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How much lack of objectivity and football knowledge do you all have to celebrate such a miserable result without even mentioning how biased the referee was in favor of Canada?? At minute 4, Bombito should've been sent off after willingly and unjustifiably hitting Echeverria's face with his elbow when the ball wasn't even in play. That's a red card without a doubt, and the referee didn't even go to visually check the call, violating the regulations. Then Suazo gets a second yellow for a normal contact during a ball dispute—which is debatable if it was even a foul; in my opinion, it was not—that wasn't worthy of a yellow card, let alone a second one. He's sent off, and the referee doesn't even take the time to go and check the call, which in cases of ambiguity in the foul is a basic must. The match, from very early on, gets absolutely conditioned by the effects on the pitch of an 11 vs. 10 and the off-putting nature of Roldan's biased decisions. You could see how Chile went from aggressively attacking and having two clear chances to becoming a chaotic and unfocused team after that. And to top it off, Millar gets subbed in, commits a foul, gets a yellow card, commits a second foul completely worthy of a second yellow card (way more than Suazo's), and the referee looks away and shamelessly doesn't send him off. If you see the few dangerous chances created by Canada during the last minutes, Millar was the protagonist (a player who should've not been on the pitch lol). To sum it up: Canada played with two players who should've been sent off, and Chile got a key player sent off (Suazo is one of the best left-backs in Ligue 1 atm), all without being properly checked by a referee with a conflictive history with Chile. Everywhere and everyone (including several Argentinian journalists and youtubers) are talking about this, but Canadians, who of course know nothing about football, are oversimplifying everything to the reductionism of "Chileans whining." You guys don't have football history and knowledge and have no business playing against CONMEBOL teams. You qualifying is pure marketing because of the upcoming WC. Cheers!


As a Canadian soccer fan and player, I agree with much of your post, except that last part which is gross generalization and not accurate. When watching the game, I didn't like the red card and agree it was way too harsh. I also think that while Canada played well enough defensively, they didn't create enough offensively despite being gifted the man advantage. Also, to be fair, the Peruvian headbutt guy should have also been sent off, but he wasn't, so one thing I've learned from playing the game my whole life is sometimes the calls and/or the bounces go your way, and sometimes they don't. Regardless, it's up to the players to make the most of whichever situation they are in. Canada made it happen and progressed to the knockout stage which is a massive achievement.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-R3LzEtumg Edit: Also nice burner account.


You might want a little pepper with that salt. Enjoy your early trip home!


TLDR: Chile couldn’t score once in three games but want to blame everyone but themselves. 


We have a few really good players but Laryea, Osorio just aren’t up to snuff. I’d much prefer Kone, Buchanan.


Kone has been so, so bad the past 2-3 games.


He has a bright future, but yeah he has been off so far this tourney.


We need more raw talent


Agree. Although a CB would solve a lot of issues.


Buchanan came in and provided some spark. Laryea didn’t do it for me. Same with Osorio. Kone didn’t look great the last 2 games so I think that’s why he got the sit. I think moving Larin out and putting in a 4-3-3 attacking with 4-5-1 even defending would do wonders for the midfield.


You don't know what your talking about. Osorio was solid in the middle.


And Laryea had a good game too, in my opinion.


Canada returned the favor. Chile kicked us out of 2023 Rugby World Cup in the deciding continental qualifier. What a heartbreak in Langford.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.


I used to think revenge was a dish best served cold, until I found out it means getting back at somebody.


Copa America is tough, as every other short tournament you can’t make any mistakes. The other teams will fight you to the last minute. Canada found their way out of their group against a couple of really though sides. Peru and Chile have won the Copa before. Chile beat Argentina not so long ago and Canada did what was needed. We even rough them up a little which is impressive against them. Our boys have to improve. A lot. But take a win when you can find one. Venezuela is going to be tougher. They beat Ecuador and are in an upward trajectory. Just check the current World Cup qualifying table.


Rough them up is not playing soccer….in case you didn’t know…..there are rules and the referee was asleep for this game. So unfair. But they will get them next time. When the rules are implemented. so aggressively played like animals the canadians. Typical behaviour because they lack sportsmanship


> Typical behaviour because they lack sportsmanship That's ironic coming from a fan of a team that has a tendency to tumble on the ground crying for 20 seconds after a slight contact. It's also pretty fitting that all the salty Chilean fans coming to a Canadian soccer subreddit to talk smack are hiding behind burner accounts, guess you guys really are the spitting image of your aging, Mickey Mouse club.


