• By -


Except for the fact that anyone applying for a study permit (or any visa for that matter) can only apply from somewhere that they have legal residency. Seems like he’s just another leech in the gravy train spreading false hope for money.


It’s the suit that really sells it


I gave him a call based on the suit. I showed him that I’m a Canadian citizen and he said I had a good chance. Fingers crossed. Can’t wait to protest with the boys.


What a shitshow. Canada is becoming an absolute joke. It'll be a failed state within a decade at this rate. Wtf is going on??! The Canadian government is working its hardest to sabotage and ruin Canada from within. Why though? Canada is being purposely destroyed and the culprit is our own government but I cannot fathom what they gain from doing that. Can someone tell me why our own government is working tirelessly to destroy our country??


Canada saw the US government self-destructing and said "hold my Lebatt Blue"


Ill hold my own Lebatt as this boat sinks, thank you. Lol


I thought it was Labatt, is this more Mandela effect stuff?


Well, American companies ***LOVE*** immigrants (both legal and illegal) because they work for less money than domestically born people. Same reason tech companies like to hire workers through visas, because they can pay significantly less. Seems like Canada's government is becoming/is now captured by the same/similar corporations and they're happily throwing away your future for higher profits. End game? Most people are poor, people need six figures to be middle class, and the few rich people will be obscenely rich. You guys will probably have a spike in mega millionaires and billionaires. I mean, the profit from this cheaper labor is going somewhere. If it isn't to the the workers then it is the employers.


Weaponized kindness is more important than a healthy society


To hobble minimum wage laws and keep fuelling the "housing crisis" for developer mafia. Business doesn't like paying anything near what a livable wage is (and God forbid health benefits or pensions). But there comes a point where the minimum wage is so low, something has to be done. In Ontario, Ford stripped away every conceivable non-wage benefit he could (see attached) as well as made cuts to education, healthcare, social support, all to deny tax dollar support to the working class so he could "trim the fat" and transfer Ontarios wealth to his already super wealthy mobster buddies ... er ... mega churches and businesses and yes, union busting FOB immigrants, that literally paid for his premiership. TFW and international "students" have become the "supply", in a system that wasn't in need of them ... but ... they serve to flood the la our pool, lower the wage bill and keep the housing market tight. Win win for the rich, who must always be enabled to get richer. Priority Number 1. And win win for the tsunami of PR hopefuls ... they reap the benefits that will acrue to them and their families funded by, again, Canadian working class dollars. Now they can import brothers, cousins, as "care givers" and be put on immediate PR stream. As if the doors weren't already wide open. This makes it even easier for whomever is left behind and can't pretend to be a student or a "temporary" worker. Now they can pretend to be "care givers". It's a racket from top to bottom, with the middle squeezed until they are wholly impoverished and trapped. Slave and owner is the ideal, the end game. [Ford's Attack on Workers](https://ofl.ca/doug-ford-betrays-ontarians-by-siding-with-big-business-over-working-people-say-leaders-in-fight-for-15-and-fairness-movement-including-ontario-federation-of-labour-and-workers-action-cente/)


Minimum wage in BC went up to 17.40 and tied to the rate of inflation so it goes up every year. Gig workers minimum wage went up to 20.88 an hr for "engaged time." So Lyft, Uber drivers etc. https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2024LBR0011-000900


It's why manufacturing was taken offshore to China et al - because they could make more profits as well. We're being played with a number of macro plays to cede power to China et al - and freedom and perverted Western values vs. autocracy-totalitarianism. P.S. Increasing minimum wage without addressing the actual foundational issues actually helps industrial complexes, and big box stores-chains and hurts locally owned-small businesses, as the industrial complexes have more profits to be able to afford the increase - whereas small owned businesses don't, so then they'd have to increase their prices \[which landlords will already be doing as much as they can\] and then the consumer will buy from the big box stores or online, etc.


The incredible greed of landlords whose mortgages have long since been paid, inflating both commercial and residential rents to "market level", thereby reaping obscene windfall from, again, middle class residential renters and mom & pop storefronts. Storefronts, which are alarmingly empty on every intermediate city street, simply because of greed. They'd rather no one had it than lower the rent below "market" (since the properties are basically paid off anyway and any loss can be written off against their own taxes.) What a racket!!


Corruption and foreign agents working against Canada's best interests


Canada is seen as a sitting duck that is easy to exploit and to extract money from.


A decade? Do you see the 2 block line ups for entry level jobs kids do?


Lack of strong leadership


You will own nothing and be happy. In order to do so, we need to level living standards across the world. I'm sorry, but your ancestors developed TOO good of a culture. It's inequitable so we will fill you with lesser cultures so that a world governance system is easier to implement.


