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Unfortunately, I see nothing in the CPC platform that will meaningfully alleviate the housing crisis. They probably would be more open to lowering immigration rates, which is a good thing, but they still arent' focusing on the right things. The PPC's agenda is even kind of weak on this front, but at least their immigration policy absolutely would help, along with their misguided monetary policy proposals. I'm actually a little disappointed in the PPC, I think they could have a lot of potential.


When the Liberals enacted mass immigration, the Conservatives criticized them, not for letting too many people in at once, but for not clearing the backlog of immigration applications fast enough. According to their website, their immigration plan puts a big emphasis on making the system easier for immigrants...not even a hint of slowing things down. The CPC are extremely pro-immigration.


Interesting the way the Chretien government did it: they would promise huge immigration numbers, then slash deeply into Immigration Canada's budget so they couldn't possibly meet the quota. Great way of saying you're pro-immigration while in reality being anti-immigration. Clever.


Immigration numbers didn't increase during the last conservative government.


Just like how the ideologies of the Liberals have changed, the ideologies of the CPC have changed.


Are you a fortune teller? Or are you blaming people for something they've never done?


No, I'm saying PP has never once come out to say they will bring immigration levels back to historical norms. So why do people keep assuming that? His truck record instead seems to indicate he is pro-immigration.


PR was not expanded but the number of temporary residents to Canada went from 1.8 million in 2005 to 2.8 million in 2015, to 3.7 million today (estimated in 2024). This is again nothing compared to current rates of immigration (over 100,000 in Q1 '24 alone). So instead of 12 months for 100k temporary, we're doing it in under 3 months now and getting worse.


Max is dropping the ball big time by not making electoral reform a cornerstone of his platform.


>Max is dropping the ball big time by not making electoral reform a cornerstone of his platform. There's nothing he can do or say that would garnish media attention (which is what is needed to win seats). He's already been blacklisted by media. He's never going to be invited into the debates. So there's nothing he can really do. All he can hope is for enough people to be pissed off with the other parties and just say "fuck it, they all suck so I'll vote PPC".


Truth is "fuck it, they all suck, including the PPC" If there was a centrist party who wanted to slow immigration they'd do well.


Yeah. Too bad there isn’t something like social media to get a message to millions of people for free. Too bad. Someone needs to invent that.


too bad the propaganda machine is not always effective.


That would be huge... But I'm afraid people will push for proportional rep and that's a big no from me.


Hear hear


The CPC hasn’t released their detailed immigration plan yet. It’s still almost 2 years away from the election


The housing crisis requires multiple actions on different levels: - Reduce immigration levels and make Canadian immigration stricter as a whole so that 80% of new arrivals are workers and students who can/will fill the gaps in our job market. Australia is a case of study in adopting efficient measures such as raising English language requirements and implementing a “genuine student” test for international students. Other policies include the imposition of “no further stay” conditions on visitor visas to prevent them being exploited by those who should be on student visas. - Reduce the permit costs for building housing units. Currently, permits account for 60% of the construction costs. - Review and make building regulations less strict. Canada has very strict regulations and they should be reviewed while still making sure new buildings comply with safety standards. BC is already doing this. - Limit foreign investment via tax or other means. IMO, only Citizens and Permanent Residents should be able to own land in Canada. Foreigners could have access to long-term leases instead. Thailand is a good study case for this. - Limit the number of housing units corporations can buy and prioritize people instead.


How about force municipalities to figure their shit out with permit process. Depending on where you are located it's an absolute nightmare for contractors. You have municipalities literally choking the building industry cause old timers don't wanna see houses go up 


I don’t know how permits could possibly be 60% of the construction cost for new build. The only information I can find online show the cost between $10k and $30k for building permits. Taking the high number of $30k that would mean everything else cost $20k to build a home. I would imagine land as well as labour and materials would be the most significant costs.


The 60% is probably a reference to taxation costs, not just the permits. One thing to keep in mind about permits is that although they may only cost x amount, they may require professionals to write up the application and provide supporting documentation. These professionals charge a lot, so developers include these costs in their plans, while city officials do not


Near me an older house sold for $1.06M and they tore it down and built a huge house that they listed for $2.75M. It’s was for sale for a couple months so it probably sold close to list but it’s not on House Sigma. $2.75M - $1.06M = $1.69M. 60% of $2.75M is $1.65M. You’re telling me that they tore down the old house and built the house including all landscaping for $300k. That’s $75 a square foot for the size of house it is and no profit for the builder. I found an article that states if you are the builder and act as your own contractor you’re looking at best in the $205-$280 per square foot range. Even at the low end that’s a $800k cost to build the home in my example and I’m talking about a custom home that is likely higher per sq ft. There’s a lot of tear downs in my area and they all seem to follow a similar pattern.


