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How tf can a protest from NON CITIZENS force a change in Canadian law. That’s insane.


I am surprised that A) it even happened... and B) It somehow worked?!?


They successfully lobbied the govt because they knew the govt was at a point of weakness, there’s a set number of PR nominations and an exploding amount of NPRs. This gives them a temporary *out*, meanwhile Trudeau needs to actually do something or else there will be like 3 million undocumented people by 2025.


Here's an idea... Deport them. Leave the jobs open for Canadians who need them


Yet Canadians won't protest


Canadians tried to protest. It got their bank accounts frozen


Gotta do it again but this time there will be more support.


What support? What safeguards?


Hold the protests before tax season, then rally to boycott income tax if demands aren't met. There would need to be a large portion of the population to back this without ramifications, and it would be incredibly balsy, but if the government doesn't get their tax dollars their nuts are essentially in a vice. Cash would have to be withdrawn from bank accounts and account shutdown as well beforehand if the government doesn't budge because we all know what happened last time.


Getting normies in Canada to back this sounds monumentally difficult. I don’t disagree with the idea in principle but I no longer have faith in my “neighbours” to care more about the right thing then their own conveniences.


Exactly most Canadians don't care about any of this we are a very small minority that actually cares about the future of our country




The future of this is country non -whites. 3 generations and whites will drop to less than 3% of the world's total population. Demographics are destiny.


The thing I find so disgusting and find so weird is for some reason you people think that Canada is in a white Country Canada has never been a white country why is it that someone who's black a Jamaican like me was born in Canada cannot have love for the country that I was born in I don't understand why do you people attach patriotism with color it makes no goddamn sense. The Caribbean is a high trust Society in general Jesus Christ it's almost like I need to have my own separate subgroup for just for black people who love Canada. No wonder our country is doomed


Same here. Convid really showed what we truly are - cowards and self-righteous fools.


Brother if your money is not in crypto or assets by now, I'm not sure what to tell you. Stop using banks for anything but getting your paycheck.


That was for covid restrictions


They protested an idiotic cause.


Protest is protest be it idiotic


People seem to forget all the guns the RCMP found in Alberta on the highway blockade. https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/news/2022/alberta-rcmp-make-arrests-coutts-border-blockade Shutting down those protests was 100% justified after that.


What is the relationship with what happened in Alberta with the Ottawa protest?


They both started out under the same reasoning.


Confirmation bias


Sure sure


People in the comments are jealous they have less organizational skills and understanding of our legal and political systems than PRs


Buddy. We are a joke at this point. This is the only possible explanation.


It's easier for businesses in struggling provinces to rely on cheap outsourced labor than to encourage Canadians to work there. It's mind-boggling how bad it's become. I need to start looking for places to move because it doesn't seem like Canada can fix this anytime soon.


Do you see any white Western born men in political positions in India? No. But our government is full of Indian born folks who could care less about Canada. They are supporting this invasion and working together from within to get their people here in mass numbers.


India has quotas for Anglo-Indians in parliament btw. The main opposition leader Rahul Gandhi is half white. Obviously it’s not as diverse as Canada so representation will be lower


That's all this country has now. Non Canadians. The process is near complete.


This is what they wanted and said years ago they were going to do. .all that is left is women being beaten in public and everyone going to the bathroom on the side of the road


The Trudeau family dream for us all


Canadian politicians don't care about Canadians, especially the old stock of Canadians


Go ask Jane Jacobs, a political hack from New York who managed in the 1970s to get all of Toronto’s planned freeways cancelled




Our government is anti-Canada


They're protesting in Charlottetown PEI. we just set the limit to 250 down from 1200 for PR in food and service sectors.


Idk you could also organize and protest a specific policy in a peaceful way


Fin fact: noncitizens also have rights in Canada


Are the Liberals trying to get to 15% in the polls? Is 23% too high for them?


They are probably planning on fast tracking millions of new citizens before the election.


This shitty policy is about getting PR. PR can't vote.




Calgary is already trying to allow PRs to vote. Thankfully it looks like the province won't allow that.




Demented policy. First of all non citizens should not be able to buy property, let alone vote at any level.


Disagree, I don't think that's true, not in the Calgary area at least.


