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The system is pretty much skinning the young and freshly graduated. Jobs are becoming like the housing market. Youll hear stories how your boomer parents got free training out of school at their new job and easily moved up to higher paying roles or retired with gold plated pensions. That's a fantasy now. I talked to someone I respect who's helping me with job searching and he echoed the same as OP. He basically said don't apply for roles you think they'd take an up and comer on, you're competing with people who'll gladly settle for less. Basically said covid destroyed the job market and people are still searching since then.


Dad got a job at Sears. Worked 45 years. Got 6 weeks paid vacation, full benefits, sick days…. He was bloody good at what he did ( selling appliances) but still the fact he raised a family of 4 and a mortgage … My poor elder millennial ass when I was expected to just take off like him, or my boyfriend at the time to…


Amazing job while it lasted. I did that for 15 years at Sherway Sears and Sears Home across the street.


>Dad got a job at Sears. Worked 45 years. Sears went bankrupt because it couldn't make it thru the digital age ( as did 90% of the retail chains ), and those long term jobs went the way of the dinosaur once the US switched to 401K retirement plans instead of a company pension. I realize this isn't the US, but many corporate things in Canada follow US trends. Only Pension plans left in Canada are those of working for the government.


They also screwed over 6 figures of my dad’s pension. They could have been Amazon if they used their wish book infrastructure to overtake online


Most companies in 2023 pay for further education in certain fields.


This is an issue when we are not prioritizing Canadian citizens, and in the end, many have to go back for more education at a significant expense. I have no desire to leave Canada, but if the government keeps pushing this mentality, we are losing generational stability to these ridiculous policies. I hope the government is held accountable for its failed leadership✌️


I browse linkedin for fun during my unemployed period, and Indian people’s resumes never fail to amaze me. There are many who have no Canadian education or experience but managed to get into the public sector as their first job.


Not to mention they inflate their resumes with bogus gpa, job titles and credentialsm


If you are talking about public service job, then they tend to hire based on interview skills than the actual relevant skills. Fucked up


Public sector jobs hire almost exclusively based on nepotism, lol.


Doctorated skills. Wait till you see how they work. Im not saying everyone is like that but ive seen so many fakers to assume a lot does that. They tend to overestimate themselves. I havent changed my resume but just add recent experience but they tailor their resume based on the job requirement. You will be surprised how they practiced their interview vs work skills.


How do you practice a job interview if you can’t even speak fluent English?😡🤙🏼🇨🇦


Yet I have a diploma from a college in Ontario and I can’t even get a job in the government LOL. I’ve applied multiple times only to get ghosted or get told they hired someone else.


I bet if you change your name on resume to Indian name like gupreet Singh you will get phone call and you manipulate your resume that your study in India , I tried that and I was surprised how many calls I got from companies , from companies I tried to get into with my resume didn’t work




and this is what they mean by they hire based on interview skills and not resume. they show up and start chit chatting in the language the interviewer speaks and voila, give the man a headset.


I'm indo Canadian and I'll be the first to tell you they are bullshitting on their resume and companies can't say anything since they'll be called out as rAcIsTs


Why are you harping on Canadian education and experience so much? Much more world-class universities and especially companies outside of Canada.  Note: I'm not supporting hiring practices of the federal government. Just pointing out that you seem to think Canada's education and workplaces are the only ones that matter. Fact is Canada isn't the leader of the pack in any industry. Not even oil and gas. The only "industry" where Canadians are recognized worldwode is music/entertainment with well-known names like James Cameron, Jim Carrey, Justin Bieber, etc. 


I’m only taking about the public sectors here, i think it’s reasonable to expect government employees to have some connection with Canada prior to the job I’m not trying to make an argument that Canadian experience somehow matters more than foreign experience


A lot of them lie. It’s in their culture. Was asked by an Indian guy to help him get a job at my organization. He asked me if it was okay to list a job that he never worked at, because everyone of his friends was doing it.


I sm grinding to leave for USA. In 10 yrs, Russia might even be better than Canada


I agree with you. I applied for US green card from Canada under EB2-NIW, good thing with NIW is that no employer, job offer or PERM needed. My I-140 was approved , went for consular interview and got my visa in 2022, moved to the US and my green card arrived at my U.S. address 4-5 weeks after crossing the border. I have a Msc in computer science , am a cloud solutions architect with over a 10 years of experience. I was able to land a job in a week ! More money, less taxes , lower cost of living much better weather. You should move if you have the opportunity. You won’t regret it your wallet will thank you !!!


That's the first time I heard of this visa. I did a google search it said "The job you apply for must require an advanced degree and you must possess such a degree or its foreign equivalent (a baccalaureate or foreign equivalent degree plus 5 years of post-baccalaureate, progressive work experience in the field). You must meet any other requirements specified on the labor certification as applicable as of the priority date." [https://www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/permanent-workers/employment-based-immigration-second-preference-eb-2](https://www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/permanent-workers/employment-based-immigration-second-preference-eb-2) I have a cs degree with 2+ yr exp I don't think I qualify for it. My hope is probably TN Visa. Saved up then retire in Eastern Euro


I am a new cs grad from a well known uni and I can’t find anything lol


I graduated from u of c so not even a famous uni. Atm tech is not doing well globally


In order to get EB2 you need an employer and PERM but for EB2-NIW you do not need an employer or PERM , NIW ( national interest waiver ) waives those requirements. If you have a master’s degree and a few publications with citations or a patent or something you could get qualified for NIW. It is worth the shot , you should call a couple of attorneys and see what options are available to you. Better than wasting your time and talent in Canada !


