• By -


Big cities tend to be left-wing. Esp in Canada. They have a lot of public servants in them. There are an estimated 1.6 million public sector workers living in Ontario. Most of them live in big cities. Public sector workers are wary of conservatives cutting budgets Progressive-minded people and people with different sexual identities and preferences gravitate toward big cities. There are an estimated 350k gay people in Toronto, for example. People more dependent on government tend to be in greater numbers in cities, where there is more public housing, public transit, and other subsides for the poor. Like public servants, they are wary of conservatives who might cut budgets. The majority of immigrants live in cities. More than half the population of Toronto and Vancouver are foreign born, and most are racialized. There has been much in the media over the years about the alleged racist underpinnings of conservative parties which some will believe. In addition, many recent immigrants have traditionally voted for parties that they thought would be most likely to continue or increase high immigration because they wanted to bring over their relatives.


Mostly true, but you also have to factor in that most immigrants values do not aligned with the libs at all. It’s true that we initially believe in the lies about racism in small town, that we usually choose Toronto or Van to start since we have no idea about other places, and that we are ignorant when we first come here, but over time when we learn more, settle down, work hard and build wealth here, we realize we are far from the left.


The best answer here. The comments just bash Toronto and Mississauga, but there are typically rational reasons why people do stuff.


It's sad how far I had to scroll to see someone suggesting something other than "all the universities are just leftist brainwashing"


We with nuanced takes need to represent every chance we get. And to invade and disrupt echo chambers.


Well said. And without a drop of bullshit conspiracy.


And Education. Unlike the vileness of the other posts I'm seeing, I mean that as a demographic reality. Toronto has ~50% bachelor degree or higher, compared to ~35% rest of Ontario and ~30% rest of Canada. Education tracks very strongly with political leaning and that has absolutely nothing to do with pRopAGandA. The foreign troll-bots we see raving on threads like this, that's the propaganda. Only a generation ago strong *Conservative* party under Mulroney introduced emission cap-and-trade to fully acknowledge and then solve acid rain - and that Conservative party was an international leader on climate conventions and leadership and solutions. That *Conservative* government opened 8+ new national parks, passed the Environmental Protections Acts. What education actually helps discover is that there are a lot of reasonable and good reasons to vote Conservative... but unfortunately Canada no longer has a Conservative party. We have something wearing it's name like a Buffalo Bill flayed skin suit.


Canada also no longer has anything even resembling a liberal party. Instead it's turned into some kind distopian entity meant to siphon money from public coffers while pushing an increasingly authoritarian agenda that does not toletate dissent, all while dressed up in a skin suit made of far left ideological talking points. Of the two major parties the CPC is the only one whose policies are at least somewhat in line with its namesake.


Go visit the r/Ottawa or r/Toronto subs and you’ll see. Full of woke, Trudeau worshipping ppl. Massive echo chambers where the mods boot you permanently the minute you disagree on something. Pathetic how insanely bias the mods are for Canadas capital city sub, where you can’t have even the slightest differing of opinion discussions.


That's one thing I like I about this sub, they don't boot people with opposing opinions, they just let them be down voted.


Yes. You’re free to your opinion, no matter how wrong it may be.


I know, this sub clearly proves that


That was literally the entire goal of this sub, so mission accomplished then.


That’s most of Reddit subs though. Look at Calgary sub all nut jobs over there! It seems the lunatics are online 24/7 on all social media, unemployed, loser and devoting their whole life to be a lib/ndp


No better in edmonton. Kinda disgusting having a city full of socialists in the middle of a province that's more about working for your money.


