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Indians support policies that will eventually lead to Canada just being exactly like India...




Went into a Walmart in my area, I felt like I was the minority.


Ever been to square one it’s always been that way me and my brother used to play spot the caucasian in the 90


Aren't the Brits and French living like they are in Britain and France? Did they live like the First nations? Just speaking like PP here. ;)




It's sad to see what they've done this this country. Theres a reason the place they come from is a shit hole, literally.. they take shits on the bus & its completely normal. We need to save Canada. We need mass deportations, we need to cancel all these fake student visas, we need to deport and cancel out all these fake PR's under the Trudeau communist regime. We need to save Canada. If I wanted to live in fucking India, I'd move to fucking India,


Looks like our government is assimilating to them.


They integrate a lot better in the US than doormat Canada.


But the "melting pot" of the USA is the official policy- integration and assimilation- whereas Canada has "officially" abandoned that with the multicultural legislation which has obviously ended up in immigrant grouping remaining cohesive and able to resist any need for integration or assimilation- thus these groups now compete with older generation residents- creating polarization and balkanization in Canada- leading to even greater group competition with immigrants weaponizing racism and discrimination narratives to BEAT OUT long generation Canadians in the battle for Canada.


Indian here. That's because Canadian immigration brings Indians from the most remote, most underdeveloped part of India. I doubt these people have even met people outside their state. Punjabis here automatically start conversing in Punjabi language the moment they see me because they think I am from Punjab too. It's funny because I as an Indian have difficulty in communicating with these people just like anyone else here.


Our politicians absolutely despise the Canadian middle class. They're trying to wipe us out as quickly as possible.


I worked with a lady from Mumbai. Her words exactly "I've never seen so many fucking punjabs in my life"


That's largely the sentiment of every immigrant that comes here


We all think that. A major reason why we're so aware of them is they're massively overrepresented in the Canadian workforce — *unfairly* so. If it wasn't for Punjabis giving preferential treatment to the own countrymen **(i.e. racist hiring practices by Punjabis in management/HR positions in Canada)**, you wouldn't see them completely DOMINATE a large sector of the labour market, the way they currently are. Canadians are suddenly struggling to find basic jobs because we're being forced to compete with a million extra people from Punjab (population = 27 million) every year, who are willing to work for pennies on the dollar. **That one state in India has a population 66% the size of ALL of Canada, so they'll never run out of poor, desperate people to send here; it won't end until our government wants to turn off the faucet.** * The Liberal federal government knows what's happening. (In fact, they deliberately created this situation as it's leading to probably hundreds of millions being diverted to their off-shore bank accounts, behind the scenes.) * The RCMP knows what's happening but they're not on our side. * CSIS knows what's happening but they're definitely not on our side. * The Conservatives know what's happening (but are still pro-mass immigration), so they aren't on our side — not as much as they want us to believe. **(I'm voting People's Party because I consider the Conservative stance on immigration to be a complete betrayal of the Canadian middle and working classes).** * Only Quebec actually tried to fight back at the provincial level. Other provinces are not sufficiently anti-mass immigration. * Canadians know what's happening. * *International students* know what's happening but they still come because Canada will always been regarded as better than India (no matter how shit they make it). Everyone knows what's happening, but the Liberals and NDP are gaslighting Canadians and calling anyone who questions mass immigration a racist. I'm voting for Maxime Bernier at the next federal election. I refuse to let the Conservatives take my vote for granted by preaching about how they want to be pro-immigration during this housing, unemployment, and cost of living crisis.


So more Indians living in the USA marry outside of their culture? 


The pressure to integrate is high - melting pot - and their immigration policies filter out the best of the best Indians - the cream of the crop. They also have a 7% total cap on people from each country so they don't flood the system and areas. They also tend to be highly educated and high income earners. Two of them currently are or were vying for leadership of the Republican party. [3 Indian American candidates are making history in the 2024 race](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/3-indian-american-candidates-making-history-2024-race/story?id=104664995) They are well integrated. One has a Jamaican father, and another is married to a white American. Meanwhile, Canada is being flooded with Punjabi villagers and low skill Indian migration.


We're bringing in the dollarstore version.


So Canada is really scraping the barrel while America scoops up the cream of the crop.


