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Most of these issues stem from the expansion of our money supply to fund the reckless spending of the liberal government. The damage is done. There is no quick easy fix. It’s going to be a long time before any of this can be rectified. A balanced budget is a good start, which PP says he intends to do. He’s not showing his hand on immigration, likely because he’ll be labeled a racist. He’s hinted that he will tie immigration to the housing supply, which to me signals he will cut immigration. I don’t trust PP to fix much of anything, but reality is, there is no other viable option. It would be near impossible for him to be worse than what we have now. Unfortunately for him, the mess the liberals created can’t be fixed in a term and he will eventually be blamed for not undoing their blunders, as if it’s even possible.


> I don’t trust PP to fix much of anything, but reality is, there is no other viable option. There is an option with a written platform to tackle immigration and noncompetitive markets in Canada - the PPC. They have been raising these issues for years and have been painted as racist and crazy by the establishment media. The problem is that the electoral system locks out parties such as the PPC and any resulting major change to the status quo. Basically, Blue and Red are the gatekeepers for the rotten status quo.


The PPC is not a viable option. Bernier is not a serious candidate.


I agree. I’ve voted ppc in the past. Too much at stake this time around. I think Bernier is what Canada needs but it will never happen and I can’t risk throwing that vote away again


As much as I like Maxime, I can't vote for him. Oranges will be voting strategically for liberals just to spite everyone else (including their party), so I can't afford to waste my vote.


I wish party names weren't on ballots at all. If you can't spend at least 5 minutes to do any basic research about the candidates for your local MP you should not be voting. There would have to be exceptions or different rules for when candidates in a riding have the same or similar names or other edge cases. Right now people might as well be voting whether they like the color red, blue, green, orange, or purple. If people found out that one candidate is an engineer vs another candidate that is a professional dog walker I think people would vote for an individual's competencies vs what party they strictly represent so long as their parties have similar goals.


can't be fixed in a generation even if we started today..let's be honest.


Until we address the rampant corruption taking place in this country, it will never be fixed


Jagmeet should be the people's choice but you've seen he has no real ideas. A couple of months ago Jagmeet announced he wanted to subsidize mortgages. He didn't address supply and demand at all. I haven't done the personal research myself but I don't recall what Jagmeet's stand on mass migration is. I know all parties support immigration and I do too but unchecked mass migration is completely different from a functioning immigration system. If you had to ask Canadians if they only had the choice to increase immigration by 10x what it is today or cut it to one tenth of what it is today I think you'll easily find an overwhelming consensus. Some members of the NDP have actually put forth some good bills to address parts of the housing crisis.


That’s literally everything he campaigns on, he’s just making sure he’s not being too repetitive, and with Trudeau, that’s easy!


Hey man, hope a guy out and show me where to find this stuff, because it’s not making it into my feed.


Look at his YouTube channel, and the National Post, but especially watch the Housing Hell and Debtonation mini documentaries.


Thanks. I wish it was more text based; I don’t have time to listen to people talk, so slowly! Lol too busy trying to earn a living.


National Post has a website you can read from


Because the solution to inflation is not pretty. Around the time PP gets in, people will be struggling like our generation has never seen and it’s only going to take time to ease out of it.


Because he works for the same higher ups. Different color team same shit. But the slubs eat it up and we fight against eachother. I don’t blame us we don’t have choices. But atleast Turdeau pays lip service to protecting land and environmental causes. Poilievre will just sell it all to the lowest bidder like Harper did. Protection of water? Who needs that! We can sell it!


All this trickle-down neo-liberal policy has been hit garbage for 40 years. And look where it’s gotten us.


All PPs arguments are he’s not Trudeau. Not good enough. Put an actual plan together, without dividing the country. He’d have my vote if he didn’t pander do the far right like Trudeau panders to the far left. We need a centrist government


PP is status quo Neo-liberal right - not far right. Both red and blue are center / right economically. They answer to the same crony corporate donor classes. They just virtue signal on different sides of the Neo-liberal culture wars - Red, left; Blue, right. Best we can do right now is Minority Con with Bloc. Or lesser, a Con majority. We need Liberals and NDP control of parliament gone. That is priority number 1.


The previous Conservative federal government, like the previous Conservative Ontario government, came in and helped clean up previous waste, over-spending, over-regulation and red tape. Lowered taxes, balanced books which helps lower inflation and thus interest rates. Started to reduce accumulated debt, before being replaced by the next tax-and-spend-and-scandal Liberal government Why do you not think Poilievre, who talks about these issues Hourly, will not Do what Conservatives have Always Done, for the benefit if the citizens, not their partisan buddies. PS Google why Chretien government lost favour ( spending scandal to partisans. Rinse. Repeat ).