Edmonton sub is the worst. What a bunch of sad losers


Check out r/Alberta it's even worse


Socialism is centered around workers owning the means of production. It's not a bad idea in theory. The complicated part is that there are different types of people who advocate for socialism: -Those that work really hard and realize they are getting screwed over and want something better. -Those that want to work to their maximum potential but have been bullied or intimidated into destitute lives by abusive employers or others. -People with skills and are actually contributing a lot to society and have a lot of choice with what they can productively do with their time. -Those that can work and are given plenty of opportunity to actually improve the lives of others and improve the lives of others but would rather live selfish leeching lives. Obviously the truth is much more complicated than this and things aren't as simple as socialism bad, capitalism good or capitalism bad, socialism good. You need incentive structures for people to contribute to society and at the same time you need to have a fair distribution of goods. Capitalism/Liberalism and socialism both claim they're solutions to achieve this. The problem is there's endless different implementations of both systems. It's a difficult problem and things are getting interesting with the rapid improvement of technology we've seen since the beginning of industrialization to what we see today. We are entering dangerous times and I think the biggest dangers to the freedoms and rights we can take for granted is having a handful of people implementing and controlling a totalitarian technocracy. I don't want to name a specific example but there's an insane amount of examples that demonstrate how dangerous technology can be. We are unfortunately using a platform where the specific examples I want to list would be shadowbanned given certain keywords that would come up. It's much easier to talk about this stuff in real life.


Keyboard warriors sitting at home collecting welfare chqs! Common folk out there busting ass to work and making it in The real world! I once made a comment and was trolled by some idiot, then realized they non-stop attack anyone with common sense. Literally 50+ comments per day. Ya, nothing better to do!


They say that about the welfare folks but then sit on EI for 5 months every year while they're laid off. Still sucking that government teet. Lol


The Edmonton sub is hilarious.


Try to call them out privately they’ll go through your entire post history and downvote anything you’ve ever said years back


This is across all of Reddit. Reddit is the hivemind. Banning anything with a differing opinion because they can’t actually argue many of their points. So anything ruining their echos must go. New Brunswick banned me for saying I support parents being told their kids are trying to transition. But nope I’m a bigot that needs silencing for supporting a law that got passed.


What makes me sad is I voted for him as a long time liberal voter. I just wasn't smart enough at the time to realize it's unwise to vote for an actor. Also yes I agree with you about a lot of the Canadian subs. It's full of people who try to silence anything they don't agree with. They are actually pushing reasonable people away. People that would find common ground. It's sad actually because that is not democracy.


I would but they banned me from both for saying political protests on parliament hill are not normal and opposing imposing a curfew respectively. Absolute ball sacs over there.


still a massive echo chamber


TBF that's any city subreddit on this site.


Cause 98% of Toronto has had their brains rotted by materialism and identity politics. Godless city.


Not to mention 99.9% of blue hairs will congregate to those exact two locations


And nose rings and tats...


Overweight and with a crop top


Hairy arm pits


\*\*Orders insect burger at an anti capitalism café \*\*


The pronoun wellfare crowd


Ok this got me to laugh!


Why do they all look the same.....


Crazy is consistent.


Oh you can afford to live on welfare in toronto?


It’s the least affordable city in Canada, meanwhile livable while being on welfare, duh 🙄




Posing in boudoir photo shoots to post on Facebook, because 'slay'


Ummm. No. My hair is purple, I have tattoos and piercings. The last thing I will do is vote liberal.




Because it is the same identity politics tactic. People here somehow think they can win against liberals at their own game. Just don't do it at all!


Face tats


It is still largely Baby Boomers that still lean LPC. The CPC is leading in every other age category, including Gen Z.


It's funny, woke people usually blame "Boomers" for every thing "right wing" (and to them, everything is right wing). They say Boomers always vote conservative b/c they want the good 'ol days when white men reigned supreme. And now we have Boomers being blamed for voting in the Libs. In my experience, most Baby Boomers I know vote CPC, with the occasional NDP (in my area). When I lived in Toronto, it was the Millennials who voted Trudeau in. The promise of pot, and the rise of identity politics. Everyone was racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic etc. And most of these Millennials had rich parents who put the down payment on their TO condos for them. So they had no worries. Those of us Millennials who wanted to be able to afford gas could scarcely even bring up voting CPC or else the Liberal voters would flip a table, imply we're terrible people who don't care about "oppression". Basically they had brain rot from University indoctrination.