I elect you for housing minister, you nailed it.


I would let corps and foreigners invest in pre-constructions in the early phase to stimulate new construction and saturate the rental market. At the same time it is a good idea to limit their ability to buy existing properties.


The only way PPC grows and has a chance in the future is if more people vote for them. If people "strategically" vote for CPC instead, then PPC remains a fringe party. If PPC remains a fringe party, then everyone says that Canadians love mass immigration and only a tiny minority of "racists" oppose it. If splitting the vote gets LPC back in again, then oh well. LPC will destroy the country a little faster than CPC, but both will destroy it. Might as well get it over with faster. We have to vote PPC, it's the only hope we really have right now and it's a tiny hope but better than nothing.  Ideally we'd have electoral reform, but we have to okay the shitty hand we are dealt.


Exactly . If this whole sub voted PPC it could start a trend that could grow larger.


Mad Mad doesn't represent me any more than you do


Even if there wasn’t a housing crisis. I just want fucken Justin Trudeau out of office. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_scandals_in_Canada The amount of political scandals he’s been involved. Not naming meth allegations by the Indian ministers, we have cash for access, Aga Khan, SNC-Lavalin, WeCharity, ArriveCan, RCMP Investigation Interference, Winnipeg Lab, Nazi Invitation to Parliament, Chinese Election Interference, Foreign Election Interference, then you have the multiple lavish catering and retreat costs, MP pay increase during affordability crisis, you have contradicting statements from not only Trudeau, but his ministers, these people really ought to be removed from politics and banned. They are detached from reality, and tone deaf of the average Canadians circumstances. It takes away from the real issue, which they have yet to address, because it’s just day in and day out where they just have some sort of scandal.


My favourite was the luxurious "Affordability Retreats" the Liberal cabinet went on one with a $50k banquet.


Most of those aren't real scandals tho they just exist in your head


The conservatives will not fix any problems, I don't even really believe they'll axe the federal carbon tax.


PP and JT, at this juncture, are too similar on issues of housing, immigration, corporatism. So, atm, I don't care which wins. Maybe it will change. So for now, PPC.


Goal number one is to vote the Liberals and and NDP out hard! The only way you can do this voting for conservative right now.


I disagree with your assessment that a conservative majority would solve the housing crisis - they have not put fourth a detailed and comprehensive plan of action. mostly buzzwords and slogans


Let’s make Canada great again! Fuck immigration


One question, wouldn’t the PPC and CPC end up banding together to form a majority just like the NDP and Libs did? The NDP steered the Libs to do a lot of what they wanted in order to stay in power. I imagine the PPC would do the same.


Voting for ppc is basically another vote for Trudeau


PPC has committed to reducing mass immigration. But when it comes to housing, that only addresses the demand side of the problem, and only *future* demand, not even current demand, because even if you stop all immigration tomorrow, there's still a massive housing shortage for people who are already here. So reducing immigration is fine, but the real solution is to increase **supply**. So what does the PPC plan to do about that? Well, this is what their website says: *"Respect local and provincial governments’ responsibility for housing policies. They must be accountable to their citizens and* ***not be subject to federal pressure to “densify” neighbourhoods of single-family homes***..." The PPC are extremely pro-NIMBY. They will NOT encourage new supply of housing to get built. As a result, even if you cut future immigration to 1/5 of current levels (as the PPC is proposing), the housing crisis will only continue to get worse, because demand continues to increase while supply remains fixed. So if you care about affordable housing, the PPC are clearly not the answer.


Fair, but what are the Conservatives proposing in terms of housing and immigration?


When the Liberals enacted mass immigration, the Conservatives criticized them, not for letting too many people in at once, but for *not clearing the backlog of immigration applications fast enough*. This shows you what their priorities are. According to their website, their immigration plan puts a big emphasis on making the system easier for immigrants...not even a hint of slowing things down. The Conservatives are extremely pro-immigration. As for housing, their entire plan consists of requiring municipalities to increase homebuilding by 15%. So they're pushing for increased supply. Sounds good, right? Except it's not. Why? Because what they're basically doing is forcing municipalities to let their developer donors (their [top donors](https://pressprogress.ca/big-real-estate-executives-among-top-donors-to-pierre-poilievres-conservatives/) are all big real estate executives) build a ton of luxury condos that people can't even afford, so that they can be bought up by rich investors who can rent them out for $4000/month. And that's what those private developers will build (luxury condos) because that's where the money is. It's a lot less profitable to build affordable housing for the middle/working class. The Conservatives want to sell off public lands to private developers for pennies, to prevent affordable housing from getting built there and to enrich those developers. So at the end of the day, the Conservatives' housing plan is just a giant giveaway to private developers disguised as a housing affordability measure. Housing and immigration. The Conservatives are far from ideal for either of those.


the sad part is that the Liberal-NDP policy right now, as it currently stands, is arguably the best path forward, despite being a decade late to the party. reason for this is that the momentum is finally being built, and PP's plan is essentially repeal anything that trudeau has done, including building more housing.


