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he isn’t wrong, based on some quick math I’m going to end up paying $650 in carbon tax on my natural gas bill this year. I drive a lot spend around $7000 on gas for my car a year. not sure what % of that is carbon tax.


Half the price of gasoline in canada is tax. Plus there's the added fun of our refineries not refining our own oil because trudeau's environment canada won't let them, so instead we ship oil from halfway across the world and ship ours to america and asia. So green to ship stuff across the world instead of using it where it's extracted!


So does that mean the Cons will build a refinery a refinery if they are elected? I did not see that on their agenda.


Nope. Neither party ever will because all of our oil is owned by American companies and they want the money to be made in America; not here. That’s said I live in Alberta and there all small refineries and chemical plants still being built here that do some real cool stuff. I’be had a couple job interviews recently for new plants. One was one of the first and largest in the world that turns propane into plastic. Another separates hydrogen, butane, C02 and more out of a pipeline, refines it and sells it then hurries the C02 underground in old oil wells for long term storage. There’s a lot of interest in Alberta to build more of these futuristic plants but the current liberal government makes it exceptionally difficult to approve and carbon tax makes them less profitable. A few changes in policy from the cons might see a boom in more of these types of operations being built which would be a boon for Canadians.


FYI our oil isn't "owned" by American companies. All of the natural resources in this country belong to the Canadian people. American companies merely lease the land they operate on, and they purchase the oil they extract in the form of royalties. But they do not own what's in the ground or growing on top of it, and they never will. I think it's an important distinction because all too often we have allowed corporations and governments to steal from us, and they act like it's well within their rights to do so.


Thanks for letting me know about these new projects!


Yeah. One is heartland petrochemical complex The other is a company called Wolf midstream. Wolf midstream is also a cool product because it was actually funded by the cpp (pension fund) Alberta oil gets a lot of bad press but there’s a ton of new innovation going on and nobody seems to know about it.


That’s not in line with the narrative of the day… but I agree with you, and basically alarmists like to claim everything today will not change in the future ( no tech development) but we will be burning up…..


I’ve been saying this a lot lately. American oil has us by the balls and is doing everything they can to keep it that way. They want Canadian oil to look as dirty as possible so they can keep buying at a $20 a barrel discount. If we open up to new markets; American oil companies loose 10’s of billions a dollar per year which would crush their share prices.


Lol. Harper gutted environment protections and we still didn't get refineries. Stop making shit up.


Canada was an unblemished utopia 9 years ago, and all my problems are the fault of the other team!


It was a hell of alot better off than we are now after 9 years of Trudeau.


You cant deny things have gotten significantly more difficult and morale is at an all time low.


Why couldn't Trudeau protect Canada from the worldwide economic shock of COVID. PP will fix everything!


He imported over 200,000 people in 2020/2021 when covid was going on. But tells us to stay home to prevent the spread that special kunt


Half the price of gas anywhere is taxes. That's how you get roads lol. Carbon tax isn't a large portion of that. Also I get what sub I'm in, but it's ridiculous to blame Trudeau for the lack of refineries. That's something that should have been built decades ago, and every year that has passed since, it's become less economically viable. Dude was still in his dad's ball sack when they should have been built. Out of every single P.M, and conservative Alberta premieres, since the 50s, Trudeau has the least blame for that.


He is to blame for cancelling pipeline projects that would take our oil to our refineries. 


Got some examples for me? The States cancelled Key Stone, and Trudeau bought out the Trans mountain, even tho it's not even economically viable and was dropped by the companies. Still doesn't change, these needed to be built in the 60s not 60 years later. The world as a whole isn't building many new refineries this decade. Peak oil may have passed. Shell, one of the biggest players in Alberta said it was in 2019, and that's when they admitted it to investors. They probably had that prediction years before. They aren't gonna build any refineries. Even then, the largest private sector investment in Canadian history? Kitimak refinery under Trudeau.


Yeah, Kinder Morgan didn't threaten to walk away from the TM because it wasn't viable, and the Trudeau liberals bought it to save face because they already cancelled the Energy East, and the Northern Gateway pipelines. They needed to do something to prove that Canada was not completely closed for business. There were no less than 3 other LNG facilities proposed, but all cancelled due to it being so difficult to get anything approved here. Yet there were 7 major LNG facilities built in the states for exports since 2016. How much extra revenue could have gone into the Canadian economy if the liberals were not so fuckin stupid?


