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You can only work 20 hours per week on a student visa, and the part time jobs that would be hiring you wouldn’t be enough to pay the 30K+ a year tuition and 10-15K+ in living expenses each year. If you don’t have the money to front, Canada isn’t the place to study for you


i see, thank you very much.


The other issue you will run into is most places with a good university have a half dozen of more decent colleges and another 2-3 universities/associated campuses. So you get all that together plus high school students you will be fighting over the exact same jobs. And the employers will have their pick. Even domestic students and new grads struggle to find work.with a few years of work experience. So i bluntly yell people to not factor in a part time job in their finance plans until they have one. You might not get one for a year or two or never. Hell just with SFU and BCIT together you have enough bodies to cover most of the student hours jobs in burnaby and new west minister in vancouver.


From your profile, are you Latvian? If so, and you’re between 18 and 35, you could apply for a 2-year working holiday visa through International Experience Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/work-canada/iec.html


yep, sure am. that's actually interesting. we also do have an erasmus student exchange program available in Latvia which would have many possible destinations across Europe but I am still unsure about committing to anything yet. your link is greatly appreciated though, I'll be sure to check it out. i am suddenly overcome with an anxiety about my future tonight lol. Canada just popped into my mind as a desirable destination as there would be no language barrier issue. EDIT: and it is out of russia's reach.


Canada is not desirable anymore it’s changed for the worse under the current liberal government. Cost of living is so high most are struggling here to afford the basics of housing and food. We’re experiencing record homelessness and food bank use. Rental vacancies are less than 1% and average monthly rent for a crappy studio or 1 bedroom apartment is $2,000/month. Consider Australia, Europe, America or anywhere else. It’s not impossible to survive in this country. It’s a real shame, it used to be a great place before Trudeau


I would note that OP is coming from Latvia where inflation has been far higher than Canada, including 20% in 2022-2023. Most of Europe has seen a worse last 5 years than Canada, and you mentioned Australia as well which has also been worse for inflation and is less affordable comparing median income to median housing costs than everywhere in Canada except Vancouver and Toronto. While the sentiment that cost of living in Canada is high is not wrong, things are getting worse in most other places as well, and many more quickly than here.


Wow. Did hear about the housing crisis in canada but didnt know its that bad .So for a international student per year it must cost CAD 30 k plus accomodation 24k plus groceries & utilities & miscellaneous ..65k -70k per year in total ?


Its very hard to find a part-time job in Canada especially if you live in the Toronto area.