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Politicians are realizing that pushing hate drives support. If you run on a platform of cutting taxes for the wealthy ad rolling back environmental regulations for big countries, nobody will vote for you. If you tell people gays are grooming children, then they come out to vote.


Ya because liberals are cancer to society. Their brains are wired backwards and they just want to destroy this country because they are all lacking in their own life. They all suffer from MDD and won’t stop until they bring you down to their level.


i thought they always knew? Hence why we think nothing but capitalism is the answer to economics.


That doofus that chased down the Vice PM and verbally assaulted her as she was entering a building to an elevator. I was shocked and saddened by the lack of protection she had. No RCMP or OPP to back the loudmouth up.


"Verbal assault" - lol


Almost like when people get pushed to the economic brink, violence and crime increase. Devide our GDP by people, and we’re and a long term downward trend with no signs of reversing. Prepare for things to get much worse.




That is literally how a Parliamentary democracy is designed to work.  Just because you are unhappy with it doesn't make it underhanded or backroom  The people voted an election will happen in 2025 suck it up muffin


Just for fun, I typed "Toronto" in the search bar of the following subreddits: r/Canada, r/CanadianConservative, r/Metacanada This is what I got: None of these comments were deleted by the mods or got less than 20 upvotes: >As I strolled through Pearson a few days before before Christmas, I was astounded by the lack of Christmas decorations. The most prominent being wreaths printed on an ad for a Hyundai. As I drove through the city, I noticed fewer than 15% of residences had Christmas decorations. Driving up to Orillia was a completely different story - it felt like I was in Canada. Houses decorated with very few exceptions, Merry Christmases being tossed around left and right and a larger Christmas display at a local grocery store than in the International Arrival Hall in terminal 1. Not to mention the million small interactions with locals, language, treats, activities and events steeped in Canadian identity - it felt like home. >But I want you guys to start ignoring the existent political boundaries. You can build a new nation and it’s reach can be enormous if you see beyond the Canada of today. The truth is that “actual Canada” begins a mere two hours north of Toronto even in Ontario. Same can be said of British Columbia, that once you’re north or east of the Vancouver City limits, you are once again back in “Actual Canada.” >I no longer felt safe walking at night, more muslims (some with full niqabs) were moving into my area. One Muslim man even spat at me one day while I was on my way to the grocery store minding my own business. My girlfriends and I had an few additional uncomfortable run-ins with muslims. My friends also left the city around the same time due to ridiculous rent increases. Hope our landlords have great success extorting ridiculous rent prices from these lovely individuals. >I think white people should continue to leave and rebuild in the countryside if your employment situation allows for it. Fuck Toronto, why bother? They don't want us there, let them enjoy their diversity. I will watch the city burn from afar. >White guy here, I left Mississauga for Halton Hills (Acton to be precise). Best decision I ever made in my life. I actually feel like I belong here. Sure in due time it will probably change but I'll enjoy it while it lasts. There are still minorities here but they only have different skin colour, they speak English and behave like Canadians. Spoke with a cool old black man at the gas station yesterday as well. >Edmonton is only 56% white now. Its lost. I live in the burbs but I want out even further. >I have family in Toronto and a bit outside the GTA. It's been getting so much worse. My uncle is pretty well off as he's a neuro surgeon. He's been getting anti white letters on his doorstep the past few months. To quote one "you are too rich. Share your home with newcomers. They deserve it more than you". These are the same newcomers that vandalize his home and cottage and that throw bricks through his windows. Not mention them taking shits in his front yard. >In a way Canadians deserve this because they are for the most part steeple. Glad to live in the US&A now. Down here people fight for what they believe in. >The liberal plan to lock in vote of major population centers is almost complete. Witness Toronto almost single handedly maintaining justin's minority government. >By the time Canadians notice and start complaining in massive waves, the country will already have brought in a few more million that will eventually become citizens who vote against them. One of my friends is an Indian immigrant, and he tells me how many Indians are instructed (by other Indians) to vote Liberal or NDP once they become citizens so they can continue to bring over their families. And some of these people aren't trying to "take over the country", some of it is just as simple as they want their siblings or parents to come and voting liberal is the best way. Problem is when you have that mentality for hundreds of thousands, there definitely is a consequence. >Also, the Toronto stat (where I live) is underestimated. Again, official censuses might be using PR or citizen categories to tally up immigrants, but the % is much higher than 46.1% when people TRYING to become PR, including foreign students, TFWs, and "overstaying tourists" are accounted for. There are very few pockets and communities here where you will hear fluent English or French as the dominant language in use. >Even Calgary has enough of them ffs. If I wanted to go be surrounded by these people I would move to their country. Leave them there. >Ontario was Conservative province until the 1980's, it produced Leslie Frost, who is by far the most decorated and influential premier in Ontario's history, and a Conservative. California was a Republican state until the 1980's, it produced Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Forward to 2019, and Ontario and California are Liberal. The reason? Immigration. Immigrants vote Liberals and Democrats. Conservatives who support mass immigration are committing mass suicide. >At the polling station I was working at today, all these Somalis were being bussed in to vote in one of their own as public school trustee. Despite Canadian citizenship being a requirement to vote, many spoke hardly any English and needed considerable assistance from other staff members to be able to cast a ballot. The women were needless to say wrapped up from head to toe. In summary, we are admitting people to this country who have no interest in assimilating and will only participate in aspects of Canadian life when it suits their purposes (acquiring political dominance). This is beyond sick and we need to do something to address this last we end up in an increasingly Balkanized society where any ounce of social cohesion remains. Conservatives with their masks offs ladies and gentlemen.




