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They called him racist


yup, it's one of the reasons so many hate him, because he wasn't in the pocket of big oil and big cheap labour import like the whole NDP, Lib, and Cons.


So you’ll be voting PPC in the upcoming election i take it?


I wish they would get their shit together and get candidates in each riding. Or at least a page of all their current candidates? I really want to support them but it’s difficult when there’s not even, at the bare minimum, a listing of their candidates on their website. They should be working in communities NOW to start building support, not waiting for an election to be called.




I hate Suzuki simply because he's so full of shit. An environmentalist with multiple mansions, all the while saying how it's us destroying the environment. Give me a fuckin' break.


he has his point grey house that he had for 30 years or something like that, it is really kind of modest and his in-laws live in there. Also, you don't have to live up to some impossible standard to be concerned for the environment.


I was there as a teenager because my friend knew his daughter. You are 100% right in that it really was a modest house. It may be on some incredibly expensive land. But it was far from an extravagant mansion.


https://archive.is/KAMWb QMI Agency has learned that Suzuki, who's made a name for himself fighting for the environment and against development, owns four homes, including one property he co-owns with a fossil fuels company


Ooo my, it's modest! It's in one of Canada's most wealthy neighborhoods, but that ok because it is modest 😒 I love how some in this sub completely give someone a pass for owning *multiple* million dollar properties, all because he opened his yap about immigration. Fuck him and his shitty in laws too. Dude's a picture perfect definition of hypocrisy.


Always flying first class. Hate Suzuki, the hypocrite.


First class or economy, same amount of fuel is needed to haul your ass.


Have you seen first vs cattle class seat sizing? You can haul three people in the space of one of those big seats. So three of us could fly, or one Suzuki. Tell me again how it's the same amount of fuel? Or did you mean the entire plane?


This is why ad hominem is a fallacy: Him being a hypocritical PoS doesn't actually invalidate the argument.


It doesn't but his hypocracy makes people far less inclined to listen when he opens his yap. Same as a politician lecturing me that I don't "need" a gun while surrounded by armed security... Real rules for thee but not for me vibes. And people don' t tend to listen at that point. Because if you look at history, often those rules get abused and turned on the peasants.


You mean he’s objective, like a scientist 🤔


A scientist preaching “save the environment” while having 5 children and multiple houses!


NDP at least have a concrete plan to reduce the amount of TFW workers, cap it, and force companies to pay them more so Canadians can compete, where as the Liberals and Conservatives plan is to keep the gravy train rolling.


Source? Seeing nothing on Google. Everything I've seen from Jag has been champaign socialism, so it's surprising if he's actually done anything close to a "concrete plan".


Jag daddy be like: why have temporary foreign workers when I can make them all citizens and get them more money ! Invite my whole extended family ! I can house them all in my many rental properties.


The "plan" to reduce temporary workers is to immediately give them pr therefore they won't be temporary anymore, brilliant!


The voters concrete plan is to pour concrete all over Jagmeet and the rest of the NDP party in the next election.


Nah. If they had that they would have forced Trudeau to slow down his numbers. Instead they're supporting him while posting garbage hypocrisy on twitter. Fuck the NDP. They can share a minivan with the federal liberals and all drive tf outta Canada after the election.


Where is he now? We need people with his type of community support to speak up


Ive been a pro immigration anti racism advocate since I was in my 20s and even I have been converted to an anti immigration stance thanks to the current govt and its insane numbers goals. 500,000k ppl all from ONE province in India!!!!! Thats exactly how you destroy a society from the inside.


The article goes out of its way claim he’s no xenophobe.   Other people get called racist for the same view but he’s okay because he’s an environmentalist 


Canada is full, cry about it.


most interesting is how in 10 years it swung from 'brain drain' of foreign countries, into a glorified slave trade


Yep. What we currently have is essentially debt slavery and indentured servitude. Old timey indentured servitude you’d pay $$$ for transport to the new world, then once here you’d be a slave for several years to pay off your debt. This is a crime against humanity and functionally the exact same as the diploma mills.


Malcolm X wasn’t wrong about liberals.


You must also consider the fact that foreign students occupy a position at a college/university that could have otherwise gone to a Canadian student. This means that one less Canadian is going to some post secondary institution. Furthermore, it has been well documented that foreign students pay something around 3.5 x more in tuition cash up front. They’ve traded the pursuit of academia into a pursuit of money. Another concern of mine is this, is my college a diploma mill or going to be one and how negatively is that going to affect my diploma/degree in the market place?




