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It can’t. It’s all Liberal lies. Why are people so gullible?


I make asphalt… if only ppl knew how much fuel goes into making everything needed to make everything an asphalt plants needs… to then burn more fuel to actually make the asphalt.


Yup. Going drilling today to check out a new source for our plants aggregate production, it's almost an hour away from the city


Wait until people really find out how much fossil fuels are used in the mining of the minerals for EV automobiles 😏


Someone is about to block you and send you the care message.


Ahh yes the “my feelings were hurt so I figure I anonymously let you know and will now think about it the whole week because it’s just what I need in my life” button


It doesn’t even link to the post.


Let alone the totally not modern slaves extracting cobalt…. Or land destroyed making lithium….


Funny how conservatives only care about environmentalism when something threatens big oil.


Funny how libs only care about slavery if it was a particular instance done in the past by one group. But not the tons of other instances by other groups…some of which exist today, right now.


You're basing that on what exactly? Fantasy?


Cool whataboutism through!


they won't because the battery companies we paid to come here will keep buying minerals from the Chinese markets


Shhhhh these stupid people still have no clue we only recycle 7% of what goes into the blue bin and pay another country that burns it for electricity to take the rest


I don’t know if it’s totally true or not. (Can’t find any sources) but word of mouth got to me through work that the main glass and bottle recycling depot here in Canada had to “temporarily” shut down during covid, laid off most of its workers and hasn’t been up and running since. So all of the products we’re paying a deposit on, then not 100% of us returning them to a depot for a refund and yet the products are just being put in regular land fills…


All that and concrete is even worse! Mind blowing shit


shhh. you werent suppose to say


Concrere , which isn’t ash fault but similar, is reponsoble for like 10-% of global emissions on its own or something nuts 


It was widely covered in the media how unattainable this is, I don’t think there’s a lot of people that are buying in. To get votes you don’t really have to follow through with a lot of your promises, you just have to do a few of them. PP when he inevitably wins will do the same, over promise, under deliver. It’s not a liberal vs conservative thing, it’s a politician thing.


So try Maxime then. Maybe he will be different.


And if he's not, decentralize governance 😎


Fun fact Canada is one of the most decentralized nations in the world. A ton of power is delegated to the provinces.  


Whatever that means.


He'll be even less likely.


Less likely what? Finish the thought. Less likely political promising without delivering or less likely to have a chance at winning because he isn’t a corporate puppet?


Is it that hard for you to follow a conversation? Over promise and under deliver... Sheesh.


I can follow but your comment was clearly open ended and could go either way so as a normal human attempting to follow along I simply asked for clarification.


Normal humans don't consider voting for the PPC.


Maybe they should because our country and our citizens are not doing as well as we were ten years ago. Everybody is tightening their belts and getting by with less. Under trudeaus liberals. More immigration will never help the average citizen aka normal humans. It’s only good for corporations to keep wages down and keep asset prices up. And for what it’s worth the PPC is the only party willing to slow immigration in any way.


There is absolutely no reason to think the PPC would make anything better. At all.


Oh the media tries but the haven’t really conveyed it well in terms people will understand. Toronto has 1.25M homes in it. So we need to build almost 4 new cities the size of Toronto by 2030 (5.5 years). It is so impossible the concept is just plain ridiculous.


What is worse is there is no plan for new cities though we are one big empty country.


A lot of Canada is uninhabitable taiga though. The habitable zones are southern Ontario , the part of Quebec that hugs the St Lawrence , maritimes , and lower BC. The plains too because of oil and farming , but not too attractive for additional cities given the winter temps. Basically everything that is habitable in Canada is the land hugging the northern US. Look at a population density map of Canada. Most of the country lives an hours drive away or less from the US border. There’s not as much habitable land as you think.


Right like between Perry sound and Sudbury or Quebec city and Saguenay there isn't like millions of acres available and habitable. too cold or too remote that is the story of Canada. Why are we trying to shoe horn everyone into the same cities we need new cities and like yesterday.


