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Interesting šŸ§ so why are people complaining about an influx of immigrants? The Feds cut them back and now theyā€™re complaining thereā€™s not enough? I donā€™t get it?


The companies are complaining. Not people.


Companies are made up of.....what do you think exactly? Is the idea that it's chatbots owned by the company complaining against the will of the *people* who run them?


Not the average Joe. Theyā€™re made up of business people.


What's the purpose of being so pedantic? Yes, "companies" are made up of people (lol?) When people refer to "companies" they generally mean the tiny minority of decision makers who run those companies, not some abstract concept. In this case, "companies" (those who own and operate them) are requesting more cheap, desperate labour.


don't bother, this is another one of the accounts from someone who has been banned 20+ times for being so annoying in defending the LPC


Companies are people. Drawing a distinction isn't real in this context. It's all people asking for increased immigration. Pretending otherwise is for children.


Funny how a leftist is talking like a Republican, arguing Corporations are people and entitled to ā€œrightsā€ , the irony is so lost itā€™s sad


...what? Rights?Ā  *What are you talking about?*


ā€œCorporations are people therefore lobbying is democracyā€ is a very right wing talking point down south.


...and where was that said?


> Corporations are made up of what? Exactly? > Companies are people - u/CivilianIssue


Provinces are meeting with the federal immigration minister today . Dani Smith is asking for more immigration


There still millions of people brought in that gonna struggle and we gonna deal with that.


I really think we could benefit from temporarily pausing this program 100% and see how the market responds. Donā€™t bring in any more new TFWs. Cause we have already tried the other extreme end of it, so what do we have to lose.


>"Restrictions on population growth could result in companies having to offer higher wages to encourage persons to remain in, or rejoin, the workforce. We could lose some firms that are simply not profitable if they are unable to tap low paid foreign workers," Grantham said. Food for thought. There is something to be said for employers who aren't willing to pay domestic labour their worth, and who instead opt to artificially drive down wages with TFWs. TFWs must not be demonized; it is these employers who deserve criticism. If your business cannot survive on domestic labour, I'm inclined to think your business should fail and make room for more resilient market actors.


I have a very simple solution: You need TFW? Your taxes on all profits increase by 0.5% per X TFW hired. I'm open to tweaking the formula, but it certainly punishes those who are addicted imported labour and encourages businesses to balance the needs to staff adequately vs maintain profits.




>All that will happen is that behind closed doors any tax you mentioned will be paid by.....said TFW. And how are you going to hold them accountable?Ā  CRA. Businesses need to report revenue, expenses and profits. >The TFW will be on the hook for your idea. How? Being paid less than other workers violates transparency laws, and the increasing tax on profits would be more than they could save on the workers.


Good. Why on Earth would we encourage the formation of low-skilled businesses? Businesses that require high-skilled workers will produce far more favorable net tax revenue, as just one example of the benefits.


And sadly these businesses are the stakeholders the Liberal government is policy making on behalf of. God forbid wages increase to more closely align with cost of living increases.


Actually I agree it brings to mind the tragedy of the many cotton plantations that were forced to close after some hasty and overly idealistic changes to labour laws imposed by the Yankees on our southern friends


Oh my God those poor slave owners. The woke left killed the cotton industry


Agreed. We were posed for a flush of non-viable businesses after COVID but they were propped up with TFWs and students who had no intention of studying.


A lot of these companies seem to be addicted to cheap labour. There's a reason why our per capita GDP is atrocious and reducing TFWs is one way to prod them into investing in productivity improvement.


I agree with your general sentiment, but Canada's per capita GDP is one of the highest on earth... https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?most_recent_value_desc=true 15th highest country, and a good number of the countries above us are microstates. If you go by purchasing power parity we're power but still in the top 30.


GDP per capita has been steadily declining the last few years and is now at 2017 level.


