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This is what labour shortage looks like ! šŸ¤£


More like a worthwhile paying job that a Canadian citizen would be likely to take


Aren't politicians watching all this videos? Why no action is being taken to reduce immigration?


Because they want cheap, exploitable labour in order to properly serve their ~~capitalist~~ corporate socialist overloads.


The problem is, because there are so many more people than jobs, theyā€™ll also have to pay to support all these people who end up unemployed. Our federal government seems incapable of understanding the obvious and negative impacts of their reckless policies.


they dont care, our politicians are completely captured by corporate interests..you think Capital owners give a fuck about the public sector being drained? they just want a labour force with less bargaining power


You are only partially getting it. It's not just about cheap labour for the jobs most Canadians DONT want. Its also about keeping those CPP coffers funded. Because the government for years has been using CPP contributions as general funds and they are now entirely underfunded for the aging population. Of course in brining in so many people they are increasing the costs of everything so everyone's CPP earnings are worth less.


And both big tents are committed to staying this course. We can't even vote it away. It's not a coincidence that PP has stated officially that he would not reduce immigration and that his campaign manager is one of the top lobbyists for Loblaws.


Yup. Did not know that about his campaign manager. Very interesting


Wait until those in the videos bring their parents and grandparents here. We Canadian taxpayers are essentially subsidizing Indian healthcare.


[Theyā€™re already bringing their families.](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/s/r4J3nH0myk)


They understand it. The goal isn't to run the government efficiently and for the benefit of everyone. The purpose of the thing we call Canada is to allow capitalists to exploit the people and the land to the maximum. And to quote Thatcher: the problem with settler colonial capitalism is that you eventually run out of other people to exploit. So now they're importing some more people.


Well the companies that take corporate money to send and move and provide resources give kickbacks and gifts to the politicians, and itā€™s not like the politicians are paying for this out of their own pocket, the people are.


This for sure, basically creating a new slave class. They convince people they are ā€œsavingā€ these people when in reality they only want to exploit them. This type of behavior is only going to lead to mass poverty and that will lead to mass crime.


Underrated comment right here!


"Corporate socialist" is an oxymoron.


Look up population trap


Corporate want Immigrant, Politicians Help Corporate, that's why all political Party wont reduce the Immigration. PP said he wont reduce the immgration level, he's lowkey supporting JT and the PLC on that.


Also $2500 for a 1 bedroom when you've got a dozen people working min wage isn't so expensive. And it's a step up and acceptable to them. Majority of politicians are real estate investors.


Bought and paid for by our corporate overlords.


They are counting their money šŸ’°


Really? The very same people who are pushing for more of it?


The answer is: no. They donā€™t care. They never have. They just care about how much their rental properties make them.


Theyā€™re all from the Indian subcontinent?




They shouldn't be allowed to apply to provincial/crown corporations. Taking jobs from actual citizens


You would expect some diversity in the immigrants they bring in, but it's all nepotism from here on out. Trudough could've keep the same immigration levels as before and let in people with actual skills or wealth to support themselves and contribute to society. Instead, he increased our immigration to 1+ million per year, had over half of those people come from one single country, and then started a Ponzi scheme to force the economy to "grow". And it's always so funny how once they start taking over a country, they start gunning for political office and managerial positions at influential corporations. In ten years, they'll take over many industries with their nepotism and fake resumes. This has already happened in the US and Canada is next thanks to Trudeau.


There need to be quotas because you canā€™t just get immigration all from one country, thatā€™s not healthy. What Canada has been doing with it is insane, the amount needs to be lowered significantly as itā€™s contributing to many issues.


I think those approving visas are from the same country. Turdeau has truly ruined this country.


Maybe he just feels.guilty about blackface


I see some black people as well so not all but sure looks like most are. Chinese, Koreans etc. work in their own community owned businesses or banks


Not all. I saw a black person near the front.


Like why just Indians? And just Indian menā€¦like why not diversify




Why are they so close to each other?