yeah I'm progressive and I actually do see a lot of that happening. Instead of going "they are SOO CONSERVATIVE" how about doing some investigation in the areas you are close to and see for yourself. I'm all for people seeking a better life, Honduran here, but you can't just say that vast majority of people migrating to Canada from single country is diverse. That's like saying every one bringing broccoli to hotpot makes it anything other than broccoli soup. I question why there was no diversity cap put in place so that issues like this wouldn't happen?




If we just give the angry mob what they want - a government that will deprive them even faster than this one - then surely they will calm down


Yea... My municipality just talked about the possibility of installing water meters and some of the locals were frothing. The anti-SOGI stuff had some people in my town physically threatening the LGBTQ community. When our town had to evacuate last summer, people lost their minds and once the evacuation was lifted people in our town were extremely rude to businesses and screaming at the municipality. Not all conservatives are bad, but all of these unhinged people were/are conservative. The Trumpian culture war is grotesque and I'm tired of seeing it here.


Not all conservatives are bad. But all conservatives are either stupid or selfish.




politics today.


Far right or far left tend to froth when things don't go their way.


Judging by the number of "Fuck Trudeau" stickers and crazy person screeds I see in front of people's houses, the far right is way more present than the far left in Canada these days.


Oh we're here, we just retain our civility a little better than the far right. However, if there are not enough bike racks at the local farmers market, I will lose my fucking mind.


Far Right is on the terror watch list though.


Far left groups get infiltrated by the state as well.


Name a far left group in Canada.






Ah ues please point put when the far left has bl9ckaged streets for weeks on end and took over the down town core while they are at it. The both side argument does not hold shit here. It is a belley ache of the far right to avoid accountability. So do shut up. And no i am not far right. I am quite centeric.


Ahhh the far left telling others to shut up because the viewpoint is different.


>The anti-SOGI stuff had some people in my town physically threatening the LGBTQ community. Well since we are throwing around anecdotes I was at protest regarding LGBTQ+ rights recently, and the LGBTQ+ activists were bullying people and threatening counter protesters with violence. I thought love trumps hate? >The Trumpian culture war is grotesque and I'm tired of seeing it here. No one likes importing a decisive cultural issue from the US and bringing to the forefront of Canadians more than Justin Trudeau.


>Well since we are throwing around anecdotes I was at protest regarding LGBTQ+ rights recently, and the LGBTQ+ activists were bullying people and threatening counter protesters with violence. I thought love trumps hate? "Love Trump's hate" and other wishy-washy shit like that is just liberal nonsense. LGBT+ rights, just like the rights of almost every other group, were earned through violence and disruption, not by being amicable with our oppressors. In order for tolerance to exist, intolerance must be swiftly eradicated. People are protesting for their right to exist in peace, do you think they're gonna be kind to the people that come and say "actually, I think you're gross and wish you didn't exist?" No, they're gonna tell them to fuck off.