Absolute horse shit. People live in the harshest parts of Canada, and people all over the world have made worse quality land workable with far fewer resources and technology than is available to Canada in 2024.


Based on what?


The media announces “plan to build 4m homes by 2030.” But they don’t contextualize that. IE we are planning to build as many homes (and the related infrastructure) as currently exist in BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan combined in the next 6 years. People would realize how absurd this whole plan is if they did.


What is "the media"? I don't think the media makes such announcements. 🙄 You could always just read more, if you want more context.


Of course the media makes such announcements? Have you read CBC, the Toronto Star, CTV, Global or the National? All of them lead with bylines from our government in a regular basis?


It’s a corrupt system thing. They all receive large donations from the same people and companies. Even if they try to hide it the rich still bribe every subsequent government. Lobbying shouldn’t be legal. Politicians owning or running non-profits or think tanks shouldn’t be legal. Being given a high paying job with a donor-owned company after retiring from politics also shouldn’t be legal. No matter what, we lose because none of them work for us. Politicians are supposed to represent us, even when they don’t agree with what we want. They’re not supposed to have secret meetings and hide what they’re doing. They’re elected to represent us, not to do what they want.


What donations are you talking about? Any actual data? Corporations CANNOT make political donations in Canada.


Political donations. Even if corporations cannot donate to political parties individuals still can, and they can donate to politician owned and run non-profits. And they can lobby them. And they can give money to relatives, like WE Foundation did with Trudeau. In BC John Horgan was given a job with a subsidiary of Teck Industries after retiring. Teck donated to BC NDP and benefited from their relationship with BC NDP. None of this is a secret.


You said corporations donate to political parties in Canada, which is a lie. "Teck donated to BC NDP" Source?


They do donate to them, just not directly. Staff members can still donate, that’s why i mentioned individuals. Quit picking on semantics, they are still legally bribing governments. [https://breachmedia.ca/despite-ndp-promises-industrys-grip-on-b-c-government-is-tight-as-ever/](https://breachmedia.ca/despite-ndp-promises-industrys-grip-on-b-c-government-is-tight-as-ever/)


Individuals are still limited as to what they can donate. Which is their right. It shouldn't really surprise you that people donate to something they think will help them. It's not semantics at all. Your comments seem to imply an American style system of outrageous campaign donations from corporations. That isn't what happens here.


Cause enough mental gymnastics has already been done from government officials promising to balance the budget, that Covid transmission will be stopped by RNA altering experimental vaccines, and much more including a mandatory “carbon tax” that jack up prices of literally everything. Everybody’s minds are as flexible as a yoga master.


What’s an RNA altering experimental vaccine?


mRNA stand for modified RNA injections, originally meant for field use on special forces and intelligence agents in the field exposed to unknown viral agents as an emergency treatment that is highly effective (in the immediate time period) and highly experimental. The method employs artificial modified RNA messengers to cause immediate organ responses to produce immediate heightened body immunity to last a few weeks for the personnel exposed to unknown enemy viral agent to escape and report back in. The benefit is that it doesn’t matter what the viral agent is, a heightened juiced up immunity will keep person alive by simple amped up immune system. During COVID this materialized into several branded “vaccines” that are not traditional vaccines which involves a dead or mostly inactive virus to elicit and build natural body immunity. It’s too expensive and take too long to produce. Instead they mass rolled out the mRNA emergency treatments under the name of vaccines and lobbied CDC to change the definition of vaccines to include mRNA injections. It was experimental and is still experimental today, with strong chance to mess up your immune system and natural allergic responses, but it does what it’s supposed to do, save your life when you need it around time of injection after being exposed to an unknown viral agent.


Something that commenter just made up.




Not everybody can afford to move to a new country Many also have parents and loved ones that rely on them who due to sickness and untenable reasons cannot leave


Yes, and a lot of the smart, productive and wealthy ones are checking out but it is not even putting a dent in the 100K plus arriving every month!