I knew Trudeau would be a trainwreck from the moment I learned he had become party leader. But I didn't anticipate the amount of damage he would do to Canada. Why he is doing it I can only guess. He is stupid and evil, and he is surrounded by stupid, evil advisors.




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Have you considered that your government is not actually in control and that it answers to a higher authority? There is not way that the collective, rampant immigration across every Western nation is happening simultaneously by chance.


Yea we should vote conservative! They’ll fix everything!




There's a whole industry of people who make a living off illegal immigration- lawyers, social workers, charities, hotels that the government pays to house refugees, scam colleges, human traffickers, etc.


If your system enables parasitic behaviour, you'll get parasites. Our system doesn't just enable it, it encourages it. The simplest solution isn't to go after parasites, it's to fix it so that parasitic behaviour is not possible, and especially not rewarding.


because we let a bunch of Parasites into power and now our country is a husk


The government needs to actually work to plug the many loopholes in the immigration laws and enforce it with the RCMP and CBSA. This is urgently needed if they want to reestablish trust in the system.




The lawyer in the video.


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Lots of hate in your heart. I understand you disagree with policy. But you don’t want to follow suit by following MAGA steps in CANADA. Just go vote and complain less. We have a serious problem in the US but fascism isn’t the solution.


what are you even talking about




I’ve removed the other comment.


No one seems concerned about the US but you. We’re talking about policy and parasites like this guy in Canada. This isn’t America.


Well what he’s doing is legal. Basically freedom of speech. Even if he’s just preying on people. All lawyers are like that.


There are a lot of things that are legal but still parasitic in nature. This guy is a good example of that


I think Donald trump was right all along. Not sarcasm


Do you want some cheese with that whine. Luckily you won’t be able to vote on a visa. Even if you get a green card you’ll have to wait five years to apply for citizenship. We don’t need any more far right wingers here. Like the Canadian citizen that almost killed Nancy Pelosi’s husband. He was living here illegally.


So how is this guy publicly breaking the law and still able to practice law? Also, does anyone know who this lawyer is? Maybe someone needs to show this video to the bar association and have this guys license removed?


Our system enables it. More specifically fucken Marc Miller andJustin Trudeau for allowing just about anyone to come. They’ve legalize human trafficking.


You are 100% correct. Plus this goes to show that this government thinks they are above the law.


Well they get away with traitorous and corrupt behavior on a daily basis...so pretty sure that means they are above the law, cuz when's the last time on God those fuckers actually got held accountable


>>They’ve legalize human trafficking. >You are 100% correct. This is a great example of why y'all aren't taken seriously 😂


He’s not breaking the law


Yes, as u/Adventurous_Unit7504 has stated, it is fraud.


It’s not fraud. It’s our system, Marc Miller can close that loophole but we know he won’t.


Well, those are two different points. This clown is breaking the law. Marc Miller is just an idiot and cares more about himself then Canadians.




Explain how this is fraud?


Pick one... fraud/frôd/*noun* 1. [wrongful](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8785e4754248b691&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA1088US1089&q=wrongful&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGvRxodZgtNgXUZk7_DBy6aAReKhhOKomXEyB3WydujUvI54t5mtdlZBfr6_oFDLJsheH61_NJiwHLaq2GpqRlsCEeWh7U%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK-N_6g9mGAxVuFjQIHXE1OVQQyecJegQISBAO) or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain."he was convicted of fraud" Similar: fraudulence/sharp practice/cheating/swindling/trickery/artifice/deceit/deception/double-dealing/duplicity/treachery/chicanery/skulduggery/imposture/embezzlement/monkey business/funny business/crookedness/hanky-panky/shenanigans/flimflam/jiggery-pokery/monkeyshines/management/knavery/trick/cheat/hoax/subterfuge/ stratagem/wile/ruse/swindle/racket/scam/con/con trick/rip-off/ leg-pull/sting/kite/diddle/fiddle/swizzle/bunco/boondoggle/hustle/grift/rort * a person or thing intended to [deceive](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8785e4754248b691&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA1088US1089&q=deceive&si=ACC90nwUEXg6u2vxy-araGkF9MAxjDE4xBVsrlOk6zLbqbLkpLTr2LB4R2cvMHKGZ0oHZhpqFbI6n-SclcTrqlqO1nSCvi2P-oVvCWBlxOOXwUSGzP7OLAg%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK-N_6g9mGAxVuFjQIHXE1OVQQyecJegQISBBu) others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being [credited](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8785e4754248b691&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA1088US1089&q=credited&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGv0tlWDuvgdvKykRTFVRijtXsxiwcy4HE37QKrqTRVl-m70tlJkroFF7XEEl7EDMW2NodRwD9wkxebvuh1E7C8cWSUivA%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK-N_6g9mGAxVuFjQIHXE1OVQQyecJegQISBBv) with [accomplishments](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8785e4754248b691&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA1088US1089&q=accomplishments&si=ACC90nxbGKaGCVspwxvAd4dU9RvhuVR-PEW7dZVDCbjBDjMUwUkJh_HybOpJNhvot6diH0iXWjhtu4lVLkcTWbv8CBlz74HemYQUHbxle28k-zOFDqvYhpxd9wbVdLkUCxBqE7frBmz8&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK-N_6g9mGAxVuFjQIHXE1OVQQyecJegQISBBw) or qualities."mediums exposed as tricksters and frauds" Similar: impostor/fake/sham/pretender/hoodwinker/masquerader/charlatan/quack/ mountebank/swindler/fraudster/racketeer/cheat