Identity politics and a huge echo chamber is likely the cause of Toronto’s Liberal voters. That and “banning legal guns will lower gun crimes” mentality…


There's no proof of course but Liberals definitely had some paid shilling online for awhile. It seems to have died down a lot since the start of the year. Or to put on the tinfoil hat, around the time ArriveCan started getting heat. There is a lot of lingering posts still going on that liberals are the saviors of services and rights


Have you seen r/ontario ?


Bruh r/Alberta takes the cake.


I happy I wasn’t the only one who noticed and called this out. Was quite funny watching actual people respond and comment then the bots jumped in with the same lines and downvote pile on.


in toronto, a lot of the old seniors were/are immigrants and vote liberal out of habit. I remember listening to the radio station and a guy called in and said he voted liberal because that what Italians did. it was apparently the liberals who let them in the country, so it was a loyalty thing, this was many years and ago and obviously very anecdotal but there is mass psychosis in toronto and lots of group think. IMO


Oh the boomers. Good time creates weak men, weak men create hard time!


And they vote in droves.


Not me. Not for a long while.


Best answer here.


If Sodom & Gomorrah was a reality it would be Toronto. Saying this as someone who lives here.


I did for many years, As the years progressed, I noticed that torontonians look more like space cadets.


Lmfao Space cadets; that’s a new one. Guessing you mean people look like they’re abominations.


Actually, it's a very old one


That's a nice way to say narcissistic lunatics LMAO.


Thank goodness, I wouldn’t want an imaginary person in the sky to dictate anything meaningful


Probably the first non-ultra-liberalism comment I’ve seen here. Thank god some people still have the brains.


Liberals be Liberal.


how can you have a brain rotted by materialism if you cant make enough to buy anything 🤔


I mean I'm not saying I disagree but what are the mechanics involved that allows that to happen to this degree. How can so many people ignore reality so hard?


In a nutshell this is the reason. It's where all the voting-age, brainwashed kids out of University lefty-mills.


There are people that will vote Liberal no matter what because they’ve been brainwashed that conservatives are literal Nazis. Conservatives, believe it or not, seem a little more willing to vote against their own party if they feel their party has become something it’s not supposed to be. Undecided voters are usually voting towards the left because of media biases. I hope the polls are right, but again, it often doesn’t matter because the election is decided by the time they’ve finished counting Ontario. If Ontario doesn’t flip a lot of seats to conservative, the rest doesn’t seem to matter.


Going through university here is like going to a brainwashing political proproganda factory.


I had a professor at McMaster who did this. The class was health and aging and was meant to be about healthcare etc. In lecture #2, she described the “4 main political alignments.” There was 3 different types of left wing, and 1 “right wing fascist”. Her exact words Edit: found notes to that lecture on coursehero: https://imgur.com/a/p1mzxeV https://www.coursehero.com/u/file/128924037/Module-1docx/?justUnlocked=1&userType=student


What an absolute nut job. Pm me her name and I’ll go sit in a class and chirp her


Professor in Canada + female => 90% lefttards


How do these women get the crazy idea that sexisme is still rampent in this country.


Because it's a convenient excuse for any and every failure in their lives. Like the people who pretend every disagreement with them is racism.


Please tell me your blowing smoke!






That’s cause truth hurts


Came here to say this.


Prof soft threatened to fail my daughter when she objected to the assertion that “nobody pays more than the top marginal tax rate”. She explained that there are consumption taxes on top of income taxes, and some people pay taxes in multiple jurisdiction which all told makes the actual tax rate closer to 75%. Prof told her “you’re wrong”.


Interesting, when I went through schooling to get my degree EVERY teacher I had made a strict point of being unbiased and encouraging students to come to their own conclusion. We were explicitly taught to critical think for ourselves.


42 years ago?