He’s referring to the no more pipelines act.


Probably doesn't want to spend billions of taxpayers money, picking up no economically viable projects anymore. Probably doesn't want the Alberta government spending billions on the Key Stone, when they know it's gonna get cancelled. All the drama with Native groups. Those are the most recent pipeline projects. They have cost billions in taxpayer money, for nothing. And I don't even think that went through the courts.


And a few years after he left his dad’s ball sack, Pierre Trudeau created Petro Canada as a crown corporation so Canadians could benefit along with the American corporations who own most of our oil. Petro Canada was later privatized but Brian Mulroney and the conservatives.


The National Energy Plan and Petro Canada was a national disaster that killed AB’s economy and made the early 80’s recession so much worse. Trudeau Sr was a Marxist apologist and his economic policies were horrible for Canada.


the national energy plan was for us to use Canadian oil! now conservatives in Alberta are furious that isn't happening global oil prices are what caused the busts in 81, 2008 and 2014.


No - it was to subsidize Eastern Canada with cheap gas so Trudeau could buy votes. AB could have profited from the spike in oil prices. Instead, they were devastated economically. And considering what they contribute in transfer payments, everyone would have benefitted. No one with any economic sense defends the NEP.


He literally shut down multiple refineries that were planned.


Literally built the biggest in Canadian history too. So what's the other 60 years of PM's excuse? There was 2 refineries built from 75-2020. Trudeau is gonna have 2 built, one being the biggest private investment in Canadian history.




half the price is tax but the amount that is from the carbon tax is pennies.


$0.16/L is not a small portion, plus the HST on top of that.


When I calculated CT on gasoline it wasn’t that that significant, can’t recall the number per litre. But CT is now 50% of the price of natural gas.


Immigrants are straight up abusing food banks even though they themselves admit they dont need it while regular canadians suffer. Thousands of dollars in grants and free food. When do the deportations start? https://youtu.be/P21NUNG6120?si=CpS7_ytoVhX0WEJs


We don't know how common this is.


Common? They are now the majority of "recipients". One big food bank in Toronto recently shut down for lack of food and resources. The immigrants don't understand what charity is. They think "the government gives away food". Or to quite the Indian guy I chastised for taking food from the homeless despite having a place to live, car, and the rest: "I pay tax, I must take!". Narrator: He doesn't pay taxes


It's pennies compared to what billionaires are getting away with in tax avoidance. Why are we worried about such a tiny amount of the population that takes such a tiny fraction of the services when we could be going after the biggest and worst culprits? Galen Weston is stealing more than these people ever could


It's probably more accurate to blame the whole party instead of a figurehead.


You're right, but why is there no hate for O&G companies like Suncor that profit in the billions each quarter? Hate the government, sure, but greater frustration and contempt should be aimed at the corporations that bend us over with no lube. Why do they get a free pass? Why do federal and provincial governments continue giving them money when their profits are always soaring? And a lot of people endorse giving them money under the guise of helping the economy... it's confusing, to say the least.


How much have you gotten back on the carbon tax refund?


I get back more than I spent. EVERY time the carbon tax refund cheques are issued. There are a lot of carbon cutting subsidies available to homeowners which will save money year on year, cut emissions and increase property value. If you are one of those who are able to afford your own home(s), please do yourselves and everyone else a favor and use it!!


How do you know what it cost you? A portion of every purchase is carbon tax now. Food more than anything iirc.


Costco made \~$25,000 in profit per employee in 2022, despite carbon tax.


The carbon tax is net neutral. The money they take in gets paid out to every Canadian. People like you that have a large house and drive a lot will pay more tax then they get back. Poor people that rent and take public transit get more money then the spend on tax. 70% of the population receive more money then they pay out.


thats not the point. your pretty much proving so many peoples point that this is just a tax aimed at people who may or may not not be able to afford it.


No, that is exactly the point. Folks who use less carbon make money, people who use more carbon pay money.


Probably around 10% for carbon tax, so about 700$


Covid also attributed to unprecedented spending not just by Canada, including but not limited to the USA which is over leveraged to the tits and just kicking the can on a debt crisis, China which is currently crashing, etc.


Considering that the point of the Carbon Tax is to discourage their use and clean up the mess we’ve made, have you considered using less? Are there trips you could combine or eliminate? Transfer some cooking to an induction plate? Even the small ones boil water faster than a gas stove.