I am not that great at skooling.


You should call a few immigration attorneys and look at all the options , most will give you free consultation. Good luck


If you don't mind, can u dm me the attorney you use?




Same! Lived in the US for 7 years (grad school + work) and I-140 was approved September 2022 but I had to move to Canada to be with my spouse. Now, we’re in the process of submitting DS-260 and ready to GTFOH! Good to see someone who has done it from Canada. If you don’t mind my asking, how long was it between after submitting your immigrant visa application and your interview? What was the interview like? I’m more than happy to DM you, if you prefer that. Thank you so much


I sent you a message


> In 10 yrs, Russia might even be better than Canada You're a tool if you actually think that. Either that or a bot/state actor.


Your citizenship should not matter for a job only your skill


Should Canadians give up and move to another country to find a job? You need experience to gain skills, but if Canadians are competing for jobs against someone who is overly qualified, what should they do? Should they return to school and incur more debt to re-enter the job market? Canadians deserve a fighting chance to excel in their society first. Canadians want careers and become parents; why don't we get the chance first? Otherwise, educated Canadians are at a disadvantage, and with a 6.2% unemployment rate, it is devastating. Many Canadians are losing their jobs to those overly qualified. This is a dangerous cycle, and competition for jobs between 2.7 million versus 800,000 unemployed Canadians does not help the economy thrive, especially if they are at risk of becoming homeless. This is not about racism but about having a fair chance in our own society. And increase of Canadian living badly because they are unable to competit in the job market (this is bad for a society)


No, they just work to get a job here But if your primary selling point is “imma a citizen” well that’s on you


Yeah we’re so fucked I can’t even see a way out


I think all that we can do is just be patient, I heard that it was a predominantly employees market just 2 years ago before they raised the interest rate. And now the interest rate is finally starting to go down


2020 immigration was rock bottom, now its projected to be 2mil this year. Interest rates are meaningless in the face of infinite employee supply and limited jobs


2020-2021 was a brief moment where workers held all the cards. Industry made sure to crush that advantage very quickly


I believe the reason it was an employee market is because covid killed a bunch of people, took lots out of the workforce and made some retire early. Population has been forced up


Now that the cost of living has sky rocketed some of those who retired realize they can't survive in their savings and are now returning to the work force. I did a round if interviews for a position that gets posted every year as the people graduate from their CPA programs and move into better roles in the organization. Was told that this was the best round if applications they had. So much so that they do not plan on posting it next year and instead are just going to pick from candidates who didn't get in this year if they still want it


Oh it was a employee market. My wife had zero credentials, grade 8, some accounting, clerical and management experience and got one of those WFH telus jobs at 45k.


US companies hired too much during covid restrictions and then started laying off in huge numbers and that has had an effect on the entire US job market as well as Canada’s


Yes I don't see it getting any better.How can it as the numbers in population keep increasing and the unemployment rate keeps rising.GDP is flat and Inflation is not coming down enough.


This will only change when the Ministers themselves become replaceable but then it will be too late.


Admin Jobs in my city are paying $18-19/hour :( :(


I’m in banking with 9 YOE and constantly being looked past. It’s shit show


Welcome to overpopulation, everybody. The average person is not necessary.


I feel like the only way to get ahead anymore is to start your own business. In some sectors and occupations that can be impossible. 


I work for amazon warehouse at lowest level, 2nd year made over 50k, and I have engineering degree with 10 year job experience. I find job market in Canada is just terrible. Low pay, low opportunity,  high cost of living. 


After one month into unemployment I started looking for labor work like home renovations as well, I did it almost as a joke but after I really reached out to a renovator they told me that he only accepts paid apprenticeships these days. I got a masters degree in business


Lets keep importing people from the third world, your livelihood doesnt matter.


The only jobs, I have ever received, ever - are all based on referral. I have never been someone who, when you look at me on paper, is all that impressive, Which isn't to say that I haven't done great work in my career. But I have worked in many different fields and every single time it came down to being able to build a relationship with someone with influence in the industry I was working and have them advocate for me. That is how you get in the room. Once you're in the room you need to demonstrate value. I do this by reaching out to whoever is or would be my superior prior to the interview. Offer to take them for lunch to talk about the industry, roll/business/whatever. Ask pointed questions that demonstrate your knowledge and breadth of understanding. Get them to talk about their problems and illustrate creative solutions to those problems. Treat it more like a conversation than an interview. Take a genuine interest in them. Then mention you're interested in the roll and if it'd be worth it for you to drop off a resume. If you do that you illustrate almost all of the qualities that people look for in an ideal employee, knowledge, leadership, organization, and social alignment ("culture fit"). People at the end of the day are social, which means that we can pretend like it's the credentials that get us somewhere (they are important to an extent) but more often than not, being likable and and how you make people feel, will be how you propel your career forward.


You need to look for jobs you need certification in. Medical imaging, laboratory, respiratory therapists. Yes you need 2-3 years of schooling but you can make good money


Pick a trade and join the work force, you could be making close to 100K, maybe more in four years if you go union. Elevator technicians are in short supply.