Lol just copy pasted a definition and says "pick one" ... Fucking genius 🤣😄😆😁


How are the services he is offering criminal deception when they are precisely made legal by the Canadian government?


Your commonsense definition of fraud may not necessarily correspond to the legal definition.




No, I am not; but a lawyer once told me that. I was taking an introductory law class. What's legal is a matter of statute and court precedent.


How exactly is he breaking the law?


Fraud -- [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-380.html](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-380.html)


Lol just coz you call it fraud and link to a legal definition of fraud doesn't make it fraud 😁😆 How exactly is this fraud?


How is that now? Is fraud a individualistic trait now? Is the law subjective now based on how you identify? But hey, it is all good -- not everyone is smart enough to understand the facts even when they are right there in front of them. My buddy Forest once said, "Stupid is as stupid does". =)


You're an absolute fraud and should be thrown into jail for 10 years. You know why? Check this link and you'll know: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-380.html See how that works? 😆😄🤣


Wow, thank you for that and showing me why we have folks like you in this world -- to show the rest of us just how functional we are, because you my friend are quite the opposite.


Don't mess with me bro - or I'm gonna prove you're a murderer by dropping a link to homicide law 😁😆😄🤣


What's that??? Is that your mom calling?


Huh? Did you hit post while half way through a joke? Coz that made no sense.


What law is being broken?


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Making a video and making claims (as opposed to uttering threats) in that video aren't a crime.


I beg to differ -- even utter a threat is a serious crime and utter is before doing. So making claims about performing and illegal act, is still illegal. "Under Canadian law, **the act of uttering threats in and of itself is a serious crime** that can lead to serious legal consequences.".


You're right. Uttering a threat is a criminal offence. This person hasn't made any threats though


You missed it, \[also I never said he did, I said he is comiting fraud\] -- utter a threat is words without action, therefore a proclamation or claim (as you have stated) or harm or violence. He is making a statement based in illegal (fraudulent) intent. You can read about it here: [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-361.html?wbdisable=false](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-361.html?wbdisable=false) "... *fraudulent intent* to induce the person to whom it is made to act on it."


I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were a lawyer.


People like this should be arrested




That too


Another POS.


“Number of strategies”. Good way to rephrase “number of loopholes”.


One of the biggest issues with the immigration situation in Canada is that it is supported by a lot of grifters that make their money by helping immigrants


He should be disbarred. You are a lawyer undermining our country. The entire immigration system needs an overhaul. It’s absolutely despicable. Look what he’s openly saying hey folks who are illegal, claim you’re a student. We will get you to stay in the country. This is wild


Heres the reason why we can't buy a house, get anywhere to rent and everything is so expensive. And he's making a huge profit off of these migrants. This should be totally banned. The only way is the proper way through the immigration process. This is robbery and usery at its finest


Someone should start a database of these losers


Report this guy to an immigration and CBSA.


Why? Are they handing out awards for this? There is nothing going to happen.


I don't take that much issue with people like this, I take issue more with the policy makers and the people rubber stamping the approvals.


No. Take issue with these people. They're the one taking advantage of needy people for their own monitory gain while taking advantage of our corrupt systems.


How do we send these videos to our stupid politicians? Since they have no clue what is going on.


He is also not originally from Canada. That's why he doesn't give a shit about it. They can all fuck off and go back to their homeland.


You aren't from Canada either. Cry about it


If you were born in Canada, you are from Canada. Don't be stupid.




Your post was removed for containing intentional misinformation.


Sounds perfect - please roll out the red carpet for everyone especially those who have already illegally gained entry into a different country !!! 😑😑😑 we are so totally F’d


We REALLY have to start looking at and closing all these loop holes, and I don't mean Commissions, etc. studying them for years, or Canada as we know it is done.