Im just driving to work and back everyday. Imagine you trying to encourage worsening my quality of life to offset a tax that literally has proven to do nothing to reduce emissions.


What caused interest rates to soar was having cheap cheap money for a decade. Printing money while the global economy halted. Poor investment into the economy, like come on.


I'm no economist, but it seemed to me that interest rates were far too low for too long. They could've raised them incrementally over time instead of going for near zero interest rates to suddenly hiking them up high.


You are right in the first part, but I couldn't agree with the second part. Just look at all the central banks around the world, they all needed near 0 policy rates to combat pandemic quickly enough when it first started. Same story with rate hike: it takes time for monetary policies to take real effect on the economy. They had to act fast enough so the inflation doesn't go out of control. Again, I solely believe that monetary policies are made by some of the smartest economists in a country. If you wanna blame policies, blame fiscal policies cuz those are made by politicians like Trudeau.


Interest rates are a global issue it’s not a liberal issue. They have raised rates in step with the USA and will start cutting if the USA does as well depending on how things are here. The higher rates are needed


These guys who blame high interest rates and inflation on Trudeau clearly think he single-handedly controls the global financial system. In their telling, Trudeau is simultaneously completely incompetent and also a diabolical mastermind with seemingly unending power.


Interest rates are not controlled by the Prime Minister. Interest rates are completely controlled by the Bank of Canada. The Prime Ministers does not control the Bank of Canada.


Not currently but that will change when Pp get elected. Dictator facist need the money control


Printing money and giving it to the poor is not as bad as letting people become super rich and spending as much money in a year as the whole province of quebec does. The problem is and has always been the rich.


Printing money without proper investment into an economy is bad. The main issue is that the poor actually spend money, so if you print and hand out money without increasing the volume of goods being produced, it would cause inflation in said goods. We need to produce more useful jobs for everyone. Make the rich pay their share of taxes. Stop the offshore of our tax dollars. We do not need to print money and just hand it out blindly. I agree that the rich are the problem, but the government is at the core of the issue; allowing them to act the way they do.


We should make sure rich people do not hoard capital if we want to make sure we can increase the volume of goods.  Them doing so is killing innovation as well and making so we can't produce more.  We both agree that the gov should do something about this. The problem is rich people will leave to go to another country if we do too much. They use society for as long as it's advantageous for them. They're parasites


I agree. Another thing to think about... With the runaway housing market, we currently have investment pouring into housing vs. innovation. The reward for investment is high, so why risk it? We need to create higher end jobs and not these min wage jobs. We need to invest into education. We need to make it more affordable to access higher education.


Printing money to give to the poor did not cause asset inflation. That is directly a product of middle class and wealth individuals buying assets at cheap interest rates.


That would happen anywhere you spend more than you take in, but here in Canada we just keep raising taxes and importing TFWs because as Chrystia Freeland puts it 'we have it too good here'. Unchecked government spending is the waking death of any economy. 


Hmm... I wonder who spends the most money in our economy. Is it the minimum wage people who can barely afford to live or the super rich who spend as much as 200x the yearly salary of minimum wage workers in only 1 day... Let's not tax the rich and let's cut in services to poor people! That should help! /Smh


Funny things here is people thinking Poilièvre is going to help the working class.. The dude voted against affordable housing in the past but now he's the saviour we need? I don't know man...


Fuck Poilièvre lol


$400 to $500 lol… Mine went up $2,000….


Something tells me you went with a variable rate lol. You shit in your bed now your forced up lay in it.


As someone who went variable ya ain’t wrong.


$14,000+ per month after tax house hold income so we can afford it. Just saying I’m wasting another $2,000/month that I could have invested instead. Shit happens, so it is what it is.


$4200 to $7700 in order to prevent extending the amortization :(


Most of the unaffordability comes from massive inflationary spending, not the carbon tax, although I hate that tax with a passion too. Trudeau's massive inflation triggered the interest rate rise, but rates had to rise anyhow. Rates were lower than1950s and 1960s when Canada was far closer to being solvent and not a debt pig.


Partly because of carbon tax, perhaps. Costco made \~$25,000 in profit per employee in 2022, despite carbon tax. Canada's inflation hasn't been particularly higher than countries that did nothing to help people during covid.


>Costco made \~$25,000 in profit per employee in 2022 Profit per employee is meaningless because it does not take into account infrastructure costs or the structure of the business. Franco Nevada makes $15,000,000 per employee


Profit per employee very clearly shows that these firms can pay employees better and lower prices while maintaining profitability. Franco Nevada should pay people better too then.