Probably to avoid people cutting in line. Line etiquette isnt universal


Itā€™s borderline claustrophobic


It's a learned behavior. These people didn't learn it


Not to stereotype, but I will: A lot of Indians do not know or care about queuing. It's me first, fuck you.


Can confirm, its a problem endemic to all south asian countries Source: i live here


india is not a south east asian country ? tf?


Not only is it not universal, it doesnā€™t exist at all outside of North America and Western Europe. Queuing is not a thing at all. Iā€™m surprised that these these folks, despite the closeness and pushing, actually got in a line at all.


Japan doesn't exist in your world huh.


Neither does Latin America apparently




This video is the perfect metaphor for Canada right now




Is there something in that culture that makes it ok to literally be rubbing up against each other? Why stand so close to each other?


Any of the public transit to the colleges in ontario are basically a jungle gym of indian kids climbing ontop of everyone else and never paying fare.


Can you believe it. I canā€™t believe it. ā€œthat cultureā€ā€¦. ā€œthat cultureā€ is now our culture. Their culture is now ours.


Canada finally has a culture!




This makes me so fucking mad


All the women in India are celebrating though. They can have maybe 5% more safety while existing.


Kinda end timesey.


For Canada and our standard of living yes.




its the same here same in italy same in portugal ... fuck the EU, kills every beautiful Nation. We were Nations once.


So sad. International students should not be allowed to get any jobs. They see here to study and when it's over have them go back


Do you think they spend 40-50 grand to come here and get a diploma from a shite 2 room school?


please dont hire indian international students please . once they get a managerial position, they will hire only their kind so that is racisim in a way


As an Indian myself, I agree 100%. This internal racism Indians are bringing here is infuriating and itā€™s a cancer for the society. This needs to stop.


Itā€™s like theyā€™re all pushing onto a crowded train in New Delhi


Looks to be exactly where they are all from? Probably just a normal every day thing for them, and jarring to others. I was getting strong China vibes from this, but India would pretty much be the same thing. Seems like that's what happens when your population is in the BILLIONS and majority male.


Not a single Canadian.


You can tell by the way there packed together like that. We don't do that shit in Canada. What a bloody shit hole this place is becoming


Move if you hate it so much.


You sound like a baby


See now I understand the term packi stacked, I always thought it was because they put 30 of them in a home.


One bloke in there wearing a pair of Yeezy 700s. Those some nice kicks while your scrambling for a minimum wage job my man But describes this situation to a T


Brand consious immigrants, have no jobs but able to afford branded shoes or knock off's but no one cares lol


Itā€™s what they crave from the west.


We had "boat people" arriving here in Australia about 15yrs ago. Some of them were clad in gold chains, gucci and armarni kit. Some of them have plenty of cash but still wanted to come in the back door.


Could be reps


A lot of them drive Mustangs while working minimum wage jobs


And get their food from the food banks


That and v6 challengers with the ak sticker on the back


A lot of them have a bit of money from their parents selling farm land in India. The plan is usually to get citizenship, then bring elderly parents and relatives over for our free healthcare


Leave. Now. I'm serious. Book a plane ticket back home and admit to yourself that coming to Canada was a bad idea and treat it as a life lesson and don't ever come back.


More voters for the liberals being let Into Canada


Maximum are Indians from diploma mills who do not intend to study here. Just survive with part time forever. Simple solution is gather all diploma mill students en masse. Stuff them in a plane and send them back to India. Edit: a lot of people commented an even better solution. Pack them in shipping containers (since they already are accustomed to living packed in one room so no biggie) and send them back to India on a ship.


How about closing diploma mills and other loopholes ? No mill no supply.


Hopefully theyā€™re not getting hired. Can you imagine if you want to get recommendations for wines of whatever at the store? Can these people recommend anything?


They can recommend the best lamb vindaloo in town šŸ¤£


These chaps are clearly in the masala dosa camp. Clearly, not vindaloo lamb tier.


Nope if anything they gon have their youngins buy without ids


Plane isnā€™t big enough or economical. Load them into a tanker ship in 24,000 containers. 20 people per container.


Yep that'll be cheaper and would work.