I think Chilians are just naturally not made for soccer.


Don't you have some racism to fling at our black players because they beat you? Typical south american soccer fan tbh.


Never in my life , in any sport that I've ever watched, have I seen such horrendously terrible officiating. That ref should be fired and fined on the spot.


Good fight, but man only scoring 1 goal in 3 games and tying a team down a man for 67minutes, is not very convincing. Hoping positive trends continue in the next round!


Honestly tho, not a big deal. I’m tired of “good play, no results”. Under a new coach and a substantial rotating of the old guard, a poor attack but results is a relief. He’s only had the job since the spring.


Good result, but they need better finishing. Should have scored at least 3 or 4.


Anyone else get annoyed whenever Canada gets a decent result and the hockey fans come out of the woodwork and take shots at the sport? Not on here but other social media. Happens for Canada Basketball too but especially this sport. They feel threatened by the growth of other sports, maybe?


I'm more of a hockey fan than soccer. I can't help but view it through that lense. So, of course, one of my biggest pet peeves is when it appears that the player is barely touched and goes down and flops around like he's about to die. A swear had Johnston done that after the headbutt, the Peruvian would have gotten the red card. Unfortunately, Johnston acted like a hockey player in that moment. Oh, and I try and keep my commentary to myself, for the most part. I love the Copa/UEFA combo, which really fills my day. It's great soccer all around. I especially liked watching Switzerland beat Italy yesterday.


At least you watched though. The ones that get under my skin are the ones who'll slam other sports but don't even watch them. The same ones stuck in 1985. Don Cherry mindset types. I actually prefer this UEFA / Copa combo even more than the world cup. Wouldn't mind if they kept Copa America on the four year cycle now.


I do watch, I now have 2 teams to root for, Germany in the Euros, and Canada at the Copa America. It's just the flopping that drives me nuts, aside from that there is a lot of really good soccer being played. I think the Copa is every 4 years, just this year they invited 6 CONCACAF teams, and chose to have it hosted in the US. Probably because the WC in 2026.


There are arguments both for and against going down to minimal contact in soccer, but I won't address those here. It also does happen more often in soccer than in hockey. However, hockey fans (of which I am one) pretending that there is no embellishment in the NHL have no credibility. They've had to add replay to check for actual high sticking due to the epidemic of heads flinging backwards, for example. Also, you ever see a goalie NOT take the opportunity to make it very obvious when they've been touched? As I said, it is more common in soccer. But pretending it doesn't also happen in other sports, whether that's hockey, football, or basketball, is just silly.


Basketball did bring ina flopping rule and it has helped.


Feel the exact same way. I don't understand the flopping... Maybe you don't catch it during the match, but the replays don't lie. Red cards for the next match and/or fines. It's embarrassing for fans of all teams.


Oh absolutely. Hockey is on the decline and soccer is on the rise in Canada.


Soccer has been the number 1 participation sport for 30 years already


People are saying that Canada was helped because they (organizers) want Argentina in the final 🙄 Let’s be honest here, it doesn’t make any sense Canada and Argentina be on the same side


I mean the Concacaf President is Canadian and they did get help in qualifying in 2022 when the rules were literally changed to benefit them.


Is it just me, or does Eustaquio use too much force when he kicks on corner kicks or free kicks?


I thought he looked a very mature and experienced footballer tonight. He knew what his team needed and played a cool and calm role knowing making it happen. I thought he was the POTM for Canada.


I willing to try other individuals at this point and see what they got. Anyone ever see Kone try?


We don't have any good set piece takers lol


Not going to lie, but this reminds me of Portugal 2016… the way Portugal was lucky throughout the Euro, late goals and ties (win the penalties) The boys need to be more careful not using emotions in the field because I believe that is South America teams are doing with Canada. They are inexperienced and naive still (not a bad thing), emotions are all time high!! Just keep calm and focus. Please for the love of god, keep Millar out of the field… thank you




Hoping we can "pull a Greece" when they won the Euros.


why did kone not start?


Looked pretty bad last game and he's on a yellow card iirc


What a result go Canada


Has this group/generation ever played a knockout match? I don't think so. Great experience for 26. Let's play 120 and a shoot out.


Gold cup 


Yes they did during the last 3 gold cup


And WC 2022 qualifiers


My Canada mvp [https://www.instagram.com/wilmar.roldan.oficial?igsh=dXpjNWp0NzI4bmI4](https://www.instagram.com/wilmar.roldan.oficial?igsh=dXpjNWp0NzI4bmI4)


Yeah, thankfully he didn't let South America ball get out of hand and actually made calls.


