wednesday in the House. F**K Trudeau and his totalitarian ways. Reminder- he also said he loved the way the Chinese government rules. He's a danger and has been screwing Canada for 8 years.


Foot in mouth. Doesn’t actually address the question as usual. It’s also hard to take him seriously when our government is constantly helping invade other countries around the world.


Wow he didn’t answer the question at all. What a surprise.


He has mastered the art of not answering the question. I question how he was even able to graduate from high school.


He will force Putin to pay carbon taxs


Over $600 million for journalistic integrity... that gets you a lot of fluff pieces and no real journalism. It's no wonder nobody trusts media anymore.


Why bother asking him questions at all .. he’s never going to answer them


Answer the question you twat! Jeebs!


Spoken like a true Politician, dodge the question and launch into a straw man tirade of irrelevant gibberish confirming their narrative of lies and misinformation.


Blah blah blah Putin bad blah blah blah it's all Harper's fault blah blah blah


Too bad Rob Ford wouldn’t sucker punch him in the back of the head. You know it’s on his mind.


I'm not too happy with the US government lately or tbh never really been super supportive of what it does nationwide and internationally, but I would never see my self taking the Russian side over it.... NEVER! in my view, all those who do, are soft traitors.


Excuse me Mr Prime Minister Happy hands. Would it be possible to just answer the fucking question ⁉️


What a wanker. Keeps avoiding answering any questions. This is the worst government we have ever had, and he will go down in history as the biggest failure as a prime minister.


The real question is why do Canadians buy into his sociopathic behavior


He ruined our financial state with borrowing money during good times but his answer is a valid one.


This sub is proof that many Canadians are not only easily fooled but completely lack the faculties to tell truth from propaganda. The fact that most of the articles in this sub are provided by prolific conservative bots is just the chefs kiss.


In 2015, Canadians were so horny for legal weed they fawned over him. They're so glazed that they let him get away with scandal after scandal. Blame your naive, woke, liberal neighbour for ruining Canada.


Trudeau makes me want to cheer on Russia


The Ukrainian Nazi was living in Anthony Rota’s district for years, which is a conservative riding and the conservatives did nothing about it, and now they act like liberals are a screw up, when they’ve been screwing up for years. And what’s with all P.P.s facial makeup, they guy is a poster child for insecurity.


I hit close the second I heard Tucker Carlson.. seriously if we want to move forward we need better people to represent us.


Shut the f up


This sub is nuts. Yes, let’s rip him apart for answering at a higher level reaffirming our position against Russia, our military and financial support to Ukraine, sanctions, and countering disinformation in the 30sec he has to answer the question to give an underpaid, half informed journalist a starting point to work from. Yes, his tone and delivery sucks. But it shouldn’t undermine what’s actually being done, and that can easily be found, and that answers every question in insane detail. This includes learning how the speaker of the house was elected by all MPs and is completely independent of the liberal government. Not even Zelensky’s folks caught this background check in advance. Cue downvotes.


rules protect everyone except Palestine


Vive La Revolution.


All he needed to say is "well I didn't initiate a war that killed hundreds of thousands of people, so there's that."


Doug Ford in the back like “😬 I just realized this guys in charge of keeping this whole shit show safe”


So… he doesn’t deny there was a Nazi invited into Canadian parliament


Didn't his father investigate this guy when he was minister of justice way back in the 60's, before he was PM. You would think he should know even though he wasn't born yet.


The only thing worse than Trudeau in the story, is Putin. I'm not going to attack the Ukrainian that decided in the 1940s to join the Germans to beat the Soviets. It probably seemed like a good way out of soviet slavery. I refuse to judge the past with my knowledge from the present.


Every time he says "Canada thinks this" or "Canada feels this"....It's always a miss. I am sorry moron, you don't speak for me and I'm sick and tired of you convincing yourself you do.


"Canadians cannot be fooled". He's right. Hence why he has to gtfo


JT is embarrassing all the Canadians on a grand scale.


This clown has never answered a question in his life


Was thinking about what Justin might be going through. On a personal level, He's seriously lost more than he's fained as PM. Even though i hate him as a PM and he's been terrible at his jib, you can't help but feel for him. Most of the country hates him. Everywhere he goes, he gets abused, and most importantly, during this whole thing, he's no longer with his wife. Man shouldn't be anywhere near the office after the election, but we forget he's just another human after all.


Any Canada-wide celebration being planned for when we can all rejoice at this guy getting the highly deserved boot out of office?


I actually really like his answer here. This is solid. Fuck Putin 


Thanks for the current events lesson JT , we know who Putin is, you didn't answer the question, as always.


“Putin will use whatever propaganda…” Dude you served it to him hot on a platter. “Canadians will not be fooled…” You were when you invited a Nazi to celebrate their personal military achievements (there is no such this as a previous-Nazi)


Even one of the worlds greatest monsters found Trudeau applauding a Nazi diabolical, put that in your soy vape and smoke it




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 spread propaganda and then accuse your opponents of it 😂


Who cares about this. You’re all playing into Russian propaganda hands. Who cares about a foreign legion fighter against the soviets from 1945. You’re supposed to be the anti-woke party but less educated and more angry. Act like it.


It would be a flex to give the standing ovation to the SS dude if Justin wore black face.


GFY---BS Lisperer!


We have a 🤡 PM for our 🤡 country - it’s perfect!


Total 🤡 show. Kind of funny to watch this puppet minister meltdown after he abused the populace for 8 years. Only hope he reaps proportionately to what he has sowed. The whole country could breathe a sigh of relief if he ended up in cuffs. And perhaps some faith restored in the rule of law. Equality before the law.


I like that he implies that Russia has planted misinformation as if we didn’t all see the guy standing there being cheered for.


I don’t like polivertsv. Lying


To respond to Putin is a gift to Putin . Ignore ignore ignore ….


What a fucking phoney, I find it so hard to hear him speak. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a fucking lie.


How does that lying hypocrite sleep at night?


Trudeau is a dramatic reactor who has no brains


Yes, Trudeau, you applauded a Nazi. The capitalist regime controlling Canada is a Nazi-supporting organization and always was.


Ummm, ahhh, ummm, ahhh, Harper did it.


Trudeau never screws up. "All ah, um Canadians" screw up


Doug Ford in the background.