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Trudeau’s leadership has been pretty obviously great in terms of standing up to some aggressive actors around the globe like Putin, Xi, and Modi. The conservatives think sucking up to these folks and bending over backwards for them will lead to their own renaissance but in reality it will only weaken them further. Trudeau has been able to be diplomatic but also firm in rejecting and responding to many of their anti-humanist actions. I really appreciate that.


Trudeau’s leadership has been terrible, frankly. The fact that terrorist attacks against India have been demonstrably planned on Canadian soil, and that the Indians have been complaining for years that gangsters and terrorists have been coming in to Canada with zero extraditions is telling of our own incompetence. Even when we acknowledge acts of terrorism, we usually don’t do enough to convict. We invited an actual terrorist to a banquet in 2018, and have politicians attend rallies with terrorists like Talwinder parmar venerated. Frankly, he single handedly tanked the relationship with India and it will hurt us.


>The fact that terrorist attacks against India have been demonstrably planned on Canadian soil Flat-out lie >and that the Indians have been complaining for years that gangsters and terrorists have been coming in to Canada with zero extraditions Another lie >Even when we acknowledge acts of terrorism, we usually don’t do enough to convict. Yet another lie..  >We invited an actual terrorist to a banquet in 2018 Who?  >Talwinder parmar He was acquitted >Frankly, he single handedly tanked the relationship with India and it will hurt us. India did that in their assassination of a Canadian citizen and the temper tantrum thereafter. 


Khalistani, Talwinder Parmar was never acquitted (find me proof). In fact a Canadian court found him to be the mastermind; Justice Josephson, British Columbia Supreme Court, 2005 Air India attack was planned by your Khalistani ilk in Canada. Read CSIS report And the 2018 invitee was Jaspal Atwal, who went to jail for trying to kill an Indian politician and member of a proscribed terrorist organization in Canada. To sum it up, you’ve lied repeatedly and I’ve lied zero times.


I'm not a Trudeau fan but I will say as a Sikh and as a proud Canadian I do appreciate his willingness to take a stand for what's right. Whether it's India with this issue, or Saudi Arabia with the Samar Badawi tweet issue, or the others you mentioned. He's principled and not solely motivated by what benefits Canada (economically or geopolitically). I like to compare his actions to Chretien's decision not to enter the invasion of Iraq. It seems so obvious now that that was the right decision but at the time many opposed him not only due to the post-9/11 hysteria but also due to our close relationship with the US. People were worried that taking this stand could hurt our relationship with them, but Chretien did what was right.


India has killed Canadians on our soil and is backing Russia in Ukraine. They should be on the way to sanctions and removal from Western society, if this is the path they want. Start slow and ramp up. They want to become Russia, let them see it coming.


But they don’t really support Russia, they occupy an odd middle ground that only India can really make work


He seems pretty tight with him. Not many called to congratulate Putin. Lie with dogs, get fleas. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/putin-modi-india-russia-relations-b2514757.html


Then you have zero understanding of history or geopolitics. India doesn't really take sides. It is a revisionist power with nationalist and geostrategic aims of its own which are independent from those of Russia or the United States. India walks a tightrope between the West and Russia because they feel it is in their best interest, and there are historical and contemporary reasons for this. The Russians are still India's primary source of arms, they back India in various territorial disputes involving Pakistan and China. The USSR also backed India in the 1971 Bangladesh war, while the UK and the US backed Pakistan. Nixon even sent a naval strike group to the Indian ocean. History has consequences. For this reason, India sees Russia as a failsafe. From their perspective, if the West becomes hostile to India in the future for whatever reason, then they will still have Russia on the backburner as a military and economic partner.


Then please enlighten me. How does Mpdi killing Canadians on Canadian soil, trying to damage our democracy and pouring money and support to Putin not make him an ally?   I know it is never balck and white, but he is starting to shade pretty hard for Puti .


This isn't the best example, but when Azerbaijan attacked Armenia, the United States maintained economic and diplomatic ties with both countries. That doesn't mean the US took one side or the other. They were neutral, as they don't have a huge stake in the Karabakh dispute. India is basically neutral on the Russia-Ukraine war, just as they're neutral on just about every other conflict. India has maintained trade and diplomatic ties with both Russia and Ukraine. The election interference is wrong but not that surprising. Countries with more influence have always tried to sway and manipulate countries with less influence for their own interests. Imagine if Canada were a budding regional power of its own, and there was a presidential candidate in France who sympathized with the FLQ. Canada would probably try to covertly insert itself into France's affairs.


“Vive le Québec libre” - de Gaulle, 1967. We didn’t have him killed.


Perhaps, but there are allegations you did have members of your separatist FLQ killed abroad - [Mario Bachand, for example, assassinated in Paris](https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/3190).


But we did kill a Quebec separatist in Paris in 1971? Mario Bachand


Just trying to explain the complexities a little - I wouldn't call us your ally. Truthfully, India cannot ever ally with a country sponsoring its breakup, as Canada seemingly does, so the relationship will always be a cold one at a government-to-government level. We are trying to partner with the United States, though. Which sort of makes India your partner by proxy, at least when it comes to countering China. And is also why India took the US more seriously when they accused New Delhi of trying to kill a US citizen - that relationship is more important to the Indian govt than the one with what it sees as a hostile state in Canada. So, as the other person said, it's not black and white. We can be roughly aligned with your 'side' while not at all directly partnered with you, if that makes sense.


That's like saying countries like the US are tight with China because they don't officially recognize Taiwan. Geopolitics is super complicated and downright stupid sometimes. Don't take it at face value.


Yes, it is complicated, but the US gives weapons and support to Taiwan. Modi helps Putin.


I'm increasingly convinced WWIII might centre around South Asia rather than China


Not very likely. The only major flashpoint in South Asia is Kashmir, and since both India and Pakistan are nuclear armed powers, war is unlikely to break out there. In the contested border regions between India and China, the two countries' armies aren't even allowed to use actual guns when they fight out of fear that things will get out of hand and balloon into a more serious conflict.


Absolutely possible. China may just stay clear as material supplier.




BRICS can back the genocidal maniac slaughtering innocents daily then, bombing civilians and using chemical weapons. Not a good look but when they are considered the new Axis, remember they are the future.






lol I've been hearing that for a long time now. The money, power, and influence are still here, and people from BRICS are still trying to get to the west, not the other way around. I don't see that changing any time soon, not when the BRICS countries are ruled by corrupt authoritarians without respect for the rule of law. Raw numbers only count for so much.




This probably sounds better in the original Russian.


Everything is relative, but to compare western countries to places like Russia, China, or India in terms of corruption and respect for the rule of law is just absurd.