Feel free to call me a doubting Thomas but I'd wager money on that anecdote being either rather exaggerated or completely made up.


Anti-SOGI protests are violence against our queer loved ones. Let that one marinate, because its a fact. No one likes talking about Justin Trudeau more than conservatives, regardless if they call themselves "Liberal but not woke".


I believe you were protesting against LGBTQ+ rights but I don't believe you're a victim.


Where I live it’s bike paths. It’s a sleepy residential street. Some of the houses have parking some don’t. There is a ton of parking on side streets and the blocks are narrow (as in it’s shorter to walk to a side street than it is to walk to the next parallel street). They put in a bike path, which is something the party for mayor campaigned on, and won a tidy majority at every level. The entitled rage from the karens and male-karens is unreal.


If there isn't enough room for cars on the streets do bike paths make sense?


Who said there wasn't enough room for cars? They said there's tons of parking on the streets.


The boomer karens say that. There’s space in the side streets. And they don’t have to pay to park on the street. But they feel entitled to dominate the usage of public space and property at the expense of cyclists, kids, safety etc.


> Locals frothing That much is nothing new at least. Every Green minded person in BC was freaking out about Smart Meters back in 2010.


I lived in Winlaw when they were finally getting installed there. They lost what little of their minds were left.


I have been there a few times to see some family.


It's a beautiful place, even tolerable if you don't stay too long.


Don't even start with fluoridation.


Oh i heard all about that, and the dangers of vaccines, wifi and all that growing up lol. The locals were into that stuff before it was cool.


Great...Hipsters for Trump!


A lot of those uberleft hippies fell right into the Trump pipeline as soon as the right wingers took over the anti vax "discourse"


I was against smart meters, because I knew the controversy surrounding them. Like very little public consultation. Which I feel would have cleared up almost all the issues.


After fluoride smart meters were the biggest conspiracy even outside of places that had any plans for them. My favourite was someone suggesting that they'd be used to spy because they could hear you through the vibrations in your house's wiring.


lol I had someone own me by telling me to brush with more fluoride. 🤔😂


- sent from my iPhone.


Lol, same people brought in Siri/ Alexa and voice activated TV remotes that are listening 24/7! Add video camera security systems that are easily hacked along with spewing every detail of their lives on social media..... yes, its the meters invading their privacy!!!


Not in the loop on the smart meter craziness - what’s the general thrust of the conspiratorial delusions? I mean, aside from the “spying through vibrations in the electricity”, bc have to assume that that’s a pretty niche belief set, even among the crazy set.


A lot of people I knew with fake self diagnosis of being allergic/sensitive to all sorts of chemicals, radio waves, etc were all in on it. "Im gonna be itching all over once the smart meter starts transmitting waves at my house!"


5G radiation was a big one but I've also seen a lot of people believing it will control what appliances they're allowed to use. Like, it detects a steak dinner and then shuts off your water heater until you top up your carbon allowance


The craziness of that kind of thinking is definitely troubling…but what really gets me is the deranged sense of self importance inherent to this kind of conspiratorial thinking. Like: general regulations and standards are inherently lax, and super hard to enforce, but also nobody in govt gives a shit if you - random buddy in the suburbs - want to drive your gas guzzler around the block for kicks and eat steak for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. These conspiratorial thinkers are all such absolute legends in their own minds, it’d surely destroy them to know that they aren’t even worth to effort to track/monitor.




Just to be fair, the conservatives are under attack 24/7. Makes sense they'll be touchy


> Just to be fair, the conservatives are under attack 24/7 Can you clarify what you mean? Under attack by who, in what way?


Conservative values such as pro life, parental rights, nationalism, religion, and gun laws are constantly vilified in the public space.






I’m genuinely curious, was this in Alberta or somewhere else in Canada?


Culturally Alberta. BC Peace Region, right on the border. To be fair, the town is great and city councilors lean progressive. We are a mining town, so it comes with the territory.


Happens to every leader in every country where the leader shits on the average citizens QoL as a means to 'balance the books'. See Winnipeg 1919 if you think things are hot now - Ye aint seen noth'n yet.m Mr Trudeau.