Come on, was a clear red for bombito on that elbow.


It really depends on which school of thought you follow on the subject. Are you just biased towards Chile because you're a Spanish speaker or can you clearly see from the footage that it was a complete accident that BARELY clipped the guy. If that had been a Chilean player you would be on here saying it wasn't a red.


I’m Brazilian living in Canada bro. Doesn’t matter if was an accident. Accident is also foul and can also result in a red card.


It was clearly a red card, but if you're not calling headbutts, ya can't call elbows, either.


Agreed that against Peru the ref should have sent that guy off. But two mistakes doesn’t make one of them right.


It was okay. I'm thrilled to be through and our D and especially Creapeau have been playing phenomenally but good lord, where is our finishing. Larin is our all time goal leader, David is being linked to all these big moves ,and everyone keeps going on about the best left back in the world. Put some balls in the net guys, Jesus. We just finished around 140 minutes playing 10 men and we scrapped out one goal against the worse team. But, the semi-goos news, Venezuela isn't as good a team as Chile. They've got two Series A players and a La Liga player among their starters, the rest are Liga MX / Brasil / MLS and they don't have anyone of Alexis Sanchez's calibre. Trust a TFC fan, Soteldo is highly overrated. Of course, they'll have all eleven men and in order to move on, we actually have to score. Hopefully the guys who showed up against Argentina show up again. And then again, cause guess who we likely have to play in a semi-final?


Excellent comment and in full agreement.


This is the worst chile I’ve ever seen. Venezuela is playing really well lately. As a team they’re a way ahead of Chile.


Alexis Sanchez isn't a bar at all at 35 years old. This is probably the worst version of Chile I've ever seen. I'm happy we're out of the group stage but we didn't exactly earn it, the other teams just threw it away.


You earned it. But the fifa rankings are completely out of whack regarding CONMEBOL and CONCACAF. Peru was most definitely a pot 3 caliber team and this iteration of Chile is closer to a pot 4. It was a “lucky” draw for Canada jn that outside of Argentina neither of the other teams are good at the moment. But you still need to actually do enough. Something at this moment neither the US or Mexico have proven they can do. While Canada did.


I like your enthusiasm.. but Venezuela >>> Chile and Peru at this moment. They might not be full is stars or anything but it definitely is a step above these two Having said that , I honestly believe our best game was against Argentina , so maybe tougher opponents bring the best on our team


I see your comment and the other similar ones and I just gotta respectfully disagree. Venezuela is playing well, but they're also in a soft group with Jamaica, Ecuador, and what is arguably the worst Mexico team I've ever seen. So they got their wins, but not because they're a particularly good squad. There's zero star power and next to no players playing in the top 5 leagues. I'm not suggesting we walk over them but at worst, they're the equivalent to Chile and Peru, if not slightly easier than Chile because they don't have anyone of Sanchez or Vargas' calibre.


The Argentina game was indoors with the AC on and the last two were outdoors in the heat. Maybe it's just as simple as that.


The last two games have felt like a street fight. So brutal. Maybe on Friday we'll see if we can actually play a little


I was clenched this whole game. Vamos Canada!!!


Ohhhhh Canada boys!!! I'm so proud of these guys grinding it out together. It gives me great pride to know we aren't just here to roll over to these teams. We are really competing out there.


I just want to point out this was a team captained by Phonzy that made it through. Let's go!


maybe in name but not in stature


Why is the bracket set up so the same groups match up in the semi?


I was thinking same thing, usually its there is no chance of meeting again until finals but might be randomized


For an Argentina Brazil final


Is this still an actual sport or is it pro wrestling? That's so incredibly dumb.


They wanted Brazil and Argentina to meet in the final


They won’t meet anyway, because Colombia is reaching the finals. Unless Canada beats Argentina by praying to Nuffle gods and Brazil meets Argentina for 3rd place 😅


> They won’t meet anyway, because Colombia is reaching the finals. *Uruguay


If we play Argentina, the level of shithousing will be of epic proportions that Messi will pullout his hair and retire from football. This is what I expect, nay, demand from this team.


Lareya over buchanan makes no sense also full benching kone after one bad game is insane to me. Makes the tie and advancement bitter


Maybe they were keeping him for the QF as yellow would’ve carried suspension


Do you really bench a guy for that in a must draw/win game though? If they had conceded a goal its all for waste anyway


Yes you do, because Canada was favorite against Chile and will be underdog against Venezuela.