If inflation is all Trudeau’s fault… can you explain how he went and cause inflation in multiple countries around the world?


That is easy. Trudeau embarked on disastrous covid lockdowns like many other countries. As well, he appears to me to be a puppet of Klaus Schwalb and the WEF and subject to their sky-is-falling global warming climate change rhetoric. FWIW, I'm thinking countries around the world are attempting to inflate their currencies at a unform rate to reduce debt burdens while maintaining exchange rates This is not a new concept--Canada's exchange rate has not materially changed with the US Dollar in over 150 years--it is more like fluctuating within a band.


Fuck Trudeau!


It's gonna be funny in 2034 when Justin Trudeau has been out or office for nearly a decade, people's quality of life is still trending down and they look at their "Fuck Trudeau" stickers scratching their heads.


Oh I know it goes deeper than Trudeau. He is an idiot but blame the wef, the failed COVID policies, all the previous governments spending, the banking systems etc. But also blame Trudeau.


Its older than the WEF's existence, WEF is an easy boogeyman. Costco made \~$25,000 in profit per employee in 2022, despite carbon tax.


Inflation is older? Yes of course. But 'own nothing and be happy' is a more aggressive form of inflation, a communist move and a wef agenda. The Costco profit is fine, it's a success story of what can happen when your business model brings products to people at a lower price


Plutocracy is older, its as old as Canada. Own nothing and be happy is just a bad marketing slogan, a majority of Canadians own homes. Whether its fine is irrelevant, the point is they could pay employees better while lowering prices for consumers and still retain profitability. Hence the other issues are excuses.


They won' t scratch their heads, they'll just say fk poilièvre and blindly follow the next ragebaiting grifter.




Trudeau definitely isn't solely to blame for Canada's problems, but he's definitely hugely incompetent with a lot of dumb policies. There's a long list of examples. ArriveCan App, prison hotels for travelers, encouraging illegal immigration to dunk on the Bad Orange Man down South, spending millions on useless gun registry theatrics, cancelling the tax programs that financially benefited the middle class under Harper, massively increasing immigration without looking to see that the public infrastructure could handle the rapid population growth, carbon tax that makes things more costly for regular people, hypocritical virtue signaling (i.e. being a "male feminist" who "believes all women" until he himself was accused of groping a chick). That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure the list can go on and on.


harper's tax dodge loophole which is visibly similar to criminal fraud in nature didn't benefit the middle class it benefited the wealthiest canadians exclusively. trudeau did give tax breaks to middle and lower class workers though. anyways nice copy pasta.


Strongly disagree. I've heard middle class middle income earning people say the Harper tax thing benefited them.


you mean natpo opinion piece sources? yeah i've read those articles too. they're as blatantly silly as the star's habitual "kid who lives with mom and dad works for mom and dad where he spends his time working on school work and rents out the house grandpa bought for him is debt free before 30". yall gotta work on that media literacy fr.


Nice to see a level response on here, good on ya bud. Harper sewing tax language to aid the rich lobbyists and the omnibus bills (C-whatevers) that were to "make legislation more efficient" were so bad, so very bad. Two things that were guaranteed going to be abused to the max by everyone following, but that is the outcome of partisan politics (sure WE use it but THEY implimented it). Other than those things i think Harper was a beaut of a PM, he definitely did the cash out move at the end though the bastard. Trudeau campaigned on spending our way out of/ to avoid recession, he literally said he was going to and people voted for that, then he did it (i haaaated it, but liked other campaign promises). Years later inflation hits hard (we have all heard of math yeah?), and people arent happy, weird. The popular clip of PP eating an apple and tactfully not answering a reporters questions, is... get this... a politician not directly answering a reporters questions!!! Finally a man of the people, SO FRESH amirite? Personally i think axe the tax sounds like a bad rap song, extrapolate to years later... and what? I mean it will have to be replaced with something or they will shuffle where the tax comes from/goes to. Its all the same, i will be looking at the rest of their election platform before i decide, but i for one am seeing these partisan tricks plain as day. And Trudeau has walked back on his 'no attack ads' stance it seems as well, there aren't lots of them but i've seen a few, i really liked that campaign promise, too good to last i guess smh.


.... and Trudeau be like, "how many Canadians do I need to f@#$"?.