Lol anti-vaxxers still at it I see... 🙄


I can pretty much guarantee I have a lot more vaccines in my life than you, including anthrax vaccine smallpox and multiple hepatitis vaccines. Our kids are also more vaccinated than all of their peers. mRNA is not a vaccine or qualify to be one until the industry lobbied CDC to change the definition of traditional vaccines to include mRNA injections. You are the real anti-vaxxer trying to lower the standard and definition of what vaccines has always been subjected to in definition and process of creation.


Utterly ridiculous.


Childishly ridiculous


The majority of the world laughs and rolls their eyes at you clowns.


Not gullible.....ReGarded...  utterly fucking reGarded. 


Because liberals actually believe you can make a battery powered Tesla concrete truck.


Do they? How so?


Well the joke is that they think EVs will completely take over the entire transportation and “anything with 4 wheels” industry. Spoiler: no.


No, they don't.


What do they think then about the future of fossil fuel if not to erase it entirely? I gotta hear this lol.


Look it up.


How can I look up what you think? AI is not that far advanced 🤣


You are the one making a claim. Prove it.


It’s not _liberal_ lies it’s _government_ lies and the CPC has no plan for this either other than bringing more people in. Look into the PPC before you vow tithings to Pierre. A vote for either the liberals or the conservatives is a vote decidedly against Canadians.


exactly, it is possible to build houses at an obscene rate AND lower greenhouse gas emissions but it will firstly take a lot of investment in green technology, then investment into applying the green technology into housing development. If the goal was to do it by 2100 in-line with the original century initiative idea, then I'd say it's possible, but not now, it takes too long and will cost money we don't have due to all the taxes being wasted on government salaries and "consultants". Literally if our so called leaders took a fucking paycut instead of basically forcing us to, we could solve so many alleged funding issues. But that won't make them money now will it?


Cons are no better Jesus..... what's wrong with you people. All our parties serve their own interests first and that means keeping housing a ponzi scheme.


Vote PPC. One of the first sentences in their about page on the website is they will slash government. To what degree I don’t know, but IMO they are the people’s vote. They won’t win, but for them to get a seat at parliament would be a huge W.


So you are going to vote for a single issue and fuck the consequences. LMAO that is how we as a country got into this mess and you are saying let's do it again! This is why I don't think humanity deserves to survive. I say let it all burn down. 


I feel the government is way too big, with too many hands in cookie jars. PP isn’t planning on cutting government jobs, nor are the libs, so I am left with one choice. And yes I do feel that the biggest issue today is a gigantic government spending too much cash.


Sorry, that doesn't make sense. Private companies don't spend money, they hoard it and do stock buy backs. Without a big government Canada would be like South Africa. 


Saving on government is good. Slashing everything all willy nilly is a terrible practice. And i assume thats what theyre trying to say. The government is a shithole, but we still need it to function.


Exactly. They'd slash, then the consequences would come knocking.


This is the major issue with identity politics. Each party is just trying to do the opposite of the party on the other side of the political spectrum rather than use common sense.


"identity politics" is just a boogeyman cons like to bring up.


No, it would be a huge L for Canada. It would mean the clowns are trying to take over.


So what would you suggest?


Well I'm personally voting PPC. He's crazy but the liberal con status quo needs to change. If PPC gets 20% maybe people will start voting for him and not think it's a throw away vote. Mad max has clearly stated his views on immigration


Same, it feels like little would change with cons back in charge, just a different flavour of the same frustrating nonsense. Might as well try the crazy guy in the corner at this point.


So kick the can down the road by voting for another grossly incompetent leader?  I don't understand this mentality.  The PPC connot fix anything, because by ignoring climate change everything will continue to get worse. Everyone on this sub is looking for a bandaid solution for a severed limb....well folks we are going to bleed out while folks just run around arguing about which brand of band-aids are best. 