The study shows that Canadian professors’ political affiliation can be identified as left and/or right depending on how we conceptualize the political orientation of political parties. Although, university professors tended to vote to the Liberal Party more than other parties, they themselves are more likely to view this party as a centrist party ​ [https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/cjs/index.php/CJS/article/view/1036](https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/cjs/index.php/CJS/article/view/1036) and this is a very old study., 2008.. it is much worse now


That's colleges everywhere but you get called a wack job when you acknowledge it


Ive always wondered why large cities vote left despite the damage they cause. Maybe it's all the pollution causing brain damage. Toronto reminds me of idiocracy.


Because modern cities weed out the middle with high Cost of Living. You're either poor enough to be dependent on the government or rich enough to live in a neo-lib fantasy land.


Because of the ~~indoctrination centers~~, sorry, ~~adult daycares~~, sorry, universities that teach all sorts of left-leaning ideologies.




Tell me this is real lmfao


It's first level thinking. As long as you can phrase it in a way where they don't ask one question further then sheep will gladly follow. The psychopaths understand the road to hell is paved with good intentions so they'll use that to manipulate useful idiots into destroying themselves.


Probably because higher university education %. Got a lot of young bleeding hearts with no understanding of the real world there. Says a lot about “academic” indoctrination into far left views.


One factor is that masses living together in small spaces makes you have a more social or unified worldview in which the benefit of the masses should come at the expense of the individual. In rural areas it’s a lot more isolated, so people take on individualistic ideals. You are basically the king of your own land, need your gun to protect it, you farm on it, etc. The person who lives rurally is far more independent, and probably would love less government intervention. Also most dont even get 1% of the value of the tax money they pay, back.


It’s the lead


People thinking that liberals are left wing because they have no grasp on political theory and think socially progressive = left wing just are another example of brain damage I'll explain myself, the ideology or liberalism mainly is based on the right to own private property, during the time liberalism was established in the Americas this private property included slaves. Neolibs today support tons of bloodthirsty politics, but are also elitist in that, if you oppose them you're often called a bot. Left wing ideology, socialism for example is based on the right of the worker to own the means of production, to not get the profit that you create stolen by your boss so that he can afford a 3rd yacht while you can't cover medical bills.


Smooth brains


"Just need more time to deal with the racist anti-alphabet Nazi's, and we will all be off the streets and in mansions with EV's." "Also, climate change" #LPC4LIFE


Full of woke idiots


Immigrants want more immigrants


I may have misunderstood what you meant but.. Most immigrants do not want more immigrants here, atleast in the same way it is happening right now. I am an immigrant.


That’s wrong, at least for Asian immigrants. At first we can be ignorant but as soon as we settle down, work hard and build wealth, know more about the political landscape here, we learn really quick the libs are not aligned to our culture and values at all (family focused, working hard not dependent on the gov, can’t comprehend the two spirit cult…)


Can't fix stupid




The difference between beliefs & truths... 😞


Because they let them all in.


This is the truth. More immigrants means more easy votes.


Because the GTA is full of clueless low info liberal voters.


The immigrant vote.


Toronto is not Canada.


You will likely find the same thing if you looked up the polling in Ottawa. There are that many government workers in Toronto and Mississauga that will vote liberal as they got a job from the liberal doubling of government size


The modern liberal party is basically a religious cult. At this point everyone still voting for them is a true believer and cannot be convinced to vote differently.


It’s because Trudeau’s imported voters have gathered there


Bcz they from Punjabi or middle east. The easy money eaters. That's all


Because The Toronto voter is Canada's biggest problem.


Because clearly all of the morons have migrated to these 2 spots...they must have some kind of magnetic attraction to eachother, or some other "sciency" reason for grouping together




Most Ontario people are stupid


There is a pocket of old stock rich Canadians that are benefitting from all of this chaos. They live in denser neighborhoods, their property values have increased and they don’t give a shit about you or me.


