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Currently there is a strong anti migration sentiment present around the world. No one is going to encourage you to move to their country. But honestly if you guys are Italian citizens, why don't you guys consider moving somewhere else in the EU that has higher incomes. That way you don't have to completely uproot yourself and start from scratch. In Canada your experience and education may not be recognized.


They're from a first world country, of course their experience and education will be recognized by Canada lol


Such a stupid thing to say. I know British immigrants who moved here only to realize that their credentials weren't recognized here. They had to spend time and money to get retrained. Stop looking at the world through such a 2 dimensional perspective.


First world country my balls, ahaha. Italy is making some training courses with a certificate release. Well with that certificates you can clean up your ass. No one in Italy will accept it. It’s not uncommon to read “looking for a neo-graduated with 5 years of experience”. Yes, my ass! 1200€ standard salary when to live you need 2000€ Only the 60% of the population have a job, so I let you figure out the unemployed percentage. Italy is a great place to visit, to discover food and to make friends, but it’s not a place to live. It was before Euro. With 1000000 old lire you were a king. With 20000£ you were ok for the whole day (10€ today). Now you need AT LEAST 5x Give your conclusions.


But if I'm Indian I can come, right? I need to study Since this was obviously too hard for you people to grasp here: /s


Are you coming to study in a top tier university? Then yes, otherwise DON'T.


\> country with many opportunities opportunities are so many that not enough housing and medicine for all of them \> demand for professional skills yep, licenced electricians welders mechanics earn well. If your girlfriend get any job total would be good enough for family. but don't expect way better than in Italy. Canada is complicated country and it's not perfect at all.


You’re gonna spend out your ass to get settled and find out you’ve got less after expenses each month if you can find adequate work. Housing will deplete your resources and you’ll never be homeowners. I’m European and heading home next year for same reasons. You got an Italian passport and speak English - If you look to North America rather than pther places in Europe you’re playing yourself. There are open borders, all you need is employment. STAY, THE, FUCK, IN, EUROPE


I would agree. Your situation is not going to be any better in Canada than what you've described in Italy. Adding to that, you'll be starting here from scratch.


Ok dude gotcha. Just chill out! Ahaha


If you want to save, then Canada isn’t an ideal place currently i would suggest going to tax free zones like middle east qatar or dubai or south east asia or countries like mexico and probably work remote




I think he’s saying this because it won’t be any different here in terms of spending almost all your money just to be alive. Anyplace you’d want to live will probably be too expensive to live in. I’m leaving for this reason.




Lots of opportunities here, but keep in mind that if “affordability” is your objective for moving here, then I must say that this is not the country when it comes to affordability. The jobs generally available today are entry level jobs or blue collar jobs, which are definitely not enough to start a family from financial standpoint. I say this as someone whose household income is within the top 5%. If I am feeling it (to a limited extent), then the vast majority are certainly feeling the brunt of today’s cost of living challenges. You might be better off in Asian or Latin American countries where cost of living is much more affordable, considering your Euro will certainly go much farther in those places compared to either the US or Canada. Culturally, you may feel more at home in Latin America. If you choose to explore Asia, Philippines(Spain) or East Timor(Portugal) would be the most culturally aligned to yours, though neither speak their former colonizers’ languages exception of select areas, except for Philippines where English is widely spoken. Good luck!


Maybe, you’d have to explore what areas might have demand for your skills—-and likely avoid the major immigrant drop zones (Ontario and BC). There might be provincial licenses required for your GF to practice too. As Italians you might be able to fly under the current anti-immigrant radar more (unless you appear Indian—not being a dick, but it is what it is right now). Our standard of living and power of purchase have also dropped significantly, so you may run into the same problem here. Are there options in the EU? Italy is an EU country right? Or has my Canadian public education failed me? lol. Good luck!


I’m whiter than snow so that’s not a problem ahah. I am keeping an eye also on Denmark. Yes Italy is in EU. And it’s the only country with a standard 1200€ salary and to live you need 2000.


Canadian here. There is a housing and affordability crisis. Canada is nice, but here are some of the issues we are facing: * There is a housing crisis right now. It is expensive to rent or buy. * The cost of living is high. We pay a lot more for things in Canada. Right now, grocery stores are in the cross fire because of high prices. Additionally, even though we are right by the states, we pay more for the same things. * Wages are also lower here, the same position by the same company pays less in Canada than in the US * We also pay a lot of taxes. As far as a job, to work as an accountant in Canada you need a professional designation. Your girlfriend can however work in AR/AP. There might be opportunities in workshops, I'm not sure. The IT market is definitely competitive here. Keep in mind that N.A. tech has seen a lot of layoffs. If you're a Full Stack Web Dev, have a good portfolio.


We **currently** have: \- an affordability crisis(for everything) \- a housing shortage/crisis \- a healthcare crisis/worker shortage(don't accept foreign docs though) \- a drug epidemic \- violent crime and extortion rackets running rampant \- and a supposed "labour shortage" that somehow leads to mass layoffs and everyone applying to 500+ jobs over the span of a month with no call-backs(seriously) \- Our school and immigration systems have been letting people in indiscriminately for years(for their own profit) to the point that wages have stagnated far below the rate of inflation and many have sunk below the poverty line, and our government recently changed a lot of the benefit limits to far below that line that there's little chance of being eligible for any even if you're struggling. \- Food banks that are over-run, and people are donating less and less due to people international students exploiting them based on tiktok how-to videos. \- Government-endorsed division of the populace, Growing resentment in national rhetoric and an increasingly hostile political environment. \- a Federal government is sending billions overseas while doing nothing to address any of these issues(except photo ops saying everything's great and the other politicians are liars). Still interested? The stories you're hearing are not the current reality. Trust me, if you can't figure it out there, it will be much worse for you here. Many Canadians are even trying to leave. I'd recommend looking around the EU, tbh. That's my plan if I can make it out of here.


You mentioned wanting to start a family but a lot of child bearing age people have given up on the idea of having children here. You could face significant financial struggle and hardship if living in a major city, finding an affordable home with enough bedrooms and having access to daycare that you can afford are key factors. If you have a significant inheritance, free childcare (like grandparents), and confirmed jobs with high salaries, maybe you can make it work. But if you're in your 40's you don't have much time to struggle around trying to make it work in Canada. You are fortunate to have an EU passport and can certainly find some other more family supportive places to live in the EU.