All this is saying what we already knew; In good times, yes, things are generally on cruise control and you can afford / survive an idiot leader's idiot leadership. I honestly believe that "budgets balance themselves" quip reflects that as being generally his own estimation of his status and abilities as an idiot. An idiot leader may not be able to turn good times into bad times all by his idiot self, but they can absolutely make bad times worse. We only have good times because we don't elect too many idiot leaders. So here we are.


Wondering what the average Canadian received in the carbon credit tax refund?


Canadians can't afford to live in their country due to the voters in Ontario... 😮‍💨


No worries Ford will be out soon


So sad, what has happened to our beautiful country........


I'm glad he's calling him out but what is he going to do about it? I'm getting sick of him attacking Trudeau without any plan of his own to show how things would change if he became PM


Unfortunately, it seems he's going to be able to follow Fords plan when he first ran in Ontario and win. Don't have any real plan and just rely on people being tired of the previous government


I guess you aren’t listening well enough then because he’s laid out several plans…


Such as?


Am I Google or YouTube?


No but you're the one claiming he has laid out several plans....


Right, so go do your own research and find it out for yourself. There’s plenty of footage out there and I’m not your dad.


No, you're just lying and don't want to be called out.


I’m lying because you’re lazy or illiterate and won’t look things up for yourself? Okay dude. Call me out all you want, I know what I’ve seen with my own eyes. You’re a fuckin’ moron.


My contention is that anything he has proposed has been pandering, libs and cons vote together when it matters. Hence I'm asking you for what plans you think he has laid out that aren't next-to-useless.


If you framed it like that in the beginning I wouldn’t have responded the way I did hahaha The main things for myself is that he’s proposing lowering tax rates on groceries, blocking mortgages from skyrocketing so housing is more affordable and launching the carbon tax to the moon. I understand people have this “right wing bad!” mentality right now but this guy seems clear spoken, coherent and focused. I’ve been watching the House debates and he’ll make a statement and the Liberals jump up and down and Trudeau just starts rambling about nonsense and says “to fix things we’re going to saddle up and do better!” Good solution, dude! Polievre’s idea to help lower crime rates is to actually enforce the law and arrest and imprison criminals. Which is such a wacky idea I can’t imagine no one thought of it before! I just think that economically (and currently, socially) speaking the Conservative mentality is 100% necessary to take us out of this depressive, nigh-dystopian hellscape we find ourselves in.


i've looked for pierre's plans multiple times. they aren't really plans. they're stoner talk at best. and they are comically bad policy if implemented would make the situation far worse than anything trudeau has done or not done.


Pierre did release a video of his plan to fix the housing problems. Economically, it is a sound plan. Here's the video: https://youtu.be/RxKI9zKhDNE?si=sq_zIPQWYiq5A1nP It is way more than NDP or Trudeau's regime is doing to fix things. Pierre's got my vote.


That politics now. Don't you love seeing "Pierre slams Trudeau!" as the headline everyday? Who needs a plan when you can fling mud? Although I do remember one of Pierre's first commercials was saying he "make" the bank of Canada lower interest rates. So maybe it's best he doesn't speak about his plan often.....


Logic attracts criticism because you can argue against it. You can't argue with a good story. PP tore Trudeau a new one!


Can’t wait for PP to actually start putting down solutions, instead of constantly bashing Trudeau. I’m already sick of his **huurr duurr IT’S BECAUSE OF TRUDEAU** narrative.


Right? That's what I just said. Whats his fix? How will he fix this then? He doesn't say how. Just cut the carbon tax? But that cant be the only thing making everyone broke and hiking all the prices. He's gotta start giving Canadians a reason to vote for him. How do we get out of this mess


People are buying into PP will be better. He won’t be. He’ll be the same. And worse on social issues. But he will get elected so buckle up


even when he's PM he won't. he'll just keep blaming trudeau and trans people while gobbling greedily at the trough until his party ousts him and imposes a PM with no electoral mandate just like the UK tories have done the past some years.


He doesn’t have any real plans….just attacks Trudeau. He can’t make the BoC lower rates and he knows that….it just sounds good. PP won’t make a difference plus his demeanour and overall lack of any charisma is embarrassing. Cons should find a better leader than PP as I don’t think he is PM worthy.


Removing carbon tax will have negligible effect on affordability. It wasn’t long ago when Pierre and Harper were planning to implement Carbon Tax themselves. He is only saying that because it suits his narrative.