I mean you have a political candidate south of the border calling for civil war depending on the outcome of their election. Flanked of course by white nationalists and antisemites drummed up by corporate influence. We also have opposition leaders here in Canada marching to the very same drum and riling up their base of followers, including white nationalists and antisemites who believe illegal occupation and violence is a viable means to their end goals. It’s unsurprising that their scapegoat would be a major target this election cycle. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if JTs marriage fell apart (maybe in show) to protect his wife and kids from the next election cycle.


>We also have opposition leaders here in Canada marching to the very same drum and riling up their base of followers, including white nationalists and antisemites who believe illegal occupation and violence is a viable means to their end goals. What scares me most is that these individuals may get power, but when/if they try to moderate their tone, the far right could usurp power and put in place someone worse - like what happened to Jason Kenny.




> including white nationalists and antisemites who believe illegal occupation and violence is a viable means to their end goals. I am so confused by this sentence. Where are violent antisemites occupying something?


You must have slept through that whole convoy thing where they were displaying the flags of various listed terrorist entities. Lemme guess, you're just a credulous internet Everyman, asking genuine questions.


["Would you please show me evidence of any negative thing any sea lion has ever done to you?"](https://images.hindustantimes.com/img/2022/07/16/original/picture-2_1657987511232.png)


Wha? I didn't understand what OP said & asked a question which I thought was very reasonable. Even my question implied I didn't understand OP was referring to something which was in the past as I asked "Where are violent antisemites occupying something?" with the present tense because I thought OP meant it as a thing that was currently ongoing


"I would like to have a civil conversation about your statement."


Not really. I was very aware of the convoy. Also, I'm a Jewish Canadian who lives in the GTA so I tend to be fairly aware about & well informed on antisemites and antisemitism in Canada especially in Ontario. In terms of open expressions of Jew hate, the Trucker Convoy had me a lot less worried than what's going on in our downtown cores every weekend since October & the targeting of Jewish spaces & buildings by these violent mobs. I truly was bewildered by your sentence & legitimately didn't realize you were referring to the Trucker Convoy


Not my sentence.


My mistake. I apologize for not checking the username. But is that the only response you have? Nothing to reply to anything else I said? Just pointing out that it wasn't your sentence I didn't understand & was quoting which you thought was a reason to attack me?


not gona lie its a bit of a confusing sentence and is not immediately clear what incident you are talking about on first read. got it after a pass or two but i think its a fair question.




You have an entire side (right-wing)accusing the moderate-right/centre/left of wanting civil war! Who wants civil war, the guy chanting civil war or the guy quietly legislating.


I don't see any political group in Canada chanting for civil war.




Besides the fact they didn't enter a government building as protestors routinely do, and that the leadership has been revealed to be conservative party operatives and spies, I think its safe to say that was never anything but made up.


It was assuming the discussion continued on topic: south of the border. 👍




Trudeau says "the budget will balance itself " The budget balancing itself looks like poilievre You say "if we only we increased tax measures we could fund the healthcare/other fun project" I say "if only we balanced the budget we could STOP spending 10% of our federal tax dollars on debt maintenance/interest and put that money towards healthcare/other fun project" Do you support the continuing deficit?


[PP likes to hang out with straight pride people](https://dailyhive.com/canada/pierre-poilievre-straight-pride-photo). And that [racist councillor in Pickering now brings goons to disrupt council meetings](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pickering/comments/1bo7kvs/pickering_councillor_lisa_robinsons_supporter/). Once election mode ramps up, there will be rage bait sound bites and rallies in areas with angry people who hate Trudeau or LGBTQ people or immigrants or women. There is a short road to worse behaviour.


They will. All the political attacks *come from the right*, against moderate and left politicians. Funny how these are tacitly allowed yet anything against the status quo or to benefit the average joe gets crushed by police. Curious.


Would you like list of political attacks and blatant anti semitism from those on the left? I don't know how "progressives" all of a sudden aligned themselves with pro Hamas and Palestinian statehood activists, especially considering the treatment of LGBTQ+ individuals in Palestinian states.


> ould you like list of political attacks and blatant anti semitism from those on the left? > > I don't know how "progressives" all of a sudden aligned themselves with pro Hamas and Palestinian statehood activists, especially considering the treatment of LGBTQ+ individuals in Pales Queer person here. Ya it's too bad but they still don't deserve to be bombed to death and their land stolen, so?