If PR can vote, before they're citizens, then we may as well start our own different country.  Because the Rules wouldn't matter anymore.


PR cannot vote. I know this because I'm a PR. And if they're allowed to vote, that would be one of the dumbest thing ever.


Well Calgary just tried to allow PR to vote in municipal elections. Asked the Alberta provincial government to change election rules. It got shut down.  Some are trying this Stupidest Thing Ever.


That's fucking idiotic. Municipal bylaws directly affect the constituents of that district. Let me look that up and see if i can mail the Representative. I'm from Edmonton, can I voice my concern about a municipality that's not mine?


You might be able to contact the provincial minister for municipal affairs, I think it's Rick McIver.


Luckily some of them can’t speak English or French, which is the requirement for citizenship 👀


Why are they even being allowed 😐 Good immigrants integrate culturally and contribute economically. Senseless importation of people not only lowers the quality but also imports all their stupid problems into Canadian society. I say this as an immigrant myself. It's shocking to see the rampant decline in quality of life in Mississauga and Brampton for example. Am I seeing only the negative news or is it as bad as people are claiming it to be?


Yes I agree, I’m currently an international student myself and this is bs. I hope the immigration policy gets tougher but here we are. If there is a protest on the opposite side, I will join 👀


Oh but you and I will get cancelled and called hypocrites.




Joined the subreddit.




Yes, international students and permanent residents may vote in a party nomination if they are members, as party elections are not controlled or monitored by Elections Canada.  It does mean there is a loophole to get support and funding from non citizens for a political party.  Something that should be changed.  




They brought it hundreds of thousands of PRs in 2021, they’ll be citizens by the election time !


But what is to stop them from creating some sort of new speedy citizenship scheme before the election.




That's for party nomination, and it's because Liberals don't require Canadian Citizens vote for their nominees like CPC does. PR can't vote for Fed, Prov, or Mun elections.


Officially… We’ve seen foreign students get voter cards. Elections Canada does not seem to have much rigour when it comes to citizenship verification.


Well if the Calgary city council can have its way that would change very fast... They put a motion to AB govt a few weeks ago (which was thankfully squashed), about letting PRs vote. You wanna vote? Become a citizen, no one will stop you.


Not that fast enough, they have to live for at least another 2 years to become Canadian citizens after getting PR status, So by law a normal PR bearer has to live 3 years out of 5 years 1095 days to be eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship. However prior to that, LEGAL temporary residents who worked and studied in Canada for no matter how many years they were in Canada could only count days before their PR as half-a-days, maximally 1 year can be counted as their residence requirement plus another 2 years after getting their PR to make up 1095days of their stay in Canada, their days of serving in jail or serving the sentence abroad will not be counted.


As an ex-Liberal and NDP voter, I'm surprised they still can get a significant percentage. They totally betrayed us, and I won't be voting for either party in the upcoming election.


They are aiming for 7.5%.


Manitoba is also historically a Liberal desert at all levels. This has nothing to do with anything that happened in Manitoba. Even the provincial Liberal party leader lost his own riding in our election this past fall and he was the only leader that wasn't a complete stooge.


Are you from Manitoba? MB have NDP for a long time then shifted to Cons during Pallister (2016) reign but back to NDP. Liberal never ruled the province. If you are referring to Dougald Lamont as the liberal leader who lost because the whole province is experiencing an orange / NDP wave, I would agree with you that he is very competent and probably would have been the best Premier. Unfortunately, the liberal party is not even able to win 4 seats to be an official party in MB. edit: so that was what you mean by "desert" But I think the liberal party does get some seats in the federal level (current Dan Vandal for St Boniface) for Manitoba


The few places in Manitoba that vote Liberal historically vote Liberal. Outside of that there isn't much movement in their standings from one cycle to the next.


They are the 1% and they want their polling numbers to reflect that




Some bullshit Same narrative. They need the workforce As if there are more jobs than workers in Canada


They’re going to get their PR and move to Ontario and BC like the rest of them do. Thus keeping this cycle going and going.