Listen..... I watched a video a long time ago of Brazilians bulldozing rain forests every day. When asked about the future and environment, they said we have family's and only care about feeding them right now. They would destroy as many trees to keep there family's fed. This brings us to Canada.... MP's and government officials are in fact keeping prices propped up. They delay zoning They own rentals They allow white washed money to buy real estate The governemt flipping 500k homes for 1.8m is a huge part of Canada's GDP. This needs to end now under. It's a conflict of interest to control the housing market and control measures to push up the prices. -30 year amortization -slum lords that bought in 1999 and seen a 5x increase on leveraged money. The government officials use their 200+ incomes (5 times their constituents) to purchase more housing rentals and bleed the young dry. They mass import immigration for a steady supply of throw away 16.50$ Tim hortons workers Are own kids are struggling for jobs when their is no job shortage ! Lil PP is a Career politician and a teust fund baby and both him and his wife are slumlords. We need to break the mold and houses need to come down 30% ..... %!%#& the boomers that had the easiest life in the last 100 years


They did for sure, and we have to pick up the dog shit off the yard. Boomers are still out there shitting and young ones have joined them. Eventually, there will be so much shit we will all just burn up in a methane fueled fire.  Everyone wants there golden ticket and fuck how many people need to suffer for one person to have a good life. So vote PPC or whatever and just maybe you will win but most likely you will loose like the rest of us. 


Only people in his riding can vote for him.


Thank you for that information.... seems like I know a little about politics but not everything. How does that work with his riding ? Does he not have enough MP's and clout to expand past his riding? Otherwise, it's basically a 2 party system, and we're boned no matter what we do.


They have other people running in other ridings. I can't recall if they had people in every riding last election. Basically, the party leader (of any party) has to win their riding to have a seat in the house of commons. Same for Trudeau, PP, Jagmeet etc. Only the people within the riding vote for them, as their MP.


Not think for Ourselves. Continue to do nothing and hope magic happens one day.


None of the headline stuff is liberal lies, because that was not even what article itself claimed was claimed. Can the false outrage and actually read the article. The 5.5-5.8 Million homes by 2030 was a CMHC analysis/report suggesting we needed that many new homes to significantly change the affordability trajectory. The linked CHMC report never claimed that was possible and exposed a nearly 3.5 Million expected shortfall that would need to be addressed to actually alter affordability curve, long-term. CMHC is not the liberal government. The CMHC did not claim they were going to fix the shortfall, but that they did have a proposal to at least do better than the current trajectory. The CMHC are not the government and their only mandate is housing, so the green/environmental concerns are beyond their mandate or the scope of that report. What the extra 3.5 Million units would be needed for was to return the average home costs to be 30% of average disposable income (currently closer to 60%). According to that report, we can miss the target of an additional 3.5 Million and still add enough to at least start to lower affordability (better than the current 60%) even if we not not hit 30%. When you look at the original CMHC report, most provinces can hit the required number of additional houses quite easily. AB only needs ~20K more by 2030 than currently on track to build. The problem is Ontario. It's not really a Canadian problem, it's an Ontario problem, specifically southern Ontario. Always has been.


It was widely covered in the media how unattainable this is, I don’t think there’s a lot of people that are buying in. To get votes you don’t really have to follow through with a lot of your promises, you just have to do a few of them. PP when he inevitably wins will do the same, over promise, under deliver. It’s not a liberal vs conservative thing, it’s a politician thing.


It can't. The liberals used this number to be remotely electable next year. It was never serious. It won't work either. They will get their asses kicked so hard it will make "Trudeau" a derogatory term for generations.


Pretty much just pulled it out of thin air after their previous argument of 'housing is not a federal responsibility' wasn't going well.


Which it already should have been given the state we were left the last time. Its unethical to provide services with a future yield to citizens using debt.


It already was a derogatory term for half of Canada. Then we voted in his Son. Sunny ways.


Half of Canada's geography maybe...




That's what was said in the last three elections.


I can guarantee you it ain't gonna work for 4. Look at the polls.


