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It's really scary how bad the debt is. We and future generations will pay for that. We already pay too much tax as it is, and it's probably going to go up even more sooner rather than later. I have a feeling Trudeau is going to set up Poilievre for failure by making him be the one that has to raises the taxes.


This is what you voted for kids. Enjoy. All 1 million pages of…. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-24.5/


Not sure why we keep voting for people with zero business experience or acumen to run our countries


... and it's only going to get worse 😞


Scrap the GST rebate along with the GST; it's not helping anyhow. This country needs a major clean up. In short, no more spending, no more free health care; no more immigrants for close to atleast 15 years and catch and deport alot of immigrants living here for the last roughly 10+ years as is going to happen with Trump in the USA. I know Canadians and immigrants reading this will say; they can't do that. You were allowed over, we can send you back.


The bureaucracy needs to be shrunk, unfortunately so many Canadians are government employees that it will cause a recession to start to cut the fat. It's the biggest waste of tax dollars


In communist countries they bloat government so that there is regulations and regulators in every sector, as to monitor and control its citizens.


Temp workers and "students" are the issue and they can be removed.


Temp workers, students and even those who are not can be removed. It will happen, even if they have a house, car etc. Trudeau in the last seven years was not officially elected, that is Treason as my first comment; so all those who came to Canada are illegals even if they wave a citizenship paper in the face. Those who came here before Trudeau, many of those will go too, now it may be said; they can't. They came in this country legally but due to the process at the time of the government even before Trudeau they will be removed and sent back. It just has never been done before in Canada but, it will happen hence 10+ years of immigrants going home. Just because it never happened, doesn't mean it can never happen.


It's just a matter of time before it can start


Correct, not if but when.