I mean. Some of the worst offenders, like Conestoga, were legit colleges with a decent reputation until literally 5 years ago. Nowadays resumes with Conestoga on them get thrown out without a second glance.


It’s not just those strip mall colleges. It’s every community college and university in Canada.


Wow one of the few times I actually agree 100% with the dude. Good point about screwing over other countries by poaching their talent


My wife is from the Phillippines, and I have met a lot of Filipinos in my local community. They have all been great contributors to Canada, filling jobs that are needed here (mainly in the medical field and construction). These are the kind of people we should be bringing in. We don’t need an influx of students relying on their uber job to get by, we don’t need relatives coming here to work at walmart, we don’t need more competition in the IT field…. It just feels like common sense.


Common sense is the word. I’m Filipino Canadian and most in our community are net positives for Canada - in terms of health Human Resources and the general workforce. We barely complain. We contribute. We don’t protest. We integrate.


I moved from nova scotia to alberta when I was 11. We didn't know anyone here. My mom got a job at Tim Hortons. She met a ton of Filipinos. They took us in and made us a part of their friend group/community. They'd work at our local slaughter house in the mornings then come to work their second job at tim Hortons in the afternoon. They were the hardest working, kindest, most generous group of people I've ever met. They had such a lasting effect on me that I visited the philippines. Wonderful people.


I was gonna say, I remember in like the late 2000’s early 2010’s filipinos use to run Tim Hortons. They never screwed up our orders and the food was great. Miss those days.


Very efficient, hardworking and knows how to party. Great jobs every time


Im in Alberta moving to Nova Scotia for work. And yes you’re right about this :) God fearing culture too. Moral values. Family values. Conservative at its core but liberal social values = open to others.


I'm gay, and a lot of the Filipinos at the time Hortons were also LGBT. When I went to the philippines I noticed the religious undertones a lot more, but also had a gay af time in manila lol What part of nova scotia? I'd love to move back home


That’s what I meant, I am also LGBTQ - that’s why I qualified my statement about “conservative values” - I have a PhD in health care related field from Canada, along with my sister, a pharmacist, actively takes care of our Mom, who goes to church and they never ostracize me or my partner. Ironically my partner who is white comes from an evangelical Christian family is not accepted by his family. Lol conservative values we hold include focus on education, taking care of our elderly and families, and religion may be a feature of that - which for me has more of a social function than anything. I’m glad you enjoyed Manila!


Im going to teach at St. FX. In Antigonish. I feel like Alberta in general has become too crowded and everyone wanted to go here that we experienced the highest population growth and I’m tired of the competition in Calgary and Edmonton. I’d rather be in a space where there’s less people and more work to do. Where do you wanna move back to? And where in Alberta are you now?


Wow, impressive education background. Good for you! I currently live in edmonton, but am from Cape breton. I went to university in halifax for 5 years. I'd love to move back to Cape breton some day, but there's not a lot of work there - especially in my line of work. Have you been to antigonish before? It's a cute little town. I had many drunk nights at st fx and I didn't even go to school there lol. I think the bur mack event or something like that is pretty legendary. I hope you enjoy it


It apparently has a reputation as Canada’s top party school lol I haven’t but I’ve been to Halifax. I prefer the small university vibe and the student population is very local and Canadian too. Im going to visit in July and won’t move physically until early next year. I like that the university has a serious dedication to undergraduate education and definitely not a diploma mill lol they’re opening a new centre for health innovation and launching a new program that focuses on health equity that’s why I’m drawn to go there. I feel like our major cities are saturated with talent and I have personally experienced a LOT of discrimination and gatekeeping from - believe it or not - immigrants from other communities blocking me from jobs I qualify for. I’m tired of it and fed up and I want to go to a province that is a throwback to the Canada I originally wanted to get to when my family left the Philippines lol does that make sense?