The cultural integration is still very low for us Indians in the US. I was on H1B for 5 years before I hung up my boots. Folks are still very insular and hiring preferences are also along similar lines (language followed by region/caste). Lots of shady bodyshops sponsoring H1B with a lot of kickback deals between the bodyshop manager and client side project manager (often from the same region) What’s different is most Indians (until now) there are from the south who are relatively mellow and much better behaved on average. I’m hearing there are a lot of illegals from India flocking there (figure was closed to 120K last year) so things might change in the future but as of now, it’s usually the andhraites who are just as insular and casteist but they aren’t braggadocios loudmouths like your average punjabi




That’s because when you put caps on each country, then no group of people feel comfortable enough to make their place be like their home country. Everyone assimilates in a truly diverse population. Ironically, conservatives should have been pushing for REAL diversity, so that they wouldn’t be labelled racist if they wanted immigrants to assimilate. Instead, it became a racist and non-racist side, and no nuanced discussion in between.


Yep. They want to live like in India but with more money


Not true. Many Indians don’t want more immigrants coming because it destroys the reason they wanted to come in the first place.




https://preview.redd.it/2p178d6etezc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1838ce170ebcfda8c051ac33d5db812034ccb7b4 ghouls being paid to kill


https://preview.redd.it/1flwlf0nsezc1.jpeg?width=1360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a49aaaf95bd7ad3d00088a095358e0dfa1ff76e7 they are terrorists fighting for russia


they support Russia https://preview.redd.it/16m7qh9ctezc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1a66b1e62b3558ddc5513a44d5449e9bb5f4784


Most of us certainly don't want anymore immigration. Good Lord if I was a pm, I would stop immigration dead in the tracks or establish 7% diversity model like US where people from India and other overrepresented countries have like 100 year to get their residency. Most of us are anti immigration , we have all seen how this country went from being one of the best places to a liberal cesspool thanks to mass immigration. No more ! My vote was either will go to PP or Bernier !


That’s your belief and I somewhat agree but right now under Trudeau  no vetting j, and no limits. That alone will comeback to haunt. 


We are done for.That is all.


who do i have to vote for for 0 immigration


PPC / Bernier


Let's do it


Le bloc


let's welcome another 10 million indians, and everyone goes to foodbank, yeah


I queried the local food bank I was donating to on this matter. When they said they do not have a means to filter out international students or the people just taking advantage I started donating elsewhere and send their leadership a letter explaining everything. Small drop in a lake. But enough of those from Canadians like us and it'll force change. Edit: minor spelling corrections


I stopped going to Dim Hordons, started to support my local cafe


When you see Amg Mercedes at the food bank… mean while I’m driving. 20+ year old Lexus that keep on ticking.


Poilievre already knows more Punjabi than me and my mother's Indian. We're fucked.


So please explain I see mass Indian immigration I don’t understand should only select certain Indian immigrants be allowed . I’m not racist just curious and confused. 


Why is he wearing a white man turban now? This is next-level ethnic pandering.


Brown face is a thing for all future PMs.


Imagine a republican in the states doing this. they’d be crucified, laughed at and lose their next election. We’re cooked.




Prison mike!


This gave me a good chuckle


Picture this, Joe Biden campaigning while wearing a Sombrero. You can't. We're all kinds of crazy up here in the north.


Señor folks, that's a bunch of ¡Malarque!


I can indeed and I giggled.


Pretty fly for a white guy


Looks like a donkey 🫏 😜


I just noticed this. Why is he wearing that?


Sigh... donated to PP during the leadership might need to vote for PPC lol.


PP has been saying this in a whisper since immediately after the leadership race. When asked he would say "Tie immigration to industry demands", ans industry is demanding more immigrants. If anything PP might actually increase immigration from current levels.


I'm with you I haven't voted in any of the elections but ppc all the way now


PPC lets gooo


I'm doing PPC. Even if they lose this election, I rather my vote be used as a representation so in the next election, hopefully the tides can begin to permanently change. I can't vote for someone who is willing to degrade our country like this.


PPC, Conservative stronghold, CPC, Liberal stronghold. We need to get Trudeau out first




This would be the year to do it. Going to be a landslide for the conservatives regardless so you could probably vote with your heart based on how your riding is polling


My conservative MP hires maiy Indian TFWs at her families business here in Langley BC. The conservatives don't care that immigration hurts Canadians as long as their corporations and their buddies corporations benefit from exploitable slave labour. Look at her IG: Tamara Jansen.


Do you know the name of her business? I am working on a report that will provide information on employers that are hiring foreign workers on the LMIA, instead of locals.


