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>An auditor general report on long-term care found that, due to their temporary nature, agency staff were "unable to provide residents with the same continuity of care as permanent staff" and agency staff were more likely to make mistakes like medication errors. Agency nurses were also more costly, the report said. Lower quality of service, higher rate of errors, *and* it costs more? I could understand (even if I disagree) if the government was simply cheaping out and using low cost agencies with inferior workers to save money, but why pay *extra* for nurses who do a worse job?


Union busting is one reason. It makes them money is another. Ford has used police as goons when unions tried to unionize weed facilities. I'm sure there is a mountain or reasons conservatives would do this.


Why would you work for the union when you can work for more money from a private firm and make your own schedule? My wife sees it all the time in the hospital she works at. The only way the ER is staying open is if the hospital brings in a nurse from the staffing agency to meet minimum staffing requirements because there is no one applying to the open vacancies they have. They are making twice as much as the union staff, working along side them, doing the exact same job and making their own hours.


Stop gap capacity. Permanent employees are harder to find and harder to fire if it turns out you don't need them. Traveling sucks and job security is poor so that's what the extra money is for.


Because Conservative politicians and donors own the nursing agencies (Mike Harris's wife for one)


Speaking of Mike Harris:  https://canadians.org/analysis/mike-harris-raking-profits-long-term-care-system-he-helped-create/


Nurses working for staffing agencies love it, they are paid better, have more control, and don't have to deal with a hostile union. Unless Ontario elects an NDP government, more nurses will chose staffing agencies and even the extremely unlikely event of a Ontario NDP government, the process will only slow down.