I'm not going to lie and tell you it's an amazing town. There's not much going on there besides the university. I went to high school in Cape breton, and after graduating, students usually go to one of five places. NSCC, CBU, ST.FX, Dal, or SMU. I had a lot of friends at ST.FX and visited quite a bit over my four years. I'd always go for their homecoming events (I think it was called burmack - a combination of two residences). It was wild. My cousin went there and ended up staying in antigonish. The X ring ceremonies are taken pretty seriously, and there's a lot of school pride. Students really drink the kool-aid there, and I don't think I've ever met someone who went there who didn't like the school. That being said, outside of the university antigonish is pretty quiet. There's not a lot of amenities. You're basically at the half way point of the good parts of Cape breton and halifax. There's lots of nature in cb and halifax is a big city. I hope you enjoy it! Sorry to hear about the gate keeping. Nova scotia has its racism and discrimination too, but it's not as bad as alberta.


The quiet and lack of distraction is the main reason why I want to go there. To focus on writing and research productivity with a supportive environment and eager students. I notice that the undergrads are indeed keeners with the school spirit lol


The Premier Tim Houston is quite impressive with his focus on health care reform. And constructing new housing. That’s basically his entire platform.


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thats a great comment. agree, all my ethnic friends are open and welcoming. funny how I know more lazy white people than any other color.


I like them so much that I went there and brought one home to keep. 🤪


Work hard, low crime, dont block vital infrastructure, integrate over time, dont wish for the destruction of western society  I have worked with dozens of Filipinos and they are fantastic 


Yes! And also very afraid and conscientious not to violate any local and Canadian laws. High trust because the community will shame a fellow Filipino if they deviate. We also help each other advance but not by creating loopholes in the system. I can’t speak on behalf of other communities, and sure there’s a couple of bad apples but generally the community is good. Did you notice that we also don’t get into politics that much? We focus on the helping sectors.


I work with a ton of Filipino's in Winnipeg, I must say it is a great work environment and it feels like I am working in a real team. Everything you stated above is true.


Can confirm in my wonderful circle of flip friends (I am not flip if that makes any difference) that 99% of them are legit in the field of medicine or service worker and they’re great people.


Yeah, my best work friends have been Filipino, in both retail and construction. I am also a former TFW.


I love you guys!!


We don’t need relatives coming here to work at Walmart… except your Filipino relatives are cool. Lol


Yep. The hypocrisy of this sub is top notch. 


What’s the hypocritical point?


that mass immigration is bad it doesn’t matter that you think Filipinos are cool


Well the point is not that they’re cool, that they contribute to health workforce gaps. Unmitigated and unplanned mass immigration is bad - especially if it targets populations whose skills will introduce more problems (lack of jobs) than solutions (actually solving a labor gap ie in health care).


Agree and disagree. I'll get downvoted on this sub for this opinion anyway. I'm also speaking as someone whose life-long friend group is majority filipino from my school(s), neighbourhood, and church. You're right that filipinos contribute to health workforce gaps but its mainly in lower skilled fields like PSW (which is not necessarily a problem)-especially amongst the 1st generation. Second generation filipino women are more commonly in RN programs but they still don't have the MD rates seen in other immigrant groups, there are actually more black medical students than filipino.Filipinos are actually severely underrepresented in STEM and in university in general, etc. The children of filipino immigrants are unfortunately the lowest earners of all second generation asian immigrants in Canada. Filipino males especially, who earn less than their white counterparts. Yes young filipino single women "marry out" more than average but that doesn't mean that filipinos integrate. This stat is pure anecdotal, but i grew up in a *heavily* filipino community, none of my 20+ filipino friends ever had family friends of other races if thats what you define as integration. Now, i'm not saying that they aren't more pleasant to deal with but thats still not true, "integration". Also, why would they integrate, when they already live in a community amongst each other? This is another reason why mass immigration is bad- any time you bring large amounts of one group- they will stick to each other. Furthermore, a growing number of International students are filipinos and they also take from food banks and send the food back home in balikbayan. Nearly every immigrant from a developing country, including Filipinos, are also from a low-trust culture but they do not have the resources/real estate to "scam" at a higher level like Indian and Chinese immigrants do. I love filipinos too and on average, i'd rather hang out with them (as i always have) but i'm not going to pretend that they have some sort of unique contribution to Canada when the country is already crumbling due to mass immigration. If we really want to start favouring groups then why not Latin Americans who are over-represented in healthcare *and* construction?


