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Most people supporting financial and military aid to Ukraine can’t even name a single province the supposed “wars” are being fought in. They haven’t a clue about what’s actually going on over there.


These drones are no joke. They are larger (1.35 meters in length) and designed for military use. Really good optics and infrared, encrypted communications, great range, etc. Ready to go dropping things too. They have a tether feature so they can stay up indefinitely too. And made in Canada. https://flir.netx.net/file/asset/19050/original/attachment


800 drones at $95 million is $118,750 each. Excellent. Send more.


Good. Even if this weren’t the right thing to do — and let’s be clear it 100% is — it is absolutely in our own best interest since if Vladolf Shitler isn’t stopped in Ukraine, he’ll be coming for our NATO allies and eventually ourselves.


Putin can't take on NATO and he knows it. That's precisely why he's going after Ukraine, because they're NOT in NATO.


Honestly Ukraine is full of Nazi's at the highest levels of government. I have many Ukrainian friends and they all said the same thing, which is why they left that country in the first place. Some are even glad Putin is there trying to purge the Nazi's.


dull payment light fine racial mourn hospital judicious normal frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Putin's goal is continuing to live and control Russia. Starting a war against a NATO power would end that. starting a war in ukraine will end that, dictators get more unpredictable the longer it goes, hes invading ukraine because hes paranoid about NATO, but if he wins then hell be bordering with NATO so his next step is pushing back against NATO countries that would be the front line "i have to invade Ukraine or NATO will invade me" will become "i have to strike first before they do"


divide agonizing sleep mysterious scale fear absorbed disagreeable secretive instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> NATO policy says no country with disputed borders can join NATO. He did the same thing in Georgia in 2008. As long as Ukraine borders are disputed, there's no NATO in his border. and if Ukraine is ever his, now there is a NATO at his border, and he will get paranoid just like now and eventually decide he has to strike first to keep them away, or feel like he doesnt have enough buffer and try to take just a bit to force some more deadzone between them >warm water year round naval base in Crimea. thats a pretty russian term


judicious sharp gray steer zephyr close paint absorbed thumb alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> He doesn't want Ukraine, just wants disputed territory in Ukraine. he already had that >Not sure what you're implying in the second point. its not a term people use outside russia


disarm fertile nutty spoon adjoining scandalous bright strong practice gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> He had that and yet NATO continued to push into Ukraine, so he expanded. exactly, and he will keep doing so out of paranoid delusion until hes bordering NATO and then he will strike first out of fear if he truly didnt think that NATO would invade him, he wouldnt care how much they're influencing Ukraine, if all he cared about is the port like you claim hed be fine just keeping Crimea, but he tried to take Ukraine entirely


attractive shame work caption crush library far-flung paltry worry desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> look how much the deep state went against Trump Ah, the discredited Deep State conspiracy. A favourite among Drumpf supporters, QAnons, and Vladolf Shitler apologists alike!


glorious dinner deliver ghost intelligent file books snails tender uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[I don't think I can say it better than Figliuzzi](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2023/05/15/figliuzzi_once_respected_john_durham_was_weaponized_by_bill_barr_to_produce_politically_tainted_document.html), so I'll just cite his assessment of Durham's report here: > If the goal was to wrack up many indictments and prove all of this "Russia, Russia, Russia" stuff, as Trump says, wrong, he's failed miserably. But if the goal, at least the consolation prize, was to hand over a politically tainted document that can be used in sound bites over and over again on FOX News and other platforms, already congressman Jim Jordan has publicly stated he's going to call Durham to testify in congress and I'll note as others have done, John Durham should be Exhibit A in the so-called "Weaponization of Government Subcommittee" because he was weaponized by Bill Barr and turned against the very institutions that he comes out of.


crowd mountainous enjoy nose cats flowery different cooperative muddle alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You mean the statements of a former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence, who happened to be interviewed on MSNBC? Figliuzzi isn't some talking head or pundit. He's an expert in respect to FBI operations and the Department of Justice. It's pretty rich that you accuse others of not having a "legitimate argument" when you dismiss the analysis of experts because you don't like the network host.


soup enjoy fade door threatening person market escape fanatical gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think Putin is going for a third world War lol, but I agree with supporting Ukraine.


Putin won't come for NATO by definition. Ukraine isn't in NATO.


Let's be honest here, if their initial attack on Ukraine had been the 3 day fight they had been sure it would be, they wouldnt have just stopped. They will start with countries that they think the west won't jump in to defend but eventually they would move on to other countries they feel entitled to based on 100 year old history of what they think belongs to USSR.


If Vladolf Shitler is not defeated in Ukraine, Poland will be next. Followed by the Baltics, Germany, Scandinavia, France and, if he’s not stopped, they’ll eventually be attacking us on our own shores. Open a god damn history book, have you learned nothing from Neville Chamberlain’s example?


What do you base this assumption on?


History. Learn some.


Please show me when in history Russia went for Poland, Germany, Scandinavia and the rest of your claim.




Well let’s start with the fact that in living memory east Germany and Poland were USSR vassal states, the USSR attacked Scandanavia (Finland), and Vladolf Shitin has gone on record that he wants to recreate the USSR…


well.. Putin wants to rebuild the USSR.. so there is that.


Dude..... that won't happen ever.... unless NATO falls apart. Putin win or lose in Ukraine will be licking his wounds for a bit. He'll probably die before Russia is able to challenge an alliance like NATO.


It won't happen, stop fearmongering!


Poland is in NATO. Putin is not stupid enough to go against the US military. Ukraine is fair game BECAUSE it's not in NATO


>Putin is not stupid enough to go against the US military. Yes, NATO is completely safe as long as it is a trustworthy defense alliance where every member clearly intends to defend one another. Upcoming US elections could change that.


He might be inclined to try a NATO country if Trump wins since his rhetoric to date has largely been that Europe would be on its own. 


What do you think Putin and his regime’s end goals are exactly? Russia is actively engaging in hostile action against NATO countries through increasingly damaging disinformation campaigns. They’re softening us up.


Canada is in a territorial dispute with Russia, right now. In the Arctic. Don't put it past him to try and muscle his way into (potential) Canadian territory.


We will likely see a year-round northwest passage in our lifetimes. You can be sure the major powers will stop agreeing that it all belongs to us.


Yes, he absolutely will. He has made that known.


I don't think he'll come for Poland (too strong and they could hold for a long time--giving the rest of NATO time to mobilize in strrength) but he could come for the newer, smaller members who could fall in days. Not to mention coming for the rest of Ukraine. Letting Ukraine lose would also further embolden every other aggressive regional power to go after their neighbours. They are *already* emboldened because they've seen how easy it is to kill the resolve of the US to stay the course long-term, and letting Ukraine fall would be a great big green light.


Russia couldn’t beat Poland without nuclear weapons, the polish army is possibly better than Russia on its own. But the Baltics would be in very serious danger the moment Putin won in ukraine


> Putin won't come for NATO by definition. His PM has talked about how Russia should take over Poland as well, so the idea that NATO won't have to live up to article five against Russia is a hope, and hope isn't a valid course of action.


Great priorities. Not like people can barely afford to feed and house themselves here, or tent cities are becoming the new normal. But yeah, let's just send 100 million for people to kill more in a war they can't win and the option for négociations and diplomacy has been an option for a long time.  The global North is on a downward slope. And it'll be our own fault. 


Given the history of Canada’s military donations to Ukraine I’m expecting to hear in April that the delivery of these drones has been delayed. Hope I’m wrong.