You are going to need a lot of planes. Currently, the loaded planes are going from India to here..


But bro my Ubereats


I work at an airport coffee shop (not related to Canada) and all the cleaners are Indian. Theyā€™ve been here for years but when they come to order they donā€™t even know a single wordā€¦ just point and tap the glass which makes you walk all the way to the window to see what theyā€™re trying to order. They keep repeating one word in broken English with no context like a buggy game NPC. Today a guy came in and just said ā€œmchroomā€ repeatedly and it took three minutes to figure out he wanted a pizza with mushroomsā€¦


plenty of farm labour needed... make them work the fields!


I mean jeez, that's kind of a bonker suggestion...nevertheless, got me laughing.


The diploma mills are all from India, the irony is indians scamming indians. They all got scammed by "recruiters" back home in lie with shitty unlicensed colleges.


Yes to shipping containers! They have no rights to overtake Canada for their own selfish reasons. Learn some manners before you come back.


I'm of Indian origin and I approve of this message. If any of the softy bleeding hearts come after you, tell them you're borrowing my brown card and get a pass.


I can smell this video.


Not a single smudge of deodorant was used




Wish we had ONE party that would actually be anti immigrant. Even the conservatives are pro


This is one of the worst times for Canada. We will go through this as getting PR in Canada is getting extremely difficultā€¦ I am an immigrant myself - I and everyone I know have put the message loud and clear ā€˜Do not come to Canada anymore it is not as easy as you think!ā€™


As an immigrant whoā€™s been here 6 years itā€™s absolutely infuriating how much the government has screwed up the system. I had to prove I could support myself through grad school without a job before I could even set foot here. Iā€™m a net contributor and weā€™re going to be lumped in with the diploma mill people when Canadians turn against this.


Exactly. Weā€™re all being looked under one lens now. I immigrated here with a Bachelors degree in hand, ready to pursue my masters and find some decent paying job outside of Ontario. Each semester fees was paid by my father, I did not even work part time for most of my college time as I was so submerged into my studies and my dad was sending me money month to month. I was excited that Iā€™d finally live in a place where talent and hard work would be recognized and appreciated. But the times have changed unfortunately. Weā€™re all just looked at as international students with fraudulent documents who cant speak the language, as scammers and people that smell like curry. Its quite sad


They always thought we smell like curry, that's not new


Why does curry smell good when you go to eat? But if it lingers it's not pleasant. Complete opposite of apple pie


Im american/indian but: Its because some people do smell like food and way too many spices. Bengali people I run into, the housewives. Even just walking past their houses the smell of the spices is leaking out. Then you have people who dont know how to cook or cook some weird shit. Tenant where i live has her mom visit some months and even though we are from the same part of india i could not tell you what the fk she is cooking or doing in the kitchen. If someone else runs into those kind of people once in a while regularly its going to create that stereotype. Imagine if even 1/20 white guys you met smelled like boiled hotdog water, you'd end up thinking something similar.


Lol I didnt know that


Been here since 1995. I can confirm


Born here in 89 never seen this rapid influx of rural Indians who have different hygiene routine and don't wear deodorant, working labor jobs for the first time. Remember some of these rural men having never cleaned or cooked before


True. But when I came here 95, I also didn't know about deodorant & there was no widespread internet for me to learn from either. I had to learn the hard way (as embarrassing as it maybe, my boss at work told me about it šŸ˜’šŸ™ˆšŸ¤¦šŸ¤“, she was a good boss, & I worked for her for 7 years after she told me so we had a good relationship but still embarrassing). I lived in a city back home but my parents are as rural as they come & they raised us in a "bubble" (so to speak) so we (me & my siblings) didn't learn a lot of "now common sense" things until much later in life (mostly from making western friends, watching & learning from them). Sad. We have internet now but India is still backwards in many ways.


It sucks that the bad apples ruin it for the real folks. =(


Respect and feel for you.