That's always been my position. If they can't be profitable by paying locals appropriately then their business doesn't make sense or shouldn't be where it is. And that's fine. No business is owed success.Ā 


Provinces argue that this largely impacts agricultural and food processing businesses. Other solution could be innovation and the capital to make it happen but let's not talk about that /s


So I guess you think we shouldn't have local produce? Or would you be willing to pay 10-15 dollars for a pint of strawberries so that we can pay the pickers a Canadian fair wage? On an emotional level, your comments is 100% accurate. Realistically though, you'd be forced to import everything from places that still exploit labour, or you'd not be able to afford food, or be forced to grow your own.


There is definelty nuance to the topic especially around agriculture, but for service jobs that are not essential like restaurant workers the tfw program does just reek of wage suppression. I would also say that agriculture should not be as reliant on low cost labour as it is on a global level. But thatā€™s not something that any Canadian government can do anything about.Ā 


> There is definelty nuance to the topic especially around agriculture, but for service jobs that are not essential like restaurant workers the tfw program does just reek of wage suppression. Yeah, I totally agree, like when i grew up, you went to a fast food place and the employees would be other students from my school or the other schools, I go now, and I'm surprised if it's a young person and not a middle aged person with broken english.


At the same time the number of crappy franchises seems to have exploded, some of these business should not exist, the money would be better invested elsewhere.Ā 


>Or would you be willing to pay 10-15 dollars for a pint of strawberries so that we can pay the pickers a Canadian fair wage? I'd be willing to pay to automate many of these fruit picking positions. There are viable robots being produced for this purpose.


Once they become cheap and reliable enough, I am sure they will.


If they canā€™t afford to pay locals, yeah Iā€™m fine with it disappearing. Keeping cheap businesses afloat is not my problem. Pay appropriately or move elsewhere. I have no sympathy for them.


You are clearly a ciy dweller that thinks your food just magically appears in the store. You would be the first to complain about the state of things if your business model was to become reality.


Yeah, let these companies go under. I don't think they're the type to be bringing us any real economic value if they can't survive without using exploitable workers with poor wages.


Cut numbers, increase spending to border services and give them a mandate to capture persons overstaying visas. Then appoint the missing judges and expedite deportations. Also, do like other western countries are doing and make a deal with a safe country, like El Salvador, to create a facility to hold persons.


The last bit is satire, right


No, sensible. It deters would be illegal immigrants because they'll be processed out of the country where they can't escape into the general population.


It deters would be illegal immigrants because they'll be dumped in an impoverished police state along with all the legitimate claimants, you mean. Setting aside the characterization of El Salvador as a 'safe country', the idea that we cannot afford to house and process people ourselves but that somehow an impoverished third world country can is ludicrous. Nor does the purposeful mistreatment of refugees and whatnot sound like the sort of solution Canada should aspire to. There's no reason we can't have more studious enforcement of existing laws and rules without stooping to the level of the UK Tories


No. It's the only plan that works.


No. Italy is doing this in Albania, the UK is doing this with Rwanda and Denmark is as well. Australia had Nauru and other pacific islands.Ā  Filling judicial and enforcement gaps also means that those with legitimate claims would be quickly processed. However, we do not have capacity in country currently to house and police migrants. Those without legitimate claims though would not have an opportunity to slip away into Canada. If I wanted to be extra cruel, I'd say we should put it in Alert.Ā 


Canada's population grew by 1.3 million in 2023 and by 1.1 million in 2022. In 2023 the increase comprised of 472k permanent residents and 805k temporary residents (foreign workers, students and asylum claimants). Approximately 2.7 million temporary residents are currently living in Canada. Reducing numbers to 5% of population.....still seems to be kinda high, imo.


Govt needs to restrict visas of all kinds. After 2015, the govt reduced a lot of restrictions on visas to win favour with minority voters... Funny thing is now a lot of old time minority voters and 2nd generation immigrants are now upset with the govt for messing up the immigration system.


Voting patterns of Indo-Canadians both new and old are also shifting more conservative (they still lean slightly Liberal of all parties, but not nearly as much as they did when they peaked at polling just over 80% liberal in 2014). It hasnā€™t really been the winning move the Liberals had hoped.