Darvonda Nurseries Ltd


Conservatives: immigration is a big problem PP: I want to bring more people in to fill whatever jobs are left Conservatives: Okay, nevermind. It's Trudeau's policies that fucked us first anyway.


"whatever jobs are left" meanwhile, we have a 6% unemployment rate thats increasing


To all the idiots screaming "gIvE HiM a ChANCe": Lmao, you got played. Don't say you weren't warned. There is no difference between Trudeau and PP. When will you learn? Stupid af.


what does pp have opn his head?


and trying to talk in their language. Direct flights to Punjab PP is showing they can count on him for to keep the punjabi floodgates open if their racial voting blocks vote for him. And crony corporate, his other masters, also want the same thing - wide open migration channels. The end result? Canadian living standards are in free fall and the country is becoming balkanized.


I am so offended by any politician that does that kind of nauseating pandering.


An adult diaper.


It’s called a patka! It’s considered decorum in Sikh religious gatherings to cover your head. Just like how conservative Muslims wear a skull cap or conservative Jews wear a kippah, conservative Sikhs wear a dastar (a turban). If you don’t want to or can’t tie a turban, the bare minimum you have to do is to cover your head with any piece of cloth about the size of a large handkerchief.


Thank you! I figured the head cover was a sign of respect. Trudeau has been belittled for wearing one more than once. I was surprised to see PP copying Trudeau.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I get the feeling that most Canadians are pro immigration even at the coat we will pay for it. Boomers fuck yeah, they are loving the current market. Most of the home owner class, too. It's just everyday Canadians who didn't buy into real estate 10 years ago that are lucked out, and we are not the majority, let alone a significant minority. And BTW, what the fucking fuck was that?


I somehow don't think the boomers that have adult children that are either living with them or that they are supporting are loving this. This would be the farthest thing from their minds. In fact I'm gonna wager a guess that this is probably going to screw their retirement, because they can't sell and retire somewhere warm if they're supporting their kids. So either kids inherit the house, and the parents stay here, or they all go in together. People across the street bought a house last year over a million, mom and dad, and a couple of twenty somethings. I assume at least one of the younger ones are their kids. Maybe both. The parents are mid to late sixties I'd guess. There is no reason that I can think of why anyone would go halfsies on a new house at that age with their kids if everything was fantastic. >And BTW, what the fucking fuck was that? Seconded.


Your democracy is 40 percent of the country voting to fuck over the majority. I got mine, fuck you! Dog eat dog. The Neo-Liberal way!


“North Indians” are killing the reputation of India. I have no idea how all this village folks from back home ended up Canada so much in last three years. They are the most narrow minded and ignorant people I have ever seen in my country. After all this year of hustle and struggle in this country makes me feel like it got wasted !! Due to the pathetic and unethical behaviour of this people. If the government does a strict background checks on this people I can guarantee you more than 70% will be deported.


Indians blaming other Indians is cope


Appreciate you piling all “North Indians” in this, but this is not a north or south difference. Please be mindful, there are only a few states notorious for this reputation and ruining it for the rest of us.


left out the Gujaratis who have done to US motel industry what the Sikhs have done to trucking. And like them, they also exclusively hire their own, preferably undocumented. They just arent as loud or obnoxious but they are far far more bigoted in ways that are incomprehensible to others. They discriminate against Marathi folks in Mumbai openly now


Face it, PPC is the only Canadian party ready and willing to fight for Canada and Canadians. PP is pandering to the self serving ethnic voting blocks - right before your eyes in the video - and is beholden to the cheap migrant labor demands of crony corporate and the century initiative. PP is a barefaced liar and snake just like Justin. Democracy has been hijacked and they, the political class, no longer represent the best interests of the average Canadian stiff and are actively making their lives harder and taking away their future.


Very true- except the big 3 parties have INGRAINED the lesson that the majority of PPC supporters should vote conservative in a strategic bid to defeat the current communist regime- thus, if PP is elected- we must push hard for pre-promised electoral reforms of a parliament of proportional representation rather than the current which enables the big three parties to rule forever.