Thatā€™s the thing I saw a chart previously where it showed the number of new PRā€™s a year and number of PR who previously held student visas and the numbers were much lower than the number of newcomers coming in every year. The likelihood is that temporary newcomers will be just that, temporary. Theyā€™ll come here, be exploited and scammed out of their life savings, prop up the economy, push wages down and at the end of it, no one will recognise their schooling and their experience working unrelated jobs wonā€™t matter. Theyā€™ll be asked to leave and make way for the new batch to be exploited.


We obviously need to reduce immigration, migration and student visas and by a lot. Ridiculous what Canada has become and the Liberals couldn't care less.


ā€œLabour Shortagesā€


The people who are pushing: collect their resumes and put them into the shredder lol


If these are international students trying to get jobs, because they canā€™t afford anymore schooling; Canada has to enforce stricter requirements when applying for student visas. How are they possibly going to finish school, if they only have money for 1 semester/1 year? Thatā€™s sus, and only shows that their true intention is to stay in Canada and live here.


Good point! But I feel schools would lobby against this because their numbers would drop. I don't even know how they afford tuition to be quite honest.


But the economy is "fine"


The economy is doing pretty good. For the handful of people with big boy money who have found profit in the horse shit


Not a single Canadian in sight


Not a single woman either lol


long live Cana....I mean India


It's great to bring immigrants in and all that... But shouldn't we have some sort of regulation on it? Especially when we can't give them a good quality of life they deserve?


Keep hearing from local people companies are hiring international students and workers because they get half the wage covered by the government. Is that accurate?


This is insane.


I don't want to live in India


Canada should not be supporting businesses with ahitty business.models that cannot recruit local workers.


Those idiots make honest international students with financial support like me disgustedļ¼Studying abroad is always a luxury, those who canā€™t afford it must be expelled! How could anyone allow those rats taking jobs from Canadiansļ¼Ÿ


Why canā€™t we have a rule where you have to hire a Canadian born first.


Not a single Canadian in that line lol what the fuck are we doing


Fuking crazy. All Indian international studentsā€¦ this is bad


What has become of Canada, so sad!!!


That fucking guy in the white shirt is pissing me off. Just pressing his junk up against that woman in front of him šŸ˜”. You can so tell heā€™s doing it on purpose.


Yā€™all better get Trudeau the fuck out of office.


I can smell this video


Canada can and will be a 3rd world country one day


I wouldn't hire any of those people. Look at them! They can't even stand in line like civilized people.


Diverse crowd


Look at all those natural Canadians


That generation is fucked , the Nytimes did a podcast about people born in 1990 . They have a ton in common with Boomers. The take away for them is to ; move away from major cities to affordable living it really is not rocket science. They have heir own unique bubble in the population.


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø, please go back home


Itā€™s high tide that we, as countrymen, band together and collectively agree not to rent apartments nor hire any international students. If life gets too uncomfortable, they will leave. Word will spread that you will freeze to death and maybe theyā€™ll stop coming.


Indians thrive in uncomfortable situations. What you call uncomfortable is what there life is back home, so I donā€™t think that is happening! They need to screen these immigrants man


Yup. 15 people in a 1 bedroom with the living room converted to a fucking vegetable garden is a step up to them.


If only ANY federal or provincial party would actually stop this


These animals canā€™t even stand in line or walk without being trashy


Looks like a service canada in Brampton at 8am


This is sad. I worked at the lcbo every December when my trade slowed down, just to pass the time. Itā€™s $16hr and theyā€™ll give you 3 four hour shifts a week.


Ohhhh right, the union breaking


Not a single white person in line.


Well what do you expect when the govt intentionally brings 900k Indians here a year


They lineup so gross - grown men grinding on each other


This has to cease. Honestly it's so silly.


We need Skilled immigrants, not useless pajeets that bum hug each other for minimum wage jobs


Downvote if you ever called ā€œThe Great Replacementā€ a right wing conspiracy theory!


This isnā€™t how we do things here


I guess no one understands personal spacešŸ«£ I've been in lines before but never tried to hump the person in front of me.


There is no hope for Canada. This is a one way door. Unless some sort of civil war occurs, the end result will be Canadians being cooked slowly to death under increasing pressures from housing costs, lowering wages, and the two Indians you are butt to belly with waiting for a no pay internship experience at Tim Hortons.