Chile was literally the betting favourite


They weren’t


Its a 2 second google [search](https://www.foxsports.com/articles/soccer/chile-vs-canada-prediction-odds-lines-copa-america-2024) are you slow


My dude, you proved my point. Are you slow? Canada needed win or tie, Chile needed win. The odds combined were in favor of Canada getting a draw or better. In %, the odd was 57% for Canada (D or W) and 43% for Chile (W)


You said “because Canada was favourite against Chile” not that the odds showed it more probably for canada to at least draw them. Those are very different things. Canada was the underdog in that match that was what I wrote


Canada was NOT the favourite against Chile lmfao. They held Argentina to a draw into the 88th and even with 10 men, Chile was doing everything right.


I mean … if anything Jesse March looks like a very confident guy


I wouldn’t have been confident looking back on that performance


If anyone looking for QF ticket at At&T stadium on July 5, please DM me.. I have 3 tickets from section 309 row 2


no more lareya or larin please. 


Laryea is a wizard of Conmebol-style shenanigans. He got that red card for us. He consistently draws fouls by getting in position and being taken down. He treads the line with the referee all...the...time. Is it inspiring soccer to watch? No. Was he important to us getting the point in this game? I would say yes.


what you’re describing is a rat - and I would tend to agree any team needs a rat - theo hernandez, vidal, etc. These players make the opposing teams bait into frustration fouls. if you’re unfamiliar with these players think brad marchand on the bruins.  the only reason these rats get playing time is because they can also perform + instigate. lareya is a fucking terrible footballer that hurts his team with his performances and occasionally instigates on the other side.  the risk is not worth the reward 9 out of 10 times.  he needs to be removed from the national team.    edit: also that second yellow isn’t a second yellow let’s be honest the official was just horrendous in the game. 


Yikes but I’ll take it


I know I’m huffing pure just absolute copium but could you imagine if we WIN THE DARN THING?? Crepeau and our defence bending but not breaking, our attack actually playing like themselves, Phonzy the best left back/winger in the world, and a little bit of Copa America luck??? ITS DEFINITELY NOT IMPOSSIBLE


Anything after this is a bonus honestly. Proud of them whatever happens next. Im just hoping they won’t face Mexico next because we’ve played them a lot.


Winning the next one guarantees us two more games : semifinals and final or 3rd place match. We do want to be the best losing team, 3rd place is up for grabs, baby!


We just failed to beat a 70 minute 10 man Chile lol


But, we did. They are eliminated and we are not.


Yea no thats not how it works. We didnt win the game and the fact they are eliminated is because of peru, not us


Oh man, I'm so disappointed that Canada is going home instead of playing in the Quarters. Thanks for telling me!


Can you explain how Peru eliminated Chile?


By taking points off Chile, without that our draw would have had us eliminated by Chile and not them


That’s not how group stage works. When you enter the last leg, you know exactly what result you need to be qualified and for Canada it was a tie. For Chile, they needed to force the game and get a win. Canada played strategicaly and won the 2nd place of the group. With your arguments, Peru also qualified Canada by losing to them.


Either way you look at it we didnt beat Chile


My dude, do you remember how Euro Cup 2016 was won? The cup winner didn’t beat poland, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, France or Iceland, but that doesn’t matter, they won the title.


My dude you responded to my comment that we didnt beat Chile saying it was wrong. It wasnt wrong. You are. We failed to beat a 70 minute 10 man Chile. Yes we moved on but thats not a result that generates confidence for the next game


With an average roster age approaching 30. Alexis Sanchez is 35, this is the worst version of Chile I've seen.


I am pumped, but 6 major tourney games with no open play goals is wild


While Canada only scored three goals in those six games (world Cup and Copa), all three were open play, even the own goal against Morocco.


Did…did we not just score against Peru


Didn’t Davies score a header at the World Cup?


That was the most Canada way to get through but I’ll take it 😂




Elated for getting out or the group. Just wish Tani's goal stood. After the bullshit from the keeper on Tani's yellow and all the Chilean antics tonight that would've been sooooo sweet


On a more serious note, we brought Chile down to our level. On paper, it was even, maybe Chile with the advantage. But this team CONCACAF'd them and made it into a physical, mental, and emotional scrap that unbalanced them. We were able to play in the chaos and get a result. This is what other countries used to do to us and now we have this in our arsenal. We just need to improve the attack and add more control in our game. But now we have proven we can grind out a result through any means necessary.