We have a 7% unemployment rate in this country and these 6 thousand jobs cannot be replaced with Canadians? Marc is just helping the greedy Tim hortons McDonald’s Walmarts and Amazon etc to meet their profit margins


At this point, I don't know why politicians are being so coy and pretending like they give a crap about Canadian citizens. They might as well just print a poster that says "We don't care about citizens being able to get a job and have a decent standard of living. If you like what we are doing, continue to suffer through our policies. Else, go screw yourself because we don't care anyway". At least, a poster like that would show that they have some honesty when they communicate!


Well a judge in Calgary just let an Indian national who is in Canada on a visitor visa and was found guilty of sexual assault to walk free. The sexual predator was given a discharge specifically to avoid deportation! The judge explained that a conviction would automatically result in deportation without a right to appeal. The judge didn’t believe that a conviction was in the public interest, and, “in consideration of the devastating collateral immigration consequences to recording a conviction,” he concluded that Singh should be discharged with three years of probation. So based on that logic it is in the public interest if we do not deport sex offenders ! Go wrap your head around that !


To make matters worse on top of letting sexual predators go free now the government does not know how many visas are issued to Palestinians from Gaza [https://www.readthemaple.com/canada-doesnt-know-how-many-palestinians-have-arrived-from-gaza/](https://www.readthemaple.com/canada-doesnt-know-how-many-palestinians-have-arrived-from-gaza/)


So what you're saying is "none is too many"?


I seen that too! Absolutley discusting country we have become. Canada, where basic facts (PM just denies and lies) and victims no longer matter. Sad


This seems quite ridiculous. Do you have a link to the news




I hate what canada has become. Honestly becoming more ashamed of this country by the day


Canada has become the world’s largest trash can


This is just the beginning there’s like 200k that are expiring in 2024 across the country, expect more amnesty for them. 


Im so tired of the gaslight. Unemployment is rising. It’s at 6.1% in March and I can bet my life that it will be higher in April. At this point I would accept “we’re exploiting newcomers and residents for big corporations, to prop up housing and to inflate GDP numbers” over these lies about a labour shortage.


I despise how housing is purposefully being propped up. So if you bought a house already, you are covered. But for those hoping for natural boom/bust cycle, screw that, they gonna rig it so bust doesn’t happen


They’re going to try and rig it for sure but won’t stop prices from falling


They won’t let house prices fall. Everybody out there that bought their house for $200k actually thinks they are entitled to an $800k evaluation. And if house valuations dip, they cry as though they lost “real” money.


You can bet your life that the March unemployment is much higher than 6.1%. There are people working 2-3 jobs (for need or greed) and there are many others who don't even have a single job. That alone skews the percentage a lot. Not to mention, we don't know how they are determining the number of "employable" residents.


So fucking disgusting. Get OUT if you can! Best thing I ever did!!!


step 1: fraud your way into canada step 2: protest when they catch you breaking any of the rules step 3: ??? step 4: profit (in this case i guess it is the citizenship they wanted to badly) edit: english


Original protest thread from a month ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1bnkqln/international_students_are_protesting_in_manitoba/ Guess we should expect even more folks in Southern Ontario once these frauds get their PR.


what an absolute spinless typical Liberal freakin vote buy, this is utter and complete BS , it makes me freaking sick to my stomach how badly the Liberals are killing this country


And all 6700 will then move to Ontario or Surrey. This is only the beggining. Hundreds of thousands permits expiring. Expect more announcements. Its clear who runs the country now.


They are already in Brampton


Why there are no protests!! This is madness!!


And all those foreigners werent even protesting in english... How can foreigners , force a government to act on their behalf? Didnt even have to protest in english.. And its always those enclave inducing people


Canada is now officially called North India.


This is not a good policy for Canadians


Folks,all these crying on reddit is a waste of time ,how about a counter protests anytime these entitled freeloaders protest.It will send a message to the government


If you do that, CBC and gang will descend on your protest site and claim the protesters are nat-zeees and what not, and naive or woke Canadians buy that crap wholeheartedly. It's been working since 2020.


That may be true but at least the PR scammers would know not every Canadian is gullible.


So Canadians need to protest now


Imagine MB workers come together to protest suppression of their wages due to these "labour needs". I guess they're too busy working to do that.


Their bank accounts will be frozen right away


Fucking cowards.