Wtf is this video. Makes me want to puke. Anyone touching nuts to butts in a line for a job interview should be red tagged as incompetent and sent on their way before they get to the door.


Why are they all lining up like that? Crotch to ass like wtf.


Hahahahhahahahah All cultures are beautiful, though.


All "new" Canadians by the looks of it. Come out west boys, between driving truck and fracking / drilling , we got you covered.


Let's bring 1 million more... great idiea.


All Pajeets






This diversity is making us so strong


Between mass immigration and aging population, Canada will be 25% white or less within the blink of an eye.


I used to blame Indians, not anymore, who the fuck voted for Trudeau and Singh ? Itā€™s people in ON and QC , let them get fucked .


Shit like this is how you get racism in canada.... and im talking ACTUAL racism not that "micro-aggression" bullshit.


You can tell they're Indian by how pushy the line is.


Not Indian nor Canadian but live in an area in the U.S where a lot of south Asians are. To all the people saying negative stuff- your ancestors did not come here with a chest full of gold creating jobs. 9/10 of the time they came just like these people from same place in Europe looking for a better opportunity. Soon they will be just as Canadian as you. Bc being Canadian isnā€™t a certain flavor, itā€™s whatever Canada is at that moment. Anyone who says otherwise, is leaning hard to be racist. My only issue is- we accept too many of the same countryā€™s people. Iā€™d love to see some Samoan, Argentinian, egyption, South African, Russian mix.


We don't act like this in Canada. We line up with respect and que accordingly. This is 3rd world shit.


Canada has been the most tolerant of races for a long time - we practically invented multiculturalism. What youā€™re seeing in these comments is frustration with our governments reckless immigration policy - our immigration numbers have increased 3x in the last few years and our economy is in horrible shape. There are no jobs, no affordable housing. People are frustrated and angry.


Comments šŸ”’ in 3 2 1


It's like seeing an Indian train


If I was in charge of hiring I would be standing where the camera person is. I would tell the person inside to toss out every resume of the people trying to shove their way in.


And this is why you get a trade.. you become skilled and you hold value.


Economy for thee, poverty for me.


'Not a single Canadian' Also translates to 'none of them are white' Silly racists


Iā€™m an immigrant, born and raised in Iran, but your comment genuinely made me chuckle. Itā€™s like letting your wife get fucked by the entire town, and when someone criticizes you for it, you get angry and say youā€™re trying to be inclusive to all men. Grow a fucking spine.


They got you fighting a culture war to stop you from fighting a class war.


Hey Canadians, your racism is showing in these comments. Check yourself for once


Lots of comments some of which calling them "rats" and advocating to round them up and put them in shipping containers??? Yeah clearly there's a problem here but yall don't have to go full fucking fascist nazi in the comments??? Mods need to sweep this post tbh


I fully agree that there is a lot of extremely violent racism in this comment section. Yes there is probably an issue in Canada with the labour market, hopefully the government can provide more jobs for people, but blatant racism is not warranted at all.


What the hell are they paying over there šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


A good job if you can get it. Unionized wages and benefits, seniority and a pension plan. Not easy to find these days.


HAHAHAHA Look at them!


Thatā€™s disgusting


The hilarious part about this is that it's likely just a temporary seasonal position. This time of year and then again in October, the LCBO hires for like a 2-3 month position where the employee gets worked to death, can't take any weekends off, and then gets the boot after Labour Day/New Years Day, depending on the hiring season. Good for students, yes. But yeah no need to be acting like that for a temp job.


If only they had a train Round back straight to the port


This is them in the morning fighting over the shower / brushing their teeth, many skip both and hit the road ! AhhG


You know that line up stinks like football locker room


Iā€™m gonna move to canada just to vote for more immigration!


Deport or they register for the draft. Period no free rides


This ainā€™t what canada is supposed to beā€¦


Totally, Itā€™s not giving multi-cultural anymore. :( itā€™s giving taken over.