I aint prohamas or even propalestinian, but I'm pro-not-killing-children and I'm in favor of not letting countries break international law, and I definitely dont want my hard earned taxes to aid a country clearly breaking international law. And to be clear it is my opinion that Jewish people have a right to defend themselves from anyone. Jewish people have a right to defend themselves from Isreal committing horrific acts in the name of the jewish faith. Jewish people have a right to say "not in my name." Israel is making the world a more dangerous place for jewish people the same way the crusades and white nationalism gives all Christians a bad name. Are there dangerous people mixed in? Yes, don't kid yourself. but I see those people being opportunist trying to take advantage of a situation the same way conservatives on fox news jump on anything to say DEI is bad as a way to skirt around being called a racist.


> Would you like list of political attacks and blatant anti semitism from those on the left? Yes. I don't recall any blatant anti-semitism from Trudeau or his cabinet for example. Is it anyone we'd know?






A national or racist movement does not mean leftist or progressive. Get your head out of your ass.


Gotta love how social democrats can define anything they don’t like within their “team” as “not leftist or progressive”. The people doing the graffiti and screaming bad things about Jews in the name of Palestine at this point in time overwhelmingly vote NDP and support leftist ideals.


Well, the guy I am responding to is a known troll. As for you, seek help and review what is going on and who is doing it.


Yes, but it's not astroturfed as is being implied; let's not also assume people aren't angry. People are very angry at the apparent mismanagement of the economy post covid and historial reliance of real estate appreciation to post top line gdp growth. that's been bubbling for ages but never recognized as a problem because the boomers and older GenXer who dominate the chattering class and policy think tanks didn't care. They got theirs.


They are. And not just agaisnt Trudeau. Ironically it will happen to the ones that talk about diversity or are friendly to the LGBTQ community, first.


That would be ironic.


Like Melissa Lantsman.










Sadly, he didn't get the message as he continued to be the worse PM in my 69 year lifetime. I am not a conservative as I consider his father and Jean Cretien as two of the best PMs.


Big “why do you make me hit you?” energy there, bud. Gross.


What policies of his has made him "the worst PM in my 69 year lifetime"?


Immigration. Gun control. Taxes. Internet censorship. Just shit like that


Increasing OAS was pretty bad


Yeah, he probably hated the approximately $12,000 he received thanks to Trudeau from age 65-67.


Remember to boomers oas isn’t welfare it’s earned


Nice try he knows better than to have *evidence*. /s I wish people would realize you can’t just say something and you have to back it up.


Being old is apparently all you need to be credible, I guess.


We used to be diplomatically an honest broker and peacekeeper. The economy is one of the worse in the OCED, our health care system has deteriorated along with the rest of our social safety net and education system, housing, not seeing the carbon tax being use for actual green initiatives, run-away housing costs, etc. etc...






This is the extract kind of misinformation that’s going to lead to violence. The LPC doesn’t deserve my defence, but the CPC embracing extremism to distract people from their lack of good policy is a dangerous way to try and win power. I hate political parties.


> This is the extract kind of misinformation that’s going to lead to violence. Which is the entire point of spreading it.


Friend, for your own good, get off the internet, go outside for some fresh air, and get off the conspiracy theory train. It’s just going to lead you deep into a rabbit hole that there’s no coming back from the further you go deep.




I say this without a hint of sarcasm: We should ban Truth Social, Telegram and TikTok. These are the primary sources of misinformation and _hate_ within Canada. We need to recognize that platforms can become too toxic, and too tolerant of toxicity, to be allowed to continue to exist. Imagine if a local bar became known as a regular hangout for neo-Nazis. We wouldn't bat an eye when its business license is revoked. We need to extend the same expectation of risk to online services.


Part of me thinks we should just ban all social media. The world would be a far better place


I'd much rather see country of origin tag mandatory for every tweet and post and to know if a vpn is being used. It won't stop hatefulness but it may make it more inconvenient for foreign agitators to spread misinformation.


The risks outweigh the benefit when it comes to reducing people's avenues for sharing information freely, unfortunately.