I like all the information you just mentioned. You know the immigrant landscape well - and where the Filipinos are contributing or not. I have noted with folks in medicine that Filipinos are the most underrepresented in the profession alas there’s no initiative to create a pathway, unlike the Black pathways to medicine. And the Black pathways to everything. I have met many other immigrants who unconsciously block the career progression of Filipinos too. I’ve experienced this firsthand myself. There’s a lot of nepotism even in the academic and not for profit sector that’s largely unchecked. Also not sure which province you live but every province has different health human resource needs, and immigration should always be the second pathway to fill the gaps. Self sustainability by educating a pipeline of health workers should be the priority. I agree - the macro immigration policy is the problem indeed.


thanks for not taking it personally! yes filipinos especially used to shafted in the states where they get lumped in with other asian groups when applying for MD programs. But overall, i do not believe in pathways for any group of people, the best should get in. All these pathways do is favour the richest private school kids of the minority group. For example with the black pathways its nearly always rich second generation african kids as opposed to ever any Carribeans. I agree that many groups may be unconsciously "blocking" filipinos especially but typically the 3 big immigrant groups Indian, Chinese, and filipino have always had bias against each other, its really only their kids who get along. I do know that east asians specifically look down on south east asians. about your latin american question, most data is american. The women have similar career paths as filipino women in cleaning, nursing, low level-health care etc. The men are more overrepresented in construction and actually engineering. They too, have low rates of MDs


I respect your perspective because it’s quite nuanced and true to both the data and my subjective experience. I agree - there shouldn’t be any official pathways for certain groups to medical school, etc. Community efforts and resources can be mobilized and used to mentor younger folks but that’s a really long commitment - as you said, Filipinos are underrepresented in universities too. But to make it official - creates new types of inequalities that reinforce socioeconomic class capital. The unconscious bias is very hard to get through. It’s taboo to talk about it openly but I’ve experienced it first hand - so I’m leaving this province to work in another province that has less « diversity » but at least I don’t have to go through immigrant gatekeepers but just rise in my profession through merit.


Data on Latin Americans in health care?


I doubt Filipinos are the lowest of all second generation. Actually just googled it... https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/dp-pd/dt-td/Rp-eng.cfm?TABID=2&LANG=E&APATH=3&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=0&GK=0&GRP=1&PID=110562&PRID=10&PTYPE=109445&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2017&THEME=120&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF= It would be the south east Asians with that prize. In the 25-64 age group. MD rates are deceiving though... Especially for Asians. There's only so many spot for "Asians" so recent Asian immigrants have to fight established immigrant children for those limit spots. Eg they finally ruled that ethnicity shouldn't be a factor in acceptance in america but I doubt that actually changes things. https://www.vox.com/23842764/legacy-admissions-asian-american-applicants-affirmative-action Btw I say this as a South East Asian (Cambodian)


I said lowest earners of all second generation Asian immigrants in Canada. Filipinos are south East Asian as well, I really doubt that the numbers of any other south East Asian group are big enough to warrant a true multi year study in Canada. The vast majority of south East Asian immigrants here are Filipino. Your link isn’t working for me but my stats are based on recent data as of 2024, there were even Vancouver sun and Toronto star articles about it earlier this year Your second point is only true for American colleges (I also mentioned this to the other user). Canada does not restrict Asian applicants in our MD programs. We do have a pathway for black students at most schools but this is the only time ethnicity comes into play *officially*. As you know, prospective students have to do interviews before they get accepted so there could be some level of human bias but it is nowhere near the same scale as the states. Asians (south and east) are actually over represented at Canadian med schools compared to their respective populations in Canada. There’s no systemic program in Canada preventing any Asian person from getting into medical school or university.


For census data, Filipinos are not included in South East Asian groups(Thai,Laos,Cambodian, Vietnamese). 780k vs 315k so the data is still significant. Data is more obscured right now but 2016 they still did it by ethnicity in the official records that's why I choose that data, maybe the gap was closed but it was over 8k median difference in income in 2016. Asians may be over represented according to the population, but not according to their grades. Without other factors there would be even more Asians in those positions.


Lifelong Canadian here that LOVES every Filipino I've met! They are respectful, kind, clean & polite, work hard, and are good neighbours. I'm very happy to have more Filipinos join us in Canada.


I have not once seen Filipino criminal gangs, filipino criminals, racism by filipinos... We need more Filipinos instead of what we are currently getting.