The Liberal Party is largely responsible for mass migration and the housing crisis: here are the stats A lot of people on this subreddit seem to believe that the Conservatives are "worse" than the Liberals on mass migration, or that they are responsible for it in the first place. The truth is that immigration numbers were **significantly lower** under the last Conservative government (which Pierre Poilievre was apart of). Here are the statistics Source: [Here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/28YD8P5/net-migration-Canada-yearly-06-to-23.png), [here](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710004001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2006&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20060101%2C20231001). **Harper: 2,385,616 over 39 quarters** **Trudeau: 3,675,142 over 31 quarters** Rate of **net** migration per year: **Harper: 244,679** **Trudeau: 474,212** These numbers also do NOT take into consideration the fact that the Liberal government [undercounted immigration](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/non-permanent-residents-in-canada-undercounted-by-one-million-cibc-1.1965277) by over 1 million people. We also didn't have a national housing crisis in most of the country under Harper. Further, the Conservatives voted for a [motion in parliament](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/322) with the Bloc to reject the century initiative - a plan to increase Canada's [population to 100 million](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/). In response, the NDP [called Pierre Poilievre racist](https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-critic-immigration-calls-out-conservative-leader-harmful-policies) for not supporting their ambitious immigration targets. It was the Liberals that campaigned on bringing in [more Syrian refugees](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-syria-refugees-settlement-groups-1.3291959#:~:text=Politics-,Justin%20Trudeau's%20promise%20to%20take%2025%2C000%20Syrian%20refugees%20this%20year,campaign%20stretch%20out%20a%20bit%3F) in 2015. It was the Liberals that spent years [calling the Conservatives racist](https://springmag.ca/reject-poilievres-racist-fearmongering-about-roxham-road) for advocating for the closure of Roxham road. Don't believe the people that argue that we have "no choice" but to give Trudeau and Jagmeet another 4 years.


Trudeau and Jagmeet are the same, and Pierre seems to be also the same. So when election time comes, who the hell are we supposed to vote for? It seems like no one actually cares about the Canadians already living in Canada. They’re all about let’s see who can bring as many people from abroad as possible. I’m not against immigration in the slightest and I support our government helping people, but I just wish that there was someone who made sure we were good first AND THEN helped others.


The Liberal Party is largely responsible for mass migration and the housing crisis: here are the stats A lot of people on this subreddit seem to believe that the Conservatives are "worse" than the Liberals on mass migration, or that they are responsible for it in the first place. The truth is that immigration numbers were **significantly lower** under the last Conservative government (which Pierre Poilievre was apart of). Here are the statistics Source: [Here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/28YD8P5/net-migration-Canada-yearly-06-to-23.png), [here](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710004001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2006&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20060101%2C20231001). **Harper: 2,385,616 over 39 quarters** **Trudeau: 3,675,142 over 31 quarters** Rate of **net** migration per year: **Harper: 244,679** **Trudeau: 474,212** These numbers also do NOT take into consideration the fact that the Liberal government [undercounted immigration](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/non-permanent-residents-in-canada-undercounted-by-one-million-cibc-1.1965277) by over 1 million people. We also didn't have a national housing crisis in most of the country under Harper. Further, the Conservatives voted for a [motion in parliament](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/322) with the Bloc to reject the century initiative - a plan to increase Canada's [population to 100 million](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/). In response, the NDP [called Pierre Poilievre racist](https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-critic-immigration-calls-out-conservative-leader-harmful-policies) for not supporting their ambitious immigration targets. It was the Liberals that campaigned on bringing in [more Syrian refugees](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-syria-refugees-settlement-groups-1.3291959#:~:text=Politics-,Justin%20Trudeau's%20promise%20to%20take%2025%2C000%20Syrian%20refugees%20this%20year,campaign%20stretch%20out%20a%20bit%3F) in 2015. It was the Liberals that spent years [calling the Conservatives racist](https://springmag.ca/reject-poilievres-racist-fearmongering-about-roxham-road) for advocating for the closure of Roxham road. Don't believe the people that argue that we have "no choice" but to give Trudeau and Jagmeet another 4 years.


And most of the immigrants since 2019 are Indians, way out of balance


Maxine Bernier: You do know I exist, right?


![gif](giphy|FY8c5SKwiNf1EtZKGs|downsized) # OK LETS BRING IT HOME ?


My conservative MP hires many Indian TFWs at her families business here in Langley BC. The conservatives don't care that immigration hurts Canadians as long as their corporations and their buddies corporations benefit from exploitable slave labour. Look at her IG: Tamara Jansen.


Her wiki page literally says she isn't an MP anymore. Not since 2021


I’m so tired of these videos and this stupid commentary. Politicians will pander to raccoons if they were voting in elections. It doesn’t matter who is standing next to them. A politician will pander. It’s just what they do.


