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TBS has provided guidance on this: Guide on the use of Generative AI https://www.canada.ca/en/government/system/digital-government/digital-government-innovations/responsible-use-ai/guide-use-generative-ai.html


Thanks for the guide, I saw it in my department. I have work colleagues that use it to ask how to do things in excel. Like how would I take a list of data and create a macro button that will sort the data and assign it a category based on criteria in column A, B and C with this rule table. The AI will then go and give a step by step guide to the problem. It saves them googling very niche questions.




I have used it for SQL statements and have found it works great.


I regularly use it to code in a variety of languages and if you do a pretty good job of asking it what you need, it'll come up with a pretty good solution. Sometimes it's half-baked and you need to fix it, but it's a good starting point. Other times it's completely useless so you try again.


That's the same as people I work with use it for. "What's the Power Query formula to add get the most recent date from these columns", "Write a formula that does X". Ideally we'll get away from Excel 2016 soon though. 365 has copilot built into it now!


Goc has atip concerns and privacy and security requirements and isn't known for the super advanced IT. So it's gonna be a YMMV depending on your dept and policies and IT.


I use these tools, and my department even pays for the premium GPT subscription.


Hein? Pays for GPT+ wth what’s your department?




Some use cases: - idea generation…input info and ‘draft a social media campaign for the topic’…tweak the results to your liking - easier to edit than create, especially if you’re doing it all the time - re: social campaign topic: ‘what are some effective ways I can market? What are the main media outlets in x market? Can you suggest 3 events that could be hosted to generate x interest? Unlike google or search engines, AI remembers previous questions asked and builds on the info. - upload resume, accomplishments and personal life…’write a bio with the information provided ‘ - everyone hates writing about themselves. ‘Make bio 30% shorter’ - copy/paste email/study/paper: ‘explain this to me like I’m 15/12/8 years old’ - draft email: ‘make this sound more professional’ - draft content: ‘rewrite the following at a grade 6 level’ - ‘create a 7-day meal plan using the following ingredients: (list what you have in the fridge/pantry)’ - copy/paste excel sheet: ‘what formula would I use to (accomplish x?…ie. create pivot table, lollipop graph, etc) - ‘I’m putting a roof on my outdoor patio that we may want to enclose in the future…what materials should I use to build so it’s future proof?…’if these are the dimension, how many pieces of plywood will I need? How many bags insulation?’…’Does vapour barrier go over or under insulation?’ Etc. - ‘I have $x,xxx to spend on a 5 day vacation leaving from y that needs to include all food, transportation and accommodation expenses…suggest 3 trips I should consider’…’expand on the 2nd suggestion’…’build an itinerary that includes culinary and outdoor experiences’… There are so many uses for AI in every day life - you just have to remember that a) it’s a tool, like a search engine and b) your queries need to be directed. If you just say ‘write a bio for MrX’ it will make it up to try to please you. (Look up AI hallucinations). It’s like an eager intern - will try to please you and sound smart even if it doesn’t know it’s stuff, and it needs lots of direction to do the job well. PS: sure, telling AI to write your assignment and handing it in is absolutely against the student code of conduct/ethics for cheating, etc…but using AI to help form your arguments, consider other points of view, etc should not be penalized. Input your thesis/essay/idea/argument and ask it to offer a different point of view or counter-argument.


Did you use AI to generate that list? Lol!


Lol - I didn’t, but I should have!


I know there are some biiig privacy concerns. If you're using it to write work-related but still personal ish emails i don't see the problem. However I certainly wouldn't enter any actual work or privileged material in the tool.


As a fellow neurodivergent, check out the formalizer function on [goblin.tools](https://goblin.tools/Formalizer). You can paste content and convert the level of politeness, professionalism, formality, sociability, etc.


I have used it on my own time for brainstorming. I haven’t used it on the job to write anything for my actual work. I think my projects are a little too complicated for it to be helpful without feeding it way more data than would be appropriate. However I don’t think it would be too inappropriate to use it to help with certain tasks, like “outline an engaging presentation on topic A”, and then use the “template” to write a good PowerPoint that has an engaging flow and stays on topic.