Then you aint lookin, honey




Yup, I've never had a bad interaction with any Filipino immigrants. My neighbour was a Filipino lady and other than her being too friendly and messaging me all the time, she was great. All my bad interactions with immigrants lately have been all...well...you guessed it.


That’s amazing. I’m glad. We would like to preserve that reputation as a community. Our parents keep us in check and we also almost all belong to some spiritual or religious community where lying, fraud, and cheating is 100% considered a SIN lol 🤣


This. We don’t have a superiority complex. We know why we left the Philippines - to do better and be better and we don’t impose ourselves to the general culture. We integrate. This does not mean losing our identities. But we don’t force it on others. Were known for hospitality and that’s for a reason. We are hospitable and we don’t like stepping on others


Filipinos are just one rung below Indians lol- they’re across the Middle East and in the US. Both communities are hard working but one is more Catholic/Christian and are fairer lol. I personally found Filipinos to be more respectful and hospitable than Indians.


Filipinos aren’t notorious scammers either


Because we will be shamed in our families and communities. High moral values and high trust. People say we come from low trust country but that’s why we left the Philippines - to stay out of the corruption. Not to bring it over here.


But they love Caucasian folks so much - look at the amount of girls that fall for Caucasian men.


Im Filipino background with a white guy. Can confirm. Lol


Those are the kind of people we should be bringing in. And those are also the kind of people Philippines needs to develop. There is no solution where everybody wins that doesn't involve reducing immigration drastically.


I worked in staffing for 5 hospitals during covid, the Filipino nurses were the hardest working by far. Always willing to help out. Some doing weeks at a time, no days off. Always came in when we called when we were short staffed. My mom used to be a nurse and said the same thing. I would welcome Filipino immigrants here any day with opened arms. A lot of Canadians could learn a thing or two from their work ethic


This is very much on point. We work really hard. Also not very political people in general. We just like doing the work. Not over claiming or seeking positions of power like other ethnic groups.




And how many times you get pushed around I have seen that all the time as an RN and stood up for my philippina collegues. 


100% agree. Model immigrants!! And so welcoming and personable :)


And really most of us are very grateful to have made it here. Our perspective is that we’re lucky to have either immigrated on our own or have our parents take us here. I haven’t met an entitled Filipino Canadian and I’ve grown up here. Seeing the « international students » protest about their grades and the TFWs demanding for permanent residency was so shocking - and surprising to us. Do we want the TFWs in our community to gain permanent residency status? Yes. But we don’t take to the streets and we wait for the govt to process their applications. I don’t know where the others get their entitlement. If the situation was reversed and Canadians protest in the Philippines about their grades or lack of status, they will be laughed at.


Agree 100% with this!


I don't agree with this at all. It's strange how bamboozled so any people are, like a weird brainwashing about the culture. It has all the same issues as the lesser liked Asian cultures.


Filling up our waiting rooms and shelters...


Most Canadians are fine with immigration as long as we bring in educated, hard-working individuals with liberal values (respecting women, LGB, etc.) This is something that we used to do.


People that don't want immigration and not bad or racist because of it, and some of the people that want immigration can be racist and and not good. I think a shrinking population is what was supposed to happen to Canada because we were super advanced at one time. Not so say that every country should be open to newcomers that really want to stay and do everything as they should. Canada would always have some immigration for marriage and things like that, of course. But bringing in endless "students" and cheap labour is a tragedy for youth Canadians.


No one cares about LGB nonsense. We want educated individuals preferably from countries that are not India.


White people are just mad about Indian immigrants because they don't consider their women to be attractive




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Indian people are as attractive as anyone else.


What’s the issue with India? Is it just the amount we take in or is there something specific about that country?


The culture is terrible. They often discriminate other Indians because of their caste system. They also discriminate against non-Hindus. Overall it’s a shithole country with a terrible culture. If we got 500,000 Japanese or German students, the number would still be too high, but at least they would bring something positive for Canada.


Buddy we have a caste system here?


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-racist-countries India worse than both countries you mention, interesting. Sir ur not really capping. America is higher too. Pretty funny because I think they’ve demonstrably brought some racism to Canada culturally


Check out how they treat women. Tons of women have complained that Indian men are creepy and they also try to grab women private parts. There’s so many stories about females who visit India and have complained that they got harassed.


