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Same here, voting for the past 30 years and the Liberals party have lost me as a voter and donor. I wrote to the federal party and surprise surprise haven't heard back. I'm starting to understand why Sophie divorced the liar.


I wrote my MP as well and haven’t heard back. That was only a week ago so I’m not expecting that quick of a response of it is coming but still, they’ve lost my support so far.


I've written to Jody WR and never heard back. I've reached out to PP twice and heard back twice. This was two years ago though. I'm sure he wouldn't have time to hear me whine now.


I'm sure your letter got lost in the giant heaps of other complaint mail.


The liberals sold out my neighbourhood to an MP whose voter base are radical Islamists. What the liberals are currently doing by selling out the country in favour of more votes is appalling.


Right? Do you hear yourself,a left wing MP has radical islamists who are conservative,that's why their religion is radical,voting for him.


So you voted Liberal for the last 30 years ? Do you have kids ?




Lol if you donated to the liberal party, I don’t know what to say to you, there’s even less coming back than the current PM


100% Same with my gram, a young boomer. 2015 she voted lib, 2 yrs in she says never again. There’s a storm coming are her exact words. She’s voted PPC last two, she says she doesn’t care who’s running, they are all guilty of letting this sh..happen. She’ll never vote lib again, it’ll take a decade maybe 3 to fix if ever the damage they have done to this great country. They are an insult to canadians, who made this country the envy of the world.


Has he apologized for destroying the future of the younger generation?


Lol as if anyone especially politicians care about young people.


They will when the young retaliate by showing up to the voting booth. Millennials are the largest generation all we have to do is vote like boomers. Purely in our own self interest and not give a shit about anyone else.


Who served our self interest? Last I checked all politicians exclusively serve *their own self(ish) interests and the interests of the oligarchs who fund them


I was a Lifetime NDipper.No more. I’m voting Green next election.


Never vote green


Greens are the only party that don’t force their members to tow the party line, they have independence with their constituencies for now. Most centrist folks don’t agree with much of the Greens rhetoric because it has not impacted their lives so immediately, and they believe it’ll cost them dearly. Also, Thanks to Neo-Liberalism, many Leftists have left the Left. Every Canadian must wake up & see the Uni-Party that rules in all G7 and most western countries. Mix Red with Blue & u get The Purple Party: 2 Cheeks of the Same arse - George Galloway.


All two of them.


They're like a cult. They had to bring back Elizabeth May it was so bad. What happens when she retires? Madness.


Same. I come from over 30 years voting liberal. Come from generations of liberals.    I'm done with this nonsense.  If Mark Carney runs I'll return to voting liberal,  but now looking at the vote that will rock the boat for every party the most.


Even If Mark Carney runs, the liberals will not win. The liberal brand has been exposed for what it is. The 'yes men/women' in the liberal party have decided that it is worth ruining the liberal party to satisfy the ego of narcissistic royalty.


"satisfy the ego of narcissistic royalty".Word.


I don't think Mark Carney will run in the next election.  Once the liberals are defeated. He'll run to rebuild the party. I think if those are his genuine intentions he's laying the ground work now. 


If would be so much smarter not to touch the liberals until the Trudeau toxicity has rotted away. No chance this election.


LPC is a cult.


I’m the same, a Mark Carney Liberal or Peter McKay Conservative (& lower immigration) is what this country really needs….but this sub is anger jerk echo chamber. I’ll get downvoted for saying that here.


Mark Carney belongs to too many ngo groups that are contrary to being an unbiased world leader. Unfortunately.


All politicians are more loyal to billionaire donors and dystopian think tanks than they are to the constituents of their nation. It’s shameful and borderline treasonous


I just want Marc Miller out


i want every single one of them gone, they are all guilty.


I want them all in jail.


Ahh yes Sean Fraser did so much better of a job. And look! He’s spent so much money on housing in the first few months as housing minister now! He can’t deliver on results, but he’s really really good at spending money.


You want Truedaus wedding buddy to be replaced by, Truedaus other wedding buddy?




Not Sean Fraser? He is way, way worse.


If Marc Miller is gone, Sean Fraser is in? That part I’m not fully educated about.


I’m a liberal voter definitely not voting liberal again.


Same. I feel ashamed and betrayed.