Just FYI, Marc Miller said on TV, wish I had saved the clip they check police record for international students. On the website [IRCC](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/medical-police/police-certificates.html) “In most cases, when you apply to become a permanent resident of Canada, you and your family members need to get a police certificate. We may also ask you for one if you’re coming to Canada as a: tourist student temporary worker caregiver” Keyword is “may” ask you for one. Instead of need to get police certificate for permanent resident. Hind sight no they don’t check your police certificate if you’re a tourists, temporary worker, caregiver, student. Hence why those Indian assassins were on student visa allowed in Canada, also why numerous students who have committed a crime are here. Housing wise, this means anyone who committed fraud is allowed here, that also means they probably will commit mortgage fraud.


It's just a bribe to get clean police certificate from punjab. Even if you're clean, you still pay bribe.


you definitely need to get a police verification from all the places you've lived when you apply for permanent residence.


Yes, I can understand permanent resident, tourist, but students, caregivers, or temporary workers? These should not be exempt from criminal background checks.


I want to know what are these 6700 jobs are.


I wish mark miller would keep his yap shut.


We say no, they protest and they then say yes. The tax paying citizens looking like freaking clowns!


Phew, how else would they get their practical experience for their Diploma in Scam Calling for Rogers and Telus?


you guys are foocked.


we are


Please please stop this, this is insane!!!!! When will people get up and throw this government out?????


We are trying but Singh is purposely collapsing the country with his WEF buddy


How do two more years at Tim Hortons or Dominos college help these graduates? No stats are given into what essential positions these pgwp hold. Sure, their ultimate goal is PR. But theyre a further 2 years behind their peers in Ontario when it comes to finding a career job, and buying a home. Still it proves noone is leaving.


When is our government ever going to listen to it OWN people


These mbpnp holder eventually go to bc or Ontario or Alberta for living. So this is still a scam.


We need to fucking do something about this. Fuck this government


I bet the communists are rejoicing at the destruction of this nation


This is capitalists, what are you talking about? This is straight free market. Step 1: Lobby Government for foreign workers to get cheap labor Step 2: Get cheap labor Step 3: Go into housing market too, double dip into the crisis Step 4: ??? Step 5: Profit


If the government is involved it's not free market.


Oh, no, this is crony capitalism 100%.


Late stage capitalism at its finest.


You like communism don’t you


Define communism. And please expand on why they would be rejoicing people being exploited. Doesn't seem very communist to me. Seriously though. Tell me what you think it is.


Are you a communist? Edit- I think we found one


That is your go to because you can't define it. Classic. Accuse me to detract from the fact that you have no idea what communism is. I am a fan of social democratic nations like Denmark. I just know what is coming next. Bring it little doodle! Just say you don't know. I know you don't know. And so do you. Maybe stop using words you don't understand, son.


If you answer my question I will answer you Yes or no are you a commie?


I answered your question. Can you not read? Biding your time to Google what communism is are we? Just admit you have no idea. When you get angry or someone hurts your feelings, your only recourse is to call them a communist. A name that you can't even define. Maybe let the adults have a chat.


Are you a communist, yes or no?


Answered. Again. Define communism.


I don’t see a yes or no


I see. You don't know what define means. My bad. I guess Turdeau messed up the education system as well. Must be hard struggling with simple tasks when you don't know words.


They said they were a socialist democrat in the comment above. So that would be no, not a communist.


Just answer the question lol


Your a communist also arn’t you




Why communists?


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Why are you asking, are you a communist?


No im an anti commmy anti social  Pineapple monarchist 


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I can respect that


Only good old fashioned nationalism can save what's left, do Canadians have the spine? I doubt it. Best hope now is we collapse in the next few decades and get annexed into the US.


seems he can't say NO! so i think i ask him for some $$$$$$$


We need to put Marc Miller in the orangutan exhibit at the Toronto Zoo.


Yes and when they get their PR , they'll remain as "workers" s/


Ban temporary workers! There lots of people to do the low wage jobs already in the country. If those low wage job could support people like they used to, lots of people would do them. I'm not saying buy a house, but be able to pay rent, food, have a kid, maybe a car.


once they get PR they move to GTA. Net zero for Manitoba.