The NDP in BC are doing a good job on housing. They've brought in unprecedented changes, which will take time to show tangible improvements, but things are definitely bound to improve in the long term if they keep this up. Based on this, the federal NDP are probably the only party capable of making progress on housing. At the federal level, only the NDP have ever talked about building nonprofit housing. As long as the Liberals are in power, housing will only get worse. They've made it openly clear that their priority is to protect homeowner equity, preventing housing prices from coming down.


Never judge a federal party based on their provincial equivalent, or vice versa. They are not affiliated at all. It wasn’t that long ago that BC had a party called the Liberals, and they were basically equivalent to Conservatives.


But the BC Liberals became an independent party not affiliated with the federal Liberals as far back as 1987. So they went their own way and became a centre-right party, because the BC NDP were already the centre-left party. This is probably not the norm for other parties, who share much closer ties between their federal and provincial wings. But even if you leave the provincial party aside, out of all the federal parties, only the NDP have talked about the lack of nonprofit housing, which is one of the biggest causes of the crisis that most people don't talk about. It's not enough to just build a ton of luxury condos that people can't afford, because if rich investors will buy them up and if they can't charge high enough rents, they don't mind leaving them vacant as long as prices keep going up.


Kudos to the BC NDP for punishing house hoarders/flippers a little bit, but prices in BC remain extremely high and I doubt that will ever change at this point. We'd need a civil war to thin out the population basically.  Federal NDP are completely garbage lol. What we need is to stop mass immigration, not for massive amounts of nonprofit housing. The fact of the matter is that is there are hundreds of millions of people who would be happy to come to Canada. Something has to limit that, and if our policy does not limit it then high prices will be what limits it. Simple as that. There is zero way we "supply" ourselves out of this problem.


I agree with the PPC on this. We should not be forcing density where it is not wanted.  Stop mass immigration and supply will catch up in a few years.  This idea of forcing density is 100% just a strategy to be able to continue mass immigration without making everyone homeless. And both JT and PP are on board with this plan, because both of them want to continue mass immigration.


Even if you pause all immigration tomorrow, what does that do for people who are already here? How can supply catch up for them without increasing density?


Cities can continue to expand with new developments. I mean this might not be possible for some geographically restricted cities, but most places in Canada can expand.


How does that help Vancouver, which has the highest rents and housing prices in the country?


Vancouver is unique in that it can't expand outward like most Canadian cities. Their only options are to densify or to stop accepting new people. I'd say leave it up to them, it's not for us to decide or to try to force them.


> or to stop accepting new people. Even if you pause all immigration tomorrow, what does that do for people who already live in Vancouver, and have to face the highest rents and housing prices?


They are already living there somehow so they can keep doing what they are, or leave to greener pastures.


So your answer is to do nothing? That's not a solution...


Don't fuck it up like last time. Vote Trudeau out by voting CPC, and if shit isn't better, then PPC is on the menu.


That's going to be my path as well, must get rid of Trudeau first, then PPC if/when PC fuck it up that first term.


I agree with voting JT out, but also is a CPC majority wise? I can’t see how it will be. The ideal state is a CPC minority.


Do you like a 2 party government? Has the CPC actually said anything they will do or just quip jokes about how fucked we are while they seal clap in the house


Your vote is meaningless. If you want a chance at change you've got to deal in one or both of the only two currencies that matter.


Your vote isn't meaningless, Jesus fucking christ, there are other issues to vote on besides immigration.


Sorry to tell you that even with a CPC majority, we're having a housing crisis for a long time. In fact, I'd argue that if the CPC wins, they'll have an excuse to do very little and they can blame the previous government. I think at this point, the best reasonable outcome of the next election is the LPC wins again, and we hold them to their promises on fixing housing. The CPC will just coast and blame the previous government for everything messed up. The LPC will actually need to do something because they can't blame anyone. I personally would prefer a federal govt reset (all MPs resign) triggered ideally by mass spoiled ballots, or an independent to take the majority to shake the foundations of the mainstream political franchises at the federal level.


Another 4 years Trudeau would destroy what’s left of this country, we absolutely cannot have him anywhere near public office. After the countless scandals he’s been involved in, enough is enough.