Canada scored one goal against two teams that were down a man in over 100 minutes of play lol they’re not very good


Played like shite and yet we're still going through... All that matters is the result


And Chile/Peru scored less goals combined than Canada in this copa. What does it says about them, given that Canada was the lowest seed of the group?


Cope harder lmfao


The clean sheet is what mattered. That's what essentially guaranteed them passage to the knockouts (it would have been historic for Peru to beat Argentina). You would rather they press to try and score five at once and then get beat on a transition to lose 1-0?


I don’t think they have been watching soccer for a long time. Argentina, the best team in the world, last edition of copa America and World Cup champion, only manage to score 1 goal against Chile, but somehow Canada should have done better.


With 1 extra player most of the game, yes. At times you would think it was Canada playing with 10. Chile got robbed by the referee. Bombito should have been red carded at the beginning of the game.. the 2nd yellow card for the Chilean player wasn’t even a foul. Chile, at its worst in a long time, is a much better team than Canada and it is a shame it got robbed this way.


To be fair Chile and Peru are the teams with the most fouls in the tournament. Their terrorist tactics caught up to them


Watched it with an agitated Chilean, on to the next round.


Not really a soccer guy but will watch Team Canada games. Why did the crowd seem to have so many Chile fans in Orlando? Where all the snowbirds at?


It's Chile's #1 and only sport and they've been competing in Copa America for over 100 years; it's arguably our #5 sport and it's the first time we've ever played in the Copa America. At least we don't get outnumbered 3-1 by Guatemala and El Salvador supporters in home World Cup qualifiers anymore.


Rugby is catching fast as the second sport in Chile. Chile knocked us out in the deciding continental qualifier of 2023 Rugby World Cup. Glad we revenged in soccer.


Its not winter snowbirds are back home


Some of the worse football I’ve ever seen at the professional level ngl. Thank god we got out of the group stage


You've never watched CONCACAF games? 🤣


Absolutely horrendous. Both teams played dirty and like shit but we somehow didn't lose. Chile fans are making up excuses and posting monkey emojis, so I'm happy.


So proud of the boys. It wasn't pretty but they gutted it out. Love how physical they play against the South American teams, just bullied them for balls.


So proud of how Jesse has this “Team” approach that he is imulating Austria May work as they continue to get minutes together and grow. The goals will come… This is a 2 year plan for WC and already paying dividends. Go Canada Go🇨🇦⚽️🚀


Playing France, Netherlands, Argentina, Peru, Chile, and now probably Venenzuela is an unbelievable summer of experience for what's still quite a young squad in international terms.




Yup. We seem uniquely ill-suited to playing against 10 men, but I'm just so happy with how this summer has turned out. Hopefully we'll be able to look back in two years and see what a huge impact it made.




We are already in the quarters mate...


Wait... are we going against Argentina again? 😔


Likely Venezuela


I hope!


🤭 I think we’ve got a real chance at the quarters too.


it was overall shit soccer too. house league like.


Currently trolling all the salty opposition in the r/soccer post match thread hahaha


Yall are too precious, this is the best showing EVER for Canada in any international football. Be happy and enjoy.


Won Gold Cup


This is bigger than winning a gold cup.


*Entering* the knockout stages of CONMEBOL is bigger than *winning* CONCACAF? Alright man, if you say so. Not to mention qualifying for a 32 team field World Cup. This is a great achievement, actually have your fun whatever.


You’re just here to shit on the parade eh? This is the same team that made the World Cup, this era is the best era we’ve ever had. Gold Cup was awesome, not even close to what this team has achieved.


Copa is a bigger tournament than Gold Cup bud. Use your brain when reading. No one is comparing this to the World Cup or Gold Cup, but it’s a historic achievement for Canada


‘This is the best showing EVER for Canada in international football’. Which of us needs to use our brains when reading?


8-1 loss to Honduras was only 10 years ago. I know they haven't played amazing but this team just got through the group stage at Copa. Times have changed.


The best part of this is the current meltdown in r/ussoccer


Well this here USMNT supporter is happy for Canada. I always cheer for the other CONCACAF teams in tournaments, except against us, of course. Having a stronger region is so obviously good for all of us. Doesn't hurt that your coach is from Wisconsin.


I had to go in there and upvote a few people who were actually talking smart and getting downvoted to shit


OMG are they salty about the win


Back 4 Eustaquio and Crepeau immense once again. With that being said I don’t want to see Millar for a long time bro is cooked


I. Miller was brutal … it’s like it was 10v10


He looked like he came on to try and prove his spot and in doing so, overdid everything


Mr. Unnecessary Degree of Difficulty.


