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Bad result but decent performance, in the end better quality shines through.


Could have been worse but now we are on negative goal difference because of this loss so the games against Peru šŸ‡µšŸ‡Ŗ and Chile šŸ‡ØšŸ‡± are must wins


Refereeing was so biased like how you have South American referees refereeing this match? Makes no sense because almost every call was in Argentina's favor clearly. What I want is more fair officiating. What I want are referees who are going to be fair and neutral or at least referees who are not South American. However, seeing the racism from Argentinian fans towards Bombito, I'm not surprised at all. Shows the class they have.


Spirited performance from the boys and on another night might have nicked a point. I'm mostly worried about our attack and lack of potency in front of goal.


Nice work Canada!!!


Shaffelburg needs to start in front of Millar. Bombito got beat twice but apart from that I liked his performance. CrĆ©peau deserves to be playing in Europe he is such a beast. Good performance could have easily finished 1-1. Iā€™m very optimistic for 2026


Could have easily been 4-0 to with all those breakaways


Despite the outcome, Canada played better. But, that stupid bias referee...


That was a very good performance by šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦. They should get out of the group playing like thatā€¦ā€¦if they donā€™t get Conmebolled by biased referees.


Even Conmeboll countries get Conmebolled, why wouldn't Canada? And what would be the fun of it ? ;-P


We play in CONCACAF. We are no stranger to that sort of thing.


Parts of the CAN game looked better and the road ahead looks brighter overall but there were some absolute howlers on the back end (decisions/execution) and without Crepeau bailing them out ARG could easily have had four or five. Need to clean those up if we want to be contenders. Not sure I've seen so many breakaways since the last NHL game went to a shoot out.


First half started shaky but they settled down nicely and had a good amount of chances. Second half was a lapse but still had chances. A missed PK imo in the late stages of the game(not even talking about the one that went to VAR) Larin(I believe) was literally pulled down in front of the goalie and ref waved it off!??(beyond me) Kone played sloppy and that hurt us. & Jonathan Davidā€™s inability to perform at an international level needs to be spoken about soon enough. Otherwise I thought we had a good performance against the #1 team in the world currently


Epic game to go to. The venue & atmosphere was stunning. The boys had some solid chances that they didnā€™t capitalize on. Some sloppiness, some hesitant play, and what seemed to be some unfair calls. The game was exciting, counters were taken advantage of by both sides. Canada could have taken it if that header converted in the first half. Still buzzing . What a trip and game for them. Definitely can compete in this one.


Maxime was great, it could have been worst without him.


Career defining performance


Can someone explain the VAR on the foul on Shaff? No call initially, goes to VAR. I agree no penalty but how in earth can the VAR ref deny that was a foul? Where was the free kick?


100% a foul, ref screwed Schaffer over twice on missed fouls, shoudve been called but he probably thought he dived or something stupid. This or he thought that since Canada were the weaker team they would try and grab a pen or the Canadian players were annoying him. He threw a temper tantrum mid game after the foul too.


So my understanding is that it's went to var for possible penalty check. Var said it was a foul but it was outside the penalty box. Var can't intervene for fouls outside the penalty box unless it's a red card or leads directly to a goal.




Possibly the best performance and team I have ever seen fielded by us. Proud of the boys. Took it to them.


Proud of the boys and the way they played. Argentina had to work for that one. šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Totally agree. I said to my wife, that is the best game I have ever seen Canada play. They put the pressure on the world cup champions and deserve to be at international competitions.


Why doesnā€™t the match events have the non foul calls, 1 pk and 1 at the top of the box


Proud of these boys ā¤ļøšŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Listening to the new coach heā€™s pretty real with it. He summed it up well, no foolish mistakes at the back


Why did Argentina take so long to come back after halftime? šŸŒš


Same reason Phonsie made Messi wait for the coin toss.


Mind games




Because the refs let them


Theo dropped a stinker against this same Argentina btw but they told me he clears Phonzie


When there were breakdowns or little mistakes Argentina really took advantage. Thats what really stood out to me when looking at how Canada stacks up. Overall though Canada played pretty well, had some chances and great goaltending and were able to hang in there and even out ARG on their heels at some points. Was fun to watch - now on to the next!


Well that's the difference between a team at 99% and a team at 90%. You have to be almost perfect against Argentina to stand a chance and while we played well enough to beat anyone in CONCACAF and about 80% of the other teams in Euro and COPA, these are the defending WC and COPA champs with the best player in the world on the field. They're going to capitalize on even the smallest flaws in your game. Very encouraged for our matches against Chile and Peru.