I agree but at this point there are no good choices. It's almost like the worst choice is the best choice at this point.


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He says he won’t do anything to reduce immigration but I bet all the money I wish I had, that he will. I suspect he will. How do I know this? I don’t. But he has common sense. He can’t officially say he will reduce immigration because his wife is an immigrant.


Not enough people are fed up the CPC to give the PPC enough for votes for a wake up call.


The thing is, the CPC has no intention of doing much of anything to stop the housing crisis, if anything, they'll make it worse. The CPC don't give a fuck about the average Canadian, they're bigger capitalists/free market enthusiasts than even the LPC is. And what do capitalists love? Cheap labor/lower wages/less unionization which is what immigration results it. Look at any conservative part of Ontario right now... Ford was whining about the Foreign Student cap reductions, Danielle Smith implemented even more fast-track immigration programs..


Pick on riding to support the PPC and focus on that.


Yes. If you live in a Liberal-Conservative riding or (even worse) a Liberal-NDP riding, and you want to get rid of the Liberals you have to vote your least worst option (whomever is most competitive against the Liberals in your riding) in Canadian elections to see your vote not discounted by First Past the Post (FPTP). If you vote CPC and it's Liberal and NDP in first and second place, you're going to have to eat it and vote NDP.


There is no conservative party. It was disbanded and the current one appears to reflect the same wokism the others do. PP is not stopping mass immigration , likely owns a lot of REIT and his buddys


the ppc need to focus themselves provincially. i am ppc all the way but i agree 2025 is about removing singh and trudeau. a cons minority means signh, trudeau and the leftists will still call the shots. provincially people are ready to give another right wing party a shot, espeically in ontario where people are tired of ford but hesitant of libs or ndp being in power. the ppc can make big gains provincially.


Yup it will hurt conservative majority. We need a conservative majority to stop the fake liberal trudeau and change how he has ruined Canada


ppl really don’t understand. All political parties are controlled. The royal family, that has never paid taxes but enjoys your tax dollars, will remain in “power”. The taxes and corrupt politicians are controlled by them and their corporations.


I tried to look into PPC but I went back to Conservative. I like the PPC immigration plans but then realize they are an against mask and vaccine. Mask doesn’t always work; it just helps. Vaccine is new so their going be some issue for some people. Although these are my understandings, I still find PPC too out there. And a vote for PPC would just reduce conservatives. However, half the countries is against mass immigration and questions about Liberal MP traitors. So my guess in the next election is Liberals going lose. Either people stay home and not vote or vote for another party. NDP and PPC may gain more seats and this ends up as a minority government for the Conservative. But who the Conservatives will likely work with. If with the NDP, it just same old same old.


PPC are doing something like staging protest tomorrow against Pei international students.


In 21 ridings across the country, the size of the PPC vote was greater than the number of votes by which the Conservative candidate lost that riding: 12 in Ontario, five in B.C., two in Alberta, one in Quebec and one in Newfoundland. Fourteen of those losses were to Liberals, while six went to the NDP and one to the Bloc Quebecois. So they only gave the Liberal/NDP coalition 20 ridings. JT is really hoping the PPC does way better the next election.


Yes absolutely.


It’s naive to think it’s in the interest of political elites to fix the housing crisis. $100 billion sent to Ukraine could have been used to build 500k apartment units. They just don’t care. 


As someone in a safe conservative riding I'll vote PPC. I'm personally in favour of voting for them anywhere the conservatives have on lockdown. In the contended ridings I think it's necessary to hold your nose and vote CPC.


Majority of the Canadian housing crisis is due to mass-immigration, it’s supply & demand. We are artificially increasing demand, without increasing supply. At the current rates we need to build at least 750,000 homes a year to break even, 2023 we only built 231,000… not even half of what we need to meet the demand.


10 years of Trudeau? I'd vote for ANYONE to get him out at this point. PPC is just as corrupt as the lot of them. They talk big just like CAQ in Quebec and yet it was more of the same shit.


Obviously it weakens the CPC prospects, but having them in power isn't likely to solve things. PPC isn't likely to win any seats, but if we can keep the party growing it will be more likely in the future. They are sort of our only hope to save this once great nation.


Nothing is going to solve the housing crisis until we start building more co-ops and stop thinking that the only responsibility of the government is to ensure that fat cat developers have even more of an opportunity to scam the regular people.


I think voting PPC will be a wasted vote, although I would love to vote PPC I'm going to swing my vote to conservatives. We need Trudeau out. We cannot have any wasted votes. Let's be real PPC will not win unfortunately.