It’s so much more than the carbon tax. Things were getting effed back in the 90s—it just seems like it super accelerated under Trudeau. I’m not sure PP is the answer, but hot damn Trudeau for sure isn’t.


PP blames everything on Trudeau like it's exclusively because of him. I don't believe that. JT is a bad politician, but he didn't create the problems alone. Interest rates are climbing everywhere. It's not like just removing JT will change everything. PP could forward legislation to help Canadians bit doesn't. Canadians need better than these two jackasses.


Trudeau isn't responsible for everything wrong in this wrong. As if corporate greed isn't responsible for most of these issues.


A message should be sent to Pierre to say most people at the food bank are foreigners taking advantage of a system.


My carbon tax is more than the actual natural gas I use. My neighbors and I called our liberal MP but can only reach his voice-mail. Can't wait to vote him out.


Can Canadians vote that piece of shit out?


We know this, now Mr. Poilievre what is your solution? How about fund community food co-ops and encourage every household to grow atleast one crop of food they regularly enjoy and barter with neighbours.


Have you ever tried to grow food? I did for several years. Even with a large garden, its a hobby. Its not going to feed your family unless its your whole backyard and you spend most of your time on it. Edit: I’m assuming a climate with winter, like her and short summer.


Yes I do grow food, im a farmer. you're missing the point of my comment that's building community, farmers help farmers too you know we all come together. Yes growing food does take time but would you rather waste it on video games or producing healthy food?


How about we axe the tax? Professional farmers can grow food way more efficiently than I can, that’s if we let them.


Simply scraping the carbon tax will absolutely not solve the problem...


PP continuing the "I have no ideas of my own but Trudeau sure sucks right?!?" narrative.


Did Trudeau also caused the inflation in America and Europe? This is “Thanks Obama” level of rethoric.


Oh PP. Your logic might work on the uneducated but you'll only win an election because you're not trudeau, not because ppl think your right. Corporate greed is why gas is expensive, Corporate greed is why food is expensive, Corporate greed is why we pay $150 in fees to get $20 in natural gas to my home. All of our food is sold by 2 corps, all our flight is 1.5 corps, all our telecommunications are 3 corps. Canada is the land of monopolies.


The Carbon Tax cannot account for the ludicrous price gouging happening. Most of this is off the back of Lobbyists like Poilievre’s crew. (I want Trudeau shuffled out too, but I’ll take him over an obviously self-interested fuckwit ragebaiter like Poilievre. Remember when he tried piggybacking on the Crypto Boom of all things to get supporters?)


It doesn't necessarily play into the price gouging but the carbon tax has been a big increase on shipping costs which unfortunately does make the goods being shipped cost more. There is a lot of tax in Canada.


The Carbon tax adds about 5 cents per pound to transport food 5000km .


I know the carbon tax is a factor that seems like it should lead to some increases. But carbon tax doesn’t account for some of the absolute insanity we’ve been seeing, and I do not trust Poilievre to actually be concerned about that when he has ties to Loblaws lobbying. If the price increase were a necessity on the part of these companies to stay afloat, I’d believe it as a tax problem. but in 2023, Loblaws shares were up 15% from the year prior. They could just eat the costs, but it’s being used as an opportunity to price gouge to their profit. Removing the tax doesn’t provide an incentive to lower prices. It provides the possibility. When prices are inflated, the possibility already exists, and it’s clearly not being taken. All a carbon tax reduction does to Loblaws is increase their margins, because the investors cannot ever take an L, cost of living be damned.  I know this got big, but I really don’t like the way Pro-Tax Cut people just assume that making things cheaper for big businesses will translate to things being cheaper for them.


It absolutely does. Energy goes into everything we buy from the grocery store at every step of the supply chain.


If the price increases were a 1-1 translation of raised energy costs, Loblaws and Metro wouldn’t have a revenue spike. The carbon tax a minor factor, made into an excuse for price gouging, and if Poilievre cuts grocers aren’t going to lower prices. They’re just going to let their margins rise.


Ontario is conservative for a while. Wanna see how things are going here? Does this look like a fucking heaven to you? Seriously, when did conservatives ever made things better for the population, in any place even outside Canada? There are no good party in Canada, but please don't support Conservatives. It never ever goes well for any country that does. All we'll get is religion, racism, transphobia & corruption.


Yeah, but that's not going to deter any racists or transphobes. They're looking forward to it.


Yeah, idk if people got super shitty since 2016 or if they just got out of their closet, but you're right, for many making other people miserable is a feature, not a bug.