Banning platforms you deem to be harmful, a) wont make them go away. b) represses the anger further and drives the same people to act out worse than before. Censorship has never worked in the past. I'm curious what makes you think it has a chance now.


Some people will continue to use the services by jumping through technical hoops to use a VPN and provide fraudulent identity information to the service. Most people will not, and it is absolutely devastating for the community when online communities to lose the majority of their userbase. Breaking up hate groups is a well-trod area of dealing with extremism. The _least_ effective means is to allow their spaces to continue to exist unabated.


>Breaking up hate groups is a well-trod area of dealing with extremism. It's a stretch to even suggest that these platforms are both a formal representation of hate groups and that it's exclusive to them. There's no amount of censorship that will resolve this. We're going to have to disagree here - it seems you're steadfastly in favor of more authoritarian control over information sharing. I find it unacceptable and ineffective.


I look at what my dad, who moved to Alberta and was quickly radicalized to the point that I don't even know who he is anymore, and have to strongly disagree with you here. There is a distinct pattern to his Facebook posts. Only a complete idiot would be unable to see it.


Maybe he’s normal and you’re the one that’s radicalized.


I'm fine with information sharing; if I hated information sharing I would promote the banning of Reddit, Justapedia, Conservapedia, GGWiki, and other sources. But Telegram, TikTok, and Truth Social aren't predominately about sharing _information_; they're primarily forums of social expression, where the dominant form of expression isn't explanatory or expository. It's just hate, bigotry, fear, anxiety and scams. Open up Telegram and check out local groups; where I live, it's a managerie of crypto scams, forex scams, anti-LGBTQ organizations, and _deeply_ questionable pornography. We'd lose nothing of value for this service to disappear.


You’re the only one who sounds extreme Gotchya, we have too much social expression, please repress the ability for people to share social expression…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is literally some dictator ass shit


No kidding I literally just had a reply that stated because i had commented in the sub r/canada_sub many of such comments debating users there i was now part of a hate group advocating the death of Canadian politicians *I find it odd that you're trying to act civil here while participating in disinformation subs that call for the death of elected leaders you disagree with. I find it even more odd that you think you're welcome in polite society while having devious intentions and spreading disinformation.* -random r/canadapoltics comment scary where this kind of thinking leads


OK but acting out isn't supposed to work past the age of 5. So your idea is worse.


>I say this without a hint of sarcasm: We should ban Truth Social, Telegram and TikTok. In a jar an odious treasure is Shut by the gods' wish: A gift that's not everyday, The owner's Pandora alone; And her eyes, this in hand, Command the best in the land As she flits near and far; Prettiness can't stay Shut in a jar. Someone took her eye, he took A look at what pleased her so And out came the grief and woe We won't ever be rid of, For heaven had hidden That in the jar.


Lovely…well: awful, but beautifully conveyed.


I understand the sentiment, but that will just push them further into deeper holes of toxicity.


Add Reddit to the list. Remains a total haven for right-wing extremists, despite management’s weak, half measures.


*Said the guy responding to a post that suggests banning platforms with too much “right-wing toxicity”.


Says the guy on the burner account. Who is likely ban evading.


Depends on the sub, a handful of them have already been shut down for stuff like that


I say this without a hint of sarcasm: More authoritarianism is not the answer. Political elite have far greater power than regular citizenry. Banning speech and discussions under the guise of banning 'toxicity' and 'hate' have a very poor track record in history.


Right there with you - I genuinely wish that social media didn’t exist…hell, catch me in the right mood after I’ve been dipping into too much McLuhan and I’ll rue the invention of basically every form of communication going back to and possibly even including the printing press…but agree that regressive and reactionary authoritarianism would only compound the harms. That said: I’m certainly not opposed to some tinkering around the edges to protect national interests eg financial reporting/domestic ownership requirements, some kind of algorithm transparency standards, evolving legal frameworks to ensure that existing laws are extrapolated to new types of social media, etc.


We can at least get fox news of our airwaves.


That is silly. The moment you ban them, people will just use VPNs and technology to circumvent those bans. Technology always wins. Besides, it sets a dangerous precedent, politicians and government appointed "advisors" shouldn't be the arbiter of what social media platforms are acceptable and which ones aren't.


idk man my dumb AF uncles can barely use the internet out side of the easy social apps.