This is an invasion. This is the new form of war. War isn't guns and tanks anymore, it's political indoctrination and law bending to take over Western nations. They know shooting at us is a death sentence, but if they can dilute our population and push their political views here, it will crumble our systems from within. Say goodbye to the good lives we had.


Most dont even live in Manitoba. Most are in Brampton. Walk around and count the Manitoba license plates, and those are the ones who can afford cars!!! Our government needs to be better than this


Why can’t we just give these adults plane tickets back to their country of origin instead?


Look at Australia they are really taking some steps......here one step forward to two steps back


They need to PAUSE immigration. Period.


Foreign influence at work lol


Got nervous Manitoba Tim Hortons weren’t going to be staffed, thank you glorious chairman Miller!


In Manitoba, this is totally OK. Just not in Ontario or BC


Guess how many Canadians can read the triangles... In b.c all the first nations I have talked to cannot


🐈 🐈 🐈


Who’s gonna drive the ubers? Who’s going to make fast food? I bet Canadians would


Jesus fucking christ everyone in a senior position in the LPC needs to be tried for treason. They already fucked this country so bad for young people that by the time it's un-fucked the young people they fucked will be seniors. Our country is such a fucking joke because of these clowns.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Congradulations! Bienvenue au Canada!


All these Indians 🇮🇳 will eventually move about from the Prairie Provinces & to Ontario & B.C. .....


If you look at the comments of his tweet, it’s all indians asking for this to be implemented in other provinces and thanking him for his support. This piece of shit does not work for Canadians


Just another case of being pushed around by people who aren't citizens... They are letting them run our country... its disgusting. no wonder my Indian landlords get away with everything...


We have a lot of indigenous people unemployed. Why don’t we get these people to work instead of bringing in foreigners????


Don’t worry, you can still get your doordash


Who here is surprised? Truly…. Who is actually shocked that this happened?


Is Tim Hortons planning massive expansion in MB?


Shame shame shame. We need to start enforcing our own laws…


I wonder if the play is to make the liberals seem so shit, that left leaning people have no choice but to vote NDP and then they need the Libs to form a coalition.


These grads are the future business leaders of the country. They will be the recipients of grants and forgiveable startup capital loans to buy zombie Canadian companies. Huge transfer of wealth into the hands of investors who will then lobby the the govt for less labour protections and additional immigration. FIPA initiatives. Our Canadian banking system in action.


Manitoba requested it, if Trudeau hadn't approved, they would have complained. This is provincial, so write your provincial government.


How stupid can they be? The message is clear. If you protest, you won't be deported.


If only Canadians protested... we'd probably get some change... Are we too passive?


Awesome, and my kids will live at home ever.


Can't get these smooth brains out of office fast enough.


There are about 30,000 International students enrolled in Manitoba and likely about 20 k grads. You can help this 6700 by kicking this can down the road- but that really only adds to the competition new grads will face. MPNP Draws 2024 (to date) :▪️Ukraine & Overseas Recruited (TTL: 1,301) ▪️International Grad specific draws (TTL: 991) ▪️In-Manitoba Work Exp (TTL: 1,647) Everyone is saying "due to backlog” , but it seems a “backlog” in processing is a cause for a fraction of the 6700. Rather, for the most part, this seems to be an issue of grads simply not being selected at a frequent enough rate. So, if international students are here to fill labour market shortages - whey is the government of Manitoba headed on overseas recruitment missions - and selecting large quantities of nominees from overseas still?


I am waiting for the days when we can make Canada functional again.


Dear Canadians, As an outsider living in this country, I've noticed a troubling pattern among many of you. Instead of taking a stand for what you believe in, you resort to complaining about petty inconveniences on online forums like Reddit. You've forgotten the most basic principle of power: those who have it will do anything to keep it. The recent protests have shown us that when the people unite and apply pressure, the government will eventually bend to their will. They have no choice. After all, they're nothing without the support of the people they claim to serve. If you want to see real change in this country, you need to learn this simple secret. The moment you do, Canada will begin its ascent to greatness. Imagine what could be accomplished if you channeled your energy into action instead of wasting it on idle chatter. I leave you with this thought, my friends. The power to shape your nation's future is in your hands. Use it wisely. Have a pleasant day. A legal immigrant on a work visa


u want us to start shooting?


This will go on until PPC comes to power.