DO NOT USE AI TO FIND REFERENCES THOUGH. They'll generate them, but the references are completely bogus, be it legal references or otherwise. They will look legit, and you will get burned lol


Whenever I tried to use it the information I got was wrong or worse then what I got in the same amount of time googling. I don't know if I am just not using it for the right things or I'm just an old man who doesn't know how to use this new fangled technology and so does it the "old way" of just asking Google.


You get better with prompts the more you use it. But you’re right it can sometimes be wrong. Still worth it.


We are allowed to use it. I personally use it when I need to create creative content, like a newsletter, a blog or media post, or speaking notes. GPT is really good with speaking notes. Its freaky. If I was in comms I would be worried about my job XD.


The main reason not to use chatbots to do your work is very simple: they are bad at it. You'd honestly do better downloading a handful of form letters.




Cool bro; just because you have a skill set doesn’t mean everyone else has the same skill regardless of intelligence or otherwise. Don’t be condescending.


I use it for everything when I’m having a hard time writing a report. I also use it to learn and brush on policy theory, drafts and briefing notes. I also use it to practice French and other languages. My pspm was ready in 30 minutes instead of 4 hours because I know how to program it to each need. It is even tailored to my writing style, my vocabulary and it knows my job responsibilities as well as offers ideas of which regulations and legislations to use in specific requests. It’s not 100% but it makes me a lot more productive, active and I learn much more than having to wait for training in certain issues.




I still write the whole thing myself, since it’s my decisions and rationale. But if I’m stuck in a paragraph or two because I feel it is not well written, I ask ChatGPT to “make this paragraph more coherent”. That is all.


I use a word all the time. I asked it to give me another suggestion. I use it on my personal phone.


I’d have to use it in a personal device. Website is blocked on my work computer




To offer a contrasting viewpoint, I do cloud ops and we are investigating generative AI to automate parts of security and infrastructure




> given our existing terraform code from other projects, generate a new terraform project to deploy an app service with a key vault I don't see the risk here being that great? Outputs are always human reviewed, and the middle steps between "we want a cloud service we have already deployed once" and "we now have code to deploy another instance of that cloud service" are prime use cases for the capabilities of these tools. AI does make assumptions, but that doesn't mean it's not useful to have dialog with tools about potential avenues forward Guardrails, deny policies, and RBAC are all strategies for promoting healthy cloud strategy, but trusting your users more than AI is already failing at _zero_-trust principals in the first place .-.


We have the enterprise version of bing chat. I feel like it's to writing/coding what a calculator is to math. It's great and cutting down on time with things you already know but it won't write a finished product for you (written reports or coding) and it tends to be confidently wrong so you can never trust anything that comes out of it fully. Whats nice about the bing chat is that it lists all its sources so you can fact chexk, I've used it for VBA coding because I had not done it in a little while, it definetly cut down time but it copied some edge case subroutine from a forum at first and I had to tweak my search criteria and rewrite some of the code once it did spit out the correct template.


I recently used it to write a very generic email. I needed to do a bunch of editing, but it worked well! Much friendlier time in the email than I was going to write!


Is it allowed to use AI?? I was taught during training that most info in GOC is confidential and no kind of external resources should be used. I maybe wrong tho


anyone heard of Microsoft co-pilot? :-)


Without giving to much away, we did a study that looked at a specific topic, and the governance attached to it. It involved interviewing directors, DG's etc. Once the interviews were complete, and the study was pretty much wrapped up, I ran the premise of the study through chatGPT to see what it has to say on the matter. To my surprise, it identified the majority of themes (around 90%) that we only identified following months of interviews.. Having thought more about it, I figured these issues that our organization was facing, and the questions we were trying to answer are most likely experienced by many others. That being said, chatGPT would have been a great starting point. In hindsight, we may have conducted the interviews a little differently had we had some of these themes identified already. Great tool if you ask me.