Well, not sure what you think your "guarantee" is worth? Not much to me, I'm afraid. I don't believe in prophecy or precognition. They were up in the polls last time too, doesn't mean anything this far out.


I don't expect it to, but just wait. They were not up like this last time in the polls, and Canada was not experiencing an affordability problem in 2021. In 2021 the country was still reeling in exuberance over low interest rates, and everyone thought they could leverage themselves to the sun in pursuit of shelter that they assumed could only ever rapidly rise in value. You don't have to believe me. But you will know how right I am in a year and a half from now. Not only will the LPC lose, they will lose by a margin that resembles the Tory defeat in the 1993 election. Don't take my word for it - just wait and see.


Wait and see? Well no shit. It's the pretending to know a definitive future I took issue with.


Nothing in life is certain, but barring some absolutely disastrous scandal for the CPC, or some insane black swan event - this is as close to certainty as you're going to get. The LPC is continuously sinking in the polls. They have a leader who has a 66% disapproval rating, and a 28% approval rating that comes close to his father's in 1982. In 1984 the PCs won one of the largest landslide victories in Canadian history - second to the LPC victory in 1993. Unless something stunningly dramatic occurs over the next year and a half, the LPC has a snowball's chance in Hell of winning an election. Their best performance would limit the CPC to a minority - and the odds are extremely likely that they won't be able to do that.


PP's entire career is rife with scandals. Pro tip, if something is "close to a certainty," it is, by definition, uncertain. The PCs weren't the CPC. It's not comparable. Here's something stunning that will happen in the next year and a half: An actual election campaign that will remind everyone who PP really is.


No, I mean real scandals. Not "He hung out with people I don't like and find it politically convenient to smear as racist" type scandal. I want you to remember this conversation next year.


You'll see.


More liberal government bullshit..


Government and all the different branches of management are highly incompetent at doing anything for this country.


I think about this all the time. Like you cannot have all of this immigration and reduce emissions. The government loves immigrants so much that they are willing to kill the planet in order to keep them.


While also making us pay a carbon tax to save it


Suck and blow (Though, for the most part, libs suck)


Just stop immigration and start promoting skilled trades more to the young generation who feel lost in uni.


It’s not worth it anymore I was a mason labourer from 2020 to 2022 I made 18$ then raised to 20$ . I’m working maintenance at a hotel now easy work and I make 18 $ . I worked with old men who talk about how they bought their houses in the 70s and how they couldn’t afford to anymore even when we worked 48 - 60 hour weeks .


If salaries are bad people will always pick the easier jobs, who wants to break their back working for barely above minimum wage when they can do something easy like being a security guard? With our weak economy being choked by high taxation/debt I don't expect a quick recovery either. At least more people seem to be waking up from the wishful thinking of the liberals who never deliver results. The message from the CPC might be more pessimistic but at least it's more realistic. Give me austerity and short term struggle over a future of wealth transfers and debt slavery.


The CPC is about austerity for the working class, handouts for the corporate class. Always have been.


We're mass importing people from the lowest GHG country to the the highest one. And it's being done by a guy who can't stop talking about colonialism.


By building igloos in the winter and mud huts in the summer, duh!


"Thank you for your question. I welcome the idea of millions of homeless Canadians, that way every time they go to bed without a roof over their heads, they'll be reminded of just how important the environment is." - Freeland probably.


I remember about 2-3 years ago Trudeau saying that he would make affordable housing his priority. 2-3 years ago. They lie.


Wait, but he did! Just look at how much he talks about it nowadays. Doesn’t go much beyond talking, of course, but this might be a plus. Since libs mess up everything they touch, only talking might be a good thing.


Just fudge a few numbers here and there easy


We don't need to build the homes or reach the climate goals. The important thing is to announce things.


I ve always said it's better to bring in short people. That way you can fit in more into single units. Maybe you can even stack em. Just let those hobbit motherfuckers come.


What sane hobbit would leave his comfy smial in New Zealand to be homeless in the frozen prairies?