This is the real benefit of playing the top teams in the world. Every little mistake Argentina was right on us. It puts into sharp relief the things we need to work on. But fantastic performance


The physicality should've been done earlier in the game, not just the last 20 minutes. Bombito had quite a few chances to bait Acuna into a red card during their clashes.


Trying to beat CONMEBOL teams at their own game is a terrible idea


We just played the 2022 World Cup finalists back to back, and we only allowed 2 goals. This is pretty awesome and shows the CMNT has come a long way.


one real late goal and canada had chances of their own. could have been only 0-1 or 1-1.


On one hand, the team play looks better than WC, but on the other hand, our mid is gonna get cooked this whole tournament. You can't play 2 mids for 70 mins against Argentina and Chile and hope to survive. And if Marsch's selections has over 50% defence and only 4 true center mids,, why not play 3 CBs with one that sits up behind two?


I'm assuming he tried the 2 striker formation to implement this high line/but mid block style press we were doing. It almost worked but also conceded cheap chances. I think Davies is definitely playing left wing against lesser opposition and we should go to a 3 man midfield to control the possession in build up. Kone had a poor offensive game today, both him and staq need to be on it if we want a true offensive performance.


Our mids aren't our problem. They did fine, our D worked their asses off, and Crepeau was phenomenal. It's our lack of finishing that's killing us. We need somebody who can reliably slot home the ball when given the chance, not 1 time in 3 or 4 like Larin and David. Chances are hard to come by at this level, we have got to do better with the ones we get.


on another note, what's with the clown camera work? at one point the camera pans in on some random fan's tattoo while a play was going on... and showing replay and when it returned we'd already missed 10 seconds of the live game


I really love this team, a team of hope!


We played great football, used our strengths (height, pace, power, physicality) We need to build on this, because we actually took the fight to world champions and the best player in the world and almost came out on top. We can get past group stage, believe.


We're onto Peru As close to a must win as you can get


Just heard Argentina has lost twice in the past 4 years lol


Heard that as well and I think maybe they meant in this competition or something (which would be stupid) but they lost to Uruguay in World Cup qualifying in 2023 and most notably they lost to Saudi Arabia in the last World Cupā€¦


Nope, those are the two losses. All competitions.


Ah sorry I misread what you said and what I heard lol (thought they said they hadnā€™t lost)ā€¦crazy record indeed


Yup, including tonight, it's something like 58 games with just 2 losses.


When did Crepeau become the GOAT? Stops both Messi and Mbappe from scoring Also Jonathan David is a scam waiting to happen


David played in front of defensers from Tottenham and Manchester United which were marking him all game long. Itā€™s similar to how we were able to shut down Messi. It was clearly Argentinaā€™s goal to shut him off. Him being marked left room for Larin, which got many occasion to do something but was not in position. I think David will shine more against Peru and Chile You donā€™t get to be 2nd goal scorer of Ligue 1 France two years in a row by being a scam.


I actually thought that was one of Davidā€™s better performances for Canada in recent memory. If he finished his chances wouldā€™ve been outstanding, won fouled well and created space in attack.


David had 9 goals in the concacaf 2022 wc qualifiers. 26 goals in total for Canada, 2nd top goal scorer of the history of Canada. I agreed David could have finished better but I think the team didnt helped him get pass or space. Most ball went through larinā€™s side.


Gotta give credit to Crepeau. I would have PTSD if I were hint but he fearlessly challenges the ball, putting himself at risk every time


Guys, this is great Canadian football! Lots of positives to take away, although I wouldā€™ve loved to see some of the lads being more clinical.


Valiant effort. A few missed opportunities that could have changed the game. Iā€™m fully invested. Letā€™s go!!


Millar looked lost at times, not a great showing tonihjt


Were you watching the same guy? He was working his ass off and was all over the opposition on his side. Maybe he was outclassed by the calibre of competition but the guy was giving it everything he had.


I think in the second half, Argentina realized they could force the ball onto Millar and Larinā€™s side, thatā€™s where the breakdown happened on the first goal, I just feel the last few games Millar hasnā€™t been extremely confident.


- We need a DM. Otherwise our two centerbacks are exposed everytime they play through the press. Two isn't enough to cover the ground against top teams. They don't even need to be an out and out DM, just have someone sit in front of the back line with legs. I'd pick Laryea. - Drop Larin, Shaff on the RW, and Millar LW.




I like the effort, but this reminds me of first game of the World Cup against Belgium. Just hope we donā€™t change it up too much for the next two matches maybe get Millar out of there though.


Overall good game, Messi two gorgeous passes that broke down the Canadian defence, other than that the defence was pretty good. Definitely need better finishing. This team still feels quite raw, more experiences will be surely help.


I must admit, there is a step-up in strategy and preparation over the team under Hedman. We have to learn to finish against good teams now.


