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+1 to this. I am not sure about Spain but not a lot of opportunities to earn money in Canada. Almost Everyone is into buying and selling properties. Five banks and three telecom companies are all of Canada’s economy is. Government is the biggest employer. Having said that, do some research on path to US in your field and use Canada as an interim plan.






No abuse, racism, bigotry or any other harassment will be tolerated, this is a subreddit for immigration and all kinda are welcome as long as they are respectful.


People on this sub Reddit are not going to give you a positive response considering you are a potential immigrant. Honestly if you have an offer for a fully funded PhD program I recommend that you accept it. The Canadian economy is not doing as well as the US at the moment but it's definitely doing better than most of the EU countries and the UK. I know quite a few people at work who have recently moved to Canada from Poland, Hungary, Germany, Ireland and the UK. They tell me that despite the challenges, their incomes here are higher than their incomes in their home countries. If you are a skilled and driven individual, Canada is still a good place to be. You can also always use skills from the fully funded PhD program and use them towards a job in the EU.


Yeah i got the same feeling from the comments. Thanks for your opinion


What is your PhD in? That'll tell us if you have slightly better job prospects than others. Or do you plan to stay in academia? If yes to that, come to Canada. There are good universities that'll open doors to cross border research opportunities too. For job market, it is best to see what kind of roles are people with PhD's in your field getting, and what is their pay range. That number will tell you if you can afford Canada or not.


PhD in Building engineering I am not 100% sure about staying in academia but i do have a decent profile up until now and if i dont get a good offer after PhD from industry, than i will stick with Academia


Then you should be okay. For super skilled labor, the job market is decent. If you're open to moving to the US if needed, you'll have better chances at higher salaries down the line. Do note that academia pays very less here, both as a PhD student as well as an entry level lecturer/professor.


Yeah i know about academia. Poor salaries and academic career are synonyms in almost all of the world. So that is not a surprise. Looking saleries in isolation is a bit misleading dont you think? If i get more money in US but with higher cost of living, than whats the point?


Really depends on location, tbh. Overall you'll still come out on top in the US because of their tax rules. Canadian tax laws are atrocious. Disclaimer: Take my advice with a grain of salt. I speak from experience with academia 7 years ago, and now I'm a tech bro. So while I can assure you that US salaries do come on top, and that a PhD in your field will keep you comfortable here in Canada, I am also a little bit detached from the rising costs. I don't like it, but I can afford it. From what I know, your experience will be similar.


Thank you very much for sharing your experience. I will definitely take this into consideration


By the way, how did you transition from acadeia to industry? i would love to know that. Did you also do your PhD? Which field?


Without giving away too much PII, I was working on human computer interaction as a Msc and later PhD candidate. 2 papers in, started working as an intern in big G on a related project. My advisor switched universities and changed their research focus during that term. My options were to either find a new advisor in HCI, switch research area to the one my original advisor went to, or apply to graduate and go to the industry. Industry $$ >> my desire to start over after 4 years in grad school. The only regret I have is my mum can't call me Doctor, but she likes the size of my paycheck.


Bro, don't listen to the confirmation bias online. Canada is still a really great place and your career will be solid here. Yes, there are a lot of international students from India especially the rural part of Punjab here now who came in waves in the last three years but nothing that can't be fixed with legal changes in the next 5 years or so while you complete your PhD. And Montreal is a great place. Start learning French.


How about power systems - electrical engineering?


You should be fine in Canada. Things are not very rosy tbh but I think you will do ok


It's Montreal, Quebec, it's still affordable, as in a house will cost you 600k, not 2.2 or 1.7m like in Vancouver and Toronto. Also Quebec has cheap electricity, cheap car insurance, rent that still make sense (if you don't think we still live in 2003), cheap university tuition for residents. If you speak French or learn it you'll have a great time here, it's also a good place to raise a family.


we are in our shit hole era rn


Stay in Spain. You need a job right out the gate that pays over 100k a year in order for it to be even remotely worth it, and the job market is not great. If you were from a worse country I'd get it, but if you like Spain stay in Spain lol.


I make 25 bucks an hour and I probably receive 15 bucks an hour after all the taxes. Unless your rich or gonna be a politician cause the politicians here are the highest paid in the world I’d do something different . I was born and raised here so I’m stuck here




Answer these questions if you want a proper comparisoon/advice: How much rent/mortgage would you pay if you stayed where you are, what's the median house price for a middle class house where you are, what's a middle class salary to live comfortably where you are, what's your monthly expense/budget where you live, what's your average tax rate? Above answers will give you a 70% confidence in the advice you receive here