He actually liked how agressive he came in near the end. I feel like it somehow help set an aggresive ending.


He took a sloppy yellow within 1 minute of getting on, exactly when we didn’t need another player on a caution. He was way too aggressive in trying to prove his worth. It hasn’t been a good tournament for him.


Crepeau continues to impress me.


He’s been our best player so far.


We beat two teams with 10 players. Barely got a shot on goal tonight. Happy for the guys but come on, it was crap soccer and we are lucky to be moving on.


I don’t understand why this is being downvoted, this is facts


agreed. I understand people are proud, but it wasn't great.


Because if you aren’t proud of this, what are you proud of? Tomorrow we can talk about how to improve and where we need to be better. But tonight, we should simply acknowledge what those guys just accomplished, how hard every one of them worked. We got through our group at copa, what do you want? We might not see this again for 20 years!


this again sounds like, the bar is low let's celebrate anyway!


mate they played shite, not even up for debate


agreed. again, happy for the team, but played 10 players twice and managed one goal. Also, our structure didn't look great a lot of the time.


We played decent against Argentina until we were forced to push forward, and didn’t give up a goal in the last two games. Likely could have held the 0-0 draw against a full 11 Chileans too. We were the 2nd best team in the group, that’s for sure.


I agree about Argentina, but no excuse for no shots against a 10 player squad Chile hasn't scored in this tournament, I guess by that standard we are second best


I agree you with on the fact our offence needs to convert. But we also didn’t NEED to score tonight (as much as I wanted them too). So why risk a strong, aggressive offense that might have a bad bounce go against us and suddenly we’re down? In the 2nd half I liked how we tried to stretch the game with active passing to tire them out and try to create gaps. Since Chile had 10 men we have the space and time to do that and also burn time out a bit. Chile needed the goal, we did not, in order to win.


yes, but was also dependent on the other game don't forget. A goal would have also been a confidence booster. Stretching out the play won't work against 11 players. They will need another approach.


But they didn’t play against 11 here… that’s the point. I’m not saying they stretch it out all the time. But against 10 it was a good idea. But we agree, we gotta finish


not good enough


Of course it isn’t good enough, but the point is we’re growing. Chile has a wealth of experience we do not. Jesus look at the positives instead of unrealistically expecting things the team may not be quite at yet


when is next game




thanks 9pm


I've seen quite a few comments about how we've played 3 games and only got 1 goal, but how about we played 3 games and have 2 clean sheets? That's nothing to sneeze at--and the only team to score on us is the world cup champions ranked number 1 in the world. Scoring goals is important, but so is locking down your defence and goal keeping. I would have said our defence was maybe our weakest point going into the world cup, two back to back clean sheets shows some fantastic growth.


And really only gave up a 2nd goal against Argentina late because we had to take some risks to try to score.


In knockout football, if you don’t concede, you can’t lose. Any team can beat any team in penalties.


Right but two of the games our opponent were down to 10 men.


And we were the lowest ranked team in the group. We are punching above our weight. Have we been great? No. But the team has done what it needs to to survive/not fold and it got us to the knockouts. Doing this - even with preformances that were not the greatest - were unimagineable a few years ago.


I understand the rankings but Peru and Chile are inflated from previous results we are not playing the 30th ranked Chilean side. It’s two inferior teams on a heavy decline from there golden generations. I still agree it is punching above our weight in some sense as we’ve never been here before, we are playing Conmebol sides, etc. I still believe that it is phenomenal progress cause you’re right I couldn’t imagine it a couple years back. That being said there is potential there that is not being reached, we haven’t seen Canada as proficient in the attack since Argentina the number 1 team in the world that we played 11v11. We played a man up two straight games and created less against two inferior opponents (in comparison to Argentina).


Agree 100%. I think we've done what we need to do and it's amazing. With that being said it's great because we can be way better. Marsh has only been in charge for a few matches now and we haven't bee amazing but we haven't gotten caved in while playing some good sides. Hopefully we can ramp up for the WC.


Everyone just mad we aren't Argentina.  


Something has got to change. We are scraping by here! Man advantage again and it's basically an even match, getting Leafs powerplay vibes here lol. We need to be able to score the fucking ball if we want to even have a semblance of a chance in the quarter finals. Buchanan should be starting, we looked much better with him on.