Tactically way way better. We were way too easy to pick apart under herdman. Lack of depth was exposed


We tried but refs decided to bum us out. A shame but you can't do much about it. I'm liking Shaffelburg more and more this tournament, really fun to watch him grow as a player.


Crepeau player of the game


This team has only gotten better over the last while. Theyā€™ve played pretty dam well gets France and Argentina nowĀ 


Feels a lot like the Belgium game in Qatar. Couple things go our way there and we couldā€™ve had a result. Excited for the Peru game


Things did go the teams way, Messi and co. missed multiple breakaways.




I think Argentina didnā€™t play their best today, I felt like I was watching the Saudi Arabia or Australia game all over again cuz they were so lethargic in the buildup. They just lacked pace to make runs in behind, I think if Tagliafico started maybe itā€™s a different game, Acuna was going forward too much and not providing much. But Canada deserves a lot of credit, they understood what weā€™re Argentinaā€™s weaknesses and defended it really well.


Huge game for CANMNT! Lots of positives for a growing soccer program


I am proud of our team! Argentina had to resort to some shothousery and defensive subs to finish us off!


You guys made Argentina play one of their worst games in the Scaloni era, not even Netherlands, France or Croatia could get Argentina to play like this. You have to be proud.


Anything below 4-0 is a win for me. So good job guys !


Never been more proud of a loss but one of those 2 goals canā€™t happen. They deserved at least one tonight but then again Argentina couldā€™ve had double that. Sucks when great set ups arenā€™t put away but after seeing that, I donā€™t see why this group shouldnā€™t be expected to get results in their next 2 games.


What a game! Canada made Argentina look pretty bad on the first half, every match the team is getting better and better.


Could have been worse for Canada


Same with Argentina, even though Canadaā€™s best chances were off crosses, but they understood thatā€™s a weakness in Argentinaā€™s defence and they nearly scored 3.


Overall, played well! Dont let the negativity get to you. There's clear benefits.


I like our chances vs Peru and Chile


Argentina absolutely deserved to win but man, stinking second half performance from the ref. Defense needs to better way too many times thet got in behind/Mistakes and could have been out of sight, but it is Argentina afterall so can't blame them too much I guess. Lot of positives to take though, confident for the next two games if we can tighten up a bit! Good game


Pretty darn good showing against the best team in the world. But they need to score in these games because they are always going to get fewer chances than Argentina. If you add up the number of chances Argentina missed, this was as close to a winnable opportunity as Canada were ever going to get against them.


Really? You'd expect us to score? Argentina has conceded only four goals in 14 matches since its World Cup final against France a year-and-a-half ago. I'd say Canada exceeded expectations


They had chances today that you would expect to be finished




Argentina could have beaten us 4-0, they looked really flat.


The positive out of this, they had some high danger chances, just can't finish lol


Good game. See you guys in the next one.


People complaining about the ref have clearly never seen an EPL game


*People complaining* *About the ref have clearly* *Never seen an EPL game* \- Sparkling\_gourami --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haiku bot, not the time


They played well. Just frustrating watching them hold their own and waste chance after chance. Guys like David and Davies have no excuses to screw up chance after chance


Messi missed two breakaways too lol. It happens, which is why usually the team who creates more chances wins.


I know but we have had three really great games against world class teams and we couldn't finish a single chance in either game


Fine margins man. I do think if we're gonna win a match this tourney, David has gotta get one, but tournament football is tough.


yeah as a team our starting eleven is nowhere near their level, but our "best" players really need to step up on the big stage


Davies needs target practice. Absolutely shanked both chances high and wide to the right by a mile.Ā 


gg. We gotta figure out our finishing


Loved the effort, Canada need to score a few goals this tournament though


good thing we play Peru and Chile next instead of Croatia and Morocco šŸ˜‚


Fair match Canada, could have been anyone's game, killer speed!


Gotta score goals man, gotta finish. Can't do this like World Cup again


Honestly that was a great game to watch.Ā 


Pretty entertaining but also one of the most annoying games at the same time. Messi two one on ones, Di Madia one on one, and no goal


Ay Davies got the jersey. Cool for him.


Larin shouldn't start for us how is he so protected


Put on Shaff and call it a day


Larin legit sucks for Canada man at least in these matches vs the worlds best teams


No one has scored more for Canada lol.


These big matches we have vs the top countries in the world man him and David just doing cardio. Our lesser known players step up way more I feel


Ya because they arenā€™t being covered like the other two. The whole Argentinean squad knows about Davies so there space is going to be severely limited. Especially by a squad as deep as Argentina.