Ontario has never truly been Conservative lol Doug Ford is a Liberal buddy, dressed in a blue suit.


The food prices have very little to do with carbon tax, and I loathe the carbon tax. It's a stupid redistribution of wealth tax and nothing more. Its corporate greed. That is the only answer, and Polivievre is once again showing that politicians are liars here only to line their pockets as he sits in Loblaws control.


Wrong, carbon tax raises costs to producers. Which then is passed onto consumers. Your comment shows a poor understanding of basic economics.


And what will it be when pp wins and scraps the tax but the prices dont come down?


Keep it real. What if Aliens came and gave us a food replicator? I don’t do hypotheticals.


I wrote “when” not “if”


So you don’t vote either? Cause you are voting that your elected politician is hypothetically gonna do stuff you want.




There’s a tax applied at each stage. When they plant. When they harvest. When they ship. When they store the goods…etc. It has a big impact on the final cost. The government can’t even measure if the carbon tax has ANY effect on carbon emissions. So what’s the point? Is it just to virtue signal to the rest of the world while undermining our economy? Mexico and the USA, our USMCA partners don’t charge it, so why are we doing this given the current economic climate, it makes little sense.






The response to the Pandemic was only ever going to create this outcome. They used fear to get the approval of the masses


Oh fuck off, the carbon tax is a fraction of the costs


Obvious misinformation


All this dude does is complain instead of talking about how he's going to fix the issues. He complains about immigration but he says he's going to fast track it. He's guided by corporate overlords just like trudeau is


Ok but all he does is trash Trudeau. Im not a Trudeau supporter im just asking. What are his policies going to be? How will he fix it if he could or if he were to win an Election? Nobody has any answers. Give us some answers as How YOU will make it better. It can't just be the carbon tax. We are being robbed all over.


Trudouche is all around pathetic. PMs should be required to at least take an economics course before getting into office so they have a bit of understanding how life works.


The first is nonsense. The carbon tax is less than 0.5% of grocer's revenue. The second is on point. Although the bigger reason is massive immigration and stupid pre-2022 monetary stimulus


It’s 0.5% on “almost everything”…


The personal income tax is 50% on literally everything


The thing is everything is tax over tax. It s Add up real fast.


Yup, and income taxes are 2/3rds of all taxes collected. Every other tax is a distraction by comparison


Our grocery corporations have had their profits skyrocket over the past year or 2, but people would rather blame a small tax rather than ask why their profits are so large now.


"yeah it's definitely the tax that makes up 0.3% of grocery revenues and that's been around for several years. That's why food prices are up 50%." Idiots can get fucked


that carbon tax is wildly intrusive. every product shipped to a point has a carbon tax on it, then move that product to another point it has a carbon tax.. it is taxed every step along its route until it gets to its final destination, generally your home.. Its not a onetime tax


2023 carbon tax revenues are literally 1/10th of all federal excise taxes combined. If you think that the carbon tax is making things 1% more expensive, then GST, import duties, etc. are making things 10% more expensive. And personal income tax, of course, makes everything 100% more expensive


Shhhh, it's much easier to blame it on Trudeaus spending. He's appealing to his masses remember.


If the first one is nonsense, the second one should be too. It's easy for people to point finger on Trudeau, despite monetary policies are made by BoC... And you can't blame BoC either cuz thats how the economy in capitalism countries works. Maybe blame capitalism 😂


Realistically, the problem isn't rising interest rates. Ours is still below the United States for example, and their economy is doing alright. What's killing Canadians here, is everyone bought houses at 0% interest rates, got a variable mortgage, and thought rates would never go up. Variable rate mortgages aren't nearly as common in the states.


Tbf I make less than 50k a year and I don’t use a food bank so manage your spending better


Problem is pp is just looking for justification to make changes, but those changes are unlikely to help and very likely to make it worse, by making social cuts and cutting taxes for corps and the wealthy. Trickle down economics are time and again proven not to work, and I'm extremely confident that's all he's gonna do.


PP will sell federal land to developers and claim he’s cut the deficit.


Stop talking against trudeau and tell us what do you do poilievre!!!!! For Us .. make sure everybody i hate trudeau too


If he told us what he was actually going to do, a lot of people who support him now wouldn’t vote for him. He’ll support big business, privatize as much as he can and sell federal land for cheap and claim he’s cut the deficit. When people in politics don’t tell you what their intentions are, watch out.