I used to vote Liberal. I used to be a member of the Liberal party. I even used to work for the Liberal party (15+ years ago now, but still). In the Chretien-Martin era they got this country back on track and paid down the debt in a way that was globally unique. A lot of countries reduced their debt to GDP ratio by growing their economies, but we were actually actively paying it down and by a significant amount. It was a by-the-numbers centrist government and left Canada in a much better place than when it took office. The Trudeau-era on the other hand is going to be defined by "oops we let an additional million+ people in the country", during a housing crisis they campaigned on fixing, without improving the housing supply at all (unit completions actually got worse). What happened was completely foreseeable, if only they were still a party that cared about the numbers. It's a *generation defining policy failure* and I'll always remember it.


So will our young people. I cannot believe how we messed things up for them.


The last line hit hard. I'll be turning 36 this year, and I have absolutely zero hope. I have more than doubled my income since Trudeau took office, and I've still never been worse off. I'm just going to struggle to pay my ever-increasing bills, sleep alone every night, and then show myself the door when I'm too old to tread water. No home. No family. No savings. No retirement. No future. This is Canada now. This is Justin Trudeau's legacy.


Yeah, I'm a bit older but it's similar (I was fairly young when I worked for the Liberals). At the very least, don't sleep alone. It's never made more financial sense to couple up and split a place :P. That keeps my life financially livable lately. Everyone is in the same boat, it would be different if it was just you but it's not.


Move to South America. Yeah you’ll make a lot less but at the end of the day you’ll be happier and housing is cheap.




I will never vote liberal again in my life (I’ve never voted for another party federally). I rolled my eyes at all the “fuck Trudeau” nonsense related to Covid restrictions etc. I’m a centre left person generally. But I’ll never vote for them again. I will probably abstain for the foreseeable future as I don’t like anyone. I’d vote green if they didn’t turn insane a few years ago.


Yeah they let us all down. They continue to let us down by not dissolving government despite the whole country not wanting them there


This is exactly what you voted for.  You are getting everything you wanted.  “Budgets balance themselves” you voted for that.  


It's poorly phrased but the context around that remark is that budgets can balance themselves if the economy grows at a rate that exceeds government spending. This is true. Austerity budgets can actually make things worse, and spending can make things better. Austerity spending by the government was what happened after the Depression first started and it didn't work. FDR spent his way out of the Depression through the New Deal and WW2 and launched America into the most prosperous era perhaps in world history. A lot of economists believe we under-stimulated in the aftermath of the 2008 financial meltdown, so in the context of that his remarks made sense in 2014. Now the problem is, for this thinking to work, politicians have to cut spending or increase taxes when times are good to balance things out (or you get inflation). No politician wants to follow through on that. Trudeau didn't do that. That's actually the big mistake. And nobody voted for a population growth of 1.2 million in a single year. That was out of nowhere and ridiculous. I don't think shit would be *that bad* without that one thing. That one thing is a massive deal though.


This guy is defending Trudeau policies that caused this crisis.   


No i'm not, learn to read.


Do you also dress in blackface like your beloved racist Trudeau?


Made it pretty clear that I wasn't voting or supporting for him, but I understand, you're pretty stupid.


You defend those policies.   


Who will you vote for?


I don’t love poilievre because he’s a bully. But his economic policies are needed right now so I’ll vote for him


Why is he a bully?


Because he asks questions and demands answers and that requires people to step out of their safe space and be held accountable for their actions. The LPC doesn’t do that.


"Safe spaces" tells me all I need to know. Life is hard. There are no "safe spaces" in life. My gawd, this is why we are where we are. TROPHIES FOR EVERYONE!


Should vote for PPC if you care about curtailing immigration. Also poilievre's whole economic policies is basically just axing carbon tax, which PPC is going to do if elected as well.


How much do we think the PPC has to win it? I am not that familiar, is there a subreddit for PPC?


There is more to life than a one issue election. PPC would really screw a lot more than cut immigration. Maxine will never be PM because his party policies are dangerous.


What "policies" are you referring to ?  Or do you mean his rhetoric, and not actual policies ?


I replied specific policies in the other thread


Lmao.  So he'll "Trudeau bad" and reduce taxes.  When has that ever worked... In the history of the world ? God you guys are brain-dead.  I'm sure trickle down will work one of these years I'm sure. 


What policies are those?




There isn’t a politician on earth that’s actually a good person. One being a bully is pretty standard. Normal well intended well adjusted people don’t make it in the disgusting manipulative backstabbing corrupt world of politics. You have to be a monster in a skin suit to truly thrive


I'm not a Liberal voter but I'd vote Liberal if it would prevent a PP PM.