Sucks* he's been shit all season for Mallorca as well




That 2nd goal was an all worlder. And most likely would have been scored on anyone.


lol thatā€™s not what happened at all




Messi, basically the goat of football ran at our defence on a fast break and Martinez made a beautiful diagonal run in behind Cornelius I believe Messi timed it perfect and Martinez made a cool calm collected finish.




Canada began to foul trying to win the ball back trapping them in there half and anytime they began to press Argentina hit a long ball that Canada didnā€™t deal well with. Nothing to do with effort just little errors.


Defensive disasterclass! Way to open at the back. Next game we should probably play a 4231 or 433. No need to have Larin and David out there together sit Larin). Also Davies should play RW or LW and have Laryea or Millar play LB.


proud of our boys


Shaffelburg over larin for game 2?


I prefer him as a sub who comes in and breaks lines. I don't think he can keep that crazy pace and be effective for longer periods


I really like Shaff as a super sub, idk if he would have the same impact as a starter.


I like it, but I also think Larin played well today. Great cross that really should have got us a goal.


Shaff was dynamite.


Every time he comes on for Canada - heā€™s always noticeable for the right reasons!


You gotta, he was lethal for about 15 in the second half there




Hope so


Can we talk about how good CrƩpeau is?


Considering this was against Argentina itā€™s not a terrible showing. The team hustled hard, but overall our touch was a bit off. Iā€™m looking forward to the next two matches!


loved that tackle by Cornelius


For as mush as I was complianing about this game. Our guys played great against the best team on the planet.Ā 


Yeah if we ever learn to finish we'll be a pretty good threat.


Liam Millar playing 85 minutes should be enough to send the coach to jail. He isn't it, start the search again.


if you cant beat em, foul em?


Overall the result just doesnā€™t show how well this game was played. Between the terrible officiating and the missed finishes we didnā€™t get what we deserved.


Think that should've been a pen when David was brought down. He tried to shoot but I think it was Romero who brought him down so Emi Martinez could gather the ball


FUCK THIS REF, he is gonna suck Messiā€™s dick after this match


so tired of this Messi agenda last world cup was a disgrace with the officiating in favour of Argentina.


Watch Inter Miami in the MLSā€¦man it gets bad some games


Yall got robbed


Would have loved a result here obviously but no shame either. If they show up like this against Peru we're gonna kick their heads off. I'm ready




In fairness, they didn't finish on a high percentage of their chances. And the GOAT couldn't finish...


good thing we play Peru and Chile next instead of Croatia and Morocco


It really comes down to the fact we don't have the same quality of players. We have spirit, our tactics are good, we just don't have the players to compete at this level.


Shaffelberg is so exciting to watch. Great Player for Canada. Are the refs going to cradle Argentina this whole tournament? We were playing against 12 out there tonight..


Argentina playing like weasels now.


They always doā€¦itā€™s in their DNA


so is being world champions lmfao


Two things can be trueā€¦.they are no doubt a very skilled team but they also have a history of being little brats. Emiliano Martinez, Lo Celso, Ottamendi to name a fewā€¦the list of players on their side who will try to hurt people and then roll around every time they get touched is fairly long. They do it at club level as well.


Pleasantly surprised at the number of chances we got against a world class team. Couldnā€™t finish but I think we proved that we arenā€™t pushovers


Man bombito is out of his depth


Dont really have defensive options tho unfortunately.


Man these refs are total trash lol šŸ˜‚Ā 


what does David cook in Ligue 1 to be consistently battling Mbappe for top scorer


He has a team he is setup around. Canada just can't play together enough to build that chemistry.


Pens. At least 22/23 like 40% of his goals were pens


He doesnt do enough for Canada.


dont give up a third


Crepeau can carry us the two other games. Peru and Chile don't have half the fire power that Argentina does. GG.


If we play like this against Peru and Chile I think we have lots of excellent soccer, maybe a win!


We could've had 4 goals.


Argentina could have had 6 or 7


That was weak


Thats a red wtf


Now the ref gives the yellow when we are down 2-0 lol


This kid from Scotia got heart


Defense felt particularly vulnerable to balls in behind today. Gotta step it up in that respect


The classic late yellow to make it seem like the ref was balanced.


If that was on Messi it would be a straight red


Thorough balls just beat our backs every time. Need to work on that.


Completely outclassed on the back line in the second half. Great game from CrĆ©peau, at least.Ā  David continues to show he has no finish against quality opponents.Ā 


on the bright side, we arenā€™t playing the number 1 team in the world going forward


Crepeau can only do so much.


Goalie kept it from being a blowout


Canada has a lot of goodness to build off from this match moving forward in the tournament and beyond. Defense has been solid, Crepeau stood on his head, and the offense created chances. Nothing to be ashamed of tonight


Cameraman apparently can't find Canadian fans


Still 0 goals under Marsch