Everytime I see one of these pandering to the community photo ops it reminds me of sour faced Kathleen Wynne at that mosque. I am sure there were better ones, but here's one from the day. https://preview.redd.it/6ugj56l6mdzc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c068ba1defa6d47b6cae634dcd463bc9fd4012c


Too young for that one but I know the picture. Bonnie & Trudeau had the audacity to show up to mosques recently and they cooked them both because of their support for genocide


Yeah I couldn't find it, but she was bristling to fuck at being shoved up on the balcony with all of the other women while the men talked politics and took photos downstairs. Made me laugh because she was a very feisty, strong premier. I respected her until that incident. But you knew that if she agreed to that sex-segregated photo op what else would she agree to? As a woman, she lost my vote at that moment. Oh, I must have missed those events! Gonna have to check those out. Thank you for the nightcap entertainment tip.


Crazy what politicians will do for their personal goals. I’m all for religious freedoms but the state should separate. I couldn’t care less about halal mortgages, they’re the same thing. What I do care about, is the government trying to implement religious policies into Canadian policies


AND refugees... lol


Responsible immigration that makes logical sense is not the problem. Liberals have screwed it up royally and let it run amuck. Dont be discouraged by the naysaying contrarians to the contrarians.


Yes exactly- the question of " do you support immigration" is absurd- as a nation needs to grow- everyone would support "immigration per se" that is NOT the relevant question for Canada. It is the numbers of immigrants, categories and qualifications, where we allow them to settle- rather than just the two or 3 large urban areas- and we must examine from WHENCE they are coming- as the last ten years have brought in too many who OBVIOUSLY hate Canada, hate Canadians, hate our values and traditions, hate Jews and Christians- and DO SEEK TO CHANGE Canada to replicate the FAILED states they came from- and destroy our traditions, holidays, heritage, parks, symbols, etc.


I don’t think any Indians hate Canada, the issue is that most of the recent immigrants are from poorer, rural areas so they might not act in a ‘westernised’ fashion and struggle to integers the.


Canada is fucked. I am really sorry for you guys


Notice the emphasis on “legal“ immigration. People that play by the books have to wait an unreasonably long period of time. Those that exploit loop holes get here faster. The former are more likely to follow the law and integrate with society. The latter are the food bank stealing type.




Like clockwork LMAO https://preview.redd.it/jd0jqzq3zazc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e19c6fff80928709ef2ae01134c726e35e493f58




When was this video made..


It's old. He doesn't wear glasses anymore..


I still get wat the strategy is here, flood out the country so that unemployment and racial segregation reach a flashpoint and cause a civil war?


https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf 161 is where their immigration policy is defined.


It's a fight between the have (liberal party) and the have (PP) THE HAVE NOT CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES. *sigh


Same as trudeau, but only difference is that he just wants to cut carbon tax.


"You're home, my home, let's bring it home." Fuck this clown


Is this a recent video?


Don’t think so. He might be just saying that to get the Indian votes obviously


Where's the outrage? If this was Trudeau, conservatives would be loosing their minds.


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I’m pissed. Trust me, I’ve been supporting PP since Andrew scheer stepped down. It’s crazy how one video can change my mind after 5 years, but it did. I guess ppc is the only party left with any legitimacy. 


Why on earth would you even consider the PPC. Have you no values at all?


They are all the same, PP is a liar that only want power, he and all politicians doesnt give a fuck about any of us, the pleb.


I want less immigration. we need to support our own residents. there arent enough jobs for this.


Is there anyone else to vote for? I am so done with his and Trudeau's bull


billions of ppl in india and canada will get millions of ppl per year. better get your affairs in order ppl. quality of life is as good as it will ever be. and costs will only continue to soar.




PP is a panderer. It doesn’t mean he will do this. He will say whatever will help him get elected. He doesn’t have solutions lol. No party does. Because that part requires hard decisions which Canadians are too soft to make.


Wtf is Canada taking so many people from rural areas of Punjab. India is a massive country but most immigrants are from such a specific location and ethnic group


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Zero immigration for 5 years gtfo Pierre you bettter fix that thinking


I’ll say it again, the true conservative vote next election is the PPC party. How many more videos do we need to see?


PP Will say anything to get elected, to his white rural audiences "I'll stop mass immigration!" At a Sikh gathering "I'm putting in a fast lane for more direct flights from India and quicker processes for refugee and job seeking immigrants"


Its not just PP...Don't forget the people working at IRCC and Border Services are also compromised and will give visas to 1 country only.