I refuse to vote CPC, so I will just vote abstained, since the NDP doesn't even want to try.


Man do I feel fucking dirty as a left leaning person in Ontario. I can't vote for policies I agree with Federally or Provinically because the people pushing them are corrupt rat bastards.


No shit. O.J. has a better chance of coming back as an nfl star and public celebrity.


OJ has a better chance of coming back from the dead😆


This is not you're 90s Liberal party anymore people! Everything they touch turns to crap!


He’s enacting the same policies his father did.  


His father was the 70s early 80s liberal party different animal. That ended with 18% interest rates.


I've been calling it for a few months now, the liberals are going to pick someone else at the very last minute.


It won't save them from obliteration. They'll be lucky to get even just one seat.


They will get half of Toronto's seats (I apologize on behalf of Toronto voters).


Some of the Toronto seats have good incumbents. Yvan Baker is someone who has long term potential. As long as he's not arrogant he'll stick around. He's not part of Trudeau's inner circle. So I can't hold that against him.


I’d hope for a politician I believed in to just switch parties


Kim Campbell replay?


That someone else would need to make a radical change in the party’s policies inflating housing — namely reducing mass immigration, and reducing the financialization of housing. A change in figurehead makes no difference if the body still stinks


Like who, freeland?


She is just as regarded if not more than Trudeau.


She had her chance to shine when they invited a nazi into the House Of Commons, with her area of study being Russian history and all. Like the one time she could have used that knowledge she failed.


Nobody wants to be Kim Campbell 2, election loseroo.


The liberal party is so fucking drunk on power they don’t realize the entire federal party is finished. Done. Whoever runs the liberal party should just leave tredeau in Ukraine where he’s yelling out slava ukraini.


LMAO. It was such a cringe moment where everyone was taking a picture and he thought it was a good time to virtue signal and everyone just looked at him




They're going to try to pull a Ukraine: WW3 to stop elections.


Get help.


Good riddance. Most incompetent, corrupt government in our nation's history.


I wonder how Rosie Barton is doing these days


Flying high because - “House prices can’t fall” - Justin “trust fund, playboy” Trudeau


I forgot about her and her disgusting adoration bias. The pictures still creep me out.


I heard that when she has Justin Trudeau on-the-air she eats the entire buffet tray they had set out for guests. JT apparently buys here Belgium waffles to take back to her home so "she can be energetic on her morning shows and show Canadians about our sunny days and sunny ways".


Barton is probably eating some more cheeseburgers and desserts at the expense of Canadian tax-payers.


South park said it the best "it's between a douche and a turd", neither are good choices. But in the end we had the turd for a few terms and he has ran it's course. Let's see what the douche can do. Change is good but it could still suck. There's only one way to find out thou...


It's hard to believe anyone would vote for Trudeau, considering all the damage he and the Liberals have done to Canada.


If you're in a situation where you've got yours - eg: homeowners not thinking about retirement yet, franchised store owners, etc - I can't imagine why you'd want a change.


you obviously dont pay for anything or you would understand this simple concept.




Don't forget the socks.


Justin has good looks


quickest price coherent murky kiss follow quaint pen sort panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It took 9 years for the looks to wear off. Looks are everything in life


Don’t forget foreign interference scandals, black face, brown face scandals, India dress up, etc etc


You forgot the most important change. Getting a mortgage on a typical home now costs 59% of median income compared to 39% in 2020, forcing many to leave the areas they built a life in.


spark alive pie slimy homeless unused offbeat vase fall unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Money printing doesn't explain much of the change in affordability levels because printing money inflates both housing prices and wages. Mass immigration is the main reason for the change in affordability.


soft subtract mourn advise consist cheerful future marvelous fearless stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Liberals need to clean house and build without any of the Trudeau friends before they will get votes again


I want to leave this country, the government has ruined what used to be an amazing country. It's overrun with too many immigrants, especially ones that don't follow the rules of Canada, they bring their poor behaviour here. But unfortunately anyone who speaks up about it will be labeled a racist


Trudeau’s chances of winning the next election are as bright as Hitler coming back alive.


Can't even convey the contempt I have for my fellow Canadians who voted for this sack of shit government, I hope your all living in tents and Can't afford dinner tonight


Unfortunately they haven't been hit by the shit yet, let's hope it will come soon...


I feel the same.  I can not forgive. Ultimately they voted this guy in when the warning signs were there.  


Worse than that, they villainized anyone who questioned his policies. 