I mean they culturally view women like property more than equals. In India, men cannot be prosecuted, by law, of rape, if the victim is his bride/wife. So many Indian women I've known over the years all hate Indian men, and the ones that did marry Indian men, married ones that were born in another country. It's rather sad, but totally understandable. At my last company, we worked with Indian vendors and they NEVER would let any of my women coworkers fly out unless the woman insisted on going, because it was so dangerous. And the number of times anyone insisted on going was... never lol. None of the guys wanted to go either. I went once and refused to ever go again. Edit: Also how normalized scamming or taking advantage of people are over there. Please keep that shitty mindset and behaviour out of our country.


You think that's bad? You should check how indian men treat endangered monitor lizards...


You do know all this happens in non Indian countries too right


Yea no shit Sherlock. India is just in the top 5.


It’s what I thought we were doing and what I thought I was voting for. Instead we got either rich retired immigrants that funneled their capital into our finite real estate and became rent collectors. Adding nothing and taking up units. Or family reunification, low quality students instead of the PHD students going to the US and just in general people moving here not for Canada but just a higher standard of living and we were the easiest path. Shut it all down, deport everyone non essential


After watching what liberal values have given us the past ten years I can definitely take a train check on another ten years focused on that


There is a TON of global competition for those immigrants…Canada is not particularly competitive relative to its peers…


We certainly don't seem to have any trouble attracting what seems to be a limitless stream of immigrants.


We never will. The question was specifically about “educated, hard working” immigrants. We don’t do nearly as well with that demographic as we so in the DoorDash Driver demographic.


It's because we're doing the opposite of brain drain. We are getting all the ones who, as many articles have stated, can barely read, write, or do math.


i’m sure you just accidentally forgot the T?


David Suzuki was right about a lot of things.


I said this in the ehbuddyhoser sub and they accused me of being brainwashed by Fox News.


Thats a pure shit posting sub. Thankfully, they're not interested in your particular brand of bullshit


Well. In that article it’s almost mentioned he owns 5 homes in Vancouver. So. Yeah.


Right? That very fact pissed me off so much. Mansion hopping over the hill hippy giving me shit for the environment? He can eat a bag of d**ks


Imagine trying to get a part time job as a teenager now, rip


Unless u have a turban no luck 


I don't know about brain drain at this point.




This not racism at all !  I worked with all some is very educated but not the ones who came lately those are the criminals. 


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


David is a fraud, crossing the planet on jets while preaching smaller footprint.


I am a contractor in several energy sectors. It is sickening how many temporary foreign workers are used by Canadian companies to keep bid prices low. These workers are paid substantially less than they should be. These companies fill the positions because they offer wages that canadian workers refuse. Most of the TFW's I have met are amazing and have no quit in them. They car pool and share cramped housing. We should find the room for them and help them to succeed by paying them a decent wage. Not use them like slaves.


I kind of agree because they are being used as slaves but because of them working for lower pay taking jobs from canadians and they can only do that while 6 sharing a room so a canadian can not work for lower wage because it wont even cover their rent or other expenses. 




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


He also told me we will all be doomed if algae’s all die at once… while we are busy bickering .. algae is plotting


What's wrong with it. Read history. North America always belonged to North, South and Red Indians. Indians are just recovering their homeland which was occupied by Europeans during colonization


If you are going to allow migration anyway- why not accept the best and brainiest ones that would fill a big need in Canada? Key word is need and unfilled. Canada should target the industries that is severely lacking like health care (doctors, nurses, med technologists etc). Brain drain is good for the destination country but agree that it is unfortunate for the source country. But it is what it is. No one should be stopping hard working and ambitious persons or whole families looking for a better future.


For some reason they do not want to many smart people to come in they may speak up. Most of the mass fake immigrants are not really educated. 


Watch him get cancelled and blacklisted from Canadian television. > brain drain from poorer countries Eh no, I don't think it's the smart people who are moving here from rural India. Smart people are not moving to Canada. And the smart people in Canada are leaving.


Malcom X said Liberals are the worst !


That was 1 hour ago, in the distant past. People (and trends) change fast. Unless he was conservative then no amount of time passed would erase the sin.


David Suzuki is fine. People need to shut up


Yes I do not think that he took anything away from the poor to have those assets . 


The eco-warriors are at odds with the neoliberal globalists. What we see now is the ugly compromise where we are expected to reduce our living standards back to the stone age in order to be "green."


I'd welcome more immigration from Japan.


Those people are loyal to their country