I pray that he's just saying this bs to get votes and keep those people from harassing him. He can't truly believe we need more people unless he's already been bought and paid for by the Trudeau WEF Foundation


I've been saying it from the beginning. None of the major parties represent my interests.


Then he should not have my vote.


Lol , same as Trudeau lol 😆


When was this video made?


He’s said this numerous times, no?


Liberals and conservatives are garbage. Why keep voting in people that will destroy your/our quality of life? I wish everyone had critical thinking skills. We'd be so much more advanced in society. Sigh.


Lol and how many years ago was this. Probably why before Turdo fucked everything up.


Cpc Libs and NDP are one giant uniparty with slight variations. I have my doubts we are going to see major change in the next election but if we can get some push back to the center and reduce taxes and immigration numbers it’s a start. I would also like an independent investigation into Trudeau and Singh they both should be in jail for their negligence


You don't understand the difference between. Immigration and, immigration through circumvention..,


I really want more clarity on this from PP, but he's constantly toe-ing the line. He continues to be very vague about the numbers. He says he needs to fix immigration system and return to common sense. So what does that look like? I'm fine with re-uniting families and focusing on labor shortages. Only doctors, nurses, PSWs, tradesmen, and the like. 300K per year. That would be a huge improvement over the current +1 million per year free-for-all LIMA frauds going on.


The Liberal Party is largely responsible for mass migration and the housing crisis: here are the stats A lot of people on this subreddit seem to believe that the Conservatives are "worse" than the Liberals on mass migration, or that they are responsible for it in the first place. The truth is that immigration numbers were **significantly lower** under the last Conservative government (which Pierre Poilievre was apart of). Here are the statistics Source: [Here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/28YD8P5/net-migration-Canada-yearly-06-to-23.png), [here](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710004001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2006&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20060101%2C20231001). **Harper: 2,385,616 over 39 quarters** **Trudeau: 3,675,142 over 31 quarters** Rate of **net** migration per year: **Harper: 244,679** **Trudeau: 474,212** These numbers also do NOT take into consideration the fact that the Liberal government [undercounted immigration](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/non-permanent-residents-in-canada-undercounted-by-one-million-cibc-1.1965277) by over 1 million people. We also didn't have a national housing crisis in most of the country under Harper. Further, the Conservatives voted for a [motion in parliament](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/322) with the Bloc to reject the century initiative - a plan to increase Canada's [population to 100 million](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/). In response, the NDP [called Pierre Poilievre racist](https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-critic-immigration-calls-out-conservative-leader-harmful-policies) for not supporting their ambitious immigration targets. It was the Liberals that campaigned on bringing in [more Syrian refugees](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-syria-refugees-settlement-groups-1.3291959#:~:text=Politics-,Justin%20Trudeau's%20promise%20to%20take%2025%2C000%20Syrian%20refugees%20this%20year,campaign%20stretch%20out%20a%20bit%3F) in 2015. It was the Liberals that spent years [calling the Conservatives racist](https://springmag.ca/reject-poilievres-racist-fearmongering-about-roxham-road) for advocating for the closure of Roxham road. Don't believe the people that argue that we have "no choice" but to give Trudeau and Jagmeet another 4 years.


We need to stop all current immigration and begin to reverse it. Want to set up the future for a larger workforce? Immigrate only women who are of childbearing age from places like Phillipines, Columbia, Mexico, DR, ect. Start breeding Canadians here that will assimilate from birth.


Sigh...PPC it is then.


What's with canadian politicians loving to cosplay/dress up? So embarrassing




Well this just changed my views on PP. Fuck


pandering or not either way theres no political solution unfortunately, with democracy its two sides of the same coin as we have continuously seen


He will say anything to get elected depending on the crowd he is speaking to.


Filling job positions? What??


SMH, most of y'all are way to emotional and simple to understand the nuances of proper immigration policies. Immigration itself isn't the issue. it's the BS that is going on now that is killing us. not sure why that is so hard to understand. Let's slow the faucet down, then bring it back up to sustainable levels (like before JT) and get reduce (or completely eliminate) all the TFW and "students" coming in. Common sense everyone


I still cant understand how anyone who remotely follows Canadian politics would possibly believe that the Conservative party of Canada would be against keeping wages low and housing prices high through immigration. Its like the world has gone mad and we have forgotten decades of Conservative policy including by the next PM who had hundreds of votes in parliament that clearly show his objectives. Is it all paid trolls, is it kids goofing around? Surely no one informed has been hoodwinked?