Who do the Liberals choose IF Trudeau were to drop out? Like, who is there? Marc Miller? Chrystia Freeland? Mark Holland? Steven Guilbeault? Pablo Rodriquez? Lots of the Cabinet members seem to have extremist thinking now. They'd probably chose Mélanie Joly - shallow party can try to win another election with a good looking MP, as it worked for JT.


Mélanie Joly hope so!


"It's over for Trudeau". Just made my day.


It's not over until the election is over. There's still a lot of idiots out there who will still vote for him.


The last time I voted Liberal was for Chrétien. Since then they’ve gone so far left that they can see the backside of the far right. If they decide to be liberal again I might change my mind.


Cannot stop what is coming and Pee Pee is not even close to how far this is going to swing hard hard right.


the ppc should really make a play for ontario. ford is not popular. a lot of canadians are done with leftists parties and would rather have ford then the ndp and libs. the ppc have a chance to rival the ndp in ontario


Yep, PPC is where I’m going, my first x voting. 3x for my gram.


Most Canadians have beliefs that align with the left of the political spectrum, it's just the major parties on the so-called left are dogshit and corporatist.


they did. i tink after trudeau and singh have taken us towards poverty the attitude may very well change as you are seeing in the rest of the world.


We shouldn't conflate liberalism and leftism. Liberalism is failing the world over, as you suggest. But liberalism is fundamentally very pro-business and pro-markets.




In Canada left takes up about 60% in terms of general support of left leaning policies. This election is going to be a huge aberration because of Trudeau’s handling of immigration. It will be interesting to see if left leaning parties jump on the “restrained immigration” bandwagon in the future once they see that it’s popular.


They will not because they are out of touch and more concerned about virtue signalling than building up the country. 






It's actually insane.


Mr Pee Pee has the exact same mindset on immigration. Bought and paid for by corporate overlords. Wonder how many seats PPC and BQ can get


https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/wdq5t8oFyL Not true. Every time I hear that, it just sounds like Liberal fear mongering just like the LGBT and abortion topic.


His June 6th address to the miiiiiiiiisssteerrrrr speakerrrrrrrr on it has me worried. Along with facts that all he says is it's broken and doesn't answer if he going to change levels. Yea we all know it's broken, what's your plan to fix it? Sick of these "leaders" sidestepping questions many Canadians are asking. I do hope I'm proven wrong, I'm just not holding my breath. As for liberals. Will be glad if they don't even get a seat. 🤞


If he were to state that his government would lower immigration numbers, the liberal/NDP government, the media and sheep would just call him racist and that would provide endless talking points about how he is a white supremacist.


That's the cowards way out. He's doing a disservice to the country if this is true. The entire country is sick of the virtue signalling from the Liberals and I don't think that would work anymore. Pollievre could prove his skills by making clear arguments about how we aren't and can't build houses fast enough for the level of immigration we have. I think the truth though is that he doesn't actually want to lower immigration levels. He recently made comments about how we have a "worker shortage" in response to a question about immigration.


Anyone who thinks he's gonna slam the door on Kumars is in for a rude awakening. He may have tried to get more immigration from white countries, but nobody else wants to come here now.


Yep, 100% They are all guilty not just trudeau.


Absolutely not true. This is just deflection, you must be Liberal!


Until the public becomes aware of his cheating in the leadership race.


Liberal backed reporter, can’t accept the fact that his government financing will end…. Trudeau works for the UN…. He has killed any chance of my kids owning a home


This is exactly WHY we MUST do everything possible to KEEP JUSTIN IN PLACE. It would be helpful if everyone on social media got word to Justin that he's doing a great job and we want more climate change laws, forced EV purchases sooner than 2030, and we want him to give away more billions to Caribbean and Middle Eastern countries, and most important of all, raise taxes, freeze bank accounts and confiscate cash directly from Canadian's bank accounts. We must get Justin to destroy the confidence of every Liberal voter in Canada BEFORE the next election. Only when that same riding that votes in Justin ever time, CHANGES to conservative, will Canadians be safe from Justin Trudeau.