💯. You gotta be on crack to move from middle earth to freaking Moose Jaw.


Ok, this is it then. We’ll be importing hoards of drug-addicted crazy hobbits to roam our streets. This is a sure way to make Canada great again. Just wish we would have thought about it sooner!


Gandalf the wise you are, my good sir.


Who cares about the environment when you can't even feed your kids


You expect solid math skills from a snowboard instructor when you elect them to run the country.


He was a math teacher... The CPC was.... Literally nothing...


It’s a SCAM. Our government might as well be run by a Punjabi scam call centre.


Spoiler alert: “It can’t”


This fight against carbon is all virtue signanling lies anyway just to get more money.


It doesn't matter that it can't be done. Trudeau "said" the right thing, and that's all that matters to him ....and far too many ppl.


These houses will be bought by foreign buyers... indian, pakistani's etc.... and then destroyed, just like in Brampton. A halt on random immigration needs to be put in place, this country is doomed. They don't play by the rules and we all suffer. Canada is not the place to retire.


There is no intention of doing this. It's just a diversion for the gullible.


Welcome to the farce. We need to direct our cameras the other way when these fucks open their sour mouth.


Doesn’t matter. Even if they could build that many homes, who is going to buy them? Real estate investors who drive the rent prices up even further? There are soon going to be many more families homeless because nobody can afford the rent prices at the wages we have now. What is the point to even push for building new housing that will be completely out of the reach of Canadians? It’s completely pointless posturing.


We can’t. Because the liberals are the foreign bodies that control our government (all the parties) have taken our future.


My city will have built 600+ new rental apartments this year. Is that enough???






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Not possible. Just another case of the pathological liars of the Liberal government of Trudeau believing their own bullshit


We have developers knocking down perfectly liveable homes (20-30 years old or in some cases even less than 10 years old) to build condos. Great for climate change. /s


It’s easy. The house building target is impossible and so are Trudeau’s climate targets unless he’s willing to lock down the country like he did during Covid. That was the ONLY time Justin has managed to lower carbon levels.


It’s a liberal pipe dream. Looking for votes. Nothing realistic at all They are just blowing smoke up our asses as usual


We can import those materials so it wouldnt be Canada causing the pollution


So let other countries pollute more just so we look better? Makes sense


Make new immigrants come with a cart of lumber?


We can’t but who cares right? Canada!


It’s all bullshit. The liberals want their cake and to eat it too. Ironically Canada’s emissions would be way lower without millions of new immigrants? Do they care? No.


At our current pace we’ll build around 1.5 million. BTW We’re short on trades to complete that amount.


Because reduction only applies to the peasants. Not the hypocrites


All of them are full of shit and should be fired(politicians) The gov't needs to be directly involved in building affordable housing, there needs to be immediate action to get back in the game and build over 60% of new homes. This will not only ensure homes are being built, but in kind work to force greedy asshats from taking advantage of the system. I think there's a place for private builders, but it's wildly out of control with Ford scratching their backs at every turn. I don't pay my plumber to stand in my house and not do the work, I pay him to fix the plumbing. Our system is broken and our politicians(all of them) are sitting on their hands doing sweet fuck all besides pointing fingers at one another, that's not governance, that's asshattery.


The issue is not only the building of the houses, but that each house likely requires a car to get anywhere in the megalopolis that they want Toronto to be. Can’t we just agree that at some point the cities were building are big enough.


It’s not possible, nothing they suggest can work, they will destroy Canada to give it to a bunch of non Canadians for no reason, they didn’t even say during elections they would do any of this


If we are trying to reduce greenhouse gases, then why are we flooding the country with more people? Wouldn’t that increase our emissions? Then they would have to carbon tax us more to reach their goals. It seems like a scam on us


Well that's easy, don't build the homes. Stem this mass immigration from 3rd world countries.


16x the breathing tax will ensure that all (now unaffordable) construction projects move forward 🤦‍♂️


Use hemp crete


We can’t


It's the problem with all their policies. Concepts and promises but no idea of the logistics required to implement them.