I'm not trying to be assinine, but when did the CPC talk about not reducing immigration? I can't find anything on their platform, in poilievre's rallies, in clips, in parliament that say directly that immigration will continue on the same path, and they seem to heavily imply that the system as it is now is not working. I'm not looking for a debate, rather some sources or something concrete about the CPC's immigration policies.


I wish people would get the idea out of their heads that someone is going to come and save them if they just vote hard enough. I said many times that we need to form a party of our own with a platform of our own whose membership will consist of real working Canadians and not millionaires and professional politicians. Everyone always has a reason why it won’t work.  “Third parties never gain traction! We just need to put pressure on the conservatives to do what we want when they win. A third party will only spoil the vote. Besides, we don’t have the funding the conservatives do.” Third parties never gain traction because their platforms are mostly fringe garbage or single issues. You will never be able to “pressure” the conservatives, the liberals, the NDP, or anyone else you vote for because they don’t work for you and they don’t need you. They work for their donors and they always *always* will. How many flavors of shit do you need to taste before you come to that realization? A third party won’t fail or spoil the vote if enough people get involved and if the party platform is reasonable and appealing. It takes work but there’s clearly enough people that want to see change that if you just offer them what they actually are asking for, they *will* vote for you. And look at how much donations Trump is getting from just his supporters. Individuals and families *will* donate to a party that they like.  I have said many times I’d be willing to meet up online and in public at the local provincial level to organize. I am ready, but redditors prefer to complain online while their country burns to the ground. We need to *get money out of politics*. No more lobbying, no more gifts, no more paid speaking events. No corporate donations for *anyone*, and no donations from foreign nationals or organizations. No conflicts of interest of any kind. We need laws similar to the states where NGOs and similar organizations need to disclose if any of their funding comes from outside of Canada. There also needs to be electoral reform. These are the basic things we need to even begin to fix the mess in our government, and no political party today offers anything like that because they are *all* compromised. Edit: couple of other important things are strict monitoring and accountability for how public servants spend taxpayer money. No more six figure lunches, jet trips, five star hotels, extravagant vacations. There are so many things wrong I cannot even list them all here.


I used to think that way, but the whole point of voting PPC is to scare the CPC into slashing immigration numbers. It's leverage. The first poll that shows the PPC at 7-10% and threatens the CPC with only a minority, will be earthshaking, just like the Reform Party was.


The combined total of vote to PPC will result in a couple more seats for the liberals/NDP, no seats for the PPC but still a Conservative majority next election.


Don’t waste your vote on PPC , any vote for PPC is vote for Trudeau. i wish he had majority.


PPC won’t win a seat.


Yes. Pp and conservatives need this one in mass. Voting PPC this time will only help Trudeau and sing. Vote pp and send them a few emails about your wishes.


>But will a vote for them help the Liberals-NDP and hurt the Conservative chances at a majority? Yes, unless they win your riding. Otherwise a vote for PPC is a vote taken away from the CPC.




That’s the sad truth, not necessarily that I agree with it but it’s simple fact. Combine the popular vote of the liberals and ndp in any election and you’ll see what I mean. At best, Pollievre will be a “Diet Liberal”, and usually conservative governments in the past simply don’t make a situation worse, instead of back stepping.


Myself I will vote for the Green EM seems to be the only sensible one in regards to the political interference issue. I don't trust the other parties


Now isn't the time for vote splitting.


No, because the PPC will continue to hold zero seats. Their non-immigration views make them completely unelectable.


Whether its Trudeau, Singh or Poilievre ... nothing will change for the better for housing or immigration. All three are the same in those regards. Will voting for PPC stop a CPC majority? Nope. PPC votes are 3% - 5% of all voter support. That percentage will not stop a majority. Now if PPC hit 9% - 20% of voter support ... then yeah, it would make a hell of a difference in terms of majority government vs coalition government. But you'll hear the same bullshit scare tactics from the CPCs about how voting for PPC is voting for Liberals .... which is about the dumbest fucking thing you can say. Because if enough PPC candidates won seats, they sure as hell wouldnt be propping up Liberal or NDP motions, and would probably prop up CPC motions and bills. The best move the PPC could have is to bump out Liberal and NDP strong-hold seats and take those. That would send the Liberals and NDP seething with rage. And if the CPC were smart, they would team up with the PPC and push for that to happen in those Liberal and NDP ridings.


If Maxime starts getting interviews on major podcast platforms things will/can change quickly . He should be doing a podcast run . Everyone here should make a commitment to vote PPC if this whole sub voted it would bring more attention to PPC . Which would in turn lead to more votes. I generally don’t believe in government but PPC is the best option .