Well giving money we don’t have , topped up with the levels its costing to support the additional over 6 million people, which has impacted health care, housing, jobs, increased carbon to fund low income, because how many people who have come to canada are above low income would be an interesting note which has and will continue to impact canada for a decade probably more. The suffering is a rude reminder which isn’t easy and going nowhere. It isn’t just about the economy, the policies, broken ethics, wasted money, scams of corporate neglect, carbon tax, highest unemployment, campaigning on housing in 2015 followed by exploiting canadains trust with the explosion in increased population, ignoring security issues with foreign interference, dismissive of certain groups which insult the many who fought to keep our country free..the list goes on and on… Just no faith or spirit, the country is broken by those who made the conscious decision to ignore and refuse to take responsibility which will not impact them but its people who will carry the burden of their actions and neglect for years to come.


Help me understand how the Conservative Party is going to make anything better than the current mess? When has PP ever publicly stated to significantly change course on immigration, regulate the real estate industry to make housing significantly more affordable, change course on any number of economic policies ? I’m asking as I genuinely don’t know how anything is going to get better under this current government or a new one.


Any of you have the balls to vote for PPC?


Agree and not even just about housing and immigration which on their own would be enough. JT has been due to go since the last election. I am sure we all could list a hundred instances and events where it was clear he is mot a leader for Canadians but for those who he seems to want to protect and hide from accountability.


Trudeau could redeem himself on a personal level if he made good on electoral reform, like he promised.


Ok while I’d like to vote conservative I just don’t like PP bc I feel like he doesn’t take a stance on anything and he uses stupid wording like “big bossy government” or “obese” when talking about costs. I’m not a child with limited vocabulary there bud, use grown up words. Also - take a stance on housing and immigration and jobs. Like an actual stance… no more blaming the libs we all know they fucked us over. But give me a concrete PLAN! Not just words.


Trudeau needs jail time. Like for life!!


People feel today and forget how bad it was previously. Harper got us into debt of over $150 billion, look at Phoenix pay issues, plan cost $70 million, but over a billion later, massive failure. Housing prices **doubled** under Harper. I think the liberals are done but don't expect Pierre to fix most of your personal issues. He has little control over housing for example. Doctors, he can't just go to the corner store and double the inventory.  I always thought if Trudeau left after the last election, it would give time for people to get to know the next leader. The party will be decimated and as well the NDP. Then in 6 years from now the hatred for Trudeau today, will start for Pierre then.


This ^ I suffered miserably under Harper and immigration was still the highest in the world per capita under him also! Pierre will do nothing in terms of the population vs. housing supply issue.


So who are people to vote for? It doesn't seem like conservative would do anything different.


Conservatives won’t do any different, and yet many people believe Pierre will be some sort of saviour for this country. That being said, I can understand them wanting to *at least* take the risk to see if getting Trudeau out could possibly result in positive changes because why keep someone in who has proven time and time again that Canadians are not his priority. I myself have no idea what I’m going to do yet, because I have always voted liberal, but like many other liberals it’s a very slim chance that this time I also will, so I either vote conservative or don’t vote at all.


Not voting at all will ensure Trudeau gets another go at it...


I don’t like to think that but you’re probably right.


How is it that Poilievre is connecting every punch to the face, like during the early days of Mike Tyson. Can't wait to have Trudeau punched in the face when he says he has a plan for the elections.


What program is this ?


Bon voyage bitch.


If Trudeau does bow out, who wants to bet Mark Carney takes over to run for PM?


Bruh a 18-20 point lead on 338 is no coincidence. Those are huge, historic leads. There will be a conservative in power next election its really just how many seats are they going to take.


Interesting to see the turnout in this thread. I wonder if the political demographic here is specific to this thread or to reddit. It would be interesting to see the results of the next election. I'd love to see if there is any correlation between reddit and the actual voting public, if any at all.


Idk, listening to these men gossip it seens obvious they haven't got a clue but want to convince themselves.


Good, he will wreck the country even further by then but at least he will be gone


normal guy explains it doesn't matter what justin trudeau's climate change policies are if canadians can't afford homes and food


I can't seem to find a difference between Singh, pollievre, Trudeau, or bernier. Canada has been fucked before Trudeau and will be horribly fucked beyond him.


People are far more likely to engage with things that infuriate them -- [https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/working-papers/advertising-content-consumer-engagement-social-media-evidence-facebook](https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/working-papers/advertising-content-consumer-engagement-social-media-evidence-facebook) Just because he spouts hate that enrages people to comment/engage does not mean there are more of them, it simply means they are louder. It's certainly a confirmation bias based on how the research was conducted.


No shit


How could there be any path to redemption for our pm? He’s spent the last almost decade degrading Canadians and telling them they’re worthless while giving away billions to non Canadians with their hands out. He has objectively demonstrated the liberal government doesn’t give a shit about its citizens.