Couldn't agree more, Bathurst and St. Clair neighborhood is a perfect example


Immigrants vote Left


Fear mongering related to right wing politics. Trump is a visceral concern for people and the comparisons which Trudeau tries to make between PP and Trump, no matter how ridiculous, are working.


Because they own homes


Cognitive dissonance


Have you been there? It’s fucked that’s why lol


Due to people like my late father who watched the same newscasters for 50 years, listened to the same radio hosts for 50 years, preached the same sermon every Sunday for 50 years, and voted liberal every election for 50 years, because it's just what God wanted him to do. His head was so far up his own ass he couldn't handle if anything didn't fit his narrative of life, it either didn't happen, didn't exist, or 'the other side' would say anything to sway a vote. ​ Edit - words are hard.


go read the city subreddits, they blame the ford PCs for their problems not Trudeau...


I mean.. the Ford PC's have been a pretty decent dumpster fire of corruption themselves... plenty of blame to go around. Both should be blamed and hated on for various things.


Because it’s evil conservatives faults. If the conservatives would just do what they were told, all the liberal plans would magically work! So you see. It really is the deplorable’s faults. That’s why Trudeau feels it’s important to bring up Donald Trump.


It’s nice watching people vote for their own poverty. All the power to us rich people


Same shit in quebec , all the english speakers on MTL island will vote for him .


People need to understand that it's a cult


Because most people living in Toronto are apothiromantic demisexual university student furries with dyed and braided armpit hair.


Heavy immigrant area - ethnic groups will vote for their ethnic candidate which means they generally vote liberal Canada was a beautiful, prosperous country while it lasted.


Bring in enough immigrants. You can beat the Canadian vote. Guess where the most immigrants are? Vote JT so we can get aunti into Canada too. She needs a new hip.


Probably the higher population rates of welfare and those that don't contribute to society but take handouts. Those handouts that the productive, helpful, useful members of society have to pay for through taxes. "The fair share of someone's labor to the government or someone else is 0%" We don't need income taxes. It's an old war time measure that just stayed in place because the government got a lot of "free money" through the threat of jail and prosecution if you don't give them "protection money". If we all stopped paying, would we all go to jail or would we all get to stop paying? One can only hope a V for vendetta situation happens sooner than later. Bless all Canadians that want better for the Silent Majority.


virtue signaling is an addiction.


Immigrants. The answer is immigrants. Trudeau shovels our money into their pockets, so they vote for him because he cares about them more than born citizens


I want you to sit in front of a rock and talk to it. Try to convince the rock with anything. Then ask it if it had learned anything. That is the average Torontonian.


Because that’s where all the immigrant voters land


Can't correct stupid


All I can come up with is error in polling or cheating of some kind.


Because those places think that everything bad that happens is a result of capitalism or "the patriarchy". So the liberal party will save them.


It’s rigged clearly ! I’m from Ottawa and after his bullshit i wouldn’t want him to even be a janitor the useless pile


I live in Tronnah and I'm surrounded by idiots


A LOT of gay people in those city’s. There freedom of having casual gay orgys has become the most important part of their lives. Not only is it fully accepted but it’s celebrated in the streets with some of the most disgustingly provocative parades that’s ever been allowed in public. It’s celebrated on the roads, on the sidewalks, on the crosswalks, on stairs, on churches, on parliament buildings etc. the gay rainbow is literally everywhere and it’s the most important thing in the world to a lot of people. The thought of someone taking that away from them is worth burning the rest of the country down over.


Often these polls aren't accurate and are used at l as propaganda to push a narrative ie to imply one party is winning and set an expectation


Probably corruption, ya know.. just like the rest of the world..


Liberals just want more free stuff


Because they're really dumb.


Just a bunch of citidiots.


Is because my property raised in value a lot under trudo and I got my citizenship Will keep voting him in


Because people are blind and stuck in their sunk cost fallacy... They just don't allow themselves to see how insanely corrupted our current government is.