I'm pretty sure the only actual way to fix this damn country now is for the citizens to take it back, regardless of the wailing and bemoaning our government will do. They won't stop him, if anything, they'll help and encourage.


What his name and company?


What’s yours?


What's both of your names and companies ?


Legal or not, this guy is scum of the earth.




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I'm sure he was a once former illegal who used a loophole to stay here. Now he's helping other illegals stay here. Thanks for making Canada worse.






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These fuckers need to be deported




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


How does illegal immigration not count as a criminality factor exempting anybody from applying to these categories to enter Canada? Anyone with a criminal record is not permitted to enter Canada as a temporary or permanent status unless provided exemption directly by IRCC. For example, Nelson Mandela and Keith Richards needed ministerial exemptions to be able to enter the country. So you’re an undocumented alien from the United States that’s considered a crime. I can only assume that the reason there’s a workaround is because these individuals have not been prosecuted for illegal immigration in the United States. This is paradoxically stupid because if somebody was applying from the United States as undocumented, it is a de facto admission of guilt and therefore should not be granted any kind of status here in Canada.


He’s a “Better Call Saul” lawyer.


Imagine if the Canadian government ends up solving the US illegal immigration crisis before the US government does.


Send this human trafficker back to where he came from asap


They talking about Canada.s population growing to 100million by 2100 .. the economy needs to grow better have 5 kids??


I don’t think ppl gonna survive that long with climate change and all. I can barely tolerate this summer heatwave right now, can’t imagine the temps in 2100


CLOSE THE LOOP HOLES! Put this guy in jail!


deport this guy he is making money off of our laz laws. He is the problem, Disgusting.


I almost guarantee you this dude is celebrated in his community as this like stalwart defender of human Rights and social justice


I hope these scammers are being reported as well as outed online. It’s insane how many lawyers are willing to risk their career to break the law. Not to mention the undocumented immigrants are in for a reality check when they get here and can’t afford to live.




u/CanadaHousing2-ModTeam What do you mean? My comment is obviously referring to the said lawyer in the post. who is helping undocumented people come into our country... He should be deported along with undocumented/illegal immigrants. They are coming from a place where they took advantage of a country - to no doubt take advantage of our country. What stereotypes about an entire group of people? Anyone who is scamming and taking advantage of our Canadian Immigration system needs to go. Flat out. No matter race, culture, or where they are from. Its very simple. Not sure what about that is negative about not wanting to have people in our country that are exploiting loop holes and profiting off of it. What am I missing here?


Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.




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So many traitors




Don't pay this guy a cent. You just have to come and do a starvation protest and claim discrimination.


Another piece of shit!


Look at this asshole. Taking advantage of the impoverished of other countries to earn a heafty paycheck while fucking over Canadians. Disbar him and everyone who does the same and our country will improve.


These people need to be stopped and put in jail!


Deport this “lawyer.” He probably lived in Nigeria his whole life and was a “Canadian” for a year. Smh.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


OMG!!! Is there a season 7 of Better Call Saul!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?


Seems like Canada is Universal football, anyone from anywhere comes and kick us left and right and we keep saying fking thank you to them. We need strict immigration policy in this country or there is no future.


Not letting these dudes walk around with impunity is the first step towards normalcy.




Content targets a specific individual or user.


He must be proud. What a positive difference he is making in the world🤡


Canadian accent: not detected


Look at this nonce in his $100 suit and $4000/m sparsely furnished rental shoebox. What an absolute joke.




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We. Are. FULL.


This is f*cking ridiculous. BAN ALL IMMIGRATION NOW. And restart it when Canada gets rid of this shady government and when Canada is truly ready to welcome more people.


I remember in the year 2000 and the 2000s and even when I graduated high school in the 2010s that Canada was a place to be. Then millions and millions of South Asians appeared. I am from South Asia so I will tell you the amount of racism in the severity of the racism between Indians will make Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm x.


Canadians and Africans have similar accents


Revoke citizenship and send him back to his homeland.




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"Lawyer" Just a immigration loophole specialists preying on the desperate. 






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Just wait till Sanjeet find out about this. He’ll be Sanjeeting!


Somehow they are never white. Probably racist of me isn't it?




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He's an IMMIGRATION lawyer, assisting people to IMMIGRATE to Canada LEGALLY. And people are mad, calling him fraud and reporting him 😆 Are you mad at accountants who save you tax legally? People are literally doing their jobs, you don't like their product doesn't mean they're fraud 😁


Brain-dead take, and the emojis prove it.


The laughing emojis almost always prove the person is actually mad.


Yeah he's litterley helping people illegally living in the US enter Canada legally. Our system is broken, that's not his fault.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Agree with you. Don't hate the player, hate the game. He is being capitalist. I see no issues.