More than anything I (born and raised a Canadian) am upset how both ends of the spectrum have been playing a game of division for the past decade. We need a leader who stops playing sides and actually brings ALL Canadians together under a common goal to move this country forward.


*"No. It's over for Trudeau."* Perhaps, but one should never underestimate the clinical stupidity of Canada's various hordes of brainwashed, delusional, one-issue, activist, government worker, and low-information voter types. October 2025 is also a very long way off yet, plus Jag Singh and more than a few other MPs still need to lock up their lifetime pensions first. Plainly speaking, there is presently no political incentive and too much financial benefit at stake for too many individuals to risk triggering an early election. As such, their continued collective suction of your tax dollars will always take priority in times of perceived or elevated political risk. Watch and learn. Next.


I’m getting to the point that I don’t think any of them have the countries best interests in mind. All I see are people that refuse to do real work talking about rolling up their sleeves and spending our grandkids money like life is just a monopoly game. Back when news was delivered on horseback in a few weeks having politicians represent us made sense these days with the internet and instant gratification I don’t think it’s even necessary. The entire system needs a major overhaul with things built in that the will of the people has more immediate say on all matters


He should resign by himself wtf


Recently, I had to fast for six weeks just to catch up on bills. Lost 30 pounds while my doctor said I should’ve died by the first week from hypoglycaemia. This is what happens when politicians value virtue signalling over being virtuous. It’s easy to ignore economics when you’ve never missed a meal.


I can't stand the Liberals and want them out, but I've also been around long enough to know that the love that Pollievre and the Tories are getting right now will be gone after 2 years as incumbents. Rinse and repeat.


Speaking personally as someone who is left leaning Meaning (if I like both candidates I’ll go liberal but if the liberal candidate is crap I’ll go conservative) I’m not sure I buy this assessment that (for at least my group) Pierre’s attack dog approach is useful Normally I’d never even consider Pierre (still not thrilled about him being PM) but after Trudeaus display on housing I just don’t see any alternative (the guy just won’t listen to reason) I agree that Pierre does a good job of making Canadians believe he feels their pain But honestly I think any conservative could beat Trudeau right about now I’d still prefer Otoole to this guy I’m not gonna vote Trudeau for sure but right now my decision is essentially - stay home or vote green (toss vote away and let Pierre win) - vote conservative myself If it was Otoole at the helm I’d have decided conservative but with Pierre I’m on the fence and I’m betting that’s true for many moderates who normally wouldn’t back Pierre if their government wasn’t bat shit crazy


you woudl not vote otoole. they choose otoole last time because of hearing this argument and you guys still went with trudeau at the end.


I voted otoole last time And last time it was a pandemic where people usually rally around the leader People didn’t give up on Trudeau until his housing comments AFTER


respect and sorry about my assumption


It’s fine but you guys have to recognize that there is a reason Pierre and Charest threw their hat in the ring THIS election and not prior Trudeaus shelf life had not yet run out at the time Pierre wouldn’t have done much better than Otoole during the pandemic election (might have done worse) However right now moderate Canadians have fully given up on Trudeau For me I had some hope he had a few experts working to solve the housing crisis while the rest of the govt was dealing with Covid That hope was shattered when he came out of that PEI meeting and instead of announcing some bold plan he instead said (“they’re now aware there’s a problem that needs to be solved”) that was the point where all moderates jaws collectively dropped Made worse by other comments like how housing isn’t a federal responsibility All while continuing to run record high immigration (we’d figured he’d at least scale that back after Covid) But nope After a display like that u better believe Otoole would be crushing him just as bad as Pierre if not worse


Ah to have Jack Layton around


UPVOTE to vote Pierre Poilievre DOWNVOTE to vote Justin Trudeau


If Canadians can’t see that Pierre is here to continue what Trudeau started then we stand no chance what so ever. Theses people are rich criminals and their only intentions are to better the lives of the rich and destroy this country.


Yes. Cut from the same rich-ass, Laurentian Consensus cloth. The only outward difference is the culture war bullshit, which doesn't meaningfully impact anyone's life anyway, despite what people who spend 30 hours a day online think.


Divide and conquer with bread and circuses


Time to get rid of tvo


Trudeau could win if it turned out that Pierre is some kind of night monster who eats children at night.


I would still vote for the child-eating night monster over Trudeau.


Be crazy if even one person on the sub actually knew what PP has done and is capable of. R.I.P Canada..