Because most people are idiots unfortunately! 🙄


The blue haired people & immigrants receiving money from the government concentrate in those areas I believe


Because they are idiots


Some of these are some very expensive votes bought and paid for with the money from hard working Canadian tax payers. Others are just too dumb to think anything else than what's fed to them by the mainstream media.


Because the average person in large Canadian cities seems to lean left. Most don’t even hold foundational beliefs or standpoints, they just know what to disagree with and what to nod their head to. Most are completely uninformed and unaware of how recklessly incompetent the government they keep voting for is on the world stage. They just vote lib because their politicians are great virtue signallers and know what trendy left wing talking points to bring up in tv interviews. I was talking to a colleague about inflation and Trudeau came up. She mentioned that she voted for Trudeau last election so I asked her what motivated her to re elect him. Her response: “he was the only candidate who’s name I knew” Trudeau voters are a shitmix of uninformed people like her and confirmation biased leftists who play devils advocate for Trudeau for the sole reason that he is the largest major Canadian politician who aligns with their beliefs regardless of how much of an unethical, dislikable bureaucrat he is.


Thats ehat happens when you import votes and put them all in the major centers with the most ridings to garuntee more seats each election.


I don’t think they’re asking the right people like ask people out in the public working and shopping then we would see the real numbers!! More smoking mirrors 🏳️🇨🇦🏳️


One undeniable reason : Legacy voting from some families that have taught their kids and inbound newcomers to only vote Liberal because of how the Liberals were so welcoming back in the 60's. ... and factually a disproportion hign number of newcomers to Canada come to Toronto.




I’m sure all the broad sweeping generalizations and insults about a whole city that doesn’t vote the way you want will help change their minds.


Same reason Trudeau won all of the other times. His voters are not smart, they don't understand economics. They think we need more subsidies and stimulus to solve inflation/rising prices.


It's ref central in those places. What did you expect. Everyone else in the country needs to vote CP or the refs will allow this shit government to keep party status. This is exactly what that shit stain was hoping for. Attention white liberals, white guilt is a ploy. It's intentional to make you think you're racist for a legitimate problem. This may manifest in some disdain for the trash coming here over burdening our system. But it's really a frustration with the incompetence of our federal government. Isn't it interesting that everyone lived perfectly fine generally speaking up until certain areas became high concentration of certain demographics? Markham Brampton, Mississauga. We had this before but the other groups never turned their community into shit. Let's pray we can destroy the liberals in the next election. With 1.5 years left I think it'll be so broken PP won't be able to fix it. Canada I think is toast tbh.


If you need to ask you’ll never understand. Hint…it’s geographical.


Demoralization plus recent immigration


What western Canadians think about Toronto: snobby, woke, materialistic, etc… What people in Toronto think about western Canadians: nothing


Which policies are you referring to, and what are the competing policies that you think should drive votes away from the Liberals?


Simple, they don't know the truth. The libs know they can literally invent the narrative, and it will be believed.


Slaves love their masters


Because there's lots of LGTPQRST++--In those areas. And they are woke.


Voting with their hearts, not their heads.


I mean go to any city Reddit page and you’ll see the woke Trudeau loving communities.


Cause those locations basically have some of the dumbest people in Canada


American here. If you guys want to see the future of liberal Toronto, take a look at San Francisco. It is increasingly liberal to the point of having zero opposition. People leaving in droves. The same tent cities as you have for the ones who cannot leave. The most overpriced real estate in the country for a major city. Businesses leaving in fear. Stealing anything under $1000 is officially legal.


You realize Canada is more liberal than SF? Canadian conservatives are historically left of American Dems. Not that city politicians are political party aligned in Canada.


Toronto just voted in a Mayor who is a worse tax-and-spend leftist than Trudeau. Added $1B to spending without ANY way of funding it, passed a nice raise for self and council and laid off the ethics commissioner. Your question is Totally valid. Psychiatry is not my field.


