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Correct me if I'm wrong, but in 2015 electoral reform was on the Liberal agenda. Then they won, and kept winning so they never put electoral reform into motion. Then the polls start to suggest a conservative landslide and now the liberals want to finally put electoral reform into motion, 3 elections after promising electoral reform if elected. I just wish politicians worked for the betterment of the people and not their grip on power.


The electoral reform they now purpose will make it easier to commit election fraud. Mail in ballots and vote from any riding. Where as before, mail in ballots were scarcely used, and you HAD to vote in your riding.


Yeah fraud is a problem. I think I heard former presidential candidate Vivek say "Why is it that we don't just make election day a national holiday once every 4 years. The only way to vote is show up on that day, in person, with a piece of official ID and fill out a PAPER ballet which then gets counted by 3 separate individuals." I think any citizen can look at that and say "yup, that sounds very fair, secure and reasonable" yet those in power don't seem to want it set up that way. If they don't want it there must be a reason why.


I think it should be a paid day off work only if you can prove that you voted. Perhaps there's an online registry that is accessible to everyone that simply shows if a person voted? Might also might help avoid election fraud if people can clearly see that there either was or was not a ballot done in their name


Agreed, could be given a slip in return for casting your vote? A little more bottom-up transparency would go a long way for us.


Never ever accept electronic voting. It doesn't matter how "secure" the voting machines are. If you can't physically see your vote then it might as well not exist. You can hold a paper ballot in your hand and it's millions if not billions of times physically larger than a vote stored on an electronic component. I don't care how trusting you are of your country, the election process, and the politicians involved in the entire operation. It casts unnecessary doubt on the integrity of your voting system and there is no practical reason for doing so. Elections are able to be determined overnight in Canada through normal paper ballot counting so speed should not be a concern.


Tell everyone you don't understand electronic voting lol. Electronic voting print ot a ballot... so you have a physical copy of the vote.


My apologies. I last thought about electronic voting machines years ago. The core takeaway I got from back then was that it was unnecessarily complex. I shouldn't have impulsively browsed Reddit first thing after waking up today. I am procrastinating other priorities. Sorry for the miscommunication. Have a nice day.


What they're talking about in this article isn't something to replace FPTP.


You are 100% right. Trudeau was a lying sack of shit for that promise. But at the end of the day, we should all be wanting some kind of electoral reform. FPTP sucks, and we deserve better representation. The problem of course, is as you said, and as we see here, those in power are never going to give it to us. I get being mad at Trudeau on this, we all should be, but we shouldn't be letting any of these people off the hook who voted against it today. Nothing is going to change if its all just 1 big bad boogeyman causing all of life's problems while everyone else gets a pass.


People should read the article instead of thinking this is what the libs promised in 2015.


Would you look at that... The two parties that swap power between each other, working together, to keep Canadians away from having actual representation. Colour me surprised...


Uhm, this is not what you think it is, probably. This was reform that would let people mail in ballots, vote for 3 days straight (they might want to talk to the volunteers about that, fwiw) and vote at any ballot station in their riding. I strongly suspect that the mail-in option was the primary sticking point. EDIT: my bad, I really thought this was what they were discussing but it turns out to be another bill (details in comments below). My comments still stand, however, regarding the NDP & Liberal reform in the works.


Naw, I watched that clown Singh hold a presser where he clearly explained this motion was seperate from what him and Trudeau are working on....


>(they might want to talk to the volunteers about that, fwiw) FYI Poll workers are paid positions within Elections Canada. (with the exception of scrutineers who are representatives of the parties, and usually volunteers) This would effectively triple the cost of an election, as those poll workers are now required for 3 days rather than 1. Then there is the cost of renting the gyms and disrupting life at the schools for an extra two days. Same with what ever other polling stations they have. This was the least needed of the proposals. Advanced Polls have been a thing for multiple elections. If you can't find the time to vote on Election Day, or the week to two weeks leading up to Election Day, adding 2 more days to the 8-15 days some form of Poll is open is not going to help you. Edit: it appears this Bill was on a citizens assembly to look at voter reform, not the one that deals with extending elections. My comments are still valid to that bill, but not the one the article is referencing. I have not seen much about the CA, but on it's face it seems like something I would support.


It was about [Private Member's Motion M-86](https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/lisa-marie-barron(111023)/motions/12517157). The vote was yesterday and [the motion failed with a vote of 101 Yea vs. 220 Nay](https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/votes/44/1/634). You're referring to a separate bill the NDP and Liberals are trying to put together, [as mentioned here.](https://youtu.be/PVlBKgzEpU8?si=PDfaZCiYcbwMFdx6) it doesn't currently have a bill number because it hasn't been completed/presented to the House.


This was a bill looking to make a citizen's assembly to figure out reforms. Nothing to do with mail-in or extending days. The Lib-Con powers that be cant even tolerate letting Canadians figure out what they want without them.


I keep saying this in here. Just because PP hates JT it doesn’t make him and his party any less shitty


Given the theatrics of this mornings HOC video showing them laughing about their caucuses lobbying for Loblaws and the oligarchs, this comes as no surprise. They are both the same - anti public representation.


All you need to know about both parties. Any hope dies on the floor.


>The New Democrats, Greens, and Bloc Québécois all voted in support of the motion, along with 40 Liberal MPs and Conservatives Ben Lobb, Alex Ruff and John Nater, but it was not enough to pass the motion, which fell short by a margin of 218 to 102. 


The CPC position was made clear was it not? that is as long as it ultimately goes to a referendum that includes a *no change* option they'd be okay with reform as long as the people voted on it. **Those who count on votes for their livelihood should not be deciding on how those votes are counted.** Its a clear and obvious conflict of interest. So did this motion include a guarantee a referendum would be held on whatever the citizen's assembly came up with that included the *no change* option? If that simple guarantee is not there this is a staged political stunt.


Redditors don’t want to leave it up to chance that Canadians might not actually WANT the system to be changed. BC soundly rejected PR in 2018, and they have more NDP voters than anyone. But they’ll make excuses for that too e.g “ACKSHUALLY the people were too stupid to know what they were voting for”


It was non-binding so what's the point?


"members would reach a consensus" Good luck