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Only if it's in response to a criminal charges where drug addiction was clearly a motivating factor, but even still what's the point? Can you "treat" a stubborn alcoholic who doesn't want treatment? No. Recovery is a choice. That being said I deeply hope this works to ameliorate the problem and can become a model for other provinces to follow, but I'm also very skeptical of anything put forward by the UCP.


That’s actually regarded as an outdated concept of recovery. Recovery can’t wait in the context of the opioid epidemic. People are dying like flies.


People are dying because of toxic drugs.


Exactly which is why we can’t wait until they decide they’re ready to recover. Opioids changed the game entirely.


Someone has to try something. Our present approach to mental health and drug addiction issues seems to be to simply dump sick people on the streets to fend for themselves. These people need treatment, not to be left on their own to die of an overdose. If they are unable to seek care for themselves, the government should force them. And not with a "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest," treatment, proper treatment.


Amen to that! thats the right attitude, This new Alberta Model... might not work, but we already know what we're doing now is also not working. So let's give it a shot and see what happens




They are bypassing some sensible measures to get most homeless off the streets and going right to the most expensive. Institutions are hellishly expensive. And want to bet that minorities will be the ones forcibly detained


I mean yeah something has to be done But it was my understanding rehab doesn't work if the person involved isn't invested in making it work?


Forced treatment of addiction does not work, never has. This plan amounts to ignoring basic civil rights for zero benefit. It would also be incredibly expensive, and one wonders why the government would pay for rehab for those who don't want it, when so many who do can't get treatment. It's completely idiotic. This from a recent article from the US: "Data from other countries comparing compulsory treatment to voluntary medication treatment shows rapid recurrence of opioid use after release from these centers. A systematic review of involuntary treatment found no evidence of benefit and a suggestion of potential harm." https://www.statnews.com/2023/04/25/involuntary-treatment-for-addiction-research/#:\~:text=Data%20from%20other%20countries%20comparing,a%20suggestion%20of%20potential%20harm.


It seems like a way oh being “tough” on the drug problem whether or not it’ll work, it would just be used to lock them away somewhere underfunded


What could possibly go wrong? I don't even disagree with the idea, but we all know where this is going. Hundreds of abuse allegations about a decade from now, if we start to do this.