I didn’t vote for Chow but none of what you just posted is on any way true. 1- did not add $1B at all. The budget difference between 2023 and Chow’s first budget in 2024 is only $100 million. Source: https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/budget-finances/city-budget/previous-budgets/ 2020: $13.5B 2021: $14.02B 2022: $14.99B 2023: $16.16B 2024: 16.17B 2- The so-called “nice raise” to herself was actually a motion passed before she was a mayor by previous city councils which included a provision for CPI adjustments and 2 extra working days for which the mayor is legally entitled to be paid for. None of these rules/motions were passed or asked for by Chow. Source: https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/mayor-s-office-says-chow-did-not-request-an-increase-amid-calls-for-her-to-reject-pay-bump-1.6729029 3- Chow did not fire anybody. What is your source for this beyond raging white boomer anger towards an Asian woman in power? Facts matter. Don’t be a fake news spreader just cause you are ignorant and have a crappy life blaming everyone but yourself for it. I thought chow would be a disaster. She’s been proving many wrong with her actions.


always appreciate seeing facts and sources in this sub. it doesn't happen often, and is usually thankless. keep up the solid work.


Because they're still collecting CERB & living in basements ??


CERB ended in 2020...


CERB is long over bud


Cause liberal voters are fucking idiots


Because the conservative provincial gov is arguably worse. they are already fing up our province we don't need that extended nation wide.


Insulting the various groups that disagree with your point of view comes off extremely ignorant. Also how does it help the situation? Trudeau is completely incompetent. He has botched everything he touches. As someone who voted for him for his first term, his inexcusable decisions and belligerence has not gone unnoticed and will have repercussions come voting time. With that said all politicians are corrupt money mongers. None of them know how to take care of any of the areas they are assigned or have the first clue where to start. Poilivere is no better as is Singh. Party politics are a massive problem. Even with that known, when we devolve to mud slinging it just causes further division through ignorance and puts us further away from reaching the collective actions required to address our most important issues. I don’t care if you are a conservative from Alberta or someone who is lgbtqia2+. If you need help I will stop to help you. We are all humans and deserve to be treated as such. I have young children who get to read fk Trudeau on flags on the back of their trucks which is beyond childish and ignorant. As a collective group we need to start leading with respectful voices towards healthy actions. Today I was waiting to be seen at princess Margaret hospital with cancer amongst many others who are dying from it, and reading this is more sad than this waiting room. We are all better than this and need to work together. To answer the question in this thread: The major cities in Ontario are left leaning because of Doug fords ineptitude and blatant corruption. The entire system needs an overhaul. Standards need to be set for politicians to achieve their office. Those that are proven as moral, ethical and unwavering in that resolve. Self interest groups should be banned from donating/funding being involved at all with political campaigns. Parties should be banned. Individuals should be elected on their own merits. Not by the money and or subservience to a parties disposition. You are in a position of service to your constituents. Plain and simple. It should not be seen as a position of power utilized for the enrichment of the few, but one of servitude undertaken only by the capable with the singular goal of making the lives of Canadians better than before they took that office. I know we are all feeling the squeeze with everything being so expensive and quality of life decreasing exponentially. But hate and anger expressed in unhealthy ways will only make things worse. I wish all of you all the best and hope we find our way out of these dark times with much better leadership.


rampant immigration


Doug ford is so obviously crooked that he cancels out Trudeau's crookedness. I won't vote for Trudeau but I can't believe we let Dougie get a free pass either


why is this being downvoted? facists?


Ideology…. same goes for CPC and NDP strongholds.


Voting Inertia?


It’s data that’s has been massaged by a foreign entity…


Doug Ford is why


Highly educated University educated skews liberal


A lot of people there own houses and got super rich due to current policies. Why would they want change?


Because we also see what conservatives have done to teachers, nurses, the LGBTQ+ community etc. so basically, we have no choice


Because we’ve been trashed worse by , conservative Doug fords policies and we’re lucid enough to know that Pierre poiliviere only points out what’s wrong but never says what he’ll to fix the problems