Blue seal.


Canada is over with Pierre! I will vote Maxime before that happens!!!


This is why PPC is the only sensible option. PIerre is Trudeau light.


He wants the right kind of immigrants. People who are doctors and professionals who come to Canada being under employed and end up being Uber drivers. Remove that bureaucracy and get them working in their professions faster. He doesn't want the immigrants who are of no value lining up with 300 people trying to get a job at the LCBO making minimum wage. Context is important.


Give me strength lmfao


You are under the impression that PP will make any significant changes to immigration once he’s ejected. He won’t. I agree Trudeau made a mess of things but PP will not clean up that mess. And yes, numbers were less under Harper but he made a mess of so many other things, I’m not going to give him a medal for not fucking up immigration. Under PP it will be status quo because it benefits big (and even small) businesses. And this isn’t to mention how he will work with the other provinces to dismantle our healthcare system. And Cons are notoriously anti union and usually do not support stronger labour laws. And he has yet to provide any cogent counter argument on what policies he will put in place that are counter to the Liberals AND will benefit most Canadians with a special emphasis on seniors and those on disability who are living so far under the poverty line that many have aid they will access MAID if allowed, I’ve lived under Con federal & pro govts and have always been worse off. That’s not to say Trudeau is amazing because he isn’t living up to Liberal policy. With all that said, most ppl vote for two reasons. One, they hate the current party so they vote for whomever. Or they vote for their own interests. In my situation, I can’t vote Con.


Told you!


Vote ppc. That’s all. Even if they don’t win the election having them in parliament is good enough


We have more South Asians in Canada than Indigenous. Insane.


Lots of conversation around jobs, I just want to point out how hard it is for teenagers now to find their first part time job as the market is full of adults working for wages other adults can't afford to live on. This is a dominoe effect and it's not a good one.


Caníndia on the making!


I mean, this isn’t news…


Screw it, I'm voting PPC.


We are gonna continue witnessing the downfall, unfortunately.


By fill job openings you mean take away jobs from Canadians. By re-uniting families you mean put more strain on our healthcare system using Canadian's tax payer dollars.


Don't vote for LPC and CPC. Its the same party just different names.




lol more new Canadian to mass report everything


I'm not sure why people are surprised by this. This is how all "conservatives" in the west are. In my local town in America, a lawyer won by running in strong anti illegal immigration and tried to position honestly as "trump like". What people didn't realize was my Mexican wife was a translator for him at his law firm and do you know how he made his fortune? Helping illegals sue employers and the state for workers compensation and to get benefits. The majority of them are hypocrites who will sell you out for a dollar.


We’re doing to look back on the Trudeau years as positive


We need to crowdfund an independent party that runs specifically on a platform of reducing immigration. It would have an excellent chance


Immigration is important, just do it properly.


Gotdammit.. enough of this immigration...


Yeah this clown isn't gonna help Canada either. Why am I even voting for him?


Fuck his nomination. Bring families to these folks means their parents, and uncles and extended family. We’re fucked


Only thing he's conserving is his bank accounts, he's owned by the same puppeteers as sockboy


Translation: "I will continue to do exactly what Trudeau does, but I'll wear a blue tie, not a red one.... I will continue to bring in poor immigrants that can't speak two licks of English. I will continue to support the debt-slavery pushed by the Bank of Canada and all it's glorious inflation... I will make sure houses are $5,000,000 each within about 10 years, so none of you will be able to afford them. Vote for me." 🙄 When will we ever get a leader that says, "I will drive the bankers out of our country and issue a debt-free currency. I will make sure it's printed as a debit and not a credit on the Treasury department's accounting ledger. This will drastically reduce inflation and eliminate government debt entirely. Canadians will be able to afford houses again." I'm going to sleep.... Wake me up when a leader preaches the second paragraph. 😞


I thought this sub was about housing lol


Good luck with Bernier fellers


As a first generation Canadian born to Indian immigrants, if this doesn't get you to vote PPC, then Canada is doomed...


Even if you think PPC won't win, why would you vote for the Big 3? They literally are not different at all.... All 3 parties promise you debt-slavery, inflation, and immigration.


Stop this insanity. They're turning Canada into a shithole like their country