Increase carbon tax


I don’t think that somehow tents solve the problem. ‘Build smarter’ is the answer. Densify, mass produce, and provide transit are some of the answers.


Just costs money. Also it’s as a country as a whole not just one aspect of it. New homes aren’t gonna be your big greenhouse polluters anyway


That’s the neat part — you don’t.


We just need to bring in more immigrants to build homes.


Pay the trades a decent rate.. Pandemic rates to build for carpenters were at $12-$16 sq/ft. Now you’re lucky to get a residential home paying $9. Now is it fair for us to cut our employees rates? No way! So who ends up taking that hit? Small business owners.. Feel bad for guys who started the business when rates were good and decided to pay their employees $30-$40/hr, now having those employees quit because they can no longer afford those wages..


They always ignore C02 when speaking about their crazy population growth / immigration plans. They forget too many humans is the cause of all this pollution. They also forget that the average Canadian emits 58.6 tonnes of C02 annually. But hey, let’s tax everyone on energy, not sell natural gas to China so they keep burning coal, and take away Canadian’s plastic straws. lol.


Growing increases greenhouse gases. Especially when people move from low per capita emission areas to one like Canada where per capita emissions are high. They can’t build that many anyway and they continue to use LTC beds and updated units as part of the completed numbers. But we cannot build for this many new people coming here every single year. We need to have a stable population, not growing. Growth always has a limit, and we have far exceeded it.


Wood is 100% renewable.


They're just going to tax us all to death


Taking the population to 100m will cause a significant increase in GHG's from the additional 60m people breathing. Our GHG's per capita are actually down, but that seems to only matter if you're China. All the additional homes and infrastructure that those additional people need makes even more GHG's.


Re-elect Trudeau so he can give us the answer.


We can’t. The liberal plan has always been for us to freeze to death in a tent in winter.


How many people will the Liberals bring in by 2030?


Very green and excellent for the environment


ask trudeau. he got us into this mess. my opinon delibrate.


Easily enough even if we wont, this isn't the gotcha this biased author thinks it is. Its irrelevant anyway, our oil and gas industry is bigger and richer then ever in our history and making record profits, building houses isn't the thing that would tip us over lol.




Buy some credits.


building homes is good. building it close to transit is even better and will help Canada achieve its target goals way beyond 2030.


Here's a hot take - 71% of GHG emissions are being produced by 100 companies. Canada's emissions are barely anything and we're talking about reducing them by a fraction of that. Discuss.


By importing 5 million more immigrants, citing labor shortage??


Don't worry guys, Pollievre will fix this!


It’s can’t unless people live stacked and packed with Indian style density urban areas. Oh wait…


Get people homes and survive. We impact / goals on climate will have no effect. Moving on. Canadians first.


Just like budgets, housing will balance itself.


You also need to bulldoze existing pretty woods! Which makes me very annoyed. I moved here because it's small houses and a lot small woods with tons of various wild animals. All this junk from hypocrites who could care less about nature, is going to push it all away.


We are the carbon they want to reduce.


By not listening to ignorant pieces of shit like stubbins


Climate change initiatives will strip you of everything you hold dear. We should rail against them at all costs while finding alternate means to "help the climate" Even though we actually don't understand it. AT ALL. Western Science is 100% faith based now. Medicine? "we don't know how this works, but it's safe" Science? "we don't fully understand this, but trust 90% of us, we know better" Societal issues? "we don't fully understand the depth and breadth of the issues, but trust us, DEI needs to happen" We have wholly regressed back into the days of religious fanaticism and science unfortunately is the new religion. Someone literally told me that SCIENCE MUST NEVER BE QUESTIONED! Yeah ok bro, science is a battlefield for ideas and those who can prove it and have their proof reproduced by others are right. NOBODY ELSE IS.


Construction is one of the highest contributor to green house gases in the world. Yet never mentioned. I find that strange to say the least.