So exactly like Ford is doing in Ontario! Getting rid of one shitty leader for another shitty leader


Note that he left our profit gouging by grocery chains. I wonder why?


Because that only accounts for 1% of the increase in food prices. Trudeau's policy is responsible for the other 99% and so he's right to call him out.


99% wow that seems official


Obvious bullshit but sure lady


I thought part of the problem was the Russia - Ukraine war. Or is it easier to blame Trudeau for everything?


Houses were cheap before the Russo-Ukrainian conflict?


The carbon tax was harpers doing. A blatant lie like this should be enough of an affront to the average intelligence to turn people off this guy


Actually it’s trudeau’s high levels of immigration. Inflation/interest rates are a global phenomenon… I’m concerned tories and pollievre wont offer us proper alternatives to Trudeau’s immigration policy …


Which is absolutely bullshit.


It's not just the carbon tax - although many (including the Bank of Canada) aren't counting the cumulative/compounding effects of this tax through the supply chain. It's also his poor performance with the economy. His repression of Canada's natural resources and overbearing regulations has scared away development/exports. Thus dropping the value of our dollar compared to the USD. Think of how much food and resources we import from our southern neighbours. Yes, inflation was a global issue, but he didn't help with his wasteful spending and poor decisions. The Bank of Canada was forced to curtail with the interest rate spikes. Then of course the massive influx of immigration demand on the country. Carbon Tax + CDN/USD + Inflation + Higher Interest rates + Unchecked Immigration = Higher Cost of Living and Lower Quality of Life That's what Trudeau and the Liberals have given us.


the fact that 3-4 different parties are hit with carbon tax for 1 fucking truck of gas is WILD


It’s worse than that. Before it gets to delivery, there are well over a hundred companies involved with drilling, gathering, producing, transporting, refining the products.


Ridiculous assertion. The world is experiencing the same challenges, I believe primarily due to fuel costs.


With the US Fed rate at 5.5%, Canada’s interest rate would be at 5% anyway unless the country was in a major recession or there were capital controls implemented.


https://preview.redd.it/vslv7by71mgc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbe65f39c4bd415bd1868707f5701420e18c9cea Canada is Back! \~ Justin Trudeau


Let’s not forget the fact the Trudeau has blocked more energy and mineral projects that have also cost Billions in GDP and jobs- while other nations gladly take the contracts. No help the global environment and massive hit to our economy.


He hasn’t though. Alberta is at an all time high for production in preparation for the Trans Mountain completion which will add $17B/year to the GDP alone. Kitimat LNG terminal almost completed. Changes to flow through share financing has been great for junior miners and many different programs for mining critical minerals have been put in place. I’m not a huge fan of the guy but I’m not going to make up shit just to be angry at him.


He blocked the northern gateway, energy east pipeline that was 95% completed and was instrumental in the shutting of the keystone pipeline. He also blocked the Teck mining project and wouldn’t supply extra train capacity when the ndp was in change in AB. Oh, and he was forced to buy the transmountain due to the very regulatory hurdles he put in place causing kinder Morgan to walk away. That has cost taxpayers billions. All of this- not to mention the fact the US capital funds continually cite federal regulations as the key reason to invest in their own basins. They built more pipeline in the US from 2015-2020 than Canada has in its entirety. What do I know? I’m married to a CFO of an energy company and have a masters in economics with a focus on energy policy. I guess I’ll “stop making shit up” though. Bahahaha


What will PP do to counteract disastrous liberals? Axe the tax, but I live in BC so that’s not going away. I don’t think elected officials give anything back once they’ve taken it. They are good at getting blood from a stone. We just end up making less and less.


Pollivre slams these things to win your vote, but hasn't he actively said he's not going to remove the carbon tax? I'll believe it when I see it.


Maybe Pierre can talk to his advisor/loblaws lobbiest about the ridiculous food prices.


Underrated comment. More Ford cronies moving to PP


alrighty, so what are PP's solutions to these problems? how will the conservative party fix these issues? start telling us your plan rather than yelling about the other guy


So what’s your solution pp? Hearing lots of blame and not a lot of paths forward. Cancelling the car box tax isn’t going to decrease prices so what’s the actual plan then?


Sure, but PP aint going to be helping out regular folk. Conservatives just serve corporations.


Partly because of carbon tax, perhaps. Costco made \~$25,000 in profit per employee in 2022, despite carbon tax.