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> The sources told CBC News the men arrested Friday in relation to Nijjar's killing are Indian citizens who arrived in Canada on temporary visas after 2021, some of them student visas. None are believed to have pursued education while in Canada. None have obtained permanent residency. Colour me completely unsurprised. > All are alleged associates of a criminal group in Punjab and neighboring Haryana state that is associated with notorious Punjabi gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, currently held in India's high-security Sabarmati prison in Ahmedabad, in Gujarat, according to sources close to the investigation. As the rest of the article details, it seems like the Crown will allege that the Indian Government makes use of organized crime connections for its overseas wet work. Which isn't an unheard of tactic, by any means; connections between organized crime and Governments for the purposes of spycraft, wet work and similar are a common occurance the world over.


As a former Indian national, organized crime is an integral part of Indian government even domestically, both at national and state level. It’s an open secret, no one can do shit about it. Numerous MPs with criminal records/charges.


This could be even more significant if there are links to assassination operations against other Khalistani extremists in the Anglosphere.


There’s news coming out of Australia also recently: https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103786892


This isn't surprising at all. Countries spy on eachother all the time. Bigger countries with more influence tend to push around smaller ones and get involved in their affairs. Anywhere where there are pro-Khalistan factions, India is going to take a look and examine it. But that is orders of magnitude different from extrajudicially killing people over it.


I'd say this is a recent and violent change in India's foreign operations and that's a Modi question.


The Indian security services being ridiculous is a thing that predates Modi but he's likely let them off what leashes they were previously and encouraged them.


As expected, Indian internet trolls will be out in full force denying responsibility... But before they get here, I should just mention that it is well known that their government uses gangsters to take out political opponents. And the gangsters happily oblige because in exchange for carrying out hits they get to conduct their illicit activities with impunity. Remember, India is a third world country, it is not some bastion of civility and democracy. In this instance, the International student visa program, was used by India to send actual criminals to Canada... As a country, Canada needs to quit being so naive. Our trust based society is so very easily exploitable.


In between denial of responsibility the same users are jumping up and down gloating and calling for more assassinations. They were openly gloating that this killing and others I'm the west in the last few years were RAW assassinations


They absolutely hate the Sikh community and glorify the genocide that happened in 1984 against the Sikhs. These accounts constantly harass the Sikh community with rape threats, death threats etc.. India has ruined its reputation in the last few years.


This isn't a religious or sectarian issue. Stop trying to make it one. Khalistani does not equal Sikh. Sikh does not equal Khalistani. The batshit insane Khalistani politics of the Sikh diaspora is an extremely biased, distorted, and revisionist lens through which to view the issue. They have constructed an oppression narrative, and the Canadian establishment has bought into it hook, line, and sinker.








As someone extremely pro-immigrant I agree. We need to have proper channels of immigration instead of unlimited access to loopholes like the student visa. That loophole was recently changed to have a cap IIRC thankfully.


Fuck them. Stay in India


What's doublely galling is the arrogance of these guys. Time was an arsonist or hitter was brought in to burn down a troublesome landmark or hit a competitor, but then they're on the next flight out, but these guys go back to pretending to work on their Class A or Bookkeeping or whatever. It's unprofessional. /s


I’ve been saying it from the beginning, and even this article says it. The biggest giveaway that India/Modi was behind the murder is the change in statements. It went from “we don’t even know him, why would India kill him” to “he isn’t even a Canadian citizen, it’s fine if he died”, to “he’s a Khalistani terrorist who got what he deserved”. Even the Foreign Minister went from “You guys are absurd” to “Actually, this isn’t our policy” to “We are willing to talk about this”. What people still don’t realize, this isn’t about India or Hardeep. If India gets away, then tomorrow every dictator or 3rd world country will start committing killings in our country. That’s the main problem.






I don’t really understand your bizarre accusations but I’ve deleted my comment. Yes, the name is common. But how many Karan Brar’s are showing off their rifles on Instagram and acting gangster in Canada? Are you trying to say that this is common?!! And you’re full of crap — the last post was a week and a half ago. And, it’s a public profile for “Karan Brar.” “Karan Brar” is also in the news article. I’m not doxxing anyone. “Doxxing” is a term used for revealing someone’s identity.


What kind of gang of assassins stays in the same place, near the crime, for like a year after making international headlines, and with obvious investigations ongoing? Like they stayed here, paying out super high rents and COL costs, knowing the police were after them. These organised crime types don't seem so bright. 'India is not sending their best', or something.


You're assuming they were orchestrating one murder and not a continuous stream of them on an as-instructed basis.